2016-11-19 1 views

Вот конфигурация сгенерированного файла (, добавление аудиофайла и экспорт в video.mp4).Загрузка видео на Twitter в node.js - 400 тип носителя ошибки нераспознанный

Я использую пакет NodeJS: Видеоролик

var videoshow = require('videoshow') 

var images = [ 

var videoOptions = { 
    fps: 25, 
    loop: 20, // seconds 
    transition: true, 
    transitionDuration: 1, // seconds 
    videoBitrate: 1024, 
    videoCodec: 'libx264', 
    size: '640x?', 
    audioBitrate: '128k', 
    audioCodec: 'libfdk_aac', 
    audioChannels: 2, 
    format: 'mp4' 

videoshow(images, videoOptions) 
    .on('start', function (command) { 
    console.log('ffmpeg process started:', command) 
    .on('error', function (err, stdout, stderr) { 
    console.error('Error:', err) 
    console.error('ffmpeg stderr:', stderr) 
    .on('end', function (output) { 
    console.error('Video created in:', output) 

и загрузить в Twitter код:

var bufferLength, filePath, finished, fs, oauthCredentials, offset, request, segment_index, theBuffer; 

request = require('request'); 
fs = require('fs'); 
filePath = './video.mp4'; 
bufferLength = 1000000; 
theBuffer = new Buffer(bufferLength); 
offset = 0; 
segment_index = 0; 
finished = 0; 
oauthCredentials = { 
    consumer_key: '', 
    consumer_secret: '', 
    token: '', 
    token_secret: '' 

fs.stat(filePath, function(err, stats) { 
    var formData, normalAppendCallback, options; 

    formData = { 
     command: "INIT", 
     media_type: 'video/mp4', 
     total_bytes: stats.size 
    options = { 
     url: 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json', 
     oauth: oauthCredentials, 
     formData: formData 

    normalAppendCallback = function(media_id) { 
     return function(err, response, body) { 

      if (finished === segment_index) { 

       options.formData = { 
        command: 'FINALIZE', 
        media_id: media_id 
       request.post(options, function(err, response, body) { 

        delete options.formData; 

        //Note: This is not working as expected yet. 
        options.qs = { 
         command: 'STATUS', 
         media_id: media_id 
        request.get(options, function(err, response, body) { 
         console.log('STATUS: ', response.statusCode, body); 

    request.post(options, function(err, response, body) { 
     var media_id; 
     media_id = JSON.parse(body).media_id_string; 

     fs.open(filePath, 'r', function(err, fd) { 
      var bytesRead, data; 

      while (offset < stats.size) { 

       bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, theBuffer, 0, bufferLength, null); 
       data = bytesRead < bufferLength ? theBuffer.slice(0, bytesRead) : theBuffer; 
       options.formData = { 
        command: "APPEND", 
        media_id: media_id, 
        segment_index: segment_index, 
        media_data: data.toString('base64') 
       request.post(options, normalAppendCallback(media_id)); 
       offset += bufferLength; 

Чтобы загрузить файл не распознается:

FINALIZED 400 {"request": "\/1.1 \/media \ /upload.json", "error": "InvalidContent."} 
STATUS: 400 {"request": "\/1.1 \/media \ /upload.json", "error": "Invalid MediaID."} 

Может вам Помоги мне, пожалуйста ?



Вот код, который я использовал год назад, чтобы загрузить видео в Node Js с использованием Twitter API:

// The main function 
var doPublishVideoTweet = function(access_token, text, file) { 

    var stats = fs.statSync(file.path); 

    var formData = { 
    command: 'INIT', 
    media_type: file.mimetype, 
    total_bytes: stats.size 

    var oAuthData = { 
    consumer_key: 'TWITTER_KEY', 
    consumer_secret: 'TWITTER_SECRET', 
    token: access_token.token, 
    token_secret: access_token.token_secret 

    // First step, we send the video size 
    request.post({ url: 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json', oauth: oAuthData, 
    form: formData, json: true }, function(err, response, body) { 
    if (!err) { 
     // With the response, we start the video transfer in chunks 
     transferProcess(0, body.media_id_string, file, stats.size, access_token, function(err) { 
     if (!err) { 

      var formData = { 
      command: 'FINALIZE', 
      media_id: body.media_id_string 

      // Once the transfer ended, we finalize it 
      request.post({ url: 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json', oauth: oAuthData, 
      form: formData, json: true }, function(err, response, body) { 
      if (!err && !body.error) { 
       var qs = {}; 
       if (text) { 
       qs.status = text; 
       if (mediaId) { 
       qs.media_ids = mediaId; 

       // And the last step, we publish the video as a status update 
       request.post({ url: 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json', oauth: oAuthData, 
       qs: qs, json: true }, function(err, response) { 
       if (!err) { 

// It processes each part of the video until its end 
var transferProcess = function(index, mediaId, file, fileSize, access_token, callback) { 

    // First we generate a copy of the file in order to be independent to the original file 
    // because it can have problems when opening it at the same time from other file 
    var copyFileName = file.path + '-twitter'; 
    fse.copySync(file.path, copyFileName); 

    // Once we have the copy, we open it 
    var fd = fs.openSync(copyFileName, 'r'); 

    var bytesRead, data, bufferLength = 268435456; 
    var buffer = new Buffer(1000000000); 

    var startOffset = index * bufferLength; 
    var length = startOffset + bufferLength > fileSize ? fileSize - startOffset : bufferLength; 

    // We read the amount of bytes specified from startOffset until length 
    bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, buffer, startOffset, length, null); 

    // Here, completed tells us that we are transferring the last part or not 
    var completed = bytesRead < bufferLength; 
    data = completed ? buffer.slice(0, bytesRead) : buffer; 

    // We generate a file with the recently read data, and with a name of copyFileName-chunked-0 
    var chunkFileName = copyFileName + '-chunked-' + index; 

    // We create the file so then we can read it and send it 
    fs.writeFile(chunkFileName, data, function(err) { 
    if (err) { 
    else { 

     var formData = { 
     command: 'APPEND', 
     media_id: mediaId, 
     segment_index: index 

     formData.media = fs.createReadStream(chunkFileName); 

     var oAuthData = { 
     consumer_key: 'TWITTER_KEY', 
     consumer_secret: 'TWITTER_SECRET', 
     token: access_token.token, 
     token_secret: access_token.token_secret 

     // Once we have the file written, we upload it 
     request.post({ url: 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json', oauth: oAuthData, 
     formData: formData, json: true }, function (err, response) { 
     // If there was an error or the reading process of the file has ended, we go back to the initial process to finalize the video upload 
     if (err) { 
     else if (completed) { 
     // Else, we must continue reading the file, incrementing the reading index 
     else { 
      transferProcess(index + 1, mediaId, file, fileSize, access_token, callback); 

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