2016-05-13 5 views

typedef struct{ 
     char Mnemonic[7]; 
     int code; 
     } code; 

typedef struct{ 
     char label[10]; 
     unsigned int location; 
     } symbolTab; 

int opLook(char * mnemonic, code * optable) 
    int i = 0; 
    int value = 0; 
    for(i ; i<25 ; i++) 
     if(strcmp(mnemonic, optable[i].Mnemonic) == 0) 
      value = optable[i].code; 
      return value; 

    return value; 


int opValid(char * mnemonic, code * optable) 
    int i = 0; 
    for(i ; i<25 ; i++) 
     if(strcmp(mnemonic, optable[i].Mnemonic) == 0) 
      return 1; 

    return 0; 


int labelcheck(char * label, symbolTab * Table, int counter) 
    int i = 0; 
    int flag = 0; 

    if (counter == 0) 
     return flag; 
      for(i; i <counter; i ++) 
       if(strcmp(label, Table[i].label) == 0) 
        flag = 1; 


      return flag; 

unsigned int labelVal(char * label, symbolTab * Table, int counter) 
    int i = 0; 

    for(i; i <counter; i ++) 
      if(strcmp(label, Table[i].label) == 0) 
        return Table[i].location; 


void Assemble(char* filename) 
    unsigned int locctr = 0; /*location counter*/ 
    unsigned int prolen = 0; /*program length*/ 
    int mnemoVal; /*mnemonic Value in Int*/ 
    int labelctr = 0; 
    code Opta[25] = {{"ADD", 24},{"AND",88},{"COMP",40},{"DIV",36},{"J",60}, 
        {"LDCH",80},{"LDL", 8},{"LDX", 4},{"MUL",32},{"OR",68}, 
    symbolTab symTab[500];    
    char buffer[255]; 
    FILE * source; 
    FILE * interFile; 
    FILE * objF; 
    FILE * ListFile; 
    interFile = fopen("intermidiateFile.txt", "w+"); 
    ListFile = fopen("ListingFile.txt", "w+"); 
    objF = fopen("ObjectFile.txt", "w+"); 
    source = fopen("source.txt", "r"); 
    char * lab;  /*label*/ 
    char * mnemo; /*mnemonic*/ 
    char * operand; 
    char * address = "adress"; 
    unsigned int opeaddress; 

    fgets(buffer, 255, source); 

    if (buffer[0] != '.') 
     fprintf(interFile, "%s", buffer); 

    /*Getting first line and initialization of Location Counter*/ 

    if(buffer[0] == '.')    /* if the line is a comment continue with the next iteration of the loop*/ 
      locctr = 0; 
     if(buffer[0] == ' ' || buffer[0] == '\t') 
      mnemo = strtok(buffer, " \t"); 
      operand = strtok(NULL, " \t"); 
      if(strcmp(mnemo, "START") == 0) 
       locctr = strtol(operand, NULL, 16); 



      lab =strtok(buffer, " \t"); 
      mnemo = strtok(NULL, " \t"); 
      operand = strtok(NULL, " \t"); 

      if(strcmp(mnemo, "START") == 0) 
       locctr = strtol(operand, NULL, 16); 




/* End of the location counter initialization */ 

    /*start while loop*/ 

      memset(lab, '\0', strlen(lab)); 
      memset(mnemo, '\0', strlen(mnemo)); 
      memset(operand, '\0', strlen(operand)); 

      fgets(buffer, 255, source); 

      fprintf(interFile, "%s", buffer); 

      if(buffer[0] == '.')    /* if the line is a comment continue with the next iteration of the loop*/ 

      else   /* Else for... If it is not a comment, then check if it start with a character or a space*/ 

       if(buffer[0] == ' ' || buffer[0] == '\t') /* If it start with a space, then it is just a mnemonic or mnemonic & operand*/ 
        mnemo = strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"); 
        if (strcmp(mnemo, "END") == 0) 

        if(strcmp(mnemo, "RSUB") == 0) 
         mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 
         fprintf(interFile, "%x %02x\n", locctr, mnemoVal); 

         operand = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n"); 
         mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 
         fprintf(interFile, "%x %02x %s\n", locctr, mnemoVal, operand); 




        lab = strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"); /* it has a label, mnemonic and operand*/ 

        if(labelcheck(lab, symTab, labelctr) == 0) /* check if the label is already in the symTab, if not, add it, otherwise it is an error*/ 
         strcpy(symTab[labelctr].label, lab);  
         symTab[labelctr].location = locctr; 
         mnemo = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); 
         if (strcmp(mnemo, "END") == 0) 
         operand = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); 
         mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 

         mnemo = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); 
         if (strcmp(mnemo, "END") == 0) 
         operand = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); 
         mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 


        fprintf(interFile, "%x %s %02x %s\n", locctr, lab, mnemoVal, operand); 



      if(strcmp(mnemo, "WORD") == 0) 
       locctr = locctr + 3; 

      else if(strcmp(mnemo, "BYTE") == 0) 
       unsigned int val; 
       if (operand[0] =='C') 
        val = strlen(operand) - 3; 
        locctr = locctr + val; 

        val = (strlen(operand) - 3)/2; 
        locctr = locctr + val; 

      else if(strcmp(mnemo, "RESB") == 0) 
       locctr = locctr + atoi(operand); 

      else if(strcmp(mnemo, "RESW") == 0) 
       locctr = locctr + (3*atoi(operand)); 

       locctr= locctr + 3; 


      /* End of While loop*/ 

     prolen = locctr - symTab[0].location; 

     fprintf(interFile, "\n%x", prolen); 


    interFile = fopen("intermidiateFile.txt", "r"); 

    /*Start the Listing File and Object File  ---------------------Pass 2----------- */ 

     fgets(buffer, 255, interFile); 

    if(buffer[0] == '.')    /* if the line is a comment continue with the next iteration of the loop*/ 
      locctr = 0; 

      /*Error missung Start or Misplaced*/ 
     if(buffer[0] == ' ' || buffer[0] == '\t') 
      mnemo = strtok(buffer, " \t"); 
      operand = strtok(NULL, " \t"); 
      if(strcmp(mnemo, "START") == 0) 
       locctr = strtol(operand, NULL, 16); 
       strcpy(address, operand); 

       fprintf(ListFile, "%X %s %s\n", locctr, mnemo, operand); 



      lab =strtok(buffer, " \t"); 
      mnemo = strtok(NULL, " \t"); 
      operand = strtok(NULL, " \t"); 

      if(strcmp(mnemo, "START") == 0) 
       locctr = strtol(operand, NULL, 16); 
       fprintf(ListFile, "%x %s %s %s\n", locctr, lab, mnemo, operand); 

       fprintf(objF, "H%s__%06x%06x\n", lab, locctr, prolen); 




     memset(lab, '\0', strlen(lab)); 
     memset(mnemo, '\0', strlen(mnemo)); 
     memset(operand, '\0', strlen(operand)); 
     memset(address, '\0', strlen(address)); 
     memset(buffer, '\0', strlen(buffer)); 

     fgets(buffer, 255, interFile); 

     if (buffer[0] == '\r') 

     if(buffer[0] == ' ' || buffer[0] == '\t') 
      mnemo = strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"); 
      if (strcmp(mnemo, "END") == 0) 

      if(strcmp(mnemo, "RSUB") == 0) 
       memset(buffer, '\0', strlen(buffer)); 
       fgets(address, 255, interFile); 

       mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 
       fprintf(ListFile, "%s %s %X0000", address, mnemo, mnemoVal); 
       operand = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n"); 
       mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 
       memset(buffer, '\0', strlen(buffer)); 
       fgets(address, 255, interFile); 
       if (labelcheck(operand, symTab, labelctr) == 1) 
        opeaddress = labelVal(operand, symTab, labelctr); 

        opeaddress = 0; 
        /* error*/ 

       fprintf(ListFile, "%s %s %s %02X%04X", address, mnemo, operand, mnemoVal, opeaddress); 


     else if (buffer[0] == '.') 
      fprintf(ListFile, "%s\n", buffer); 

      lab = strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"); 
      mnemo = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); 
      operand = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); 
      mnemoVal = opLook(mnemo, Opta); 
      memset(buffer, '\0', strlen(buffer)); 
      fgets(address, 255, interFile); 
      if (labelcheck(operand, symTab, labelctr) == 1) 
        opeaddress = labelVal(operand, symTab, labelctr); 

        opeaddress = 0; 
        /* error*/ 
      fprintf(ListFile, "%s %s %s %s %02X%04X", address, lab, mnemo, operand, mnemoVal, opeaddress); 




Ошибка возникает в последнем цикле while при выполнении fgets(); Я посмотрел, есть ли у меня какая-либо переменная или синтаксис, но все выглядит нормально. Это часть двухпроходной сборки. Ошибка изменяется между fgets в последнем цикле while. Сначала я подумал, что это функция MemSet, но ошибка все равно произошло, когда я отмечаю их как комментарииСегментация Fault fgets() двухпроходный ассемблер


Вы возражаете Создание [___MCVE___] (http://stackoverflow.com/help/ mcve)? –


Если бы я был неясен, просто спросите меня – Sirallens


MCVE? Что это? – Sirallens




char * address = "adress";

address указывает на Read Only Memory

Попытка изменить string literals (в вашем случае "adress") вызывает undefined behavior.

Тогда в последнем цикле

  • strcpy(address, operand);
  • memset(address, '\0', strlen(address));
  • fgets(address, 255, interFile);


Вы можете изменить эту переменную в простой массив символов с достаточно места для ваших нужд, например:

char address[128];


Попытка изменить строковые литералы вызывает * неопределенное поведение *. – MikeCAT


@MikeCAT Добавлен ответ. – LPs


И если мне нужно использовать strtok()? – Sirallens

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