2015-04-13 3 views

Почему моя программа останавливается в этой точке? Я хочу создать функцию, которая выводит баланс после усугубляются интерес, но по какой-то причине, он не печатает ... Это то, что у меня есть:Тема 1: Точка останова 3.1?

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <math.h> 

int printBalance(double initial, double interest, double years); 
int main() { 
    double initial, interest, i, years; 
    printf("Enter initial deposit: "); 
    scanf("%lf", &initial); 
    printf("Enter percent interest rate: "); 
    scanf("%lf", &interest); 
    printf("Enter the number of years: "); 
    scanf("%lf", &years); 
    for (i = 0; i < years; i++) { 
     printBalance(initial, interest, i); 

int printBalance(double initial, double interest, double years) { 
    double balance; 
    balance = initial * (pow((1 + interest/100), years)); 
    printf("%lf", balance); 
    return 0; 



Рассмотрим следующее.

/* This program calculates the balance after compound interest. The user is 
* prompted to enter an initial amount, percent interest, and a number of 
* years. This program outputs the year number, principal amount at the 
* start of that year, the amount compounded, and the balance after the 
* compounding. */ 

#include <stdio.h>      //includes input/output library 
#include <stdlib.h>      //includes general purpose functions 
#include <math.h>      //includes math functions 
#include <string.h>      //includes string operations 

void printBalance();     //enables printBalance function 
int main() {       //main function 
    while (1) {       //infinite loop--never leave main 
     char x[1];      //initializes 1-character string x 
     do {       //do-while loop: do 'this' while 
             //'these conditions apply; 
      printBalance();    //invokes printBalance function-- 
              call by reference 
      printf("\nTry again? Y or N? "); 
      scanf("%s", x);    //prompt user to input character 
              into x 
     while (strcmp(x, "Y") == 0); //if the difference of the ASCII 
              values of x and "Y" is 0, 
              reiterate the loop 
     return 0; 

void printBalance() {     //create printBalance function 
    int i;        //initialize integer i and the 
              following doubles 
    double initial, interest, years, temp, ci, cii, balance; 
    printf("Enter initial deposit: "); 
    scanf("%lf", &initial);    //prompt user to input initial 
    printf("Enter percent interest rate: "); 
    scanf("%lf", &interest);   //prompt user to input percent 
    printf("Enter the number of years: "); 
    scanf("%lf", &years);    //prompt user to imput number of 
    printf("\nYear\t\tInitial\t\tCompound Interest\t\tBalance\n"); 
    temp = initial;      //create temporary variable as a 
    for (i = 1; i <= years + 1; i++) { //print compounded value for each 
              year iterated 
     ci = initial * (pow((1 + interest/100), years)-1); 
     balance = initial * pow((1 + interest/100), i); 
     cii = balance - temp;   //another mask variable 
     printf("%d\t\t\t%.2lf\t\t%.2lf\t\t\t\t\t%.2lf\n", i, temp, cii, 
     temp = balance; 
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