2015-05-26 2 views

Я работаю над пакетной RPG-игрой, но я не могу заставить работать бары. Вот мой весь код:Batch health bar

@echo off 
goto menu 
set HealthBar1=/--------------------\ 
set HealthBar2=\--------------------/ 
set HP=100 
set Weapon=Fists 
set Mana=50 
set Money=0 
set Armor=10 
set Strength=0 
set Dexterity=0 
set Intelegence=0 
set Luck=0 
set Perception=0 
set hpmax=100 
set hpStr=30 
goto game 
echo :-------------------------------: 
echo :1) New Game--------------------: 
echo : ------------------------------: 
echo :2) Load Game-------------------: 
echo : ------------------------------: 
set /p game= 
if '%game%' == '1' goto Varibales 
if '%game%' == '2' goto callsave 
set /p hp= 
set /p Weapon= 
set /p Mana= 
set /p Money= 
set /p Armor= 
set /p Strength= 
set /p Dexterity= 
set /p Intelegence= 
set /p Luck= 
set /p Perception= 
set /p AC= 
set /p Atk= 
set /p Range= 
set /p Speed= 
set /p Area= 
set /p HealthBar1= 
set /p HealthBar2= 
set /p hpmax= 
set /p hpStr= 
goto charstats 
echo %hp% 
echo %Weapon% 
echo %Mana% 
echo %Money% 
echo %Armor% 
echo %Strength% 
echo %Dexterity% 
echo %Intelegence% 
echo %Luck% 
echo %Perception% 
echo %ac% 
echo %Atk% 
echo %Range% 
echo %Speed% 
echo %Area% 
echo %HealthBar1% 
echo %HealthBar2% 
echo %hpmax% 
echo %hpStr% 
goto Start1 
set Area=Toturial 
echo Enter Name 
set /p name= 
set pick=5 
goto start 
set Area=Toturial 
set /a pick=%pick% -1 
set lvl=1 
set armor=0 
set /a ac=(10 +((%lvl% /2) +%armor%)) 
set setscore=%pick% +10 
echo What will your %pick%th highest stat be? 
echo 1 Strength 
echo 2 Dexterity 
echo 3 Intelligence 
echo 4 Wisdom 
echo 5 Charisma 
set /p chsc=choice1~5 
if %chsc%==1 set /a Strength=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2)) 
if %chsc%==2 set /a Dexterity=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2)) 
if %chsc%==3 set /a Intelegence=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2)) 
if %chsc%==4 set /a Wisdom=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2)) 
if %chsc%==5 set /a Charisma=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2)) 
if %pick%==0 goto charstats 
if %pick%==0 cls 
goto start 
echo %name% 
echo Strength %Strength% 
echo Dexterity %Dexterity% 
echo Intelligence %Intelegence% 
echo Wisdom %Wisdom% 
echo Charisma %Charisma% 
echo AC %ac% 
echo Weapon-%Weapon% 
goto %Area% 
echo Atk=%Atk% 
echo Speed=%Speed% 
echo Range=%Range% 
goto %Area% 

echo :-------------------------------: 
echo :1) Stats-----------------------: 
echo : ------------------------------: 
echo :2) Save Game-------------------: 
echo : ------------------------------: 
set /p shia= 
if '%shia%' == '1' goto charstats 
if '%shia%' == '2' goto Saveave 
set Area=Toturial 
set /p Atk= 
set /p Range= 
set /p Speed= 
echo ---------------------------------------- 
echo  Welcome to the Toturial        
echo ---------------------------------------- 
echo 1)countiue 
echo 2)Skip 
set /p Lol= 
if %Lol% == '1' goto Toturial1 
if %Lol% == '2' goto Start1 
set Area=Toturial1 
echo Welcome to the toturial what would you like to learn about first? 
echo 1)GUI 
echo 2) 
set /p Toturial= 
if %Toturial% == '1' goto GUI_HELP 
echo This Is Your GUI 
echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
echo %HealthBar1%                
echo %HealthBar2%               
echo This is your health bar            
echo /--------------------\             
echo \--------------------/             
echo echo This is Your Stamina bar      
echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
goto test 
if %hp% = 150 set HealthBar1=/------------------------------\ 
if %hp% = 150 set HealthBar2=\------------------------------/ 
if %hp% = 145 set HealthBar1=/----------------------------- \ 
if %hp% = 145 set HealthBar2=\-----------------------------/
if %hp% = 140 set HealthBar1=/---------------------------- \ 
if %hp% = 140 set HealthBar2=\----------------------------/
if %hp% = 135 set HealthBar1=/--------------------------- \ 
if %hp% = 135 set HealthBar2=\--------------------------- /
if %hp% = 130 set HealthBar1=/-------------------------- \ 
if %hp% = 130 set HealthBar2=\-------------------------- /
if %hp% = 125 set HealthBar1=/-------------------------  \ 
if %hp% = 125 set HealthBar2=\------------------------- /
if %hp% = 120 set HealthBar1=/------------------------  \ 
if %hp% = 120 set HealthBar2=\------------------------ /
if %hp% = 115 set HealthBar1=/-----------------------  \ 
if %hp% = 115 set HealthBar2=\-----------------------  /
if %hp% = 110 set HealthBar1=/----------------------  \ 
if %hp% = 110 set HealthBar2=\----------------------  /
if %hp% = 105 set HealthBar1=/---------------------   \ 
if %hp% = 105 set HealthBar2=\---------------------  /
if %hp% = 100 set HealthBar1=/--------------------\ 
if %hp% = 100 set HealthBar2=\--------------------/ 
if %hp% = 95 set HealthBar1=/------------------- \ 
if %hp% = 95 set HealthBar2=\-------------------/
if %hp% = 90 set HealthBar1=/------------------ \ 
if %hp% = 90 set HealthBar2=\------------------/
if %hp% = 85 set HealthBar1=/----------------- \ 
if %hp% = 85 set HealthBar2=\----------------- /
if %hp% = 85 set HealthBar1=/----------------- \ 
if %hp% = 85 set HealthBar2=\----------------- /
if %hp% = 80 set HealthBar1=/---------------- \ 
if %hp% = 80 set HealthBar2=\---------------- /
if %hp% = 75 set HealthBar1=/---------------  \ 
if %hp% = 75 set HealthBar2=\--------------- /
if %hp% = 70 set HealthBar1=/--------------  \ 
if %hp% = 70 set HealthBar2=\-------------- /
if %hp% = 65 set HealthBar1=/-------------  \ 
if %hp% = 65 set HealthBar2=\-------------  /
if %hp% = 60 set HealthBar1=/------------  \ 
if %hp% = 60 set HealthBar2=\------------  /
if %hp% = 55 set HealthBar1=/-----------   \ 
if %hp% = 55 set HealthBar2=\-----------  /
if %hp% = 50 set HealthBar1=/---------   \ 
if %hp% = 50 set HealthBar2=\---------   /
if %hp% = 45 set HealthBar1=/--------   \ 
if %hp% = 45 set HealthBar2=\--------   /
if %hp% = 40 set HealthBar1=/-------    \ 
if %hp% = 40 set HealthBar2=\-------   /
if %hp% = 35 set HealthBar1=/------    \ 
if %hp% = 35 set HealthBar2=\------   /
if %hp% = 30 set HealthBar1=/-----    \ 
if %hp% = 30 set HealthBar2=\-----    /
if %hp% = 25 set HealthBar1=/----    \ 
if %hp% = 25 set HealthBar2=\----    /
if %hp% = 20 set HealthBar1=/---     \ 
if %hp% = 20 set HealthBar2=\---    /
if %hp% = 15 set HealthBar1=/--     \ 
if %hp% = 15 set HealthBar2=\--    /
if %hp% = 10 set HealthBar1=/-     \ 
if %hp% = 10 set HealthBar2=\-     /
if %hp% = 5 set HealthBar1=/     \ 
if %hp% = 5 set HealthBar2=\     /
if %hp% > %hpmax% set %hp% = %hpmax% 
goto %area% 
if %hp% = %hpmax% goto FullHealth 
set hp=%hp%+%hpStr% 
goto HealthBar 
echo You have full health 
goto %area% 

set Area=Start1 
set area=test 
set hp=%hp%-25 
echo This Is Your GUI 
echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
echo %HealthBar1% 
echo %HealthBar2%               
echo /--------------------\             
echo \--------------------/             
echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

Я приветствую любые другие комментарии, которые у вас могут быть.



В пакете = используется исключительно для установки переменных. Чтобы узнать, равны ли два целых числа, используйте equ.

if %hp% equ 150 set HealthBar1=/------------------------------\ 
if %hp% equ 150 set HealthBar2=\------------------------------/ 

Чтобы узнать, больше ли одна переменная, чем другая переменная, используйте gtr.

if %hp% gtr %hpmax% set %hp% = %hpmax% 

Чтобы увидеть, если одна переменная меньше другой переменной, используйте lss.


спасибо, но varible до сих пор не меняется в тесте я настроить –


: тест набор область = тест набор/НР =% л% -25 Гото HealthBar ЦБС эхо This Is Your GUI эхо ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// echo% HealthBar1% echo% HealthBar2% echo echo/--------- ----------- \ echo \ --------------------/ echo эхо. эхо. эхо. echo //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// pause –


@sargenttnick - вам не хватает _whole lot_ из '/ a' в вашем наборе заявления. Кроме того, ничего не работает в вашем коде. Вообще. И ваш бар здоровья не работает, потому что, помимо других причин, вы никогда не устанавливаете hp ни на что. – SomethingDark