2014-11-27 2 views

У меня есть фон и 2 спрайта. Я загрузил фон, но оба моих спрайта не появляются. Возможно, они отстают от фона. Как я могу сделать так, чтобы оба спрайта были на моем фоне и фон за спрайтами?Sprites Overlayed for Background

Мой код Js:

//Setting the canvas and context 
var canvas = document.getElementById('background'); 
var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); 


//Uploading car sprite 
var car = new Image(); 
car.src = "file:///C:/Users/Saqib/Desktop/Game/img/car.png"; 

//Setting properties of car 
var x = 450; 
var y = 730; 
var speed = 10; 
var angle = 990; 
var mod = 0; 

//Event listeners for keys 
window.addEventListener("keydown", keypress_handler, false); 
window.addEventListener("keyup", keyup_handler, false); 

//Interval for animation 
var moveInterval = setInterval(function() { 
}, 30); 

//Drawing the car turning and changing speed 
function draw() { 
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); 

    x += (speed * mod) * Math.cos(Math.PI/180 * angle); 
    y += (speed * mod) * Math.sin(Math.PI/180 * angle); 

    context.translate(x, y); 
    context.rotate(Math.PI/180 * angle); 
    context.drawImage(car, -(car.width/2), -(car.height/2)); 



//Setting the keys 
function keyup_handler(event) { 
    if (event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 40) { 

     mod = 0; 

//Setting all of the keys 
function keypress_handler(event) { 
    console.log(x, y); 
    if (event.keyCode == 38) { 
     mod = 1; 
    if (event.keyCode == 40) { 
     mod = -1; 
    if (event.keyCode == 37) { 
     angle -= 5; 
    if (event.keyCode == 39) { 
     angle += 5; 


//Uploading car 
var car1 = new Image(); 
car1.src = "file:///C:/Users/Saqib/Desktop/Game/img/car.png"; 

//Setting properties of car 
var x1 = 450; 
var y1 = 40; 
var speed1 = 10; 
var angle1 = -990; 
var mod1 = 0.2; 

//Interval for animation 
var moveInterval = setInterval(function() { 
}, 30); 

//Drawing the car turning and changing speed 
function drawCar() { 
    x1 += (speed1 * mod1) * Math.cos(Math.PI/180 * angle1); 
    y1 += (speed1 * mod1) * Math.sin(Math.PI/180 * angle1); 

    context.translate(x1, y1); 
    context.rotate(Math.PI/180 * angle1); 
    context.drawImage(car1, -(car1.width/2), -(car1.height/2)); 



//Creating one abstract object to hold all images 
var imageRepository = new function() { 
    //Upload background image 
    this.background = new Image(); 
    this.background.src = "file:///C:/Users/Saqib/Desktop/Game/img/level%201.jpg"; 

//Abstract function that will hold most all other properties 
function Drawable() { 
    this.init = function(x, y) { 
     // Default variables 
     this.x = x; 
     this.y = y; 
    this.speed = 0; 
    this.canvasWidth = 0; 
    this.canvasHeight = 0; 

//Creating the background image and drawing it 
function Background() { 
    this.speed = 3; // Resetting speed of background for animation (positive so top to bottom motion) 
    this.draw = function() { 
     //Setting velocity to y-component, since track needs to go from top to bottom 
     this.y += this.speed; 
     this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.background, this.x, this.y); 
     // Draw it again for animation, top edge of the first background 
     this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.background, this.x, this.y - this.canvasHeight); 
     // If one background ends, reset 
     if (this.y > this.canvasHeight) 
      this.y = 0; 

// Make background have properties from Drawable function 
Background.prototype = new Drawable(); 

//Makes object to hold everything else the game will have 
function Game() { 
    this.init = function() { 

     // Gets canvas element 
     this.bgCanvas = document.getElementById('background'); 
     // Sees if canvas is supported by the browser 
     if (this.bgCanvas.getContext) { 
      this.bgContext = this.bgCanvas.getContext('2d'); 
      // Initialize objects to contain their context and canvas 
      Background.prototype.context = this.bgContext; 
      Background.prototype.canvasWidth = this.bgCanvas.width; 
      Background.prototype.canvasHeight = this.bgCanvas.height; 
      // Initialize the background image 
      this.background = new Background(); 
      this.background.init(0,0); // Set draw point to 0,0 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      return false; 
    // Start the animation loop for the background 
    this.start = function() { 

//Requests animation frame 
function animate() { 

//Setting all animation frames required 
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ 
    return window.requestAnimationFrame || 
      window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.oRequestAnimationFrame  || 
      window.msRequestAnimationFrame  || 
      function(callback, element){ 
       window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60); 

//Create the final object and run it 
var game = new Game(); 
function init() { 


Просто скажите мне, если вам нужно HTML.



HTML или CSS помогут, но вы можете попробовать одно: установить фон z-index на 0 или другое меньшее число; затем установите два спрайта на гораздо большее число. Удостоверьтесь, что числа также увеличиваются, чем дальше, чем они появляются.