2015-05-12 6 views

Я искал способ обеспечить CSRF-Protection в моем Quickform2.PEAR QuickForm2 CSRF Protection

Я нашел это link, но это для QuickForm1.

Любые идеи, как я могу приспособить это к QF2?





После некоторых пустячный вокруг я пришел к этому решению.

Может быть, это помогает кто-то другой, а также:


* @uses HTML_QuickForm 
* @desc Add automatic CSRF mitigation to all forms by incorporating a token that must be matched in the session and forcing the use of POST method 
* Based on: http://www.zapoyok.info/2010/07/17/csrf-et-quickform-de-pear/ 
require_once "QuickForm2.php"; 

class HTML_QuickForm2s extends HTML_QuickForm2 
    * @property string $_sessionTokenKey The name of the session variable containing the token 
    private $_sessionTokenKey; 

    * @method __construct 
    * @desc Override the method to always use post and pass it on to the parent constructor. Create a session key for the token based on the form name. 
    * @param $id 
    * @param string $method 
    * @param mixed $attributes 
    * @param boolean $trackSubmit 
    public function __construct($id, $method = 'post', $attributes = null, $trackSubmit = true) 
     $this->_sessionTokenKey = "QuickForm2s_" . md5($id); 

     parent::__construct($id, $method, $attributes, $trackSubmit); 

     //A token hasn't been created so do so 
     if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->_sessionTokenKey])) { 
      $_SESSION[$this->_sessionTokenKey] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true) . session_id()); //requires the session id to be known in order to add extra difficulty to compromising 

     //Hide the token at the end of the form 
     $this->addElement("hidden", "qfS_csrf"); 

     $qfsCsrf= $this->getElementsByName('qfS_csrf'); 

    * @method validate 
    * @desc Check if the passed token matches the session before allowing validation 
    * @return boolean 
    public function validate() 
     $submitValues = $this->getValue(); 

     //The token was not passed or does not match 
     if (!isset($submitValues['qfS_csrf']) || $submitValues['qfS_csrf'] != $_SESSION[$this->_sessionTokenKey]) { 
      $this->setError("Anti-CSRF token does not match"); 

     return parent::validate(); 
