2016-02-22 2 views

Стипендиаты У меня есть выпускная печать Верхние и нижние колонтитулы с использованием TCPDF.TCPDF Adobe не отображает Верхние и нижние колонтитулы

Классы, которые печатает PDF являются:

class MyPdf extends Pdf 
    private $eventid=null; 

    function __construct($event_id,$config=null) 


    function Header() 
      $this->Cell(0,9,'eventid: '.$this->eventid); 

    function Footer() 


     $this->Cell(0,9,'Powered By Ecampole.com INC ',0,0,'C'); 




И библиотека PDF:



    class Pdf extends TCPDF 

     //private $fa=null; 

     private $faPath='fontawesomewebfont'; 

     *@param $params {Array} Parameters fo the Library. 
     *      It must have the following: 
     *      *)orientation: 'P' for portrait 'L' for landscape by default is 'L' 
     *      *)unit: 'pt' for points please google and look for more options in this parameter 
     *      *)page: The type of page you want eg. A4, A3 etc etc. 
     public function __construct($params) 

     $orientation= isset($params['orientation'])?$params['orientation']:'P';//By default portrait landscaping 
     parent::__construct($orientation,$unit,$page,true, 'UTF-8', false); 

     //$fa=(isset($params['fa']) && file_exists($params['fa']))?$params['fa']:FA_PATH.'fontawesome-webfont.ttf'; 

     //$this->fa=$this->addTTFfont($fa,'TrueTypeUnicode', '', 32,FA_PATH); 
     /*Font setting in order to show UTF-8*/ 

     /*public function getFontAwesome() 
     return $this->fa; 

     public function getFontAwesome2() 
     return $this->faPath; 

     public function getHeight() 
     return $this->h; 

     public function getWidth() 
     return $this->w; 

     public function bMargin_() 
     return $this->bMargin; 

     *We declare it as blank function because by defauld it renders an unwanted black line 
     public function Header() 


     *We declare it as blank function because by defauld it renders an unwanted black line 
     public function Footer() 
     $CI= & get_instance(); 



     $text_size=$this->GetStringWidth('Powered By Example.com INC'); 
      $this->Cell(0,9,'Powered By Example.com INC',0,0,'C'); 



     *Calculate How much height we have 
     public function spaceleft_() 
     return $this->getHeight() - $this->GetY() - $this->bMargin_(); 

     *It auto breaks the page if remaining space 
     *is less that $bias*total_height of the page 
     *@param $bias {Float} A floating number betrween 0 and 1. 
     *      0 equals for 0% 1 equals for 100% 
     *      eg. 0.4 equals 40% of the total height 
     public function magic_break($bias=0.4) 

     *Sets The Draw Color Back to Black 
     public function resetDrawColor() 
     $this->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); 

     *Sets The fill Color Back to White 
     public function resetFillColor() 
     $this->setFillColor(255, 255, 255); 

     *Calculate the image size from pixels to points 
     *@param $image {String} The url or the path of the image 
     *@param $bias {Int} A scale factor for the image if 0 it does not scale the image. 
     *@return {Array} With the $width and $height of the Image 
     public function image_size($image,$bias=4) 



     return array($image_width,$image_height); 

     *Converts the image width and image Height to points 
     *@param $image_width {Int} The width of the Image in pixels 
     *@param $image_height {Int} The height of the image in pixels 
     *@param $bias {Int} A scale factor for the image if 0 it does not scale the image. 
     *@return {Array} With the $width and $height of the Image 
     public function fix_size($image_width,$image_height,$bias=0) 


     return array($image_width,$image_height); 

И код, который рисует Pdf является:

    defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); 

    error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); 

    * Class for Setting The Header and Footer 
    class MyPdf extends Pdf 
     private $eventid=null; 

     function __construct($event_id,$config=null) 


     function Header() 
       $this->Cell(0,9,'eventid: '.$this->eventid); 

     function Footer() 


      $this->Cell(0,9,'Powered By Conferience',0,0,'C'); 




    $pdf new MyPdf($data['header']); 

    $pdf->SetCreator('Example.com INC',true); 


    /* Add the first Page */ 

    /*####################### Size Metrics ###########################*/ 
    //Calculate the hald Width 
    //Bootstap like Grid set the Column Size 


Но для некоторых Причина evincew на linux показывает верхний и нижний колонтитулы, в то время как Firefox и Adobe 9.0 Professional на окнах их не показывают. Также Firefox не показывает нижний колонтитул.

У вас есть идеи, почему это происходит?



TCPDF имеет свою функцию для обработки верхних и нижних колонтитулов. Вы можете легко использовать TCPDF::setHeaderData() и TCPDF::setFooterData().


Я их до сих пор, когда печатаю их Я не вижу верхний и нижний колонтитулы –

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