2014-11-18 3 views
Here are my tables. 

Student Table 
| s_id | name  | lname | fname | c_id | 
| 1 |  ali  | ahmadi | ahmad | 1 | 
| 2 | Hussain | Sharan | Skekib | 2 | 
| 3 | Mahmood | Shekibayee | Jahangir | 1 | 

Student_course Table 
| sc_id | s_id | c_id | 
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 
| 2 | 2 | 1 | 
| 3 | 3 | 2 | 

Now I want to have a trigger that: 
When I insert new student into `student` table it should insert `s_id` and `c_id` into student_Course 
I am quite new to PHP and MySQL; any help will be highly appreciated. 
Thanks in advance. 



Это может быть довольно просто при условии, что sc_id является автоматическое приращение первичного ключа на Student_course

delimiter // 
create trigger ins_student_course after insert on Student 
for each row 
insert into Student_course (s_id,c_id) values (new.s_id,new.c_id); 
end ;// 

delimiter ; 
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