2015-05-25 2 views

Моя проблема в том, что; при обнаружении столкновений с использованием ограничивающих прямоугольников стрелки второго игрока не обнаруживают, что они нажимают «горшки» на экране. Мой первый игрок может поразить их очень хорошо, пытаясь дублировать инструкцию foreach игрока 1 для обнаружения коллизий. У меня проблемы, и game1.cs выдает ошибки, такие как невозможность найти переменные, которые я использовал, но я знаю, что я объявил. Очень путают: 3, все еще студент, обучающий XNA для задания; так что пойдите легко на меня.XNA: 2D Foreight Проблемы с обнаружением конфликтов с ссылкой «t», не выходящей в текущем контексте.

case MenuScreens.Playing: 
        // This is allowing the player to go back to 
        // The main menu by pressing the escape key. 
        KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); 
        if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) 
         menuState = MenuScreens.MainMenu; 
        //Updating the player1 and player2 

        foreach (Darknut a in darknutList) 
         // Collision for player to darknut 
         // Note : If bounding box "a" (the darknut) comes into contact with boundingbox "p" (the player) 
         // Then darknut will be destroyed : BUT with reduction in player health. 
         if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.boundingBox)) 
          // Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut 
          // take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total. 
          p.health -= 20; 
          // Make darknut invisable = deletion 
          a.isVisible = false; 
         // check to see if any darknuts come in contact with the arrows if so destroy arrow and darknut. 
         for (int i = 0; i < p.arrowList.Count; i++) 
          // Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence 
          // Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box 
          // then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible. 
          if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox)) 
           // when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score 
           hud.playerScore += 5; 
           a.isVisible = false; 
           p.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false; 

         foreach (Darknut t in darknutList) 
          if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p2.boundingBox)) 
           // Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut 
           // take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total. 
           p2.health -= 20; 
           // Make darknut invisable = deletion 
           t.isVisible = false; 
          for (int i = 0; i < p2.arrowList.Count; i++) 
           // Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence 
           // Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box 
           // then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible. 
           if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox)) 
            // when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score 
            hud.playerScore2 += 5; 
            t.isVisible = false; 
            p2.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false; 


        // Loading Darknuts 
        // Loading Darknuts 

        //Updating the player 
        //Updating the player2 

        // Updating the background 

        // Updating the player health if it hits zero then go to gameover State 

        if (p.health <= 0) 
         menuState = MenuScreens.GameOver; 




Вы пытаетесь доступ к t переменной без блока, в котором объявлена.

case MenuScreens.Playing: 
       // This is allowing the player to go back to 
       // The main menu by pressing the escape key. 
       KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); 
       if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) 
        menuState = MenuScreens.MainMenu; 
       //Updating the player1 and player2 

       foreach (Darknut a in darknutList) 
        // Collision for player to darknut 
        // Note : If bounding box "a" (the darknut) comes into contact with boundingbox "p" (the player) 
        // Then darknut will be destroyed : BUT with reduction in player health. 
        if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.boundingBox)) 
         // Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut 
         // take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total. 
         p.health -= 20; 
         // Make darknut invisable = deletion 
         a.isVisible = false; 
        // check to see if any darknuts come in contact with the arrows if so destroy arrow and darknut. 
        for (int i = 0; i < p.arrowList.Count; i++) 
         // Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence 
         // Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box 
         // then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible. 
         if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox)) 
          // when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score 
          hud.playerScore += 5; 
          a.isVisible = false; 
          p.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false; 

        foreach (Darknut t in darknutList) 
         if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p2.boundingBox)) 
          // Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut 
          // take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total. 
          p2.health -= 20; 
          // Make darknut invisable = deletion 
          t.isVisible = false; 
         for (int i = 0; i < p2.arrowList.Count; i++) 
          // Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence 
          // Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box 
          // then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible. 
          if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox)) 
           // when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score 
           hud.playerScore2 += 5; 
           t.isVisible = false; 
           p2.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false; 


       // Loading Darknuts 
       // Loading Darknuts 

       //Updating the player 
       //Updating the player2 

       // Updating the background 

       // Updating the player health if it hits zero then go to gameover State 

       if (p.health <= 0) 
        menuState = MenuScreens.GameOver; 


Это, кажется, работает! спасибо alot ^) ^ –


Кажется, что есть опечатка в проверке столкновений между darknuts и игрока 2 стрелки:

if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox)) 

должен быть

if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p2.arrowList[i].boundingBox)) 
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