2012-06-22 5 views

У меня есть gridview, который я конвертирую в PDF с iTextSharp. Я следую методу в этом post.Gridview Templatefield в PDF с помощью iTextSharp

Поскольку я использую VB.net, я изменил весь код на C#, но у меня были проблемы с одной строкой.

if (gvReport.Columns[columnNo] is TemplateField) 

Я не знаю, как написать эту строку в vb.net, и как у меня есть несколько templatefields в моей GridView (для форматирования), они отображаются как пробел в PDF.

Если у кого-то есть идеи, было бы весьма полезно.



Вы всегда можете использовать этот сайт: http://converter.telerik.com/

If TypeOf gvReport.Columns(columnNo) Is TemplateField Then 

На самом деле, здесь является то, что весь метод для вас:

Protected Sub ExportToPDF(gvReport As GridView, LandScape As Boolean) 
Dim noOfColumns As Integer = 0, noOfRows As Integer = 0 
Dim tbl As DataTable = Nothing 

If gvReport.AutoGenerateColumns Then 
    tbl = TryCast(gvReport.DataSource, DataTable) 
    ' Gets the DataSource of the GridView Control. 
    noOfColumns = tbl.Columns.Count 
    noOfRows = tbl.Rows.Count 
    noOfColumns = gvReport.Columns.Count 
    noOfRows = gvReport.Rows.Count 
End If 

Dim HeaderTextSize As Single = 8 
Dim ReportNameSize As Single = 10 
Dim ReportTextSize As Single = 8 
Dim ApplicationNameSize As Single = 7 

' Creates a PDF document 

Dim document As Document = Nothing 
If LandScape = True Then 
    ' Sets the document to A4 size and rotates it so that the  orientation of the page is Landscape. 
    document = New Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate(), 0, 0, 15, 5) 
    document = New Document(PageSize.A4, 0, 0, 15, 5) 
End If 

' Creates a PdfPTable with column count of the table equal to no of columns of the gridview or gridview datasource. 
Dim mainTable As New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(noOfColumns) 

' Sets the first 4 rows of the table as the header rows which will be repeated in all the pages. 
mainTable.HeaderRows = 4 

' Creates a PdfPTable with 2 columns to hold the header in the exported PDF. 
Dim headerTable As New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(2) 

' Creates a phrase to hold the application name at the left hand side of the header. 
Dim phApplicationName As New Phrase("Sample Application", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", ApplicationNameSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)) 

' Creates a PdfPCell which accepts a phrase as a parameter. 
Dim clApplicationName As New PdfPCell(phApplicationName) 
' Sets the border of the cell to zero. 
clApplicationName.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER 
' Sets the Horizontal Alignment of the PdfPCell to left. 
clApplicationName.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT 

' Creates a phrase to show the current date at the right hand side of the header. 
Dim phDate As New Phrase(DateTime.Now.[Date].ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", ApplicationNameSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)) 

' Creates a PdfPCell which accepts the date phrase as a parameter. 
Dim clDate As New PdfPCell(phDate) 
' Sets the Horizontal Alignment of the PdfPCell to right. 
clDate.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT 
' Sets the border of the cell to zero. 
clDate.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER 

' Adds the cell which holds the application name to the headerTable. 
' Adds the cell which holds the date to the headerTable. 
' Sets the border of the headerTable to zero. 
headerTable.DefaultCell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER 

' Creates a PdfPCell that accepts the headerTable as a parameter and then adds that cell to the main PdfPTable. 
Dim cellHeader As New PdfPCell(headerTable) 
cellHeader.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER 
' Sets the column span of the header cell to noOfColumns. 
cellHeader.Colspan = noOfColumns 
' Adds the above header cell to the table. 

' Creates a phrase which holds the file name. 
Dim phHeader As New Phrase("Sample Export", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", ReportNameSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD)) 
Dim clHeader As New PdfPCell(phHeader) 
clHeader.Colspan = noOfColumns 
clHeader.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER 
clHeader.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER 

' Creates a phrase for a new line. 
Dim phSpace As New Phrase(vbLf) 
Dim clSpace As New PdfPCell(phSpace) 
clSpace.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER 
clSpace.Colspan = noOfColumns 

' Sets the gridview column names as table headers. 
For i As Integer = 0 To noOfColumns - 1 
    Dim ph As Phrase = Nothing 

    If gvReport.AutoGenerateColumns Then 
     ph = New Phrase(tbl.Columns(i).ColumnName, FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", HeaderTextSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD)) 
     ph = New Phrase(gvReport.Columns(i).HeaderText, FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", HeaderTextSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD)) 
    End If 


' Reads the gridview rows and adds them to the mainTable 
For rowNo As Integer = 0 To noOfRows - 1 
    For columnNo As Integer = 0 To noOfColumns - 1 
     If gvReport.AutoGenerateColumns Then 
      Dim s As String = gvReport.Rows(rowNo).Cells(columnNo).Text.Trim() 
      Dim ph As New Phrase(s, FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", ReportTextSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)) 
      If TypeOf gvReport.Columns(columnNo) Is TemplateField Then 
       Dim lc As DataBoundLiteralControl = TryCast(gvReport.Rows(rowNo).Cells(columnNo).Controls(0), DataBoundLiteralControl) 
       Dim s As String = lc.Text.Trim() 
       Dim ph As New Phrase(s, FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", ReportTextSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)) 
       Dim s As String = gvReport.Rows(rowNo).Cells(columnNo).Text.Trim() 
       Dim ph As New Phrase(s, FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", ReportTextSize, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)) 
      End If 
     End If 

    ' Tells the mainTable to complete the row even if any cell is left incomplete. 

' Gets the instance of the document created and writes it to the output stream of the Response object. 
PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, Response.OutputStream) 

' Creates a footer for the PDF document. 
Dim pdfFooter As New HeaderFooter(New Phrase(), True) 
pdfFooter.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER 
pdfFooter.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER 

' Sets the document footer to pdfFooter. 
document.Footer = pdfFooter 
' Opens the document. 
' Adds the mainTable to the document. 
' Closes the document. 

Response.ContentType = "application/pdf" 
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename= SampleExport.pdf") 

End Sub


Этот конвертер будет очень полезно в будущее, оно точно фиксировало то, что я искал. К сожалению, в этом операторе If появилась еще одна ошибка. Попытка исправить, иначе я отправлю еще один вопрос. благодаря –