2015-02-04 3 views

Здесь две модели с отношением друг к другу.действительно ли Sails js заполняет ассоциацию автоматически?


module.exports = { 
    attributes: { 
    ... (some attributes) 
     model: "user" 


module.exports = { 
    attributes: { 
     ... (some attributes) 
     collection: "video", 
     via: "createdBy" 

И я использую blueprints.js запрашивать данные парусов. Если я правильно понял, вы можете включить или отключить автопопуляцию в config/blueprints.js (fillulate: ture), который я отключил. Но когда я прошу GET /video/1, например, он дал мне густонаселенные данные следующим образом:

    "createdBy": { 
    "user_type": 3, 
    "id": 5, 
    "createdAt": "2015-01-21T03:36:04.832Z", 
    "updatedAt": "2015-02-03T04:35:02.671Z" 
    "title": "test video", 
    "url": "http://localhost", 
    "description": "testing submission", 
    "view": 102, 
    "id": 5, 
    "createdAt": "2015-02-03T01:16:20.640Z", 
    "updatedAt": "2015-02-03T04:34:26.726Z" 

CreatedBy поле, где я считаю, что должна быть только идентификатор пользователя. Это ожидаемое поведение, даже если автоматическое заполнение отключено в blueprints.js?


Остается ли таким же способом, если вы запустите его в режиме 'production'? – r0hitsharma


Я еще не тестировал с производством, еще находясь в процессе разработки – REALFREE


, какую базу данных вы используете? Вы пытались запустить db-запрос в таблице видео, чтобы узнать, что именно хранится? –



вы можете настроить это с помощью config/blueprints.js. вам нужно только изменить «найти», не комментировать его и установить как «ложь».

* Blueprint API Configuration 
* (sails.config.blueprints) 
* These settings are for the global configuration of blueprint routes and 
* request options (which impact the behavior of blueprint actions). 
* You may also override any of these settings on a per-controller basis 
* by defining a '_config' key in your controller definition, and assigning it 
* a configuration object with overrides for the settings in this file. 
* A lot of the configuration options below affect so-called "CRUD methods", 
* or your controllers' `find`, `create`, `update`, and `destroy` actions. 
* It's important to realize that, even if you haven't defined these yourself, as long as 
* a model exists with the same name as the controller, Sails will respond with built-in CRUD 
* logic in the form of a JSON API, including support for sort, pagination, and filtering. 
* For more information on the blueprint API, check out: 
* http://sailsjs.org/#!/documentation/reference/blueprint-api 
* For more information on the settings in this file, see: 
* http://sailsjs.org/#!/documentation/reference/sails.config/sails.config.blueprints.html 

module.exports.blueprints = { 

    *                   * 
    * Action routes speed up the backend development workflow by    * 
    * eliminating the need to manually bind routes. When enabled, GET, POST, * 
    * PUT, and DELETE routes will be generated for every one of a controller's * 
    * actions.                 * 
    *                   * 
    * If an `index` action exists, additional naked routes will be created for * 
    * it. Finally, all `actions` blueprints support an optional path   * 
    * parameter, `id`, for convenience.          * 
    *                   * 
    * `actions` are enabled by default, and can be OK for production--   * 
    * however, if you'd like to continue to use controller/action autorouting * 
    * in a production deployment, you must take great care not to    * 
    * inadvertently expose unsafe/unintentional controller logic to GET  * 
    * requests.                * 
    *                   * 

    // actions: true, 

    *                   * 
    * RESTful routes (`sails.config.blueprints.rest`)       * 
    *                   * 
    * REST blueprints are the automatically generated routes Sails uses to  * 
    * expose a conventional REST API on top of a controller's `find`,   * 
    * `create`, `update`, and `destroy` actions.        * 
    *                   * 
    * For example, a BoatController with `rest` enabled generates the   * 
    * following routes:              * 
    * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     * 
    * GET /boat -> BoatController.find          * 
    * GET /boat/:id -> BoatController.findOne         * 
    * POST /boat -> BoatController.create          * 
    * PUT /boat/:id -> BoatController.update         * 
    * DELETE /boat/:id -> BoatController.destroy        * 
    *                   * 
    * `rest` blueprint routes are enabled by default, and are suitable for use * 
    * in a production scenario, as long you take standard security precautions * 
    * (combine w/ policies, etc.)            * 
    *                   * 

    // rest: true, 

    *                   * 
    * Shortcut routes are simple helpers to provide access to a    * 
    * controller's CRUD methods from your browser's URL bar. When enabled,  * 
    * GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routes will be generated for the    * 
    * controller's`find`, `create`, `update`, and `destroy` actions.   * 
    *                   * 
    * `shortcuts` are enabled by default, but should be disabled in   * 
    * production.                * 
    *                   * 

    // shortcuts: true, 

    *                   * 
    * An optional mount path for all blueprint routes on a controller,   * 
    * including `rest`, `actions`, and `shortcuts`. This allows you to take * 
    * advantage of blueprint routing, even if you need to namespace your API * 
    * methods.                 * 
    *                   * 
    * (NOTE: This only applies to blueprint autoroutes, not manual routes from * 
    * `sails.config.routes`)             * 
    *                   * 

    // prefix: '', 

    *                   * 
    * An optional mount path for all REST blueprint routes on a controller. * 
    * And it do not include `actions` and `shortcuts` routes.     * 
    * This allows you to take advantage of REST blueprint routing,    * 
    * even if you need to namespace your RESTful API methods     * 
    *                   * 

    // restPrefix: '', 

    *                   * 
    * Whether to pluralize controller names in blueprint routes.    * 
    *                   * 
    * (NOTE: This only applies to blueprint autoroutes, not manual routes from * 
    * `sails.config.routes`)             * 
    *                   * 
    * For example, REST blueprints for `FooController` with `pluralize`  * 
    * enabled:                 * 
    * GET /foos/:id?               * 
    * POST /foos                * 
    * PUT /foos/:id?               * 
    * DELETE /foos/:id?              * 
    *                   * 

    // pluralize: false, 

    *                   * 
    * Whether the blueprint controllers should populate model fetches with  * 
    * data from other models which are linked by associations     * 
    *                   * 
    * If you have a lot of data in one-to-many associations, leaving this on * 
    * may result in very heavy api calls          * 
    *                   * 

    populate: false, 

    *                   * 
    * Whether to run Model.watch() in the find and findOne blueprint actions. * 
    * Can be overridden on a per-model basis.         * 
    *                   * 

    // autoWatch: true, 

    *                   * 
    * The default number of records to show in the response from a "find"  * 
    * action. Doubles as the default size of populated arrays if populate is * 
    * true.                  * 
    *                   * 

    // defaultLimit: 30 

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