2015-10-28 4 views

У меня есть тег раздела, в котором у меня есть 4 столбца, я хочу, чтобы мой столбец был встроенным блоком, я пытаюсь, но не сделал это правильно. Заголовок моей колонкеРаздел, который должен быть встроенным блоком

  • до 365 дней/год
  • доставленных witin секунд
  • 100% Orignal
  • Order ничего.
    Я хочу, чтобы они были встроенным блоком или в виде сетки. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что я делаю неправильно.

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        <img src="resources/img/logo--color.png" alt="Musica logo" class="logo"> 
        <ul class="main-nav"> 
         <li><a href="#">Music Delievery</a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">How it works</a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">Our Clients</a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">Sign up</a></li> 
      <div class="hero-text-box"> 
       <h1>Life is the Song.<br> Love is the Music.</h1> 
       <a class="btn btn-full" href="#">Listen </a> 
       <a class="btn btn-ghost" href="#">Show me more</a> 
     <section class="section-features"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <h2>Get Your Music</h2> 
       <p class="long-copy"> 
        Hello, we're Musica, your premium music delivery service. We know you care for Music. So let us make you relax, we're really good at it, we promise! 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-infinite-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>Up to 365 days/year</h3> 
        We really mean that. Our subscrition plan include up to 365 days/year coverage. You can also choose to order more flexibly if that's your style. 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-stopwatch-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>Delivered witin seconds</h3> 
        Your are only seconds away from Music. We work with the best music directors in each town to ensure that you're 100% happy. 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-play-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>100% Orignal</h3> 
        All our music is orignal and produced by Musica. We take responsibility if it has been pirated. 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-cart-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>Order anything</h3> 
        We don't limit your creativity, which means you can order wahtever you feel like. You can also choose from our catalougue containing over 20 genres. It's up to you! 



Почему бы не использовать поплавок: левый? Кроме того, не забудьте установить ширину. Обратите внимание, что класс I был изменен .span-1-of-4

Возможно, я также попробую систему сетки бутстрапа, чтобы ваша страница была более совместима с разными размерами экрана! См http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid

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    color: #2ecc71; 

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    color: #fff; 

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.span-1-of-4 { 
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       <div class="row"> 
        <img src="resources/img/logo--color.png" alt="Musica logo" class="logo"> 
        <ul class="main-nav"> 
         <li><a href="#">Music Delievery</a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">How it works</a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">Our Clients</a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">Sign up</a></li> 
      <div class="hero-text-box"> 
       <h1>Life is the Song.<br> Love is the Music.</h1> 
       <a class="btn btn-full" href="#">Listen </a> 
       <a class="btn btn-ghost" href="#">Show me more</a> 
     <section class="section-features"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <h2>Get Your Music</h2> 
       <p class="long-copy"> 
        Hello, we're Musica, your premium music delivery service. We know you care for Music. So let us make you relax, we're really good at it, we promise! 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-infinite-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>Up to 365 days/year</h3> 
        We really mean that. Our subscrition plan include up to 365 days/year coverage. You can also choose to order more flexibly if that's your style. 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-stopwatch-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>Delivered witin seconds</h3> 
        Your are only seconds away from Music. We work with the best music directors in each town to ensure that you're 100% happy. 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-play-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>100% Orignal</h3> 
        All our music is orignal and produced by Musica. We take responsibility if it has been pirated. 
       <div class="col span-1-of-4 box"> 
        <i class="ion-ios-cart-outline icon-big"></i> 
        <h3>Order anything</h3> 
        We don't limit your creativity, which means you can order wahtever you feel like. You can also choose from our catalougue containing over 20 genres. It's up to you! 

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