2016-04-12 4 views

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Ian Morgan Kettell 

<h1>Ian's Hobbies! </h1> 


<a href="movies.html">Learn about Ian's Favorite Actors and Movies!</a> 
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Ian Morgan Kettell 
My Favorite Movies 
     Promised Land 
    The movies I chose were Promised Land starring Matt Damon, Flight starring Denzel Washington, and Taken starring Liam Neeson. Even though I have an endless 
    list of favorite movies these are by far my top 3. I like them because I like movies I can learn things from. For instance; Promised Land is a film about 
    oil companies fighting to buy land from farmers to frack the land to find oil. It shows both sides of the process of how they convince people and I found 
    it extremely interesting. 
    My Favorite Actors 
     Matt Damon 
     Denzel Washington 
     Liam Neeson 
    If I had to choose my favorite actors my top 3 would be Matt Damon, Denzel Washington, and Liam Neeson. I think Denzel Washington is my favorite actor of 
    all time. He has been an actor since the year 1981 when he made his debut apperance in the comedy A Carbon Copy.He is best known for Philadelphia Man, Man 
    on Fire, The Book Of Eli, American Gangster, and Flight.In recent years he has starred in action movies. Some of my favorite movies he's in are Inside Man, 
    Out of Time and The Book Of Eli, these are all kind of action dramas. 

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