2015-12-08 2 views

У меня есть относительно большой проект на C++, который я пытаюсь выяснить, как работать. Существует 3 файла кода, как описано ниже, и 2 аудиоформата .wav - test.wav и poolIR.wav.Как запустить следующий код

Программа должна свертить тестовый файл с импульсной характеристикой и создать третий выходной файл. 2 аудиофайла должны быть переданы программе во время выполнения, и я новичок в C/C++, поэтому я пытаюсь понять, как я должен это делать. Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне, пожалуйста. Ниже приведен код.

Я использую WINDOWS 7, и у меня установлен gcc.


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <math.h> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <math.h> 
#include "CWav.h" 

using namespace std; 

#define DEBUG_MODE 

/* Test tone frequency in Hz */ 
#define FREQUENCY   440.0 

/* Test tone duration in seconds */ 
#define DURATION   2.0    

/* Standard sample rate in Hz */ 
#define SAMPLE_RATE   44100.0 

/* Standard sample size in bits */ 
#define BITS_PER_SAMPLE  16 

/* Standard sample size in bytes */  

/* Number of channels */ 
#define MONOPHONIC   1 
#define STEREOPHONIC  2 

#define SIZE  8 
#define PI   3.141592653589793 
#define TWO_PI  (2.0 * PI) 
#define SWAP(a,b) tempr=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempr 

void outputToFile(double data[], CWav* original , int numberOfSamples, char* outputFile); 
void four1(double data[], int nn, int isign); 
void writeWaveFileHeader(int channels, int numberSamples, int bitsPerSample, double sampleRate, FILE *outputFile); 
size_t fwriteIntLSB(int data, FILE *stream); 
void getSignal(CWav *input, double x[]); 
size_t fwriteShortLSB(short int data, FILE *stream); 
void outputToFile(double data[], CWav* original , int numberOfSamples, char* outputFile); 

// The four1 FFT from Numerical Recipes in C, 
// p. 507 - 508. 
// Note: changed float data types to double. 
// nn must be a power of 2, and use +1 for 
// isign for an FFT, and -1 for the Inverse FFT. 
// The data is complex, so the array size must be 
// nn*2. This code assumes the array starts 
// at index 1, not 0, so subtract 1 when 
// calling the routine (see main() below). 

void four1(double data[], int nn, int isign) 
    unsigned long n, mmax, m, j, istep, i; 
    double wtemp, wr, wpr, wpi, wi, theta; 
    double tempr, tempi; 

    n = nn << 1; 
    j = 1; 

    for (i = 1; i < n; i += 2) { 
    if (j > i) { 
     SWAP(data[j], data[i]); 
     SWAP(data[j+1], data[i+1]); 
    m = nn; 
    while (m >= 2 && j > m) { 
     j -= m; 
     m >>= 1; 
    j += m; 

    mmax = 2; 
    while (n > mmax) { 
    istep = mmax << 1; 
    theta = isign * (6.28318530717959/mmax); 
    wtemp = sin(0.5 * theta); 
    wpr = -2.0 * wtemp * wtemp; 
    wpi = sin(theta); 
    wr = 1.0; 
    wi = 0.0; 
    for (m = 1; m < mmax; m += 2) { 
     for (i = m; i <= n; i += istep) { 
     j = i + mmax; 
     tempr = wr * data[j] - wi * data[j+1]; 
     tempi = wr * data[j+1] + wi * data[j]; 
     data[j] = data[i] - tempr; 
     data[j+1] = data[i+1] - tempi; 
     data[i] += tempr; 
     data[i+1] += tempi; 
     wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi + wr; 
     wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi; 
    mmax = istep; 

void writeWaveFileHeader(int channels, int numberSamples, int bitsPerSample, 
         double sampleRate, FILE *outputFile) 
    /* Calculate the total number of bytes for the data chunk */ 
    int dataChunkSize = channels * numberSamples * (bitsPerSample/8); 

    /* Calculate the total number of bytes for the form size */ 
    int formSize = 36 + dataChunkSize; 

    /* Calculate the total number of bytes per frame */ 
    short int frameSize = channels * (bitsPerSample/8); 

    /* Calculate the byte rate */ 
    int bytesPerSecond = (int)ceil(sampleRate * frameSize); 

    /* Write header to file */ 
    /* Form container identifier */ 
    fputs("RIFF", outputFile); 

    /* Form size */ 
    fwriteIntLSB(formSize, outputFile); 

    /* Form container type */ 
    fputs("WAVE", outputFile); 

    /* Format chunk identifier (Note: space after 't' needed) */ 
    fputs("fmt ", outputFile); 

    /* Format chunk size (fixed at 16 bytes) */ 
    fwriteIntLSB(16, outputFile); 

    /* Compression code: 1 = PCM */ 
    fwriteShortLSB(1, outputFile); 

    /* Number of channels */ 
    fwriteShortLSB((short)channels, outputFile); 

    /* Output Sample Rate */ 
    fwriteIntLSB((int)sampleRate, outputFile); 

    /* Bytes per second */ 
    fwriteIntLSB(bytesPerSecond, outputFile); 

    /* Block alignment (frame size) */ 
    fwriteShortLSB(frameSize, outputFile); 

    /* Bits per sample */ 
    fwriteShortLSB(bitsPerSample, outputFile); 

    /* Sound Data chunk identifier */ 
    fputs("data", outputFile); 

    /* Chunk size */ 
    fwriteIntLSB(dataChunkSize, outputFile); 

*  function:  fwriteIntLSB 
*  purpose:  Writes a 4-byte integer to the file stream, starting 
*      with the least significant byte (i.e. writes the int 
*      in little-endian form). This routine will work on both 
*      big-endian and little-endian architectures. 
*  internal 
*  functions:  none 
*  library 
*  functions:  fwrite 

size_t fwriteIntLSB(int data, FILE *stream) 
    unsigned char array[4]; 

    array[3] = (unsigned char)((data >> 24) & 0xFF); 
    array[2] = (unsigned char)((data >> 16) & 0xFF); 
    array[1] = (unsigned char)((data >> 8) & 0xFF); 
    array[0] = (unsigned char)(data & 0xFF); 
    return fwrite(array, sizeof(unsigned char), 4, stream); 

*  function:  fwriteShortLSB 
*  purpose:  Writes a 2-byte integer to the file stream, starting 
*      with the least significant byte (i.e. writes the int 
*      in little-endian form). This routine will work on both 
*      big-endian and little-endian architectures. 
*  internal 
*  functions:  none 
*  library 
*  functions:  fwrite 

size_t fwriteShortLSB(short int data, FILE *stream) 
    unsigned char array[2]; 

    array[1] = (unsigned char)((data >> 8) & 0xFF); 
    array[0] = (unsigned char)(data & 0xFF); 
    return fwrite(array, sizeof(unsigned char), 2, stream); 

void getSignal(CWav *input, double x[]) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < input->mySignalSize; i++) 
     x[i] = ((double)input->my_signal[i])/32678.0; 

void outputToFile(double output_signal[], CWav* original , int numberOfSamples, char* outputFile) { 

    /* Open a binary output file stream for writing */ 
    FILE *outputFileStream = fopen(outputFile, "wb"); 

    /* Write the WAVE file header */ 
    writeWaveFileHeader(original->myChannels, numberOfSamples, original->myBitsPerSample, 
         original->mySampleRate, outputFileStream); 

    int i; 
    float maxValInResult = -1.0; 
    for (i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) 
     if (output_signal[i] > maxValInResult) 
      maxValInResult = output_signal[i]; 

    float maxValInInput = -1.0; 
    for (i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) 
     if (original->my_signal[i] > maxValInInput) 
      maxValInInput = original->my_signal[i]; 

    for (i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) 
     fwriteShortLSB((short)(output_signal[i]/maxValInResult * maxValInInput), outputFileStream); 

    /* Close the output file stream */ 
//convolve inputfile IRfile outputfile as inputs to main 
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    if (argc != 4) { 
     cout << "USAGE: ./convolve inputfile IRfile outputfile" << endl; 
     return 0; 
     cout << argv[0] << endl; 
     cout << "Input File:" << argv[1] << endl; 
     cout << "IRfile:" << argv[2] << endl; 
     cout << "outputfile File:" <<argv[3] << endl; 

    char *outputFilename = argv[3]; 

    /* Create the sine wave test tone, using the specified 
    frequency, duration, and number of channels, writing to 
    a .wav file with the specified output filename */ 


    CWav *inputSignal = new CWav(); 

    //manipulate(inputSignal, 2); 

    CWav *impulse = new CWav(); 

    cout << "Input Signal: " << inputSignal->mySignalSize << ", Impulse Size: " << impulse->mySignalSize << endl; 

    double h[impulse->mySignalSize]; 
    double x[inputSignal->mySignalSize]; 

    getSignal(impulse, h); 
    getSignal(inputSignal, x); 

    int sizeH = impulse->mySignalSize; 
    int sizeX = inputSignal->mySignalSize; 

    cout << "SIZES(H,X)" << endl; 
    cout << sizeH << endl; 
    cout << sizeX << endl; 

    int maxSize = 0; 
    if(sizeX >= sizeH) { 
     maxSize = sizeX; 
    else { 
     maxSize = sizeH; 
    cout << "maxSize: " << maxSize << endl; 

    int power = 0; 
    int pow2 = 0; 

    pow2 = (int) log2(maxSize) + 1; 
    pow2 = pow(2,pow2); 

    cout << "POW :" << pow2 << endl; 

    int i = 0; 

    int doublePow2 = 2 * pow2; 
    //set hComplex with 0's 
    double hComplex[doublePow2]; 
    double *xComplex = new double[doublePow2]; 
    //set hComplex , xComplex with 0's 
    for(i = 0; i < doublePow2; i++) { 
     hComplex[i] = 0.0;   
     xComplex[i] = 0.0; 

    //padding the complex number with 0 and the real number with original value for h 
    for(i = 0; i < sizeH; i++) { 
     hComplex[2*i] = h[i]; 

    //padding the complex number with 0 and the real number with original value for x 
    for(i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { 
     xComplex[2*i] = x[i]; 

    four1(hComplex, pow2, 1); 
    four1(xComplex, pow2, 1); 

    double *yComplex = new double[doublePow2];  
    for(i = 0; i < pow2 ; i++) { 
     yComplex[i*2] = xComplex[i] * hComplex[i] - xComplex[i+1] * hComplex[i+1]; 
     yComplex[i*2+1] = xComplex[i+1] * hComplex[i] + xComplex[i] * hComplex[i+1]; 

    four1(yComplex-1, pow2, -1); 
    outputToFile(yComplex, inputSignal, pow2, outputFilename); 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <math.h> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <iostream> 

#include "CWav.h" 

using namespace std; 

void CWav::readInput(char *filename) 

    ifstream inFile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary); 

    //printf("Reading wav file...\n"); // for debugging only 

    inFile.seekg(4, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myChunkSize, 4); // read the ChunkSize 

    inFile.seekg(16, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &mySubChunk1Size, 4); // read the SubChunk1Size 

    inFile.seekg(20, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myFormat, sizeof(short)); // read the file format. This should be 1 for PCM 

    //inFile.seekg(22, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myChannels, sizeof(short)); // read the # of channels (1 or 2) 

    //inFile.seekg(24, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &mySampleRate, sizeof(int)); // read the samplerate 

    //inFile.seekg(28, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myByteRate, sizeof(int)); // read the byterate 

    //inFile.seekg(32, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myBlockAlign, sizeof(short)); // read the blockalign 

    //inFile.seekg(34, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myBitsPerSample, sizeof(short)); // read the bitspersample 

    inFile.seekg(40, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read((char*) &myDataSize, sizeof(int)); // read the size of the data 

    // read the data chunk 
    myData = new char[myDataSize]; 
    inFile.seekg(44, ios::beg); 
    inFile.read(myData, myDataSize); 

    inFile.close(); // close the input file 

    my_signal = NULL; 

    if (myBitsPerSample == 8) 
     mySignalSize = myDataSize; 
     my_signal = new short[mySignalSize]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < myDataSize; i++) 
      my_signal[i] = (short)((unsigned char) myData[i]); 

    else if (myBitsPerSample == 16){ 
     mySignalSize = myDataSize/2; 
     my_signal = new short[mySignalSize]; 
     short val; 
     for (int i = 0; i < myDataSize; i+=2) 
      val = (short)((unsigned char) myData[i]); 
      val += (short)((unsigned char) myData[i+1]) * 256; 
      my_signal[i/2] = val; 


#ifndef CWavH 
#define CWavH 

class CWav 
    char* myData; 
    int  myChunkSize; 
    int  mySubChunk1Size; 
    short myFormat; 
    short myChannels; 
    int  mySampleRate; 
    int  myByteRate; 
    short myBlockAlign; 
    short myBitsPerSample; 
    int  myDataSize; 

    short *my_signal; 
    int mySignalSize; 


    void readInput(char *filename); 



Тогда у меня есть 2 аудио файлы. poolIR.wav И test.wav


Вы должны скомпилировать его первым. Это зависит от ОС, какой компилятор вы можете использовать. – wimh


Использование Windows 7. У меня установлен gcc. –


Прочитайте документ gcc для команд компилятора. – Lucien



C++ не является языком сценариев, вы должны сначала скомпилировать его.

Для компиляции кода с помощью GCC, попробуйте следующее (при условии, что все файлы находятся в том же каталоге):

g++ convolve.cpp CWav.cpp -o convolve.exe 

Это должно генерировать исполняемый файл с именем convolve.exe.

Флаг -o указывает имя выходного файла (convolve.exe). Подробнее см. На странице gcc documentation.


Тогда как передать файлы с расширением .wav, над которыми должна работать эта программа? Они также находятся в одном каталоге, но их необходимо передать в командной строке –


'convolve.exe inputfile IRfile outputfile' – sergej

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