2015-11-11 3 views

Как изменить ширину столбца моей таблицы, сохраненные в PDF я этот кодИзменение ширины столбца Yii

    $data_provider = $model->viewEmployees($search, $from, $to); 
    $data_provider->pagination = false; 

$this->widget('ext.pdfGrid.EPDFGridPortrait', array(
     'id' => 'employee-pdf', 
     'fileName' => 'Employees', 
     'dataProvider' => $data_provider, 
     'columns' => array(
      array('name' => '#', 'value'=>'$row+1', 
        'htmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:30px') 

      array('name' => 'ID Number','value' => '$data->company_id', 

      array('name' => 'Name', 'header' => 'Name', 'value' => '$data->getNameWithMiddleInitial()', 
        'htmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:200px'), 

      array('name' => 'Date Employed', 'value' => '$data->date_employed' , 
     'config' => array(
      'subTitle' => 'List of Employees', 
      'headerDetails' => true, 
      'showLogo' => true, 
      'colAligns' => array('C', 'L', 'C'), 


я попытался с помощью этого 'htmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:30px'), в моем коде .. но, кажется, что он не работает , Пожалуйста помоги.

, кажется, что это только вызов EPDFGridPortrait.php, который этот код ..



class EPDFGridPortrait extends CWidget { 

    private $_debug = false; 
    protected $_pdf; 
    protected $_fill = false; 
    protected $_columnWidths = array(); 
    protected $_visibleColumns = 0; 
    public $dataProvider; 
    public $fileName; 
    public $config = array(); 
    public $columns = array(); 
    public $labels = array(); 
    public $orientation = 'P'; 

    public $showTableOnEmpty = true;   
    public $nullDisplay = ' '; 
    public $emptyText; 
    public $hideHeader = false; 
    public function init() { 
     if ($this->columns === array()) { 

      if ($this->dataProvider instanceof CActiveDataProvider) 
       $this->columns = $this->dataProvider->model->attributeNames(); 
      else if ($this->dataProvider instanceof IDataProvider) { 

       $data = $this->dataProvider->getData(); 
       if (isset($data[0]) && is_array($data[0])) 
        $this->columns = array_keys($data[0]); 
     $id = $this->getId(); 
     foreach ($this->columns as $i => $column) { 
      if (is_string($column)) 
       $column = $this->createDataColumn($column); 
      else { 
       if (!isset($column['class'])) 
        $column['class'] = 'CDataColumn'; 
       $column = Yii::createComponent($column, $this); 
      if (!$column->visible) { 
      if ($column->id === null) 
       $column->id = $id . '_c' . $i; 
      $this->columns[$i] = $column; 

     $default = array(
      'pdfSize' => 'A4', 
      'title' => '', 
      'subTitle' => '', 
      'headTitle' => '', 
      'amount' => '', 
      'tableWidth' => 190, 
      'rowHeight' => 6, 
      'colAligns' => null, 
      'colWidths' => null, 
      'showLogo' => false, 
      'imagePath' => YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/images/logo.jpg', 
      'headerDetails' => false, 

     $this->config = array_merge($default, $this->config); 

     $this->_pdf = new PDF('L', 'mm', $this->config['pdfSize']); 
     $this->_pdf->title = $this->config['title']; 
     $this->_pdf->subTitle = $this->config['subTitle']; 
     $this->_pdf->headTitle = $this->config['headTitle']; 
     $this->_pdf->amount = $this->config['amount']; 
     $this->_pdf->tableWidth = $this->config['tableWidth']; 
     $this->_pdf->rowHeight = $this->config['rowHeight']; 
     $this->_pdf->imagePath = $this->config['imagePath']; 
     $this->_pdf->showLogo = $this->config['showLogo']; 
     $this->_pdf->headerDetails = $this->config['headerDetails']; 
     $this->_pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); 
     $this->_columnWidths = $this->_calcWidths(); 

     foreach ($this->columns as $column) 


    protected function createDataColumn($text) { 
     if (!preg_match('/^([\w\.]+)(:(\w*))?(:(.*))?$/', $text, $matches)) 
      throw new CException(Yii::t('zii', 'The column must be specified in the format of "Name:Type:Label", 
       where "Type" and "Label" are optional.')); 
     $column = new CDataColumn($this); 
     $column->name = $matches[1]; 
     if (isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] !== '') 
      $column->type = $matches[3]; 
     if (isset($matches[5])) 
      $column->header = $matches[5]; 
     return $column; 
    protected function renderItems() { 
     if ($this->dataProvider->getItemCount() > 0 || $this->showTableOnEmpty) { 

     if ($this->_debug) 
     else { 
      // $this->_pdf->Output($this->fileName . ' (' . date('Y-m-d') . ').pdf', 'D'); 
      $this->_pdf->Output($this->fileName . '.pdf', 'D'); 

    protected function renderTableHeader() { 
     if (!$this->hideHeader) { 
      // Colores y fuente en negrita 
      $this->_pdf->SetFillColor(245, 185, 120); 

      $rowHeader = array(); 
      if ($this->labels != array()) { 
       $rowHeader = $this->labels; 
      } else { 
       foreach ($this->columns as $i => $column) { 
        if ($column->name == 'Id') { 
         $rowHeader[] = strtoupper($column->name); 
        } else { 
         $rowHeader[] = $column->name;  
        // $rowHeader[] = $column->grid->dataProvider->model->getAttributeLabel($column->name); 
      $this->_pdf->Row($rowHeader, array('fill' => true, 'header' => true)); 

    protected function renderTableBody() { 
     $data = $this->dataProvider->getData(); 
     $n = count($data); 

     $this->_pdf->SetFillColor(255, 242, 208); 
     if ($n > 0) { 
      for ($row = 0; $row < $n; ++$row) 

    protected function renderTableRow($row) { 
     $rowData = array(); 
     foreach ($this->columns as $i => $column) { 
      $data = $this->dataProvider->data[$row]; 

      if ($column->value !== null) 
       $value = $column->evaluateExpression($column->value, array('data' => $data, 'row' => $row)); 
      else if ($column->name !== null) 
       $value = CHtml::value($data, $column->name); 

//   $rowData[] = $value===null ? $this->nullDisplay : $this->_formatString($value); 
      $rowData[] = $value === null ? $this->nullDisplay : utf8_decode($value); 
     $this->_pdf->Row($rowData, array('fill' => $this->_fill)); 
     $this->_fill = !$this->_fill; 

    protected function _renderEmptyText() { 
     $emptyText = $this->emptyText === null ? Yii::t('zii', 'No results found.') : $this->emptyText; 
     $this->_pdf->Cell(array_sum($this->_columnWidths), $this->config['rowHeight'], $emptyText, 0, 0, 'L'); 

    protected function _calcWidths() { 
     $widths = array(); 
     $params = $this->config['colWidths']; 
     $visibleCols = $this->_visibleColumns; 

     if (!$params) { 

      $w = $this->_pdf->tableWidth/$visibleCols; 
      for ($i = 0; $i < $visibleCols; $i++) 
       $widths[] = $w; 
     } else if (is_array($params)) { 
      if (count($params) > $visibleCols) 
       throw new Exception('La cantidad de parametros supera a las columnas visibles'); 
      if (array_sum($params) > $this->_pdf->tableWidth) 
       throw new Exception('La suma de los parametros supera a la longitud max de la tabla'); 

      $nulls = 0; //cantidad de columnas que no se configuraron 
      $confWidth = 0; 
      for ($i = 0; $i < $visibleCols; $i++) { 
       if (empty($params[$i])) 
        $confWidth += $params[$i]; 

      $w = $nulls ? ($this->_pdf->tableWidth - $confWidth)/$nulls : 0;  
      for ($i = 0; $i < $visibleCols; $i++) { 
       $widths[] = empty($params[$i]) ? $w : $params[$i]; 
      throw new Exception('El parametro $config[widths] debe ser un array'); 

     return $widths; 

    protected function _formatString($string) { 
     $string = strtolower(utf8_decode($string)); 
     return ucwords($string); 
    protected function _combineColumns($print = '', $config = array()) { 
     $default = array(
      'from' => 0, 
      'to' => $this->_visibleColumns - 1, 
      'border' => 0, 
      'align' => 'L', 
      'fill' => $this->_fill, 
      'ln' => 1, 

     $config = array_merge($default, $config); 

     $b = $this->$config['border']; 
     $a = $this->$config['align']; 
     $f = $this->$config['fill']; 
     $ln = $this->$config['ln']; 

     $w = 0; 
     for ($i = $this->$config['from']; $i <= $this->$config['to']; $i++) { 
      $w += $this->_columnWidths[$i]; 

     $this->_pdf->Cell($w, $this->config['rowHeight'], $print, $b, $ln, $a, $f); 
     if ($f) 
      $this->_fill = !$this->_fill; 


извините за длинный код. я просто запутался, почему эта линия

'htmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:30px'), 

не работает ..



Я понял, как работает ширина колонки ..

я добавил эту строку в 'config' массиве

'colWidths' => array(10, 30, 85, 65), 

, который дает мне

'config' => array(
      //'title' => 'Sprobe Inc. Information Management System', 
      'subTitle' => 'List of Employees', 
      'header' => false, 
      'showLogo' => true, 
      'colAligns' => array('C', 'C', 'L',/* 'L',*/ 'C'), 
      'colWidths' => array(10, 30, 85, 65), 

colWidths управляет шириной каждого столбца, в котором он зависит от параметров, основанных на функции _calcWidths, в моем EPDFGridPortrait.php

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