2015-02-01 3 views

У меня есть изображение JPEG, содержащее некоторые детали в нем.java extract jpeg image details

enter image description here

я извлек некоторые метаданные из изображения путем кодирования, как показано ниже:

public class Test { 
public static void main(String[] args){ 


public static void test1(){ 
    File file = new File("DSC_0410.JPG"); 
    try { 
    } catch (IOException ex) { 

private static void extractDetails(File file) throws IOException { 
    ImageInputStream is = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))); 
    Iterator<ImageReader> readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType("image/jpeg"); 
    IIOImage image = null; 
    if (readers.hasNext()) { 
     ImageReader reader = readers.next(); 
     reader.setInput(is, true); 

     image = reader.readAll(0, null); 

     IIOMetadata metadata = image.getMetadata(); 
     String[] names = metadata.getMetadataFormatNames(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { 

       System.out.println("Format name: " + names[ i]); 
       Node n = (metadata.getAsTree(names[i])); 
private static void showTree(Node node){ 
    NodeList childs = node.getChildNodes(); 
    for(int i=0; i<childs.getLength(); i++){ 

, но он выводит нулевое:

Format name: javax_imageio_1.0 

другой пример кода из here выводит некоторую metada, но не мои желаемые данные (lat, lon, alt, как показано на рисунке):

Format name: javax_imageio_jpeg_image_1.0 
     <unknown MarkerTag="225"/> 
      <dqtable elementPrecision="0" qtableId="0"/> 
      <dqtable elementPrecision="0" qtableId="1"/> 
     <sof process="0" samplePrecision="8" numLines="4032" samplesPerLine="6048" numFrameComponents="3"> 
      <componentSpec componentId="1" HsamplingFactor="2" VsamplingFactor="1" QtableSelector="0"/> 
      <componentSpec componentId="2" HsamplingFactor="1" VsamplingFactor="1" QtableSelector="1"/> 
      <componentSpec componentId="3" HsamplingFactor="1" VsamplingFactor="1" QtableSelector="1"/> 
      <dhtable class="0" htableId="0"/> 
      <dhtable class="1" htableId="0"/> 
      <dhtable class="0" htableId="1"/> 
      <dhtable class="1" htableId="1"/> 
     <sos numScanComponents="3" startSpectralSelection="0" endSpectralSelection="63" approxHigh="0" approxLow="0"> 
      <scanComponentSpec componentSelector="1" dcHuffTable="0" acHuffTable="0"/> 
      <scanComponentSpec componentSelector="2" dcHuffTable="1" acHuffTable="1"/> 
      <scanComponentSpec componentSelector="3" dcHuffTable="1" acHuffTable="1"/> 
Format name: javax_imageio_1.0 
     <ColorSpaceType name="YCbCr"/> 
     <NumChannels value="3"/> 
     <CompressionTypeName value="JPEG"/> 
     <Lossless value="FALSE"/> 
     <NumProgressiveScans value="1"/> 
     <ImageOrientation value="normal"/> 

Я хочу извлечь широту, долготу и высоту из изображения JPEG. пожалуйста помоги!


возможно дубликат [? Как прочитать файл Jpeg атрибутов с помощью Java] (http://stackoverflow.com/ вопросы/19224328/how-to-read-a-jpeg-file-attributes-using-java) –


, пожалуйста, дайте четкое решение по извлечению значения широты! –


Commons Imaging (он же Sanselan), как и предполагалось, и, возможно, также [Drew Noakes Metadata Extractor] (https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/) выполнит эту работу. – haraldK



загрузить apache sanselan library from here и использовать его. Полный пример извлечения всех метаданных, содержащих метаданные GPS:

import java.io.File; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.util.List; 
import org.apache.sanselan.ImageReadException; 
import org.apache.sanselan.Sanselan; 
import org.apache.sanselan.common.IImageMetadata; 
import org.apache.sanselan.common.ImageMetadata.Item; 
import org.apache.sanselan.common.RationalNumber; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg.JpegImageMetadata; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff.TiffField; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff.TiffImageMetadata; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff.constants.ExifTagConstants; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff.constants.GPSTagConstants; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff.constants.TiffTagConstants; 
import org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff.constants.TagInfo; 

public class MetadataExample { 
    public static void metadataExample(final File file) throws ImageReadException, 
     IOException { 
    // get all metadata stored in EXIF format (ie. from JPEG or TIFF). 
    final IImageMetadata metadata = Sanselan.getMetadata(file); 

    // System.out.println(metadata); 

    if (metadata instanceof JpegImageMetadata) { 
     final JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata; 

     // Jpeg EXIF metadata is stored in a TIFF-based directory structure 
     // and is identified with TIFF tags. 
     // Here we look for the "x resolution" tag, but 
     // we could just as easily search for any other tag. 
     // see the TiffConstants file for a list of TIFF tags. 

     System.out.println("file: " + file.getPath()); 

     // print out various interesting EXIF tags. 
     printTagValue(jpegMetadata, TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_XRESOLUTION); 
     printTagValue(jpegMetadata, TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_DATE_TIME); 
     //printTagValue(jpegMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED); 
     printTagValue(jpegMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_ISO); 
     printTagValue(jpegMetadata, GPSTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE); 
     printTagValue(jpegMetadata, GPSTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE); 


     // simple interface to GPS data 
     final TiffImageMetadata exifMetadata = jpegMetadata.getExif(); 
     if (null != exifMetadata) { 
      final TiffImageMetadata.GPSInfo gpsInfo = exifMetadata.getGPS(); 
      if (null != gpsInfo) { 
       final String gpsDescription = gpsInfo.toString(); 
       final double longitude = gpsInfo.getLongitudeAsDegreesEast(); 
       final double latitude = gpsInfo.getLatitudeAsDegreesNorth(); 

       System.out.println(" " + "GPS Description: " 
         + gpsDescription); 
       System.out.println(" " 
         + "GPS Longitude (Degrees East): " + longitude); 
       System.out.println(" " 
         + "GPS Latitude (Degrees North): " + latitude); 

     // more specific example of how to manually access GPS values 
     final TiffField gpsLatitudeRefField = jpegMetadata 
     final TiffField gpsLatitudeField = jpegMetadata 
     final TiffField gpsLongitudeRefField = jpegMetadata 
     final TiffField gpsLongitudeField = jpegMetadata 
     if (gpsLatitudeRefField != null && gpsLatitudeField != null 
       && gpsLongitudeRefField != null 
       && gpsLongitudeField != null) { 
      // all of these values are strings. 
      final String gpsLatitudeRef = (String) gpsLatitudeRefField.getValue(); 
      final RationalNumber gpsLatitude[] = (RationalNumber[]) (gpsLatitudeField 
      final String gpsLongitudeRef = (String) gpsLongitudeRefField 
      final RationalNumber gpsLongitude[] = (RationalNumber[]) gpsLongitudeField 

      final RationalNumber gpsLatitudeDegrees = gpsLatitude[0]; 
      final RationalNumber gpsLatitudeMinutes = gpsLatitude[1]; 
      final RationalNumber gpsLatitudeSeconds = gpsLatitude[2]; 

      final RationalNumber gpsLongitudeDegrees = gpsLongitude[0]; 
      final RationalNumber gpsLongitudeMinutes = gpsLongitude[1]; 
      final RationalNumber gpsLongitudeSeconds = gpsLongitude[2]; 

      // This will format the gps info like so: 
      // gpsLatitude: 8 degrees, 40 minutes, 42.2 seconds S 
      // gpsLongitude: 115 degrees, 26 minutes, 21.8 seconds E 

      System.out.println(" " + "GPS Latitude: " 
        + gpsLatitudeDegrees.toDisplayString() + " degrees, " 
        + gpsLatitudeMinutes.toDisplayString() + " minutes, " 
        + gpsLatitudeSeconds.toDisplayString() + " seconds " 
        + gpsLatitudeRef); 
      System.out.println(" " + "GPS Longitude: " 
        + gpsLongitudeDegrees.toDisplayString() + " degrees, " 
        + gpsLongitudeMinutes.toDisplayString() + " minutes, " 
        + gpsLongitudeSeconds.toDisplayString() + " seconds " 
        + gpsLongitudeRef); 



     final List<Item> items = jpegMetadata.getItems(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { 
      final Item item = items.get(i); 
      System.out.println(" " + "item: " + item); 


    private static void printTagValue(final JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata, 
      final TagInfo tagInfo) { 
     final TiffField field = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(tagInfo); 
     if (field == null) { 
      System.out.println(tagInfo.name + ": " + "Not Found."); 
     } else { 
      System.out.println(tagInfo.name + ": " 
       + field.getValueDescription()); 


на выходе для моего образа ali.JPG что-то вроде этого:

file: ali.JPG 
XResolution: 300 
Date Time: '2011:02:28 21:58:07' 
Date Time Original: '2011:02:28 21:58:07' 
ISO: 100 
Shutter Speed Value: Not Found. 
Aperture Value: Not Found. 
Brightness Value: Not Found. 
GPS Latitude Ref: 'N' 
GPS Latitude: 30, 130380/10000 (13.038), 0 
GPS Longitude Ref: 'E' 
GPS Longitude: 50, 111843/10000 (11.184), 0 

GPS Description: [GPS. Latitude: 30 degrees, 13.038 minutes, 0 seconds N, Longitude: 50 degrees, 11.184 minutes, 0 seconds E] 
GPS Longitude (Degrees East): 50.186405 
GPS Latitude (Degrees North): 30.2173 
GPS Latitude: 30 degrees, 13.038 minutes, 0 seconds N 
GPS Longitude: 50 degrees, 11.184 minutes, 0 seconds E 

item: Model: 'NIKON D3X' 
item: Orientation: 1 
item: XResolution: 300 
item: YResolution: 300 
item: Resolution Unit: 2 
item: Software: 'Ver.1.01' 
item: Modify Date: '2011:02:28 21:58:07' 
item: Artist: '' 
item: YCbCr Positioning: 2 
item: Copyright: '' 
item: Exif Offset: 348 
item: GPSInfo: 33880 
item: Exposure Time: 10/1600 (0.006) 
item: FNumber: 10 
item: Exposure Program: 3 
item: ISO: 100 
item: Exif Version: 48, 50, 50, 49 
item: Date Time Original: '2011:02:28 21:58:07' 
item: Create Date: '2011:02:28 21:58:07' 
item: Components Configuration: 1, 2, 3, 0 
item: Compressed Bits Per Pixel: 4 
item: Exposure Compensation: -1 
item: Max Aperture Value: 3 
item: Metering Mode: 5 
item: Light Source: 0 
item: Flash: 0 
item: Focal Length: 24 
item: Maker Note: 78, 105, 107, 111, 110, 0, 2, 16, 0, 0, 77, 77, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 48, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 4, 48, 50, 49, 48, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0... (32866) 
item: UserComment: '' 
item: Sub Sec Time: '16' 
item: Sub Sec Time Original: '16' 
item: Sub Sec Time Digitized: '16' 
item: Flashpix Version: 48, 49, 48, 48 
item: Color Space: 1 
item: Exif Image Width: 6048 
item: Exif Image Length: 4032 
item: Interop Offset: 33850 
item: Sensing Method: 2 
item: File Source: 3 
item: Scene Type: 1 
item: CFAPattern: 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2 
item: Custom Rendered: 0 
item: Exposure Mode: 0 
item: White Balance: 0 
item: Digital Zoom Ratio: 1 
item: Focal Length In 3 5mm Format: 24 
item: Scene Capture Type: 0 
item: Gain Control: 0 
item: Contrast: 0 
item: Saturation: 0 
item: Sharpness: 0 
item: Subject Distance Range: 0 
item: Interop Index: 'R98' 
item: Interop Version: 48, 49, 48, 48 
item: Interop Index: 'N' 
item: Interop Version: 30, 130380/10000 (13.038), 0 
item: Unknown Tag (0x3): 'E' 
item: Unknown Tag (0x4): 50, 111843/10000 (11.184), 0 
item: Unknown Tag (0x5): 0 
item: Unknown Tag (0x6): 1,545 
item: Unknown Tag (0x7): 12, 58, 3 
item: Unknown Tag (0x8): '10' 
item: Unknown Tag (0x12): '' 
item: Unknown Tag (0x1d): '2011:02:28' 
item: Compression: 6 
item: XResolution: 300 
item: YResolution: 300 
item: Resolution Unit: 2 
item: Jpg From Raw Start: 34232 
item: Jpg From Raw Length: 9285 
item: YCbCr Positioning: 2 

Теперь оно переименовано в commons.Imaging –


использование http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging

Скачать баночку с: https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/repositories/public/org/apache/commons/commons-imaging/1.0-R1534292/

Вы можете увидеть все доступные теги здесь: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging/javadocs/api-release/org/apache/sanselan/formats/tiff/constants/AllTagConstants.html

Вот как вы получите производителя и модель, в качестве примера:

String fullFileName="D:/test/photos - orig/lg/20170204_143925.jpg"; 
File file = new File(fullFileName); 

// get all metadata stored in EXIF format (ie. from JPEG or TIFF). 
final IImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(file); 

if (metadata instanceof JpegImageMetadata) { 
    final JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata; 

    String manufacturer = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MAKE).getStringValue(); 
    String model = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MODEL).getStringValue(); 
    System.out.println("Manufacturer: "+ manufacturer+", Model: " + model); 
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