2013-03-20 7 views

У меня ограниченный буфер, проблема с производителем-потребителем, с которой можно справиться и может только модифицировать функции prod и cons. Этот код работает без проблем только с одним потоком потребителя и производителя. Но с несколькими каждого он всегда дает мне ту же самую проблему, рано или поздно:Потребитель - производитель, ошибка утверждения

p5p1: p5p2a.c:207: bb_remove: Assertion `bbp->cnt > 0' failed. 

То, что я не получаю, как это может произойти ошибка при проверке переменной bbp->cnt перед вызовом функции bbp_remove().

EDIT: Проблема была решена. Я не проверял переменную внутри блокировки в любой из функций.

#include <sys/times.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <assert.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <pthread.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <errno.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

#define DEBUG 0 

#define BUF_SIZE 100000 
#define ITER  10000000 

#define PROD_THRD 3 
#define CONS_THRD 3 

#define USAGE_STRING "Usage: %s\n" 

extern int errno; 

/* This is the bounded buffer type */ 
typedef struct { 
    int cnt, in, out; 
    pthread_mutex_t lock;  /* Mutex to avoid race conditions */ 
    int buf[BUF_SIZE];  /* The data passed is the id of the 
      * producer */ 
} bbuf_t; 

typedef struct { 
    bbuf_t *bbp; 
    int  id; 
} parg_t; 

* yield() 
* Because there is no yield system call in Linux, what we 
* do is to put the thread to sleep for 1 ms. Actually, it 
* will sleep for at least 1/HZ, which is 10 ms in Linux/386. 
#define YIELD_s  0 
#define YIELD_ns 1000000 

void yield() { 

    struct timespec st = {YIELD_s, YIELD_ns}; 

    if((nanosleep(&st, NULL)) == -1 && (errno == EINVAL)) { 

/* Initialize bounded buffer */ 
int bbuf_init(bbuf_t *bbp) { 

    if(bbp == NULL) 
    return 0; 

    bbp->in = 0; 
    bbp->out = 0; 
    bbp->cnt = 0; 
    pthread_mutex_init(&(bbp->lock), NULL); /* I do not understand, but the 
        * compiler complains when I use 
    return 1; 

/* Print the bounded buffer members that matter */ 
void print_bbuf(bbuf_t *bbp) { 
    printf("bbp->in = %d bbp->out = %d bbp_cnt = %d \n", 
     bbp->in, bbp->out, bbp->cnt); 

/* To validate the value of the members in, out and cnt of bbuf_t */ 
int val(int n, int min, int max) { 
    return((min <= n) && (n <= max)); 

/* Ensure that the values of the members in, out and cnt are consistent */ 
int consist(int cnt, int in, int out) { 
    return (in == ((out + cnt) % BUF_SIZE)); 

/* This is the code of the checker thread. It is used to ensure that 
* the bounded buffer has not been corrupted. 
* Every 100 ms it checks the values of: in, out and cnt. 
* This thread exits either if it detects the buffer has been corrupted 
* or if it does not detect any activity in 50 consecutive iterations, 
* i.e. approximately 5s. */ 

/* These constants are used with nanosleep() and 
* put a process to sleep for 100 ms */ 

#define SLEEP_s  0 
#define SLEEP_ns 100000000 

#define MAX_IDLE 50 

void *check(void *arg) { 
    bbuf_t *bbp = arg; 
    int cnt[2], in[2], out[2];  /* values read */ 
    int idle; 
    struct timespec st = {SLEEP_s, SLEEP_ns}; /* 100 ms */ 

    while(1) { 
    in[1] = bbp->in; 
    out[1] = bbp->out; 
    cnt[1] = bbp->cnt; 
    if(in[1] == in[0] && out[1] == out[0] && cnt[1] == cnt[0]) { 
     if(idle >= MAX_IDLE) { 
     printf("Checking thread exiting:"); 
     printf("\t no activity detected for some time.\n"); 
    } else { 
     idle = 0; 
    if(!val(in[1], 0, BUF_SIZE - 1)) { 
     printf("Invalid value in = %d \n", in[1]); 
    } else if (!val(out[1], 0, BUF_SIZE - 1)) { 
     printf("Invalid value out = %d \n", out[1]); 
    } else if (!val(cnt[1], 0, BUF_SIZE)) { 
     printf("Invalid value cnt = %d \n", cnt[1]); 
    } else if (!consist(cnt[1], in[1], out[1])) { 
     printf("Inconsistent buffer: cnt = %d in = %d out = %d \n", 
      cnt[1], in[1], out[1]); 
    if((nanosleep(&st, NULL) == -1) && (errno == EINVAL)) { 
    in[0] = in[1]; 
    out[0] = out[1]; 
    cnt[0] = cnt[1]; 

/* The producer threads may use this code to 
* enter one item into the buffer */ 

void bb_enter(bbuf_t *bbp, int me) { 

    assert(bbp->cnt < BUF_SIZE); 

    (bbp->buf)[bbp->in] = me; 
    (bbp->in) %= BUF_SIZE; 

/* This is the code for the producer threads. 
    * To avoid busy waiting (or at least too much busy waiting) the producers 
* should yield, using the yield() defined above, if the buffer is 
* full. In that case, they should print a debugging message as well. 
* Each producer should produce ITER (10 M) items: an integer with 
* the id it receives in prod()'s argument. 
void *prod(void *arg) { 
    parg_t *parg = (parg_t *)arg; 
    bbuf_t *bbp = parg->bbp; 
    int me = parg->id; 

    /* Add variables and code, if necessary */ 
    printf("I am a producer and have started\n"); 
    int gcnt = 0; 

    while(gcnt <= ITER){ 
     if(bbp->cnt < BUF_SIZE){ 
     else if(bbp->cnt == (BUF_SIZE-1)) {printf("I shall produce yield()\n"); yield();} 

    printf("I am a producer and have ended\n"); 



/* The consumer threads may use this function to 
* remove an item */ 

int bb_remove(bbuf_t *bbp) { 
    int val; 

    assert(bbp->cnt > 0); 

    val = (bbp->buf)[bbp->out]; 
    (bbp->out) %= BUF_SIZE; 
    return val; 

/* This is the code for the consumer threads. 
* To avoid busy waiting (or at least too much busy waiting) consumers 
* should yield, using the yield() defined above, if the buffer is 
* empty. In that case, they should print a debugging message as well. 
* Each consumer should consume ITER (10 M) items, and keep track of the 
* producers of the items it consumes: use the cnt[] below. 
void *cons(void *arg) { 
    bbuf_t *bbp = (bbuf_t *)arg; 
    int cnt[PROD_THRD]; 

    /* Add variables and code, if necessary: 
    *   do not forget to initialize cnt */ 

    printf("I am a consumer and have started\n"); 
    int i; 
    for(i = 0; i < PROD_THRD; i++){ 
    cnt[i] = 0;} 

    int temp; 
    int gcnt = 0; 

    while(gcnt <= ITER){ 
     if(bbp->cnt > 0){ 
     temp = bb_remove(bbp); 
     else if(bbp->cnt == 0) {printf("I shall consume yield()\n"); yield();} 
    printf("I am a consumer and have ended\n"); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 

    int i; 
    pthread_t *tid, ctid; 
    parg_t *parg; 
    bbuf_t *bbp; 

    /* This is to measure the time it takes to run the program */ 
    struct tms t; 
    clock_t start, end; 
    long ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); 

    start = times(&t); 

    if(argc != 1) { 
     printf(USAGE_STRING, argv[0]); 

    /* Array for pthread_join() */ 
    if((tid = (pthread_t *) malloc((PROD_THRD + CONS_THRD) * sizeof(pthread_t))) 
     == NULL) { 
    printf("Out of memory.\n"); 

    /* Allocate Bounded Buffer */ 
    if((bbp = (bbuf_t *) malloc(sizeof(bbuf_t))) == NULL) { 
    printf("Out of memory. \n"); 

    /* Initialize Bounded Buffer */ 
    if(bbuf_init(bbp) == 0) { 
    printf("Failed to initialize bounded buffer\n"); 

    /* Arguments for producer threads */ 
    if((parg = (parg_t *) malloc(PROD_THRD * sizeof (parg_t))) == NULL) { 
     printf("Out of memory.\n"); 

    /* Create checker thread */ 
    if(pthread_create(&ctid, NULL, check, bbp)) 
    printf("Created checker thread %u\n", (unsigned)ctid); 

    /* Create consumer threads */ 
    for(i = 0; i < CONS_THRD; i++) { 
    /* We pass the same data structure, the bounded buffer, 
    * to each consumer: they need to synchronize to access it */ 
    if(pthread_create(tid+i, NULL, cons, bbp)) 
    printf("Created consumer thread %u\n", (unsigned)tid[i]); 

    /* Create producer threads */ 
    for(i = 0; i < PROD_THRD; i++) { 
    /* Because we want each consumer to keep track of the 
    * producer of the items it consumes, we assign an 
    * id to each producer thread */ 
    parg[i].bbp = bbp; 
    parg[i].id = i; 
    if(pthread_create(tid+(i+CONS_THRD), NULL, prod, parg+i)) 
    printf("Created producer thread %u (%d)\n", (unsigned)tid[i+CONS_THRD], i); 

    /* Join consumer and producer threads */ 
    for(i = 0; i < CONS_THRD + PROD_THRD; i ++) { 
    if(pthread_join(tid[i], NULL) == 0) { 
     printf("Joined thread %u.\n", (unsigned)tid[i]); 
    } else { 
     printf("Failed to join thread %u\n", (unsigned)tid[i]); 

    /* Join checker thread */ 
    if(pthread_join(ctid, NULL) == 0) { 
     printf("Joined checker thread %u.\n", (unsigned)ctid); 
    } else { 
    printf("Failed to join checker thread %u\n", (unsigned)ctid); 

    /* How long did it take to run this ? */ 
    end = times(&t); 

    printf("Wall time %2.4f s \n", (float)(end - start)/ticks); 

return 0; 


Я не смотрел весь код, но вы не держите блокировку при проверке счета. – user786653



Перед тем, как вы проверите bbp->cnt, вы должны ввести блокировку мьютекса. Поскольку вы проверяете его перед вводом мьютекса, другой поток может уменьшить значение до того, как вы приобретете мьютекс и попытаетесь уменьшить значение самостоятельно.

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