2010-06-26 2 views

Мне было интересно, если кто-нибудь знает, как лучше всего загрузить файл изображения с помощью Flex 4 и PHP. Я искал онлайн, но большинство из них использует Flex 2 или более раннюю версию. Мне просто любопытно, есть ли новые способы сделать это. Если вы знаете какие-либо хорошие сайты или статьи, ответьте. Я ценю помощь!Загрузить изображение с помощью Flex и PHP

обновление: просто нашел хороший здесь ..




это собирается быть долгим ...

Так! Этапы:

  1. Открыть окно обзора.
  2. Прислушайтесь пользователя выбора файла
  3. Instatiate выбранный файл в переменную
  4. Дождитесь загрузки команды.
  5. Слушайте прогресс, чтобы иметь возможность дать визуальную обратную связь о ходе загрузки (необязательно).
  6. Слушайте полное мероприятие.
  7. Слушайте полное событие данных. Готово.

MXML кода (выдержка):

<!-- Will open the browse window. --> 
<s:Button id="bttSelectFile" label="Select file" click="selectFile()"/> 
<!-- Will validate and start the upload process. --> 
<s:Button id="bttUpload" label="Upload file" click="upload()"/> 
<!-- Shows upload progress after it starts. --> 
<mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar" labelPlacement="center" label="0%" width="300" height="40" 
    horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" alpha="0" 
    minimum="0" maximum="100" indeterminate="false" mode="manual"/> 

ActionScript Часть:

//START of Part 1: Initialization and declarations stage 

import mx.controls.Alert; 

//If relative doesn't work, try absolute path. Might differ between localhost home setup and production server. 
private const UPLOAD_URL:String='uploadFile.php'; 
private var fileReference:FileReference; 

//Handler for the application or component (etc) initialize event. 
private function init():void 
//Instantiates fileReference variable and adds listeners. 
private function initializeFileReference():void 
    fileReference=new FileReference(); 
    fileReference.addEventListener(Event.SELECT,fileSelectHandler);//Dispatched when user selects a file from Dialog Box. 
    fileReference.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,fileCancelHandler);//Dispatched when user dismisses the Dialog Box. 
    fileReference.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS,fileErrorHandler);//HTTP Error 
    fileReference.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,fileErrorHandler);//IO Error 
    fileReference.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,fileErrorHandler);//Security Sandbox Error 
    fileReference.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,fileProgressHandler);//Upload Progress 
    fileReference.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,fileCompleteHandler);//Dispatches when the file upload operation completes successfully 
    fileReference.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA,fileDataCompleteHandler);//Dispatched when data has been received from the server after a successful upload. 
//Set fileReference to NULL and removes listeners. 
private function killFileReference():void 

//END of Part 1: Initialization and declarations stage 

//START of Part 2: File Selection 

//Called upon pressing the select file button (bttSelectFile click handler). 
private function selectFile():void 
    //Try to open the browse window. 
     //I disable the browse button after it's been clicked, I will enable it later. [OPTIONAL] 
     //Limit the files the user can select. 
    catch(e:Error){bttSelectFile.enabled=true;Alert.show("Cannot browse for files.","Error");} 
private function getTypes():Array 
    //Return an array of selectable file extensions (not MIME Types). 
    var allTypes:Array=new Array(getImageTypeFilter()); 
    return allTypes; 
private function getImageTypeFilter():FileFilter 
    //Limit selection to files with the jpg or jpeg extensions. 
    return new FileFilter("Images(*.jpg, *.jpeg)","*.jpg;*.jpeg;"); 
//Called after file was selected. 
private function fileSelectHandler(event:Event):void 
    //Re-enable the bttSelectFile button in case the user wants to select a different file. [OPTIONAL] 
    //Change the label of the button to match the select file name. [OPTIONAL] 
//Called if user dismisses the browse window (Cancel button, ESC key or Close option) 
private function fileCancelHandler(event:Event):void 
    //Enable the button so he is able to re-open the browse window. [OPTIONAL] 
//END of Part 2: File Selection 

//START of Part 3: File Upload 

//Function to validate that a file was selected and eventually other fields in the form as well. 
private function valid():Boolean 
    var result:Boolean=true; 
     //I set the errorString for the button. You can give user feedback anyway you want though. 
     bttSelectFile.errorString='You have not selected a file.'; 
    //Other validation criteria 
    return result; 
//Called after the upload button (bttUpload) is pressed. 
private function upload():void 
     //Disable the submit button to avoid multi-submit. 
     //Call the upload funcion. 
//Starts the upload process. 
private function startUpload():void 
     //Try to upload. myPicture will be the name of the FILE variable in PHP, e.g. $_FILE['myPicture']. 
     fileReference.upload(new URLRequest(UPLOAD_URL),"myPicture"); 
     //Zero-byte file error. 
     Alert.show("Zero-byte file selected.","Error"); 
//I hadle errors in this example with a single function. 
//It's better to have a different function to handle each of the 3 possible errors. 
//Security Sandbox, IOError or HTTPStatus 
private function fileErrorHandler(event:Event):void 
    Alert.show("File upload failed.","Error"); 
    //For debugging you should see the entire error dump. 
//Set ProgressBar progress to match upload progress 
private function fileProgressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void 
    //Calculate percentage uploaded. 
    var percentage:uint= Math.round(event.bytesLoaded*100/event.bytesTotal); 
    //Set progressBar progress. 
    //Update progressBar label. 
//Called when file was sucessfully copied to the server. 
//Upload not over yet though, PHP still has to confirm it did its part. 
private function fileCompleteHandler(event:Event):void 
    //Enable bttSelectFile. [OPTIONAL] 
//Called when the PHP upload file specified in the UPLOAD_URL constant provides an "answer". 
private function fileDataCompleteHandler(event:DataEvent):void 
    //I print (or echo) a number in PHP based on what happened 
    //3 = file is not JPG MIME Type check 
    //0 = move_uploaded_file function failed 
    //else = return the filename. I set PHP to rename the file and if all is good, it will return the name of the newly uploaded file. 
    var response:String=event.data; 
    if(response=='3'){Alert.show("Selected file is not a JPG.","Error");} 
    else if(response=='0'){Alert.show("File upload failed.","Error");} 
     //Do whatever you want, upload process completed successfully. 
     //Maybe insert into database? 
//END of Part 3: File Upload 

Я уже получил свой код работает. Спасибо хоть. – FlyingCat

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