2013-07-03 2 views

Я прочитал много статей в соответствии с моей проблемой, но у меня нет решения.MQ менеджер очереди закрыл канал сразу во время подключения

Когда я пытаюсь создать соединение с WebSpereMQ я получаю

MQJE001: An MQException occurred: Completion Code 2, Reason 2009 
MQJE016: MQ queue manager closed channel immediately during connect 
Closure reason = 2009 

После прочтения различных статей я пытался изменить CCSID, делая

MQEnvironment.properties.put(MQC.CCSID_PROPERTY, 1208); 
// also tried other CCSIDs like 1200,819,500 

, но я не имел успеха. Чем я читал, хорошая идея - посмотреть файлы журналов MQ, чтобы узнать, есть ли другой процесс, который прерывает соединение. Но я не могу исследовать эти файлы журналов, так как они закодированы, и я не читаю их.

Вопросы: 1) Вы знаете, как читать журналы MQ? Как сделать их доступными для чтения? 2) Знаете ли вы, что еще может вызвать такую ​​проблему?

Бревна из файла AMQERR01.txt:

----- amqxfdcp.c : 773 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:01 - Process(2880.3) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6118: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (20806211) 

An error has been detected, and the MQ error recording routine has been called. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 735 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:01 - Process(2880.3) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6184: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred on queue manager MMSG01Q2. 

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has 
been called. The failing process is process 2880. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 773 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6118: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (20806211) 

An error has been detected, and the MQ error recording routine has been called. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 735 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6184: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred on queue manager MMSG01Q2. 

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has 
been called. The failing process is process 2880. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 773 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6118: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (20806211) 

An error has been detected, and the MQ error recording routine has been called. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 735 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6184: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred on queue manager MMSG01Q2. 

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has 
been called. The failing process is process 2880. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 773 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6118: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (20806211) 

An error has been detected, and the MQ error recording routine has been called. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 735 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6184: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred on queue manager MMSG01Q2. 

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has 
been called. The failing process is process 2880. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 773 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6118: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (20806211) 

An error has been detected, and the MQ error recording routine has been called. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 735 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:41:05 - Process(2880.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(javaw.exe) 
AMQ6184: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred on queue manager MMSG01Q2. 

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has 
been called. The failing process is process 2880. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 773 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:45:41 - Process(3192.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(crtmqm.exe) 
AMQ6119: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (Failed to create mapped 
memory segment: [rc=536895769 errorCode=5]) 

MQ detected an unexpected error when calling the operating system. The MQ error 
recording routine has been called. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 735 -------------------------------------------------------- 
04.07.2013 10:45:41 - Process(3192.1) User(Anton.Kasianchuk) Program(crtmqm.exe) 
AMQ6183: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred. 

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has 
been called. The failing process is process 3192. 
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem 
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support 
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved. 
----- amqxfdcp.c : 779 -- 

журналы из файла amqtsivt.txt

10:45:39 IVT Started 

10:45:41 Setup IVT Environment... 

10:45:41 Creating Queue Manager... 

10:45:42 Starting Queue Manager... 

10:45:42 Ready. 

10:45:42 Connect to QueueManager(1), CC:2 - RC:2058 

10:45:42 Connect to QueueManager(2), CC:2 - RC:2058 

10:45:42 Open queue, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 Put Message, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 Message Put: AMQMTSIVT 

10:45:42 Get Message, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 Message Returned: 

10:45:42 Close queue, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 Started thread 01 

10:45:42 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:42 Child Thread finished 43 cycles 

10:45:43 Started thread 02 

10:45:43 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:43 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:43 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:43 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:43 Child Thread finished 46 cycles 

10:45:44 Started thread 03 

10:45:44 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:44 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:44 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:44 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:44 Child Thread finished 49 cycles 

10:45:45 Started thread 04 

10:45:45 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 Child Thread finished 3 cycles 

10:45:45 Started thread 05 

10:45:45 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 Child Thread finished 3 cycles 

10:45:45 Started thread 06 

10:45:45 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 Child Thread finished 3 cycles 

10:45:45 Started thread 07 

10:45:45 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 Child Thread finished 3 cycles 

10:45:45 Started thread 08 

10:45:45 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:45 Child Thread finished 3 cycles 

10:45:46 Started thread 09 

10:45:46 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:46 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:46 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:46 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:46 Child Thread finished 6 cycles 

10:45:47 User cancelled action 

10:45:47 Started thread 10 

10:45:47 MQOpen in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:47 MQPut in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:47 MQGet in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:47 MQClose in Child Thread, CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:47 Child Thread finished 9 cycles 

10:45:48 Error(s) encountered during thread execution 

10:45:48 All threads terminated 

10:45:48 Disconnect from QueueManager (1), CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:48 Disconnect from QueueManager (2), CC:2 - RC:2018 

10:45:48 Ready. 

10:45:49 Cleaning Up... 

10:45:49 Deleting MTS Package 

10:45:49 Access MTS Admin Catalog, OK 

10:45:52 Get MTS Packages, OK 

10:45:52 Ending Queue Manager... 

10:45:52 Deleting Queue Manager... 

10:45:53 Ready. 

бревен из \ Qmgrs \ MMSG01Q2 \ ошибки \ AMQERR01.txt

----- amqrmrsa.c : 468 -------------------------------------------------------- 
05.07.2013 09:41:10 - Process(6004.21) User(j2mquser) Program(amqrmppa.exe) 
AMQ9502: Type of channel not suitable for action requested. 

The operation requested cannot be performed on channel 'CLOUD.MMSG01Q2.S1'. 
Some operations are only valid for certain channel types. For example, you can 
only ping a channel from the end sending the message. 
Check whether the channel name is specified correctly. If it is check that the 
channel has been defined correctly. 
----- amqrmsaa.c : 1072 ------------------------------------------------------- 
05.07.2013 09:41:10 - Process(6004.21) User(j2mquser) Program(amqrmppa.exe) 
AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally. 

Channel program 'CLOUD.MMSG01Q2.S1' ended abnormally. 
Look at previous error messages for channel program 'CLOUD.MMSG01Q2.S1' in the 
error files to determine the cause of the failure. 
----- amqrmrsa.c : 468 -------------------------------------------------------- 



О каких журналах вы имеете в виду? Журналы ошибок MQ не находятся в двоичном формате. Вы можете найти их в папке установки (в Windows) WebSphere MQ. Журналы ошибок, специфичные для диспетчера очереди, находятся в папке \ Qmgrs \ "qmgr" \. Посмотрите эти журналы ошибок, они могут иметь информацию о вашей проблеме.

Проверьте, работает ли один порт, который вы используете в приложении, один менеджер очереди. У вас включен SSL в порт менеджера очереди, и ваше приложение не использует SSL?


Вы были правы в отношении журналов. Теперь я добавил журналы ошибок в свой вопрос. Но для меня у них нет большой информации. Вы можете посмотреть на это? Вы говорили о таких журналах, не так ли? –


И да, порт, который я использую в своем приложении, такой же, как и в менеджере очереди. –


Возможно, проблема в ОС, которую я использовал? У нас есть две машины (Windows7 и WindowsXP) с одним и тем же программным обеспечением, и мы используем ту же конфигурацию программного обеспечения. Но когда он отлично работает на XP, он не работает в Windows 7. –


Чтобы решить эту проблему, я добавил следующий код:


Хорошая находка. Этот код позволяет вашему приложению использовать общую память для связи с менеджером очередей. Это будет работать до тех пор, пока оба приложения и диспетчер очереди будут одинаковыми. Для подключения приложения по каналу канал должен иметь тип SVRCONN (подключение к серверу). Поэтому, пожалуйста, проверьте, используется ли канал, который вы используете, типа SVRCONN. – Shashi


Я использую это для режима клиента соединений MQEnvironment.properties.put (MQConstants.TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, MQConstants.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES);

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