2015-03-16 2 views

Так что я действительно новичок в Python, и, я думаю, я удалил пробелы в начале моего скрипта, но я не знаю, где.Как отремонтировать пробел в скрипте Python?

print("Hey, I'm ChatMaster! What's your full name?") 
x = input() 
print(x,"died several years ago.. How did you die?") 

y = input() 
print (y, "... Wow.. that's terrible... How are you here? Is your soul haunting the mainframe??") 
z = input() 
if z == "Yes": 
print ("*Demon voice* THEN I'LL HAVE TO DELETE YOU.") 
print ("*Session has now ended. You will be terminated in 5 seconds. Type CANCEL to cancel") 
v = input() 
if v == "CANCEL": 
print ("ChatMaster- Nice try. But you've been overriden.") 
print ("5") 
print ("4") 
print ("3") 
print ("2") 

print ("1") 
if z == "No": 
    print (" I don't believe you *System shuts down.*") 



Best догадка (PS пробельные важно):

print("Hey, I'm ChatMaster! What's your full name?") 
x = input() 
print(x,"died several years ago.. How did you die?") 
y = input() 
print (y, "... Wow.. that's terrible... How are you here? Is your soul haunting the mainframe??") 
z = input() 
if z == "Yes": 
    print ("*Demon voice* THEN I'LL HAVE TO DELETE YOU.") 
    print ("*Session has now ended. You will be terminated in 5 seconds. Type CANCEL to cancel") 
    v = input() 
    if v == "CANCEL": 
     print ("ChatMaster- Nice try. But you've been overriden.") 
     print ("5") 
     print ("4") 
     print ("3") 
     print ("2") 
     print ("1") 
if z == "No": 
    print (" I don't believe you *System shuts down.*") 
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