2015-05-01 3 views

Я создаю настольное приложение Java, которое использует базу данных SQLite с более чем 50 переменными данных. У меня есть класс DatabaseHelper, который имеет следующие переменные:Weird SQLite поведение - нефункциональный метод UPDATE SQLite

//-- The SQLite Database Table name --// 
private static final String STAN_RECORDS_TABLE = "STAN_SQLite_Records_Table"; // Primary Table - Table 1. 

//-- The STAN Records DATABASE TABLE COLUMNS - or KEYS - defined here as static variables. --// 
private static final String STAN_KEY_RECORDS_ID = "Stan_Records_id";   // Record 1 
private static final String STAN_KEY_DATE_CREATED = "Date_Created";    // Record 2 
private static final String STAN_KEY_EST_TYPE = "Stan_Est_Type";    // Record 3 
private static final String STAN_KEY_CITY_TOWN = "City_Town";     // Record 4 
private static final String STAN_KEY_LOC_LAT = "Loc_Lat";      // Record 5 
private static final String STAN_KEY_LOC_LONG = "Loc_Long";      // Record 6 
private static final String STAN_KEY_STREET_NAME = "Street_Name";    // Record 7 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ERF_NUM = "Erf_Number";     // Record 8 
private static final String STAN_KEY_SUBURB_NAME = "Suburb_Name";    // Record 9 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ADDRESS_DESC = "Address_Desc";    // Record 10 
private static final String STAN_KEY_RATE_SINGLE = "Single_Rate";    // Record 11 
private static final String STAN_KEY_RATE_DOUBLE = "Double_Rate";    // Record 12 
private static final String STAN_KEY_RATE_FAMILY = "Family_Rate";    // Record 13 
private static final String STAN_KEY_RATE_VIP = "VIP_Rate";      // Record 14 
private static final String STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FIXED = "Fixed_Line";    // Record 15 
private static final String STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FAX = "Facsimile";    // Record 16 
private static final String STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_MOBILE = "Mobile";    // Record 17 
private static final String STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_EMAIL = "Email";     // Record 18 
private static final String STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_WEB = "Website";     // Record 19 
private static final String STAN_KEY_SELF_CATER = "Self_Cater";     // Record 20 
private static final String STAN_KEY_PARKING_TYPE = "Parking_Type";    // Record 21 
private static final String STAN_KEY_PARKING_SHADE = "Parking_Shade";   // Record 22 
private static final String STAN_KEY_PARKING_BAYS = "Parking_Bays";    // Record 23 
private static final String STAN_KEY_PARKING_RATING = "Parking_Rating";   // Record 24 
private static final String STAN_KEY_SINGLE_UNITS = "Single_Units";    // Record 25 
private static final String STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DESC = "Single_Desc";    // Record 26 
private static final String STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_UNITS = "Double_Units";    // Record 27 
private static final String STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_DESC = "Double_Desc";    // Record 28 
private static final String STAN_KEY_FAMILY_UNITS = "Family_Units";    // Record 29 
private static final String STAN_KEY_FAMILY_DESC = "Family_Desc";    // Record 30 
private static final String STAN_KEY_VIP_UNITS = "VIP_Units";     // Record 31 
private static final String STAN_KEY_VIP_DESC = "VIP_Desc";      // Record 32 
private static final String STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DOUBLE = "Single_Doubles";   // Record 33 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ROOM_COND = "Room_Condition";    // Record 34 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ROOM_PRIVACY = "Room_Privacy";    // Record 35 
private static final String STAN_KEY_BATHROOM_SHARED = "Bathroom_Shared";  // Record 36 
private static final String STAN_KEY_AIR_CON = "Air_Con";      // Record 37 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ROOM_FRIDGE = "Room_Fridge";    // Record 38 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ROOM_TV = "Room_TV";      // Record 39 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ROOM_BEDDING = "Room_Bedding";    // Record 40 
private static final String STAN_KEY_ROOM_SIZE = "Room_Size";     // Record 41 
private static final String STAN_KEY_BONUS_POOL = "Bonus_Pool";     // Record 42 
private static final String STAN_KEY_BONUS_GYM = "Bonus_Gym";     // Record 43 
private static final String STAN_KEY_BONUS_BAR = "Bonus_Bar";     // Record 44 
private static final String STAN_KEY_HOOD_NAME = "Hood_Name";     // Record 45 
private static final String STAN_KEY_HOOD_SAFETY = "Hood_Safety";    // Record 47 
private static final String STAN_KEY_HOOD_CBD = "Hood_CBD";      // Record 48 
private static final String STAN_KEY_HOOD_NEARBY = "Hood_Nearby";    // Record 49 
private static final String STAN_KEY_TOURIST_RECO = "Tourist_Reco";    // Record 50 
private static final String STAN_KEY_TOURIST_REASON = "Tourist_Reason";   // Record 51 
private static final String STAN_KEY_INFO_CANCEL_POLICY = "Cancel_Policy";  // Record 52 
private static final String STAN_KEY_INFO_OTHER_INFO = "Other_Info";   // Record 53 
private static final String STAN_KEY_EST_DB_SCORE = "Est_DB_Score";    // Record 54 
private static final String STAN_KEY_DATE_UPDATED = "Date_Updated";    // Record 55 
private static final String STAN_KEY_SHUTTLE_SERVICE = "Shuttle_Service";  // Record 55 
private static final String STAN_KEY_KITCHEN_AVAILABLE = "Kitchen";    // Record 56 
private static final String STAN_KEY_BREAKFASTS = "Breakfast";     // Record 57 
private static final String STAN_KEY_FREE_WIFI = "Free_Wifi";     // Record 58 
private static final String STAN_KEY_EST_NAME = "Est_Name";      // Record 59 

Я тогда строку создания базы данных:

//-- STAN Records TABLE creation SQL Statement --// 
     + /*1*/ STAN_KEY_EST_NAME + " VARCHAR(255)," + /*2*/ STAN_KEY_EST_TYPE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*3*/ STAN_KEY_CITY_TOWN + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*4*/ STAN_KEY_DATE_CREATED + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*5*/ STAN_KEY_LOC_LAT + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*6*/ STAN_KEY_LOC_LONG + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*7*/ STAN_KEY_STREET_NAME + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*8*/ STAN_KEY_ERF_NUM + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*9*/ STAN_KEY_SUBURB_NAME + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*10*/ STAN_KEY_ADDRESS_DESC + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*11*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_SINGLE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*12*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_DOUBLE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*13*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_FAMILY + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*14*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_VIP + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*15*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FIXED + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*16*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FAX + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*17*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_MOBILE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*18*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_EMAIL + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*19*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_WEB + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*20*/ STAN_KEY_SELF_CATER + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*21*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_TYPE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*22*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_SHADE + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*23*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_BAYS + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*24*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_RATING + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*25*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_UNITS + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*26*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DESC + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*27*/ STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_UNITS + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*28*/ STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_DESC + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*29*/ STAN_KEY_FAMILY_UNITS + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*30*/ STAN_KEY_FAMILY_DESC + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*31*/ STAN_KEY_VIP_UNITS + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*32*/ STAN_KEY_VIP_DESC + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*33*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DOUBLE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*34*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_COND + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*35*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_PRIVACY + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*36*/ STAN_KEY_BATHROOM_SHARED + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*37*/ STAN_KEY_AIR_CON + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*38*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_FRIDGE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*39*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_TV + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*40*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_BEDDING + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*41*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_SIZE + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*42*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_POOL + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*43*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_GYM + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*44*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_BAR + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*45*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_NAME + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*46*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_SAFETY + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*47*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_CBD + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*48*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_NEARBY + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*49*/ STAN_KEY_TOURIST_RECO + " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*50*/ STAN_KEY_TOURIST_REASON + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*51*/ STAN_KEY_INFO_CANCEL_POLICY + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*52*/ STAN_KEY_INFO_OTHER_INFO+ " VARCHAR(255), " 
     + /*56*/ STAN_KEY_BREAKFASTS + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*57*/ STAN_KEY_FREE_WIFI + " VARCHAR(255), " + /*58*/ STAN_KEY_DATE_UPDATED + " VARCHAR(255));"; 

... и строку вставки записи:

private static final String INSERT_ONE_COMPLETE_STAN_RECORDS_ENTRY = "INSERT INTO " + STAN_RECORDS_TABLE + " (" + /*1*/ STAN_KEY_EST_NAME + ", " + /*2*/ STAN_KEY_EST_TYPE + ", " 
     + /*3*/ STAN_KEY_CITY_TOWN + ", " + /*4*/ STAN_KEY_DATE_CREATED + ", " + /*5*/ STAN_KEY_LOC_LAT + ", " + /*6*/ STAN_KEY_LOC_LONG + ", " + /*7*/ STAN_KEY_STREET_NAME + ", " 
     + /*8*/ STAN_KEY_ERF_NUM + ", " + /*9*/ STAN_KEY_SUBURB_NAME + ", " + /*10*/ STAN_KEY_ADDRESS_DESC + ", " + /*11*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_SINGLE + ", " + /*12*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_DOUBLE + ", " 
     + /*13*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_FAMILY + ", " + /*14*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_VIP + ", " + /*15*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FIXED + ", " + /*16*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FAX + ", " + /*17*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_MOBILE + ", " 
     + /*18*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_EMAIL + ", " + /*19*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_WEB + ", " + /*20*/ STAN_KEY_SELF_CATER + ", " + /*21*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_TYPE + ", " + /*22*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_SHADE + ", " 
     + /*23*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_BAYS + ", " + /*24*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_RATING + ", " + /*25*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_UNITS + ", " + /*26*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DESC + ", " + /*27*/ STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_UNITS + ", " 
     + /*28*/ STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_DESC + ", " + /*29*/ STAN_KEY_FAMILY_UNITS + ", " + /*30*/ STAN_KEY_FAMILY_DESC + ", " + /*31*/ STAN_KEY_VIP_UNITS + ", " + /*32*/ STAN_KEY_VIP_DESC + ", " 
     + /*33*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DOUBLE + ", " + /*34*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_COND + ", " + /*35*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_PRIVACY + ", " + /*36*/ STAN_KEY_BATHROOM_SHARED + ", " + /*37*/ STAN_KEY_AIR_CON + ", " 
     + /*38*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_FRIDGE + ", " + /*39*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_TV + ", " + /*40*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_BEDDING + ", " + /*41*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_SIZE + ", " + /*42*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_POOL + ", " 
     + /*43*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_GYM + ", " + /*44*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_BAR + ", " + /*45*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_NAME + ", " + /*46*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_SAFETY + ", " + /*47*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_CBD + ", " 
     + /*48*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_NEARBY + ", " + /*49*/ STAN_KEY_TOURIST_RECO + ", " + /*50*/ STAN_KEY_TOURIST_REASON + ", " + /*51*/ STAN_KEY_INFO_CANCEL_POLICY + ", " 
     + /*52*/ STAN_KEY_INFO_OTHER_INFO+ ", " + /*53*/ STAN_KEY_EST_DB_SCORE+ ", " + /*54*/ STAN_KEY_SHUTTLE_SERVICE + ", " + /*55*/ STAN_KEY_KITCHEN_AVAILABLE + ", " 
     + /*56*/ STAN_KEY_BREAKFASTS + ", " + /*57*/ STAN_KEY_FREE_WIFI + ", " + /*58*/ STAN_KEY_DATE_UPDATED + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " 
     + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; 

. .. как и запись строки UPDATE (которая является проблемой !!):

private static final String UPDATE_ONE_COMPLETE_STAN_RECORDS_ENTRY = "UPDATE " + STAN_RECORDS_TABLE + " SET " + /*1*/ STAN_KEY_EST_NAME + " = ?, " + /*2*/ STAN_KEY_EST_TYPE + " = ?, " 
     + /*3*/ STAN_KEY_CITY_TOWN + " = ?, " + /*4*/ STAN_KEY_DATE_CREATED + " = ?, " + /*5*/ STAN_KEY_LOC_LAT + " = ?, " + /*6*/ STAN_KEY_LOC_LONG + " = ?, " + /*7*/ STAN_KEY_STREET_NAME + " = ?, " 
     + /*8*/ STAN_KEY_ERF_NUM + " = ?, " + /*9*/ STAN_KEY_SUBURB_NAME + " = ?, " + /*10*/ STAN_KEY_ADDRESS_DESC + " = ?, " + /*11*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_SINGLE + " = ?, " + /*12*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_DOUBLE + " = ?, " 
     + /*13*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_FAMILY + " = ?, " + /*14*/ STAN_KEY_RATE_VIP + " = ?, " + /*15*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FIXED + " = ?, " + /*16*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_FAX + " = ?, " + /*17*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_MOBILE + " = ?, " 
     + /*18*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_EMAIL + " = ?, " + /*19*/ STAN_KEY_CONTACTS_WEB + " = ?, " + /*20*/ STAN_KEY_SELF_CATER + " = ?, " + /*21*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_TYPE + " = ?, " + /*22*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_SHADE + " = ?, " 
     + /*23*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_BAYS + " = ?, " + /*24*/ STAN_KEY_PARKING_RATING + " = ?, " + /*25*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_UNITS + " = ?, " + /*26*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DESC + " = ?, " + /*27*/ STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_UNITS + " = ?, " 
     + /*28*/ STAN_KEY_DOUBLE_DESC + " = ?, " + /*29*/ STAN_KEY_FAMILY_UNITS + " = ?, " + /*30*/ STAN_KEY_FAMILY_DESC + " = ?, " + /*31*/ STAN_KEY_VIP_UNITS + " = ?, " + /*32*/ STAN_KEY_VIP_DESC + " = ?, " 
     + /*33*/ STAN_KEY_SINGLE_DOUBLE + " = ?, " + /*34*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_COND + " = ?, " + /*35*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_PRIVACY + " = ?, " + /*36*/ STAN_KEY_BATHROOM_SHARED + " = ?, " + /*37*/ STAN_KEY_AIR_CON + " = ?, " 
     + /*38*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_FRIDGE + " = ?, " + /*39*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_TV + " = ?, " + /*40*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_BEDDING + " = ?, " + /*41*/ STAN_KEY_ROOM_SIZE + " = ?, " + /*42*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_POOL + " = ?, " 
     + /*43*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_GYM + " = ?, " + /*44*/ STAN_KEY_BONUS_BAR + " = ?, " + /*45*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_NAME + " = ?, " + /*46*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_SAFETY + " = ?, " + /*47*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_CBD + " = ?, " 
     + /*48*/ STAN_KEY_HOOD_NEARBY + " = ?, " + /*49*/ STAN_KEY_TOURIST_RECO + " = ?, " + /*50*/ STAN_KEY_TOURIST_REASON + " = ?, " + /*51*/ STAN_KEY_INFO_CANCEL_POLICY + " = ?, " 
     + /*52*/ STAN_KEY_INFO_OTHER_INFO+ " = ?, " + /*53*/ STAN_KEY_EST_DB_SCORE+ " = ?, " + /*54*/ STAN_KEY_SHUTTLE_SERVICE + " = ?, " + /*55*/ STAN_KEY_KITCHEN_AVAILABLE + " = ?, " 
     + /*56*/ STAN_KEY_BREAKFASTS + " = ?, " + /*57*/ STAN_KEY_FREE_WIFI + " = ?, " + /*58*/ STAN_KEY_DATE_UPDATED + " = ?" + " WHERE " + STAN_KEY_RECORDS_ID + " = ?"; 

Вот мой фактический метод SQLite Update запрос:

public void updateRecordByDatabaseId (StanRecord stanRecord, int dbID) { 

    Connection stanDbCon = null; 
    PreparedStatement stanDbPrepState = null; 

    try { 

     // [1] Make an SQL connection the STAN Records SQLite database. 
     stanDbCon = StanConnectConfig.getStanConnection(); 

     // [2] Define the SQLite Statement to be used for inserting data into the database. 
     stanDbPrepState = stanDbCon.prepareStatement(UPDATE_ONE_COMPLETE_STAN_RECORDS_ENTRY); 

     // [3] Insert the passed data into the STAN Records SQLite database (one-by-one). 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(1, stanRecord.getEstablishment_Name());   // Entry 1: Est_Name 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(2, stanRecord.getEstablishment_Type());   // Entry 2: Est_Type 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(3, stanRecord.getCity_Town());     // Entry 3: City_Town 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(4, stanRecord.getDate_Created());     // Entry 4: Date_Created 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(5, stanRecord.getLoc_Lat());      // Entry 5: Loc_Lat 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(6, stanRecord.getLoc_Long());      // Entry 6: Loc_Long 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(7, stanRecord.getPhys_Street_Name());    // Entry 7: Street_Name 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(8, stanRecord.getPhys_Erf_Number());    // Entry 8: Erf_Number 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(9, stanRecord.getPhys_Suburb_Name());    // Entry 9: Suburb_Name 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(10, stanRecord.getPhys_Address_Desc());   // Entry 10: Address_Desc 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(11, stanRecord.getRate_Single());     // Entry 11: Rate_Single 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(12, stanRecord.getRate_Double());     // Entry 12: Rate_Double 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(13, stanRecord.getRate_Family());     // Entry 13: Rate_Family 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(14, stanRecord.getRate_Vip());     // Entry 14: Rate_VIP 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(15, stanRecord.getContacts_Fixed());    // Entry 15: Contacts_Fixed 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(16, stanRecord.getContacts_Fax());    // Entry 16: Contacts_Fax 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(17, stanRecord.getContacts_Mobile());    // Entry 17: Contacts_Mobile 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(18, stanRecord.getContacts_Email());    // Entry 18: Contacts_Email 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(19, stanRecord.getContacts_Website());   // Entry 19: Contacts_Website 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(20, stanRecord.getSelf_Cater());     // Entry 20: Self_Cater 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(21, stanRecord.getParking_Type());    // Entry 21: Parking_Type 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(22, stanRecord.getParking_Shade());    // Entry 22: Parking_Shade 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(23, stanRecord.getParking_Bays());    // Entry 23: Parking_Bays 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(24, stanRecord.getParking_Rating());    // Entry 24: Parking_Rating 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(25, stanRecord.getRooms_Single_Units());   // Entry 25: Single_Units 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(26, stanRecord.getRooms_Single_Desc());   // Entry 26: Single_Desc 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(27, stanRecord.getRooms_Double_Units());   // Entry 27: Double_Units 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(28, stanRecord.getRooms_Double_Desc());   // Entry 28: Double_Desc 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(29, stanRecord.getRooms_Family_Units());   // Entry 29: Family_Units 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(30, stanRecord.getRooms_Family_Desc());   // Entry 30: Family_Desc 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(31, stanRecord.getRooms_Vip_Units());    // Entry 31: VIP_Units 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(32, stanRecord.getRooms_Vip_Desc());    // Entry 32: VIP_Desc 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(33, stanRecord.getRooms_Single_Double());   // Entry 33: Single_Double 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(34, stanRecord.getRooms_Overall_Condition());  // Entry 34: Overall_Condition 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(35, stanRecord.getRooms_Privacy());    // Entry 35: Room_Privacy 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(36, stanRecord.getRooms_Bath_Shared());   // Entry 36: Bath_Shared 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(37, stanRecord.getInroom_Air_Con());    // Entry 37: Air_Con 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(38, stanRecord.getInroom_Fridge());    // Entry 38: Room_Fridge 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(39, stanRecord.getInroom_Tv());     // Entry 39: Room_TV 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(40, stanRecord.getInroom_Bedding());    // Entry 40: Room_Bedding 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(41, stanRecord.getInroom_Space());    // Entry 41: Room_Size or Space 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(42, stanRecord.getBonus_Fac_Pool());    // Entry 42: Bonus_Pool 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(43, stanRecord.getBonus_Fac_Gym());    // Entry 43: Bonus_Gym 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(44, stanRecord.getBonus_Fac_Bar());    // Entry 44: Bonus_inHouse Bar 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(45, stanRecord.getHood_Name());     // Entry 45: Hood_Name 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(46, stanRecord.getHood_Safety());     // Entry 46: Hood_Safety 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(47, stanRecord.getHood_Dist_Cbd());    // Entry 47: Hood_CBD 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(48, stanRecord.getHood_Nearby_Attractions());  // Entry 48: Hood_Other Unknown 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(49, stanRecord.getTourist_Rating_Reco());   // Entry 49: Tourist_Recommendation 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(50, stanRecord.getTourist_Rating_Reason());  // Entry 50: Tourist_Reason 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(51, stanRecord.getInfo_Cancel_Policy());   // Entry 51: Cancel_Policy 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(52, stanRecord.getInfo_Other_Info());    // Entry 52: Other_Info 
     stanDbPrepState.setInt(53, stanRecord.getStan_Db_Sore());     // Entry 53: DataBase_Score 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(54, stanRecord.getStan_Fac_Shuttle());   // Entry 54: Shuttle_Service 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(55, stanRecord.getStan_Fac_Kitchen());   // Entry 55: Kitchen_Availability 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(56, stanRecord.getStan_Fac_Breakfast());   // Entry 56: Breakfast_Quality 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(57, stanRecord.getStan_Fac_Wifi());    // Entry 57: Free_WiFi 
     stanDbPrepState.setString(58, stanRecord.getDate_Updated());    // Entry 58: Date_Updated 

     // [4] Identify the location point in Stan Database. 
     stanDbPrepState.setInt(59, dbID); 

     // [5] Execute the data insertion into the Records database. 

     // [6] Confirm data insert with an alert to user. 
     // System.out.println("\n" + UPDATE_ONE_COMPLETE_STAN_RECORDS_ENTRY); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, UPDATE_ONE_COMPLETE_STAN_RECORDS_ENTRY); 

    } catch (Exception e) { 


    } finally { 

     if (stanDbPrepState != null) { 

      try { 


      } catch (SQLException e) { 


     if (stanDbCon != null) { 

      try { 


      } catch (SQLException e) { 


Все SQLite методы (создание, чтение, вставка & удаления) работают хорошо. Просто метод Update не работает. Он выполняет весь путь до отображения кода JOptionPane ...

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, UPDATE_ONE_COMPLETE_STAN_RECORDS_ENTRY); 

... и даже отображает сообщение, как если бы данные были успешно обновлены. Но когда вы смотрите на строку, которую хотите обновить, ничего не было изменено (все еще оригинальные данные вставки). Пожалуйста, помогите - я боролся с этим кодом уже более недели. Обратите внимание: я довольно новичок в чистом программировании на Java. Я использую IntelliJ IDEA IDE для разработки этого приложения. Любая помощь будет очень признательна. Заранее спасибо. Шор-T!


Зачем устанавливать индекс 3 снова (как в 'int')? 'stanDbPrepState.setInt (3, dbID);' Он был установлен один раз перед (как 'String')' stanDbPrepState.setString (3, stanRecord.getCity_Town()); ' – pathfinderelite


Oh snap! Как я пропустил это? Позднее ночное кодирование ... Спасибо 'PathFinderElite'. Ваш комментарий помог мне. Если вы загрузите это как ответ на вопрос, тогда я могу выбрать его как правильный ответ и дать вам несколько моментов. Большое спасибо. Кажется, мне нужны новые глаза, чтобы посмотреть на код. Я не могу поверить, что такая глупая ошибка вернула мне целую неделю. Вздох. –



Указатель 3 устанавливается дважды. Во второй раз, когда он установлен, он устанавливается как int.


Спасибо мужчине ... Я очень ценю свежий набор глаз. Два больших пальца! –