2015-01-26 4 views

привет, я хочу запустить fft-код (следующий код) в Ubuntu. для запуска его, я установил m4 в своем Ubuntu, а затем перешел в каталог fft и сделал много ошибок? Почему? кто-нибудь может мне помочь? и в верхней части кода я вижу некоторую командную строку? что я должен делать с этими командами? Как их использовать?Запуск fft (быстрое преобразование Фурье в тест-драйве splash2)

здесь код FFT:

/* Command line options:            */ 
/*                  */ 
/* -mM : M = even integer; 2**M total complex data points transformed. */ 
/* -pP : P = number of processors; Must be a power of 2.    */ 
/* -nN : N = number of cache lines.          */ 
/* -lL : L = Log base 2 of cache line length in bytes.     */ 
/* -s : Print individual processor timing statistics.     */ 
/* -t : Perform FFT and inverse FFT. Test output by comparing the  */ 
/*  integral of the original data to the integral of the data  */ 
/*  that results from performing the FFT and inverse FFT.   */ 
/* -o : Print out complex data points.         */ 
/* -h : Print out command line options.        */ 
/*                  */ 
/* Note: This version works under both the FORK and SPROC models  */ 
/*                  */ 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <math.h> 
#define PAGE_SIZE    4096 
#define NUM_CACHE_LINES  65536 
#define LOG2_LINE_SIZE    4 
#define PI       3.1416 
#define DEFAULT_M     10 
#define DEFAULT_P     1 


#define SWAP_VALS(a,b) {double tmp; tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp;} 

struct GlobalMemory { 
    long id; 
    long *transtimes; 
    long *totaltimes; 
    unsigned long starttime; 
    unsigned long finishtime; 
    unsigned long initdonetime; 
} *Global; 

long P = DEFAULT_P; 
long M = DEFAULT_M; 
long N;     /* N = 2^M        */ 
long rootN;    /* rootN = N^1/2       */ 
double *x;    /* x is the original time-domain data  */ 
double *trans;   /* trans is used as scratch space   */ 
double *umain;   /* umain is roots of unity for 1D FFTs */ 
double *umain2;   /* umain2 is entire roots of unity matrix */ 
long test_result = 0; 
long doprint = 0; 
long dostats = 0; 
long transtime = 0; 
long transtime2 = 0; 
long avgtranstime = 0; 
long avgcomptime = 0; 
unsigned long transstart = 0; 
unsigned long transend = 0; 
long maxtotal=0; 
long mintotal=0; 
double maxfrac=0; 
double minfrac=0; 
double avgfractime=0; 
long orig_num_lines = NUM_CACHE_LINES;  /* number of cache lines */ 
long num_cache_lines = NUM_CACHE_LINES; /* number of cache lines */ 
long log2_line_size = LOG2_LINE_SIZE; 
long line_size; 
long rowsperproc; 
double ck1; 
double ck3;      /* checksums for testing answer */ 
long pad_length; 

void SlaveStart(void); 
double TouchArray(double *x, double *scratch, double *u, double *upriv, long MyFirst, long MyLast); 
double CheckSum(double *x); 
void InitX(double *x); 
void InitU(long N, double *u); 
void InitU2(long N, double *u, long n1); 
long BitReverse(long M, long k); 
void FFT1D(long direction, long M, long N, double *x, double *scratch, double *upriv, double *umain2, 
     long MyNum, long *l_transtime, long MyFirst, long MyLast, long pad_length, long test_result, long dostats); 
void TwiddleOneCol(long direction, long n1, long j, double *u, double *x, long pad_length); 
void Scale(long n1, long N, double *x); 
void Transpose(long n1, double *src, double *dest, long MyNum, long MyFirst, long MyLast, long pad_length); 
void CopyColumn(long n1, double *src, double *dest); 
void Reverse(long N, long M, double *x); 
void FFT1DOnce(long direction, long M, long N, double *u, double *x); 
void PrintArray(long N, double *x); 
void printerr(char *s); 
long log_2(long number); 

void srand48(long int seedval); 
double drand48(void); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    long i; 
    long c; 
    extern char *optarg; 
    long m1; 
    long factor; 
    long pages; 
    unsigned long start; 


    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "p:m:n:l:stoh")) != -1) { 
    switch(c) { 
     case 'p': P = atoi(optarg); 
       if (P < 1) { 
        printerr("P must be >= 1\n"); 
       if (log_2(P) == -1) { 
        printerr("P must be a power of 2\n"); 
     case 'm': M = atoi(optarg); 
       m1 = M/2; 
       if (2*m1 != M) { 
        printerr("M must be even\n"); 
     case 'n': num_cache_lines = atoi(optarg); 
       orig_num_lines = num_cache_lines; 
       if (num_cache_lines < 1) { 
        printerr("Number of cache lines must be >= 1\n"); 
     case 'l': log2_line_size = atoi(optarg); 
       if (log2_line_size < 0) { 
        printerr("Log base 2 of cache line length in bytes must be >= 0\n"); 
     case 's': dostats = !dostats; 
     case 't': test_result = !test_result; 
     case 'o': doprint = !doprint; 
     case 'h': printf("Usage: FFT <options>\n\n"); 
       printf(" -mM : M = even integer; 2**M total complex data points transformed.\n"); 
       printf(" -pP : P = number of processors; Must be a power of 2.\n"); 
       printf(" -nN : N = number of cache lines.\n"); 
       printf(" -lL : L = Log base 2 of cache line length in bytes.\n"); 
       printf(" -s : Print individual processor timing statistics.\n"); 
       printf(" -t : Perform FFT and inverse FFT. Test output by comparing the\n"); 
       printf("  integral of the original data to the integral of the data that\n"); 
       printf("  results from performing the FFT and inverse FFT.\n"); 
       printf(" -o : Print out complex data points.\n"); 
       printf(" -h : Print out command line options.\n\n"); 
       printf("Default: FFT -m%1d -p%1d -n%1d -l%1d\n", 


    N = 1<<M; 
    rootN = 1<<(M/2); 
    rowsperproc = rootN/P; 
    if (rowsperproc == 0) { 
    printerr("Matrix not large enough. 2**(M/2) must be >= P\n"); 

    line_size = 1 << log2_line_size; 
    if (line_size < 2*sizeof(double)) { 
    printf("WARNING: Each element is a complex double (%ld bytes)\n",2*sizeof(double)); 
    printf(" => Less than one element per cache line\n"); 
    printf("  Computing transpose blocking factor\n"); 
    factor = (2*sizeof(double))/line_size; 
    num_cache_lines = orig_num_lines/factor; 
    if (line_size <= 2*sizeof(double)) { 
    pad_length = 1; 
    } else { 
    pad_length = line_size/(2*sizeof(double)); 

    if (rowsperproc * rootN * 2 * sizeof(double) >= PAGE_SIZE) { 
    pages = (2 * pad_length * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc)/PAGE_SIZE; 
    if (pages * PAGE_SIZE != 2 * pad_length * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc) { 
     pages ++; 
    pad_length = (pages * PAGE_SIZE)/(2 * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc); 
    } else { 
    pad_length = (PAGE_SIZE - (rowsperproc * rootN * 2 * sizeof(double)))/

       (2 * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc); 
    if (pad_length * (2 * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc) != 
     (PAGE_SIZE - (rowsperproc * rootN * 2 * sizeof(double)))) { 
     printerr("Padding algorithm unsuccessful\n"); 

    Global = (struct GlobalMemory *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct GlobalMemory)); 
    x = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); 
    trans = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); 
    umain = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*rootN*sizeof(double)); 
    umain2 = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); 

    Global->transtimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); 
    Global->totaltimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); 
    if (Global == NULL) { 
    printerr("Could not malloc memory for Global\n"); 
    } else if (x == NULL) { 
    printerr("Could not malloc memory for x\n"); 
    } else if (trans == NULL) { 
    printerr("Could not malloc memory for trans\n"); 
    } else if (umain == NULL) { 
    printerr("Could not malloc memory for umain\n"); 
    } else if (umain2 == NULL) { 
    printerr("Could not malloc memory for umain2\n"); 

    x = (double *) (((unsigned long) x) + PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) x) % PAGE_SIZE); 
    trans = (double *) (((unsigned long) trans) + PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) trans) % PAGE_SIZE); 
    umain2 = (double *) (((unsigned long) umain2) + PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) umain2) % PAGE_SIZE); 

/* In order to optimize data distribution, the data structures x, trans, 
    and umain2 have been aligned so that each begins on a page boundary. 
    This ensures that the amount of padding calculated by the program is 
    such that each processor's partition ends on a page boundary, thus 
    ensuring that all data from these structures that are needed by a 
    processor can be allocated to its local memory */ 

/* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might distribute the x, 
    trans, and umain2 data structures across physically distributed 
    memories as desired. 

    One way to place data is as follows: 

    double *base; 
    long i; 

    i = ((N/P)+(rootN/P)*pad_length)*2; 
    base = &(x[0]); 
    for (j=0;j<P;j++) { 
    Place all addresses x such that (base <= x < base+i) on node j 
    base += i; 

    The trans and umain2 data structures can be placed in a similar manner. 


    printf("FFT with Blocking Transpose\n"); 
    printf(" %ld Complex Doubles\n",N); 
    printf(" %ld Processors\n",P); 
    if (num_cache_lines != orig_num_lines) { 
    printf(" %ld Cache lines\n",orig_num_lines); 
    printf(" %ld Cache lines for blocking transpose\n",num_cache_lines); 
    } else { 
    printf(" %ld Cache lines\n",num_cache_lines); 
    printf(" %d Byte line size\n",(1 << log2_line_size)); 
    printf(" %d Bytes per page\n",PAGE_SIZE); 

    BARINIT(Global->start, P); 
    Global->id = 0; 
    InitX(x);     /* place random values in x */ 

    if (test_result) { 
    ck1 = CheckSum(x); 
    if (doprint) { 
    printf("Original data values:\n"); 
    PrintArray(N, x); 

    InitU(N,umain);    /* initialize u arrays*/ 

    /* fire off P processes */ 

    CREATE(SlaveStart, P); 

    if (doprint) { 
    if (test_result) { 
     printf("Data values after inverse FFT:\n"); 
    } else { 
     printf("Data values after FFT:\n"); 
    PrintArray(N, x); 

    transtime = Global->transtimes[0]; 
    printf("     PROCESS STATISTICS\n"); 
    printf("   Computation  Transpose  Transpose\n"); 
    printf(" Proc   Time   Time  Fraction\n"); 
    printf(" 0  %10ld  %10ld  %8.5f\n", 
    if (dostats) { 
    transtime2 = Global->transtimes[0]; 
    avgtranstime = Global->transtimes[0]; 
    avgcomptime = Global->totaltimes[0]; 
    maxtotal = Global->totaltimes[0]; 
    mintotal = Global->totaltimes[0]; 
    maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
    minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
    avgfractime = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
    for (i=1;i<P;i++) { 
     if (Global->transtimes[i] > transtime) { 
     transtime = Global->transtimes[i]; 
     if (Global->transtimes[i] < transtime2) { 
     transtime2 = Global->transtimes[i]; 
     if (Global->totaltimes[i] > maxtotal) { 
     maxtotal = Global->totaltimes[i]; 
     if (Global->totaltimes[i] < mintotal) { 
     mintotal = Global->totaltimes[i]; 
     if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] > maxfrac) { 
     maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
     if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] < minfrac) { 
     minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
     printf(" %3ld  %10ld  %10ld  %8.5f\n", 
     avgtranstime += Global->transtimes[i]; 
     avgcomptime += Global->totaltimes[i]; 
     avgfractime += ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
    printf(" Avg  %10.0f  %10.0f  %8.5f\n", 
      ((double) avgcomptime)/P,((double) avgtranstime)/P,avgfractime/P); 
    printf(" Max  %10ld  %10ld  %8.5f\n", 
    printf(" Min  %10ld  %10ld  %8.5f\n", 
    Global->starttime = start; 
    printf("     TIMING INFORMATION\n"); 
    printf("Start time      : %16lu\n", 
    printf("Initialization finish time  : %16lu\n", 
    printf("Overall finish time    : %16lu\n", 
    printf("Total time with initialization : %16lu\n", 
    printf("Total time without initialization : %16lu\n", 
    printf("Overall transpose time   : %16ld\n", 
    printf("Overall transpose fraction  : %16.5f\n", 
     ((double) transtime)/(Global->finishtime-Global->initdonetime)); 

    if (test_result) { 
    ck3 = CheckSum(x); 
    printf("    INVERSE FFT TEST RESULTS\n"); 
    printf("Checksum difference is %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)\n", 
     ck1-ck3, ck1, ck3); 
    if (fabs(ck1-ck3) < 0.001) { 
     printf("TEST PASSED\n"); 
    } else { 
     printf("TEST FAILED\n"); 


void SlaveStart() 
    long i; 
    long MyNum; 
    double *upriv; 
    long initdone; 
    long finish; 
    long l_transtime=0; 
    long MyFirst; 
    long MyLast; 

    MyNum = Global->id; 


/* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might pin processes to 
    processors to avoid migration */ 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

    upriv = (double *) malloc(2*(rootN-1)*sizeof(double)); 
    if (upriv == NULL) { 
    fprintf(stderr,"Proc %ld could not malloc memory for upriv\n",MyNum); 
    for (i=0;i<2*(rootN-1);i++) { 
    upriv[i] = umain[i]; 

    MyFirst = rootN*MyNum/P; 
    MyLast = rootN*(MyNum+1)/P; 

    TouchArray(x, trans, umain2, upriv, MyFirst, MyLast); 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

/* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might reset the 
    statistics that one is measuring about the parallel execution */ 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 

    /* perform forward FFT */ 
    FFT1D(1, M, N, x, trans, upriv, umain2, MyNum, &l_transtime, MyFirst, 
    MyLast, pad_length, test_result, dostats); 

    /* perform backward FFT */ 
    if (test_result) { 
    FFT1D(-1, M, N, x, trans, upriv, umain2, MyNum, &l_transtime, MyFirst, 
     MyLast, pad_length, test_result, dostats); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 
    Global->transtimes[MyNum] = l_transtime; 
    Global->totaltimes[MyNum] = finish-initdone; 
    if (MyNum == 0) { 
    Global->finishtime = finish; 
    Global->initdonetime = initdone; 

double TouchArray(double *x, double *scratch, double *u, double *upriv, long MyFirst, long MyLast) 
    long i,j,k; 
    double tot = 0.0; 

    /* touch my data */ 
    for (j=0;j<2*(rootN-1);j++) { 
    tot += upriv[j]; 
    for (j=MyFirst; j<MyLast; j++) { 
    k = j * (rootN + pad_length); 
    for (i=0;i<rootN;i++) { 
     tot += x[2*(k+i)] + x[2*(k+i)+1] + 
      scratch[2*(k+i)] + scratch[2*(k+i)+1] + 
     u[2*(k+i)] + u[2*(k+i)+1]; 
    return tot; 

double CheckSum(double *x) 
    long i,j,k; 
    double cks; 

    cks = 0.0; 
    for (j=0; j<rootN; j++) { 
    k = j * (rootN + pad_length); 
    for (i=0;i<rootN;i++) { 
     cks += x[2*(k+i)] + x[2*(k+i)+1]; 


void InitX(double *x) 
    long i,j,k; 

    for (j=0; j<rootN; j++) { 
    k = j * (rootN + pad_length); 
    for (i=0;i<rootN;i++) { 
     x[2*(k+i)] = drand48(); 
     x[2*(k+i)+1] = drand48(); 

void InitU(long N, double *u) 
    long q; 
    long j; 
    long base; 
    long n1; 

    for (q=0; 1<<q<N; q++) { 
    n1 = 1<<q; 
    base = n1-1; 
    for (j=0; j<n1; j++) { 
     if (base+j > rootN-1) { 
     u[2*(base+j)] = cos(2.0*PI*j/(2*n1)); 
     u[2*(base+j)+1] = -sin(2.0*PI*j/(2*n1)); 

void InitU2(long N, double *u, long n1) 
    long i,j,k; 

    for (j=0; j<n1; j++) { 
    k = j*(rootN+pad_length); 
    for (i=0; i<n1; i++) { 
     u[2*(k+i)] = cos(2.0*PI*i*j/(N)); 
     u[2*(k+i)+1] = -sin(2.0*PI*i*j/(N)); 

long BitReverse(long M, long k) 
    long i; 
    long j; 
    long tmp; 

    j = 0; 
    tmp = k; 
    for (i=0; i<M; i++) { 
    j = 2*j + (tmp&0x1); 
    tmp = tmp>>1; 

void FFT1D(long direction, long M, long N, double *x, double *scratch, double *upriv, double *umain2, 
      long MyNum, long *l_transtime, long MyFirst, long MyLast, long pad_length, long test_result, long dostats) 
    long j; 
    long m1; 
    long n1; 
    unsigned long clocktime1; 
    unsigned long clocktime2; 

    m1 = M/2; 
    n1 = 1<<m1; 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 

    /* transpose from x into scratch */ 
    Transpose(n1, x, scratch, MyNum, MyFirst, MyLast, pad_length); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 
    *l_transtime += (clocktime2-clocktime1); 

    /* do n1 1D FFTs on columns */ 
    for (j=MyFirst; j<MyLast; j++) { 
    FFT1DOnce(direction, m1, n1, upriv, &scratch[2*j*(n1+pad_length)]); 
    TwiddleOneCol(direction, n1, j, umain2, &scratch[2*j*(n1+pad_length)], pad_length); 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 
    /* transpose */ 
    Transpose(n1, scratch, x, MyNum, MyFirst, MyLast, pad_length); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 
    *l_transtime += (clocktime2-clocktime1); 

    /* do n1 1D FFTs on columns again */ 
    for (j=MyFirst; j<MyLast; j++) { 
    FFT1DOnce(direction, m1, n1, upriv, &x[2*j*(n1+pad_length)]); 
    if (direction == -1) 
     Scale(n1, N, &x[2*j*(n1+pad_length)]); 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 

    /* transpose back */ 
    Transpose(n1, x, scratch, MyNum, MyFirst, MyLast, pad_length); 

    if ((MyNum == 0) || (dostats)) { 
    *l_transtime += (clocktime2-clocktime1); 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

    /* copy columns from scratch to x */ 
    if ((test_result) || (doprint)) { 
    for (j=MyFirst; j<MyLast; j++) { 
     CopyColumn(n1, &scratch[2*j*(n1+pad_length)], &x[2*j*(n1+pad_length)]); 

    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 

void TwiddleOneCol(long direction, long n1, long j, double *u, double *x, long pad_length) 
    long i; 
    double omega_r; 
    double omega_c; 
    double x_r; 
    double x_c; 

    for (i=0; i<n1; i++) { 
    omega_r = u[2*(j*(n1+pad_length)+i)]; 
    omega_c = direction*u[2*(j*(n1+pad_length)+i)+1]; 
    x_r = x[2*i]; 
    x_c = x[2*i+1]; 
    x[2*i] = omega_r*x_r - omega_c*x_c; 
    x[2*i+1] = omega_r*x_c + omega_c*x_r; 

void Scale(long n1, long N, double *x) 
    long i; 

    for (i=0; i<n1; i++) { 
    x[2*i] /= N; 
    x[2*i+1] /= N; 

void Transpose(long n1, double *src, double *dest, long MyNum, long MyFirst, long MyLast, long pad_length) 
    long i; 
    long j; 
    long k; 
    long l; 
    long m; 
    long blksize; 
    long numblks; 
    long firstfirst; 
    long h_off; 
    long v_off; 
    long v; 
    long h; 
    long n1p; 
    long row_count; 

    blksize = MyLast-MyFirst; 
    numblks = (2*blksize)/num_cache_lines; 
    if (numblks * num_cache_lines != 2 * blksize) { 
    numblks ++; 
    blksize = blksize/numblks; 
    firstfirst = MyFirst; 
    row_count = n1/P; 
    n1p = n1+pad_length; 
    for (l=MyNum+1;l<P;l++) { 
    v_off = l*row_count; 
    for (k=0; k<numblks; k++) { 
     h_off = firstfirst; 
     for (m=0; m<numblks; m++) { 
     for (i=0; i<blksize; i++) { 
     v = v_off + i; 
      for (j=0; j<blksize; j++) { 
     h = h_off + j; 
      dest[2*(h*n1p+v)] = src[2*(v*n1p+h)]; 
      dest[2*(h*n1p+v)+1] = src[2*(v*n1p+h)+1]; 
    h_off += blksize; 

    for (l=0;l<MyNum;l++) { 
    v_off = l*row_count; 
    for (k=0; k<numblks; k++) { 
     h_off = firstfirst; 
     for (m=0; m<numblks; m++) { 
     for (i=0; i<blksize; i++) { 
     v = v_off + i; 
      for (j=0; j<blksize; j++) { 
      h = h_off + j; 
      dest[2*(h*n1p+v)] = src[2*(v*n1p+h)]; 
      dest[2*(h*n1p+v)+1] = src[2*(v*n1p+h)+1]; 
    h_off += blksize; 

    v_off = MyNum*row_count; 
    for (k=0; k<numblks; k++) { 
    h_off = firstfirst; 
    for (m=0; m<numblks; m++) { 
     for (i=0; i<blksize; i++) { 
     v = v_off + i; 
     for (j=0; j<blksize; j++) { 
      h = h_off + j; 
      dest[2*(h*n1p+v)] = src[2*(v*n1p+h)]; 
      dest[2*(h*n1p+v)+1] = src[2*(v*n1p+h)+1]; 
     h_off += blksize; 

void CopyColumn(long n1, double *src, double *dest) 
    long i; 

    for (i=0; i<n1; i++) { 
    dest[2*i] = src[2*i]; 
    dest[2*i+1] = src[2*i+1]; 

void Reverse(long N, long M, double *x) 
    long j, k; 

    for (k=0; k<N; k++) { 
    j = BitReverse(M, k); 
    if (j > k) { 
     SWAP_VALS(x[2*j], x[2*k]); 
     SWAP_VALS(x[2*j+1], x[2*k+1]); 

void FFT1DOnce(long direction, long M, long N, double *u, double *x) 
    long j; 
    long k; 
    long q; 
    long L; 
    long r; 
    long Lstar; 
    double *u1; 
    double *x1; 
    double *x2; 
    double omega_r; 
    double omega_c; 
    double tau_r; 
    double tau_c; 
    double x_r; 
    double x_c; 

    Reverse(N, M, x); 

    for (q=1; q<=M; q++) { 
    L = 1<<q; r = N/L; Lstar = L/2; 
    u1 = &u[2*(Lstar-1)]; 
    for (k=0; k<r; k++) { 
     x1 = &x[2*(k*L)]; 
     x2 = &x[2*(k*L+Lstar)]; 
     for (j=0; j<Lstar; j++) { 
    omega_r = u1[2*j]; 
     omega_c = direction*u1[2*j+1]; 
    x_r = x2[2*j]; 
     x_c = x2[2*j+1]; 
    tau_r = omega_r*x_r - omega_c*x_c; 
    tau_c = omega_r*x_c + omega_c*x_r; 
    x_r = x1[2*j]; 
     x_c = x1[2*j+1]; 
    x2[2*j] = x_r - tau_r; 
    x2[2*j+1] = x_c - tau_c; 
    x1[2*j] = x_r + tau_r; 
    x1[2*j+1] = x_c + tau_c; 

void PrintArray(long N, double *x) 
    long i, j, k; 

    for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) { 
    k = i*(rootN+pad_length); 
    for (j=0; j<rootN; j++) { 
     printf(" %4.2f %4.2f", x[2*(k+j)], x[2*(k+j)+1]); 
     if (i*rootN+j != N-1) { 
     if ((i*rootN+j+1) % 8 == 0) { 

void printerr(char *s) 
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",s); 

long log_2(long number) 
    long cumulative = 1, out = 0, done = 0; 

    while ((cumulative < number) && (!done) && (out < 50)) { 
    if (cumulative == number) { 
     done = 1; 
    } else { 
     cumulative = cumulative * 2; 
     out ++; 

    if (cumulative == number) { 
    } else { 

Вот некоторые из ошибок, я получаю:

fft.C: In function ‘FFT1D’: 
fft.C:603:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:623:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:643:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:657:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:666:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C: In function ‘main’: 
fft.C:416:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type] 
../../Makefile.config:30: recipe for target 'fft.o' failed 
make: *** [fft.o] Error 1 

Какие у вас были ошибки? – slugonamission


может у меня помочь? пожалуйста :( – stella


Можете ли вы опубликовать все ошибки? Одна ошибка в дальнейшем может потенциально вызвать остальную часть опубликованных вами сообщений. – slugonamission



~/Desktop/splash2/коды/ядра/FFT $ сделать

gcc -c -O3 -pthread -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wdisabled-optimization -Wpadded -Winline -Wpointer-arith -Wsign-compare -Wendif-labels fft.c 
fft.C:59:1: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘struct’ 
struct GlobalMemory { 
fft.C: In function ‘main’: 
fft.C:134:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘CLOCK’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:136:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘getopt’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "p:m:n:l:stoh")) != -1) { 
fft.C:138:7: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘atoi’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
     case 'p': P = atoi(optarg); 
fft.C:141:19: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘exit’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:141:19: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:145:19: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:152:19: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:159:19: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:165:19: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:188:3: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:193:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘MAIN_INITENV’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:193:16: error: expected expression before ‘,’ token 
fft.C:200:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:204:17: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] 
    if (line_size < 2*sizeof(double)) { 
fft.C:211:17: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] 
    if (line_size <= 2*sizeof(double)) { 
fft.C:219:27: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] 
    if (pages * PAGE_SIZE != 2 * pad_length * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc) { 
fft.C:230:7: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:234:20: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘G_MALLOC’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
    Global = (struct GlobalMemory *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct GlobalMemory)); 
fft.C:234:12: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    Global = (struct GlobalMemory *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct GlobalMemory)); 
fft.C:235:7: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    x = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); 
fft.C:236:11: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    trans = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); 
fft.C:237:11: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    umain = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*rootN*sizeof(double)); 
fft.C:238:12: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    umain2 = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); 
fft.C:240:9: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    Global->transtimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); 
fft.C:240:24: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    Global->transtimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); 
fft.C:241:9: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    Global->totaltimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); 
fft.C:241:24: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] 
    Global->totaltimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); 
fft.C:244:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:247:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:250:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:253:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:256:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:304:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘BARINIT’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
    BARINIT(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:304:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARINIT(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:305:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘LOCKINIT’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:305:18: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘idlock’ 
fft.C:306:9: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘id’ 
    Global->id = 0; 
fft.C:322:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘CREATE’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
    CREATE(SlaveStart, P); 
fft.C:323:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘WAIT_FOR_END’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:334:21: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    transtime = Global->transtimes[0]; 
fft.C:340:16: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
fft.C:340:38: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
fft.C:341:25: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
fft.C:341:48: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
fft.C:343:24: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    transtime2 = Global->transtimes[0]; 
fft.C:344:26: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    avgtranstime = Global->transtimes[0]; 
fft.C:345:25: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    avgcomptime = Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:346:22: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    maxtotal = Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:347:22: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    mintotal = Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:348:30: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:348:53: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:349:30: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:349:53: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:350:34: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    avgfractime = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:350:57: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    avgfractime = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; 
fft.C:352:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     if (Global->transtimes[i] > transtime) { 
fft.C:353:27: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     transtime = Global->transtimes[i]; 
fft.C:355:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     if (Global->transtimes[i] < transtime2) { 
fft.C:356:28: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     transtime2 = Global->transtimes[i]; 
fft.C:358:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     if (Global->totaltimes[i] > maxtotal) { 
fft.C:359:26: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     maxtotal = Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:361:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     if (Global->totaltimes[i] < mintotal) { 
fft.C:362:26: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     mintotal = Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:364:26: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] > maxfrac) { 
fft.C:364:49: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] > maxfrac) { 
fft.C:365:34: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:365:57: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:367:26: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] < minfrac) { 
fft.C:367:49: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] < minfrac) { 
fft.C:368:34: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:368:57: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:371:22: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
fft.C:371:44: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
fft.C:372:29: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
fft.C:372:52: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
fft.C:373:29: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     avgtranstime += Global->transtimes[i]; 
fft.C:374:28: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     avgcomptime += Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:375:37: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
     avgfractime += ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:375:60: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
     avgfractime += ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; 
fft.C:384:9: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘starttime’ 
    Global->starttime = start; 
fft.C:388:10: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘starttime’ 
fft.C:390:10: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘initdonetime’ 
fft.C:392:10: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘finishtime’ 
fft.C:394:10: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘finishtime’ 
fft.C:394:29: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘starttime’ 
fft.C:396:10: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘finishtime’ 
fft.C:396:29: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘initdonetime’ 
fft.C:400:38: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘finishtime’ 
      ((double) transtime)/(Global->finishtime-Global->initdonetime)); 
fft.C:400:57: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘initdonetime’ 
      ((double) transtime)/(Global->finishtime-Global->initdonetime)); 
fft.C:415:3: error: ‘MAIN_END’ undeclared (first use in this function) 
fft.C:415:3: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in 
fft.C: In function ‘SlaveStart’: 
fft.C:430:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘LOCK’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:430:14: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘idlock’ 
fft.C:431:19: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘id’ 
    MyNum = Global->id; 
fft.C:432:11: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘id’ 
fft.C:433:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘UNLOCK’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:433:16: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘idlock’ 
fft.C:435:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘BARINCLUDE’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
fft.C:435:20: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
fft.C:440:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘BARRIER’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:440:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:442:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘malloc’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 
    upriv = (double *) malloc(2*(rootN-1)*sizeof(double)); 
fft.C:442:22: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘malloc’ 
    upriv = (double *) malloc(2*(rootN-1)*sizeof(double)); 
fft.C:445:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ 
fft.C:456:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:477:11: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘transtimes’ 
    Global->transtimes[MyNum] = l_transtime; 
fft.C:478:11: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘totaltimes’ 
    Global->totaltimes[MyNum] = finish-initdone; 
fft.C:481:11: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘finishtime’ 
    Global->finishtime = finish; 
fft.C:482:11: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘initdonetime’ 
    Global->initdonetime = initdone; 
fft.C: In function ‘FFT1D’: 
fft.C:603:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:623:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:643:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:657:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C:666:17: error: ‘struct GlobalMemory’ has no member named ‘start’ 
    BARRIER(Global->start, P); 
fft.C: In function ‘main’: 
fft.C:416:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type] 
../../Makefile.config:30: recipe for target 'fft.o' failed 
make: *** [fft.o] Error 1 
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