2009-03-03 2 views

У меня есть книга под названием «Обучение Рубин» и в разделе для рельсов дает шаг шаг за пройти через создания веб-приложения простой Rails.Ошибка пытается получить мое первое приложение Rails работает

Это говорит вблизи конечного типа команды:

./script/generate scaffold addressbook addressbook

Но часть-то в я получаю ошибку:

wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)

Я предполагаю, что это потому, что небольшая разница версия, но я не могу заставить мое приложение rails работать, и надеялся, что кто-то здесь сможет мне помочь?



Если запустить script/generate scaffold без каких-либо аргументов, он расскажет вам, как использовать его:

$ script/generate scaffold 
Usage: script/generate scaffold ModelName [field:type, field:type] 

     --skip-timestamps   Don't add timestamps to the migration file for this model 
     --skip-migration    Don't generate a migration file for this model 
     --force-plural    Forces the generation of a plural ModelName 

Rails Info: 
    -v, --version     Show the Rails version number and quit. 
    -h, --help      Show this help message and quit. 

General Options: 
    -p, --pretend     Run but do not make any changes. 
    -f, --force      Overwrite files that already exist. 
    -s, --skip      Skip files that already exist. 
    -q, --quiet      Suppress normal output. 
    -t, --backtrace     Debugging: show backtrace on errors. 
    -c, --svn      Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path) 
    -g, --git      Modify files with git. (Note: git must be in path) 

    Scaffolds an entire resource, from model and migration to controller and 
    views, along with a full test suite. The resource is ready to use as a 
    starting point for your RESTful, resource-oriented application. 

    Pass the name of the model (in singular form), either CamelCased or 
    under_scored, as the first argument, and an optional list of attribute 

    Attribute pairs are column_name:sql_type arguments specifying the 
    model's attributes. Timestamps are added by default, so you don't have to 
    specify them by hand as 'created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime'. 

    You don't have to think up every attribute up front, but it helps to 
    sketch out a few so you can start working with the resource immediately. 

    For example, 'scaffold post title:string body:text published:boolean' 
    gives you a model with those three attributes, a controller that handles 
    the create/show/update/destroy, forms to create and edit your posts, and 
    an index that lists them all, as well as a map.resources :posts 
    declaration in config/routes.rb. 

    If you want to remove all the generated files, run 
    'script/destroy scaffold ModelName'. 

    `./script/generate scaffold post` 
    `./script/generate scaffold post title:string body:text published:boolean` 
    `./script/generate scaffold purchase order_id:integer amount:decimal` 
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