2015-10-22 2 views

я борюсь с этими проблемами (коды предоставляются):Как реализовать случайные пары парного обмена и наискорейшего спуска парного обмена (SDPI) эвристики для LAP?

  1. Использование кода lap.py (и lap_h1.py и lap_h2.py по мере необходимости), осуществлению случайные пары парного обмена эвристики для LAP. Используйте 100 000 случайных пар для вашей процедуры.

  2. Используя код, разработанный как часть проблемы 1, нанесите на себя самый крутой спуск , парный обмен (SDPI) эвристический для LAP.


def parseCSV(filename, dataType='float', returnJagged=False, fillerValue=0, delimiter=',', commentChar='%'): 
    # define the matrix 
    matrix = [] 
    # open the file 
    with open(filename, 'U') as csvfile : 
     # read all the lines 
     csvFile = csvfile.readlines() 
     maxSize = 0 
     # iterate through each line 
     for line in csvFile : 
      # check for comments, go to next line if this is a comment 
      # make sure it's not a blank line 
      if line.rstrip(): 
       # Check for the data type (float or int) 
       if dataType == 'float': 
        row = map(float, filter(None, line.rstrip().split(delimiter))) 
       elif dataType == 'int': 
        row = map(int, filter(None, line.rstrip().split(delimiter)))     
       if len(row) > maxSize : 
        maxSize = len(row) 
     # unless returnJagged is true, fill the blank values 
     if not returnJagged : 
      for row in matrix :  
       row += [fillerValue] * (maxSize - len(row)) 
     if len(matrix) == 1 : 
      # This is a vector, just return a 1-D vector 
      matrix = matrix[0] 
    return matrix 

def printMatrix(matrix): 
    for row in matrix: 
     for cell in row: 
      print cell, 

import sys 
import copy 
# need to update this to point to the location of parseCSV.py 
from parseCSV import parseCSV 

# initialize the problem - fname is the csv file with the cost matrix 
def initialize(fname, show): 
    # read the costs matrix from the csv file 
    costs = parseCSV(fname) 
    # people[i] is the index of the task assigned to person i 
    # or -1 if the person does not have an assigned task 
    people = [] 
    # tasks[j] is the index of the person assigned to task j 
    # or -1 if the task is unassigned 
    tasks = [] 
    # create the people and tasks lists 
    for k in range(len(costs)): 
    if show: 
     print '{} people, {} tasks, {}x{} costs, lb = {:.2f}'.format(
    return costs, people, tasks 

# show_solution - displays the current solution 
def show_solution(costs, people, tasks): 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     if people[k] > -1: 
      task = 'T{}'.format(people[k]) 
      cost = costs[k][people[k]] 
      task = 'n/a' 
      cost = 0.0 
     print '\tP{}, {}, {:.2f} '.format(k, task, cost) 
    print '\nTotal cost: {:.2f} (lower bound: {:.2f})'.format(
     calc_cost(costs, people)[0], 

# calc_cost - calculates the current solution cost 
def calc_cost(costs, people): 
    total_cost = 0 
    num_assigned = 0 
    # for each person 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     # make sure the person has an assigned task 
     if people[k] != -1: 
      total_cost += costs[k][people[k]] 
      num_assigned += 1 
    return total_cost, num_assigned 

# low_cost_task - finds the lowest cost available task for the 
# specified person 
def low_cost_task(costs, person, tasks): 
    # initialize with the biggest possible number 
    min_cost = 1e308 
    # index of the low-cost task 
    min_idx = -1 
    # loop through all tasks 
    for k in range(len(tasks)): 
     # if the task is currently unassigned 
     if tasks[k] == -1: 
      # is the task lower cost than the current minimum? 
      if costs[person][k] < min_cost: 
       min_cost = costs[person][k] 
       min_idx = k 
    return min_idx, min_cost 

# simple_lb - calculates a simple lower bound based on low-cost assignment 
def simple_lb(costs): 
    # min cost task for each person 
    total_cost1 = 0; 
    for k in range(len(costs)) : 
     total_cost1 += min(costs[k]) 
    # min cost person for each task 
    total_cost2 = 0; 
    for k in range(len(costs)): 
     total_cost2 += min([c[k] for c in costs]) 
    # return the better of the two bounds 
    return max(total_cost1, total_cost2) 

# clear_solution - clears the incumbent solution 
def clear_solution(people, tasks): 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     people[k] = -1 
    for k in range(len(tasks)): 
     tasks[k] = -1 

# store_solution 
def store_solution(people, tasks, cost, seq): 
    # create the dictonary 
    solution = {} 
    # need to use copy since the lists are mutable 
    solution['people'] = copy.copy(people) 
    solution['tasks'] = copy.copy(tasks) 
    solution['obj_val'] = cost 
    solution['seq'] = copy.copy(seq) 
    return solution 

# main 
def main(): 
    # default values 
    fname = 'r.csv' 
    # argv[0] - file name 
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: 
     fname = sys.argv[1] 
    # initialize 
    costs, people, tasks = initialize(fname, 1) 
    # Simple assignment - person k gets task k for all k 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     people[k] = k; 
     tasks[k] = k; 
    print '\nSolution:' 
    show_solution(costs, people, tasks) 

# if cmd line, execute main 
if __name__ == '__main__' : main() 

import sys 
# need to update this to point to the location of parseCSV.py 
from parseCSV import parseCSV 

# initialize the problem - fname is the csv file with the cost matrix 
def initialize(fname): 
    # read the costs 
    costs = parseCSV(fname) 
    # people[i] is the index of the task assigned to person i 
    # or -1 if the person does not have an assigned task 
    people = [] 
    # tasks[j] is the index of the person assigned to task j 
    # or -1 if the task is unassigned 
    tasks = [] 
    # create the people and tasks lists 
    for k in range(len(costs)): 
    return costs, people, tasks 

# show_solution - displays the current solution 
def show_solution(costs, people, tasks): 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     if people[k] > -1: 
      task = 'T{}'.format(people[k]) 
      cost = costs[k][people[k]] 
      task = 'n/a' 
      cost = 0.0 
     print '\tP{}, {}, {:.2f} '.format(k, task, cost) 
    print '\nTotal cost: {:.2f} (lower bound: {:.2f})'.format(
     calc_cost(costs, people)[0], 

# calc_cost - calculates the current solution cost 
def calc_cost(costs, people): 
    total_cost = 0 
    num_assigned = 0 
    # for each person 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     # make sure the person has an assigned task 
     if people[k] != -1: 
      total_cost += costs[k][people[k]] 
      num_assigned += 1 
    return total_cost, num_assigned 

# low_cost_task - finds the lowest cost available task for the 
# specified person 
def low_cost_task(costs, person, tasks): 
    # initialize with the biggest possible number 
    min_cost = 1e308 
    # index of the low-cost task 
    min_idx = -1 
    # loop through all tasks 
    for k in range(len(tasks)): 
     # if the task is currently unassigned 
     if tasks[k] == -1: 
      # is the task lower cost than the current minimum? 
      if costs[person][k] < min_cost: 
       min_cost = costs[person][k] 
       min_idx = k 
    return min_idx, min_cost 

# simple_lb - calculates a simple lower bound based on low-cost assignment 
def simple_lb(costs): 
    # min cost task for each person 
    total_cost1 = 0; 
    for k in range(len(costs)) : 
     total_cost1 += min(costs[k]) 
    # min cost person for each task 
    total_cost2 = 0; 
    for k in range(len(costs)): 
     total_cost2 += min([c[k] for c in costs]) 
    # return the better of the two bounds 
    return max(total_cost1, total_cost2) 

# main 
def main(): 
    # initialize parameters then check for command line changes 
    show_intermediate = 1 
    fname = 'r.csv' 
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: 
     fname = sys.argv[1] 
     if len(sys.argv) > 2: 
      show_intermediate = int(sys.argv[2]) 
    # initialize the data structures using the cost matrix file 
    costs, people, tasks = initialize(fname) 
    print '{} people, {} tasks, {}x{} costs, lb = {:.2f}'.format(
    # for each person, assign their low-cost task 
    for k in range(len(people)): 
     # find the low cost task for this person 
     task, min_cost = low_cost_task(costs, k, tasks) 
     # assign task to person and person to task 
     people[k] = task 
     tasks[task] = k 
     # show current assignment 
     if show_intermediate: 
      if people[k] != -1: 
       print 'Assigned P{} task T{} at cost {:.2f}'.format(
    # show solution 
    print '\nFinal solution:' 
    show_solution(costs, people, tasks) 

# if cmd line, execute main 
if __name__ == '__main__' : main() 

import sys 
from random import sample 
import lap 

# solve - solves the problem for a given assignment sequence 
def solve(costs, people, tasks, seq): 
    total_cost = 0 
    for k in seq: 
     # find the low cost task for this person 
     task, min_cost = lap.low_cost_task(costs, k, tasks) 
     # assign task to person and person to task 
     people[k] = task 
     tasks[task] = k 
     total_cost += min_cost 
    return total_cost 

# main 
def main(): 
    # default values 
    nreps = 100 
    fname = 'r.csv' 
    # argv[0] - file name 
    # argv[1] - number of replications 
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: 
     fname = sys.argv[1] 
     if len(sys.argv) > 2: 
       nreps = int(sys.argv[2]) 
       print 'Invalid parameters. Syntax: lab_h2.py fname nreps' 
    # initialize 
    costs, people, tasks = lap.initialize(fname, 1) 
    # initial solution with the "natural" sequence 
    cost = solve(costs, people, tasks, range(len(people))) 
    # store the solution -- need to use deepcopy so the best 
    # incumbent solution is not overwritten 
    solution = lap.store_solution(people, tasks, cost, range(len(people))) 
    print 'Iteration {:3d} Cost: {:.2f}'.format(-1, solution['obj_val']) 
    # iterate 
    for k in range(nreps): 
     # clear the current assignments 
     lap.clear_solution(people, tasks) 
     # sample a random sequence 
     seq = sample(range(len(people)), len(people)) 
     # solve with the random sequence 
     cost = solve(costs, people, tasks, seq) 
     print 'Iteration {:3d} Cost: {:.2f}'.format(k, cost) 
     # if this solution is better than the best incumbent, 
     # make it the best incumbent. 
     if cost < solution['obj_val'] : 
      solution = lap.store_solution(people, tasks, cost, seq) 
    # show solution 
    print '\nFinal solution:' 
    print 'Sequence: {}'.format(solution['seq']) 
    lap.show_solution(costs, solution['people'], solution['tasks']) 

# if cmd line, execute main 
if __name__ == '__main__' : main() 



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Спасибо, Yedurag

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