2013-05-22 2 views

У меня очень обширная и большая веб-форма, которую пользователи могут отправлять в мою базу данных PostGreSQL. Тем не менее, у меня проблемы с выполнением функциональности. У меня есть небольшие веб-формы, с которыми это работает, но я получаю сообщение об ошибке - Query failed: ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressionsPHP отправить запрос не работает,

Теперь, конечно, я могу интерпретировать это, но я снова и снова просматривал файл и не вижу что-то не так с веб-формой. Могу ли я получить еще несколько пар глаз в самой веб-форме и в PHP-запросе. Я также ищу советы о том, как сделать скрипт PHP меньше, кажется очень непрофессиональным, что я выполняю функциональность. Может ли кто-нибудь из вас определить, какой столбец/переменная неуместен.

Web form.html

<form name="availability" method="post" action="auth/avaisubmit.php"> 
<h5>7.1 Orientation</h5> 
<label>Are floor-plans or maps available?</label> 
<select name="floorplans"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Specify what formats</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="format_specify"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are videos with British Sign Language(BSL) available?</label> 
<select name="videos_bsl"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Do you highlight what ISN'T accessible?</label> 
<select name="highlight_not_accessible"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
    <option value="Not applicable">Not applicable</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Do staff offer a browsing collections service? (i.e. where staff can browse collections and retrieve items for disabled visitors?</label> 
<select name="browsing_service"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>If yes, please add more details(for example if it needs to be pre-booked).</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="more_details"></textarea> <br /> 

<h5> 7.2 Alternative Formats </h5> 
<label>Is an audio system available?</label> 
<select name="audio_system"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>What type of audio system is it?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="audio_system_type" /> <br /> 

<label>Where is the audio system available?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="where_audio" /> <br /> 

<label>Is there a text version? </label> 
<select name="text_version"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Text version - Description </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="text_version_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are verbal descriptions<sup>*1</sup> available?</label> 
<select name="verbal"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Verbal description - Description</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="verbal_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are Tactile<sup>*2</sup> models available?</label> 
<select name="tactile"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Tactile models - Description</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="tactile_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are replicas<sup>*3</sup> available? (including digital copies of documents)</label> 
<select name="replicas"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Replicas - Description</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="replicas_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are DAISY (digital talking books)<sup>*4</sup> available?</label> 
<select name="daisy"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>DAISY - Description</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="daisy_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are CDs<sup>*5</sup> available?</label> 
<select name="cd"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> CDs - Description </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="cd_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label> Are DVDs<sup>*6</sup> available? </label> 
<select name="dvd"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> DVDs - Description </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="dvd_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label> Are raised images<sup>*7</sup> available?</label> 
<select name="raised_images"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> Raised images - Description </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="raised_images_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label> Is tape available</label> 
<select name="tape"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> Tape - Description </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="tape_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Please list any other formats have, e.g. MP3 etc</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="other_formats"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Is a format conversion service<sup>*8</sup> available?</label> 
<select name="format_conversion"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> Format conversion service - Description </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="format_conversion_description"></textarea> <br /> 

<h5> 7.3 ICT </h5> 

<label>Do you have Kiosks/interactives?</label> 
<select name="kiosks"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>How many Kiosks do you have?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="num_kiosks" /> <br /> 

<label> How are Kiosks/interactives accessible to disabled visitors?</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="accessible_kiosks"></textarea> <br /> 

<label> Where are the Kiosks/interactives located?</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="location_kiosks"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>What senses do they stimulate?</label> 
<select name="senses"> 
    <option value="Hearing">Hearing</option> 
    <option value="Sight">Sight</option> 
    <option value="Touch">Touch</option> 
    <option value="Smell">Smell</option> 
    <option value-"Taste">Taste</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> Are there videos with captions and audio descriptions?</label> 
<select name="videos_captions_audios"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> How many captioned or described videos are available?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="num_captioned_videos" /> <br /> 

<label> Where are the captioned or described videos located? </label> 
    <input type="text" name="location_captioned_videos" /> <br /> 

<label>Are there fixed point or portable audio guides or interpretation?</label> 
<select name="audio_guides"> 
    <option name="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option name="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>How many of these are available?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="num_audio_guides" /> <br /> 

<label>Where are they located?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="location_audio_guides" /> <br /> 

<label>Are transcripts of audio/video available?</label> 
<select name="transcripts"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>How many of these are available?</label> 
    <input type="text" name="num_transcripts" /> <br /> 

<label> Please give details </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="details_transcripts"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Do visitors/users have access to ICT equipment as part of their visit?</label> 
<select name="access_ict"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Are there height-adjustable tables and chairs?</label> 
<select name="tables_chairs"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>What size is the screen?</label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="screen_size"></textarea> <br /> 

<label>Are there monitors mounted on universal arms for viewing at any angle?</label> 
<select name="monitor_universal"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Is there a selection of mice, ketboards and joysticks with wired and wireless connection?</label> 
<select name="mice_keyboards_joysticks"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Are there standalone text to speech machines?<sup>*9</sup> </label> 
<select name="text_to_speech"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label> Description - Text to speech machines</label> 
<textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="text_to_speech_description"> </textarea> <br /> 

<label>Is there closed circuit TV magnification equipment with X-Y tables?*</label> 
<select name="closed_circuit_tv"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Is there an accessible Website?</label> 
<select name="website"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Tested by:</label> <input type="text" name="accessible_website_tester" /> <br /> 

<label>Have you carried out access testing with disabled website users?</label> 
<select name="access_testing"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Tested by:</label> <input type="text" name="accessible_testing_tester" /> <br /> 

<label>Can you easily increase font size?</label> 
<select name="font_size"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No<option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Are pictures and text described?</label> 
<select name="pictures_text_described"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Does this include downloadable resources in alternative formats?</label> 
<select name="downloadables"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Downloadbles - Description</label> <input type="text" name="downloadables_description" /> <br /> 

<label>Is there website available on-site?</label> 
<select name="website_onsite"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Where:</label> <input type="text" name="website_where" /> <br /> 

<label>Do you provide automatic page turners?</label> 
<select name="auto_page_turners"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>Add any other assistive technologies that you use to increase access</label> <input type="text" name="other_technologies" /> <br /> 

<label>Do you offer different assistive technologies?</label> 
<select name="other_different"> 
    <option value="Yes">Yes</option> 
    <option value="No">No</option> 
</select> <br /> <br /> 

<label>If yes, please list some examples<sup>*10</sup> </label> 
    <textarea cols="50" rows="4" name="other_different_examples"></textarea> <br /> 

<input class="button" type="submit" value="Save"> <br /> 

PHP Submit.php



$username = $_SESSION["SESS_NAME"]; 
$floorplans = $_POST["floorplans"]; 
$format = $_POST["format_specify"]; 
$videosbsl = $_POST["videos_bsl"]; 
$highlight = $_POST["highlight_not_accessible"]; 
$browsing = $_POST["browsing_service"]; 
$details = $_POST["more_details"]; 
$audio = $_POST["audio_system"]; 
$whereaudio = $_POST["where_audio"]; 
$textversion = $_POST["text_version"]; 
$textversiondesc = $_POST["text_version_description"]; 
$verbal = $_POST["verbal"]; 
$verbaldesc = $_POST["verbal_description"]; 
$tactile = $_POST["tactile"]; 
$tactiledesc = $_POST["tactile_description"]; 
$replicas = $_POST["replicas"]; 
$replicasdesc = $_POST["replicas_description"]; 
$daisy = $_POST["daisy"]; 
$daisydesc = $_POST["daisy_description"]; 
$cd = $_POST["cd"]; 
$cddesc = $_POST["cd_description"]; 
$dvd = $_POST["dvd"]; 
$dvddesc = $_POST["dvd_description"]; 
$raised = $_POST["raised_images"]; 
$raiseddesc = $_POST["raised_images_description"]; 
    $tape = $_POST["tape"]; 
$tapedesc = $_POST["tape_description"]; 
$other = $_POST["other_formats"]; 
$formatconv = $_POST["format_conversion"]; 
$fcdesc = $_POST["format_conversion_description"]; 
$kiosks = $_POST["kiosks"]; 
$numkiosks = $_POST["num_kiosks"]; 
$accesskiosks = $_POST["accessible_kiosks"]; 
$locationkiosks = $_POST["location_kiosks"]; 
$senses = $_POST["senses"]; 
    $vca = $_POST["videos_captions_audios"]; 
$numvca = $_POST["num_captioned_videos"]; 
$locvca = $_POST["location_captioned videos"]; 
$audioGuide = $_POST["audio_guides"]; 
$numAG = $_POST["num_audio_guides"]; 
$locAG = $_POST["location_audio_guides"]; 
$transcripts = $_POST["transcripts"]; 
$numtranscripts = $_POST["num_transcripts"]; 
$detailtranscripts = $_POST["details_transcripts"]; 
$accessICT = $_POST["access_ict"]; 
$tableschairs = $_POST["tables_chairs"]; 
$screensize = $_POST["screen_size"]; 
$monitors = $_POST["monitor_universal"]; 
$mkj = $_POST["mice_keyboards_joysticks"]; 
$textspeech = $_POST["text_to_speech"]; 
$textspeechdesc = $_POST["text_to_speech_description"]; 
$circutTV = $_POST["closed_circuit_tv"]; 
$website = $_POST["website"]; 
$tester = $_POST["accessible_website_tester"]; 
$accessTesting = $_POST["access_testing"]; 
$accessibleTester = $_POST["accessible_testing_tester"]; 
$fontsize = $_POST["font_size"]; 
$pictexts = $_POST["pictures_text_described"]; 
$downloadables = $_POST["downloadables"]; 
$downloadablesdesc = $_POST["downloadables_description"]; 
$webonsite = $_POST["website_onsite"]; 
$webwhere = $_POST["website_where"]; 
$pageturners = $_POST["auto_page_turners"]; 
$othertech = $_POST["other_technologies"]; 
$otherdiff = $_POST["other_different"]; 
$otherdiffeg = $_POST["other_different_examples"]; 
$systemaudio = $_POST["audio_system_type"]; 

$conn = pg_connect("db_string"); 

$user = pg_query("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE username='$username'"); 
$user_row = pg_fetch_assoc($user); 
$user_res = $user_row['s_id']; 
$check = pg_query("SELECT name FROM availability"); 
$num_rows = pg_num_rows($check); 

if($num_rows == 1) 
    $res = pg_query("UPDATE availability SET (floorplans_maps, formats, videos_with_bsl, highlight_not_accessible, browsing_collection_service, 
               more_detail, audio_system, where_audio_system, text_version, text_version_description, verbal, verbal_description, 
               tactile_models, tactile_models_description, replicas, replicas_description, daisy, daisy_description, cd, cd_description, dvd, dvd_description, raised_images, raised_images_descriptipon, tape, tape_description, 
               other_formats, format_conversion, format_conversion_description, kiosks, num_kiosks, accessible_kiosks, location_kiosks, senses, 
               video_captions_audio_description, num_captioned_videos, location_captioned_videos, audio_guides, num_audio_guides, location_audio_guides, 
               transcripts, num_transcripts, details_transcripts, access_to_ict, height_adjust_chairs, screen_size, monitor_universal_arms, mice_keyboards_joysticks, 
               text_to_speech_machines, text_to_speech_machines_description, closed_circuit_tv, accessible_website, accessible_website_tester, access_testing, access_testing_tester, 
               font_size_adjustment, pictures_text_described, downloadables_included, downloadables_description, website_onsite, website_where, auto_page_turner, other_technologies, 
               offer_different, offer_different_examples, type_audio_system) = 
               '$systemaudio') WHERE name='$user_res'"); 
elseif($num_rows == 0) 
    $res = pg_query("INSERT INTO availability (floorplans_maps, formats, videos_with_bsl, highlight_not_accessible, browsing_collection_service, 
               more_detail, audio_system, where_audio_system, text_version, text_version_description, verbal, verbal_description, 
               tactile_models, tactile_models_description, replicas, replicas_description, daisy, daisy_description, cd, cd_description, dvd, dvd_description, raised_images, raised_images_descriptipon, tape, tape_description, 
               other_formats, format_conversion, format_conversion_description, kiosks, num_kiosks, accessible_kiosks, location_kiosks, senses, 
               video_captions_audio_description, num_captioned_videos, location_captioned_videos, audio_guides, num_audio_guides, location_audio_guides, 
               transcripts, num_transcripts, details_transcripts, access_to_ict, height_adjust_chairs, screen_size, monitor_universal_arms, mice_keyboards_joysticks, 
               text_to_speech_machines, text_to_speech_machines_description, closed_circuit_tv, accessible_website, accessible_website_tester, access_testing, access_testing_tester, 
               font_size_adjustment, pictures_text_described, downloadables_included, downloadables_description, website_onsite, website_where, auto_page_turner, other_technologies, 
               offer_different, offer_different_examples, name, type_audio_system) VALUES (



Опять огромные извинения за то, как долго исходный код. Просто не могу понять ошибку.


Видимо Добавленный имеют несколько целевых столбцов то выражение. Я бы сказал, подсчитайте и сравните! – webmaster777


Используйте цикл, чтобы получить данные в переменной и проверить, действительно ли они существуют там, используя функцию isset. Двойная проверка, если вы передаете правильное количество имен столбцов и там соответствующее значение. Это швы проблемы. Опять же, используйте цикл DanielD –


Вы указали 66 полей для установки: 'floorplans_maps, formats, ... и т. Д. И т. Д. , но только 65 значений для них: ' '$ floorplans', '$ format' .... etc etc – MasNotsram



Это происходит потому, что вы пропустили запятую после записи «$ downloadablesdesc» в как.

Следовательно, подсчеты не совпадают:

'$downloadablesdesc' <-- should be a comma here 

Вы можете подтвердить это с помощью JSfiddle я построил, чтобы проверить:


Вставить эти (столбцы) в бокс слева:

floorplans_maps, formats, videos_with_bsl, highlight_not_accessible, browsing_collection_service,more_detail, audio_system, where_audio_system, text_version, text_version_description, verbal, verbal_description,tactile_models, tactile_models_description, replicas, replicas_description, daisy, daisy_description, cd, cd_description, dvd, dvd_description, raised_images, raised_images_descriptipon, tape, tape_description,other_formats, format_conversion, format_conversion_description, kiosks, num_kiosks, accessible_kiosks, location_kiosks, senses,video_captions_audio_description, num_captioned_videos, location_captioned_videos, audio_guides, num_audio_guides, location_audio_guides,transcripts, num_transcripts, details_transcripts, access_to_ict, height_adjust_chairs, screen_size, monitor_universal_arms, mice_keyboards_joysticks,text_to_speech_machines, text_to_speech_machines_description, closed_circuit_tv, accessible_website, accessible_website_tester, access_testing, access_testing_tester,font_size_adjustment, pictures_text_described, downloadables_included, downloadables_description, website_onsite, website_where, auto_page_turner, other_technologies,offer_different, offer_different_examples, type_audio_system 

И эти (ваши значения) В поле справа, и нажмите кнопку:


Это результат:

floorplans_maps -- '$floorplans' 
formats -- '$format' 
videos_with_bsl -- '$videosbsl' 
highlight_not_accessible -- '$highlight' 
browsing_collection_service -- '$browsing' 
more_detail -- '$details' 
audio_system -- '$audio' 
where_audio_system -- '$whereaudio' 
text_version -- '$textversion' 
text_version_description -- '$textversiondesc' 
verbal -- '$verbal' 
verbal_description -- '$verbaldesc' 
tactile_models -- '$tactile' 
tactile_models_description -- '$tactiledesc' 
replicas -- '$replicas' 
replicas_description -- '$replicasdesc' 
daisy -- '$daisy' 
daisy_description -- '$daisydesc' 
cd -- '$cd' 
cd_description -- '$cddesc' 
dvd -- '$dvd' 
dvd_description -- '$dvddesc' 
raised_images -- '$raised' 
raised_images_descriptipon -- '$raiseddesc' 
tape -- '$tape' 
tape_description -- '$tapedesc' 
other_formats -- '$other' 
format_conversion -- '$formatconv' 
format_conversion_description -- '$fcdesc' 
kiosks -- '$kiosks' 
num_kiosks -- '$numkiosks' 
accessible_kiosks -- '$accesskiosks' 
location_kiosks -- '$locationkiosks' 
senses -- '$senses' 
video_captions_audio_description -- '$vca' 
num_captioned_videos -- '$numvca' 
location_captioned_videos -- '$locvca' 
audio_guides -- '$audioGuide' 
num_audio_guides -- '$numAG' 
location_audio_guides -- '$locAG' 
transcripts -- '$transcripts' 
num_transcripts -- '$numtranscripts' 
details_transcripts -- '$detailtranscripts' 
access_to_ict -- '$accessICT' 
height_adjust_chairs -- '$tableschairs' 
screen_size -- '$screensize' 
monitor_universal_arms -- '$monitors' 
mice_keyboards_joysticks -- '$mkj' 
text_to_speech_machines -- '$textspeech' 
text_to_speech_machines_description -- '$textspeechdesc' 
closed_circuit_tv -- '$circutTV' 
accessible_website -- '$website' 
accessible_website_tester -- '$tester' 
access_testing -- '$accessTesting' 
access_testing_tester -- '$accessibleTester' 
font_size_adjustment -- '$fontsize' 
pictures_text_described -- '$pictexts' 
downloadables_included -- '$downloadables' 
downloadables_description -- '$downloadablesdesc' '$webonsite' 
website_onsite -- '$webwhere' 
website_where -- '$pageturners' 
auto_page_turner -- '$othertech' 
other_technologies -- '$otherdiff' 
offer_different -- '$otherdiffeg' 
offer_different_examples -- '$systemaudio' 
type_audio_system -- undefined 

Smashing помощник приветствия. Все, что мне нужно, это свежая пара глаз. +1 ура :) – WebDevDanno

Смежные вопросы