2015-09-01 2 views

EDIT Full Scripts: SoldierController Script (удалено несколько переменных из-за ограничения символов). Я объявила 1 новую переменную под названием DontMove и хочу, чтобы это вызывалось из сценария ElevatorOpen. Проблема, с которой я столкнулась, вызывает этот скрипт, даже если он установлен как статический и общедоступный.Невозможно вызвать или установить переменную из другого сценария в C#

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 


public class SoldierController : MonoBehaviour 
    #region Variables 

    public Transform gunPoint; 
    public GameObject bulletPrefab; 

    protected Animator animator; 
    private GameObject camera; 
    private Camera cam; 
    public GameObject splashFX; 
    public AudioClip gunShotSound; 

    //action variables 

    public static bool dontMove = false; 
    public float walkSpeed = 1.35f; 
    bool canwalk = true; 
    float moveSpeed; 
    public float runSpeed = 1f; 
    public float rotationSpeed = 20f; 
    bool isMoving = false; 
    public bool walking = true; 
    bool areWalking; 
    Vector3 newVelocity; 
    Vector3 inputVec; 

    //aiming/shooting variables 
    bool canAim; 
    bool canFire = true; 
    public bool aiming = true; 
    bool isAiming = false; 
    public bool grenading = true; 
    bool isGrenading; 
    bool canGrenade = true; 
    int weaponType = 0; 

    //Weapon Prefabs 
    GameObject pistol; 
    GameObject rifle; 
    GameObject launcher; 
    GameObject heavy; 


    #region Initialization 

    void Start() 
     canMove = true; 
     //dontMove = false; 
     //set the animator component 
     animator = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>(); 

     //sets the weight on any additional layers to 1 
     if (animator.layerCount >= 2) 
      animator.SetLayerWeight(1, 1); 

     //Get the camera 
     camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera"); 
     cam = camera.GetComponent<Camera>(); 

     //sets the Weapon to 1 in the animator 
     weaponType = 1; 
     StartCoroutine(COSwitchWeapon("Weapon", 1)); 


    #region Update 

    void Update() 
      x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); 
      //z = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); 
      inputVec = new Vector3(x, 0, z); 

     if (animator) 


      if (!isSwimming) //character can't do any actions while swimming 
       if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl) && canFire && cover != 1 && covering) 

       if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && canFire && cover != 1 && covering) 

       if (Input.GetButton("Fire2") && canAim && aiming) 
        isAiming = true; 
        isAiming = false; 


    #region Fixed/Late Updates 

    void FixedUpdate() 

     if (!isSwimming) //character is not swimming 
      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(0, gravity, 0, ForceMode.Acceleration); 

      if (aircontrol) 

      //check if we aren't in cover and can move 
      if (!covered && canMove) 
       if (canPushPull) 
        if (!isPushPulling) 
         moveSpeed = UpdateMovement(); //if we are not pushpull use normal movement speed 
         moveSpeed = PushPull(); //we are push pulling, use pushpullspeed 
        moveSpeed = UpdateMovement(); 
     else //character is swimming 
      moveSpeed = Swimming(); 

    void LateUpdate() 
     //Get local velocity of charcter 
     float velocityXel = transform.InverseTransformDirection(GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity).x; 
     float velocityZel = transform.InverseTransformDirection(GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity).z; 

     //Update animator with movement values 
     animator.SetFloat("Velocity X", velocityXel/runSpeed); 
     animator.SetFloat("Velocity Z", velocityZel/runSpeed); 

     //if we are moving, set our animator 
     if (moveSpeed > 0) 
      isMoving = true; 
      animator.SetBool("Moving", true); 
      isMoving = false; 
      animator.SetBool("Moving", false); 


    void RotateTowardsMovementDir() 
     // Rotation 
     if (inputVec != Vector3.zero && !isAiming) 
      transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(inputVec), Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed); 

    #region UpdateMovement 

    float UpdateMovement() 
     Vector3 motion = inputVec; 

     if (isGrounded) 
      //reduce input for diagonal movement 
      motion *= (Mathf.Abs(inputVec.x) == 1 && Mathf.Abs(inputVec.z) == 1) ? .7f : 1; 

      //apply velocity based on platform speed to prevent sliding 
      float platformVelocity = platformSpeed.magnitude * .4f; 
      Vector3 platformAdjust = platformSpeed * platformVelocity; 

      //set speed by walking/running 
      if (areWalking) 
       canAim = false; 

       //check if we are on a platform and if its animated, apply the platform's velocity 
       if (!platformAnimated) 
        newVelocity = motion * walkSpeed + platformAdjust; 
        newVelocity = motion * walkSpeed + platformAdjust; 
       //check if we are on a platform and if its animated, apply the platform's velocity 
       if (!platformAnimated) 
        newVelocity = motion * runSpeed + platformAdjust; 
        newVelocity = motion * runSpeed + platformSpeed; 
      //if we are falling use momentum 
      newVelocity = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity; 

     // limit velocity to x and z, by maintaining current y velocity: 
     newVelocity.y = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.y; 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = newVelocity; 

     if (!isAiming) 

     //if the right mouse button is held look at the mouse cursor 
     if (isAiming) 
      //make character point at mouse 
      Quaternion targetRotation; 
      float rotationSpeed = 40f; 
      Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; 
      mousePos = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, cam.transform.position.y - transform.position.y)); 
      targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(mousePos - new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z)); 
      transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.up * Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle(transform.eulerAngles.y, targetRotation.eulerAngles.y, (rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime) * rotationSpeed); 

     //calculate the rolling time 
     rollduration -= rolldamp; 

     if (rollduration > 0) 
      isRolling = true; 
      isRolling = false; 

     if (isRolling) 
      Vector3 localforward = transform.TransformDirection(0, 0, 1); 
      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = localforward * rollSpeed; 

     //return a movement value for the animator 
     return inputVec.magnitude; 


    #region AirControl 

    void AirControl() 
     float x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); 
     float z = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); 
     Vector3 inputVec = new Vector3(x, 0, z); 
     Vector3 motion = inputVec; 

     motion *= (Mathf.Abs(inputVec.x) == 1 && Mathf.Abs(inputVec.z) == 1) ? .7f : 1; 

     //allow some control the air 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(motion * inAirSpeed, ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     //limit the amount of velocity we can achieve 
     float velocityX = 0; 
     float velocityZ = 0; 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x > maxVelocity) 
      velocityX = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x - maxVelocity; 

      if (velocityX < 0) 
       velocityX = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(-velocityX, 0, 0), ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x < minVelocity) 
      velocityX = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x - minVelocity; 

      if (velocityX > 0) 
       velocityX = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(-velocityX, 0, 0), ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z > maxVelocity) 
      velocityZ = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z - maxVelocity; 

      if (velocityZ < 0) 
       velocityZ = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(0, 0, -velocityZ), ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z < minVelocity) 
      velocityZ = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z - minVelocity; 

      if (velocityZ > 0) 
       velocityZ = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(0, 0, -velocityZ), ForceMode.Acceleration); 


     #region Swimming 

    float Swimming() 
     Vector3 motion = inputVec; 

     motion *= (Mathf.Abs(inputVec.x) == 1 && Mathf.Abs(inputVec.z) == 1) ? .7f : 1; 

     //movement is using swimSpeed 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(motion * swimSpeed, ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     //limit the amount of velocity we can achieve 
     float velocityX = 0; 
     float velocityZ = 0; 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x > maxVelocity) 
      velocityX = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x - maxVelocity; 

      if (velocityX < 0) 
       velocityX = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(-velocityX, 0, 0), ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x < minVelocity) 
      velocityX = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x - minVelocity; 

      if (velocityX > 0) 
       velocityX = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(-velocityX, 0, 0), ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z > maxVelocity) 
      velocityZ = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z - maxVelocity; 

      if (velocityZ < 0) 
       velocityZ = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(0, 0, -velocityZ), ForceMode.Acceleration); 

     if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z < minVelocity) 
      velocityZ = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.z - minVelocity; 

      if (velocityZ > 0) 
       velocityZ = 0; 

      GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(0, 0, -velocityZ), ForceMode.Acceleration); 


     //return a movement value for the animator 
     return inputVec.magnitude; 


    #region PushPull 

    float PushPull() 
     //set bools 
     canAim = false; 
     canAbility = false; 
     canCover = false; 
     canFire = false; 
     canGrenade = false; 
     canItem = false; 
     canJump = false; 
     canMelee = false; 
     canReload = false; 
     canRoll = false; 
     canSignal = false; 
     canwalk = false; 
     isPushPulling = true; 

     animator.SetBool("PushPull", true); 

     Vector3 motion = inputVec; 

     //reduce input for diagonal movement 
     motion *= (Mathf.Abs(inputVec.x) == 1 && Mathf.Abs(inputVec.z) == 1) ? .7f : 1; 

     //movement is using pushpull speed 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = motion * pushPullSpeed; 

     //return a movement value for the animator 
     return inputVec.magnitude; 


    #region Grounding 

    void CheckForGrounded() 
     float distanceToGround; 
     float threshold = .45f; 
     RaycastHit hit; 

     Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, .4f, 0); 
     if (Physics.Raycast((transform.position + offset), -Vector3.up, out hit, 100f)) 
      distanceToGround = hit.distance; 

      if (distanceToGround < threshold) 
       isGrounded = true; 

       //moving platforms 
       if (hit.transform.tag == "Platform") 
        //get platform script from collided platform 
        Platform platformScript = hit.transform.GetComponent<Platform>(); 

        //check if the platform is moved with physics or if it is animated and get velocity from it 
        if (platformScript.animated) 
         platformSpeed = platformScript.velocity; 
         platformAnimated = true; 

        if (!platformScript.animated) 
         platformSpeed = hit.transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity; 

        //get the platform rotation to pass into our character when they are on a platform 
        platformFacing = hit.transform.rotation; 
        //if we are not on a platform, reset platform variables 
        platformSpeed = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); 
        platformFacing.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); 
        Platform platformScript = null; 
        float platformVelocity = 0f; 
       isGrounded = false; 


    #region Cover 

    void CoverUpdate() 
     if (covering && !isSwimming) 
      //check if we press cover button 
      if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cover") && canCover && !covered) 
       //set variables 
       animator.SetBool("Moving", false); 
       isMoving = false; 

       animator.SetBool("Moving", false); 
       covered = true; 
       canReload = true; 
       canCover = false; 
       canItem = false; 
       canMelee = false; 
       canFire = false; 
       canItem = false; 
       canGrenade = false; 
       canJump = false; 
       cover = 1; 
       animator.SetInteger("Cover", 1); 
       GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); 
       //if we are already in cover and press the cover button, get out of cover 
       if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cover") && covered == true) 
        //set the animation back to idle 
        animator.SetInteger("Cover", 3); 

        //set variables 
        cover = 0; 
        covered = false; 
        canCover = true; 
        canAbility = true; 
        canAim = true; 
        canItem = true; 
        canGrenade = true; 
        canFire = true; 


    #region Jumping 

    void JumpingUpdate() 
     if (!isSwimming) //if character is not swimming 
      //If the character is on the ground 
      if (isGrounded) 
       //set the animation back to idle 
       animator.SetInteger("Jumping", 0); 

       //set variables 
       jumped = false; 

       //check if we press jump button 
       if (canJump && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && cover != 1) 
        // Apply the current movement to launch velocity 
        GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity += jumpSpeed * Vector3.up; 

        //set variables 
        animator.SetInteger("Jumping", 2); 
       //set bools 
       canDoubleJump = true; 

       if (!falling && !jumped) 
        //set the animation back to idle 
        animator.SetInteger("Jumping", 2); 
        falling = true; 

       //if double jumping is allowed and jump is pressed, do a double jump 
       if (canDoubleJump && doublejumping && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && doublejumped != true && doublejumping) 
        // Apply the current movement to launch velocity 
        GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity += doublejumpSpeed * Vector3.up; 

        //set the animation to double jump 
        animator.SetInteger("Jumping", 3); 

        //set variables 
        canJump = false; 
        doublejumped = true; 
        isJumping = true; 
        falling = false; 
        jumped = false; 
     else //characer is swimming 
      //check if we press jump button 
      if (canSwim && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) 
       if (x != 0 || z != 0) //if the character movement input is not 0, swim in facing direction 
        // Apply the current movement to launch velocity 
        GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity += swimBurstSpeed * transform.forward; 
       else //we are not trying to move the character, jump up 
        // Apply the current movement to launch velocity 
        GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = jumpSpeed * Vector3.up; 

        //set variables 
        canJump = false; 
        isJumping = true; 
        canDoubleJump = true; 
        jumped = true; 
        animator.SetInteger("Jumping", 2); 


    #region Misc Methods 

    void Rolling() 
     covered = false; 
     canCover = false; 
     cover = 0; 
     animator.SetInteger("Cover", 0); 
     isRolling = true; 

    void Fire() 
     (Instantiate(bulletPrefab, gunPoint.position, transform.root.rotation) as GameObject).GetComponent<BulletController>().damage = 20; 

    IEnumerator WeaponCooldown() 
     canFire = false; 
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); 
     canFire = true; 

    void Ability() 

    void Item() 

    void Grenade() 
     isGrenading = true; 

    void Reload() 
     isReloading = true; 

    void Signal() 

    void Melee() 
     isMelee = true; 

    void Pain() 

    //plays a random death# animation between 1-3 
    void Death() 
     //stop character movement 
     animator.SetBool("Moving", true); 
     isMoving = false; 
     int deathnumber = 5; 
     animator.SetInteger("Death", deathnumber); 


    #region CORoutines 

    //function to play a one shot animation 
    public IEnumerator COPlayOneShot(string paramName) 
     animator.SetBool(paramName, true); 
     yield return null; 
     animator.SetBool(paramName, false); 

    //function to switch weapons 
    public IEnumerator COSwitchWeapon(string weaponname, int weaponnumber) 
     //sets Weapon to 0 first to reset 
     animator.SetInteger(weaponname, 0); 
     yield return null; 
     yield return null; 
     animator.SetInteger(weaponname, weaponnumber); 

    //function to reload 
    public IEnumerator COReload(int weapon) 
     //sets Weapon to 0 first to reset 
     animator.SetBool("Reload", true); 
     yield return null; 
     animator.SetBool("Reload", false); 
     float wait = 0; 

     if (weaponType == 1 || weaponType == 2) 
      wait = 1.85f; 

     if (weaponType == 3 || weaponType == 4) 
      wait = 3f; 

     yield return new WaitForSeconds(wait); 
     isReloading = false; 

    //function to grenade 
    IEnumerator COGrenade() 
     //sets Weapon to 0 first to reset 
     animator.SetBool("Grenade", true); 
     yield return null; 
     animator.SetBool("Grenade", false); 
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); 
     isGrenading = false; 

    //function to Melee 
    IEnumerator COMelee() 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); 
     canMove = false; 
     isMoving = false; 
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(.7f); 
     isMelee = false; 
     canMove = true; 

    IEnumerator COKnockback() 
     return null; 

    public IEnumerator CODazed() 
     Debug.Log("Cant Move"); 
     canMove = false; 
     canFire = false; 
     canAim = false; 
     canJump = false; 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); 
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f); 
     GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); 
     canMove = true; 
     canFire = true; 
     canAim = true; 
     canJump = true; 


    #region WeaponSwitching 

    void WeaponSwitch() 

     if (weaponType == 1) 
      //enables pistol, disables other weapons 
      StartCoroutine(COSwitchWeapon("Weapon", 1)); 

     if (weaponType == 2) 
      //enables rifle, disables other weapons 
      StartCoroutine(COSwitchWeapon("Weapon", 2)); 

     if (weaponType == 3) 
      //enables launcher, disables other weapons 
      StartCoroutine(COSwitchWeapon("Weapon", 3)); 

     if (weaponType == 4) 
      //enables heavy, disables other weapons 
      StartCoroutine(COSwitchWeapon("Weapon", 4)); 

     if (weaponType == 5) 
      //enables pistol, disables other weapons 
      StartCoroutine(COSwitchWeapon("Weapon", 1)); 
      weaponType = 1; 



И, наконец, сценарий elevatorOPen:

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class ElevatorOpen : MonoBehaviour 
    private Animator animator; 
    public AudioClip ElevatorBing; 

    void Awake() 
     animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); 

    void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) 
     if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { 
      animator.SetInteger ("Open", 1); 
    void OnTriggerExit (Collider other) 
     if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { 
      animator.SetInteger ("Open", 0); 
      SoldierController.dontMove = true; 


нижний должен работать ... какая ошибка у вас с этим? – maksymiuk


Hi Andrew, Я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке: 'SoldierController 'не содержит определения для' dontMove' –


У вас, вероятно, есть еще одна ошибка. –



Это было адресовано. Это ошибка с бета-версией Unity 5 - рассказала члену персонала, который предоставил мне последнюю версию Unity, которая исправила проблему.

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