2015-03-14 2 views

Я получаю ошибку консоли (Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function) в строке 156 при загрузке, и я не могу понять это для жизни меня. Я предоставил эту строку и полный контекст ниже. Кроме того, я добавил ссылку сайта, если это поможет. Буду признателен за любую помощь и советы.«Uncaught TypeError: undefined не является функцией» Ошибка консоли появляется

Site link

Вот строка в вопросе (156): if (!$imgs.length) {return $.Deferred.resolve().promise();}

Вот полный код: http://pastebin.com/Ext4TwdP#

// Let's start, shall we? 

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 

// Global variables 

    // Morphing icons 
    var myIcons = new SVGMorpheus('#iconset', { 
     duration: 250, 
     rotation: 'none' 

// Turn off all Ajax caching (IE caches $.load) 

     cache: false 

// Preloader 

    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 

     $('#projects-list, footer p').hide(); 

     new QueryLoader2(document.querySelector("body"), { 
      barColor: "#f30", 
      backgroundColor: "#000", 
      barHeight: 1, 
      minimumTime: 200, 
      fadeOutTime: 0, 
      onComplete: function() { 

       $('#masthead').slideDown(100, function(){ 
        $('#projects-list, footer p').show().addClass('fadeInUp'); 

       // Set a timeout because 100ms is too quick 
       $(function() { 
        setTimeout(function() { 
         $('#projects-list, footer p').removeClass('fadeInUp'); 
        }, 500); 

// Small features 

    // Set top margin for #content to always match the height of the top header 
    function resize() { 
     var headerTop = $('#masthead').outerHeight(); 
     (headerTop != parseInt($('#content').css('margin-top').slice(0, -2))) ? $('#content').stop().animate({'margin-top': headerTop}, 150) : console.log(''); 
    window.onresize = resize; 

    // Hide header when scrolling down and show header when scrolling up 
    var lastScrollTop = 0; 
     var st = $(this).scrollTop(); 
     if (st < lastScrollTop || st === 0){ 
     } else { 
     lastScrollTop = st; 

// Project hovers 

    $('#content').on('mouseenter', 'article.project', function(){ 

     // If loading icon doesn't exist in the DOM... 
     if (!$('.overlay').find('.loading-icon').length) { 

      // And if the project wrapper is activated... 
      if ($(this).closest('#main').find('#project-wrapper').hasClass('activated')) { 
      } else { 
       $(this).addClass('hover grayscale grayscale-fade'); 

     // If loading icon exists in the DOM... 
     } else { 

     // Dirty fix for 1px white flicker on hover (Chrome) 
     var overlayWidth = $('article.project').outerWidth(); 
      marginLeft: -1, 
      width: overlayWidth + 2 

    }).on('mouseleave', 'article.project', function(){ 

     // If #project-wrapper is activated... 
     if ($(this).closest('#main').find('#project-wrapper').hasClass('activated')) { 

     // If #project-wrapper is not activated... 
     } else { 

      // If loading icon is present... 
      if ($(this).find('.loading-icon').length) { 

       // Only remove the 'hover' class 

      // If loading icon is not present... 
      } else { 

       // Remove all classes 
       $(this).removeClass('hover grayscale grayscale-fade'); 

    // Adjust the project titles so they always fit the container nicely 
    function adjustTitle() { 
     var thumbWidth = $('article.project > img').outerWidth(); 
     if (thumbWidth <= 220) { 
      $('.overlay > h3').addClass('mobile'); 
     } else { 
      $('.overlay > h3').removeClass('mobile'); 
    $(window).on('resize', adjustTitle); 

// Projects 

    (function($) { 

     // Function to allow an event to fire after all images are loaded 
     $.fn.imagesLoaded = function() { 

      $imgs = this.find('img[src!=""]'); 
      // if there's no images, just return an already resolved promise 
      if (!$imgs.length) {return $.Deferred.resolve().promise();} 

      // for each image, add a deferred object to the array which resolves when the image is loaded 
      var dfds = []; 

       var dfd = $.Deferred(); 
       var img = new Image(); 
       img.onload = function(){dfd.resolve();} 
       img.src = this.src; 


      // return a master promise object which will resolve when all the deferred objects have resolved 
      // IE - when all the images are loaded 
      return $.when.apply($,dfds); 


     // Function for additional styling 
     function projectStyles() { 

      // Check the first slide input 
      $('#slider input:first').attr('checked', 'checked'); 


      // Make the articles grey again after activation 
      $('article.project').addClass('grayscale grayscale-fade').css('opacity', '0.4'); 

      // CSS effects 

      // Remove pesky, sticky 'hover' class 

     // Open the project container 
     function openProject() { 

      var post_id = $(this).data('id'), // data-id attribute for .post-link 
       ajaxURL = site.custom_ajax; // Ajax URL localized from functions.php 

      // Add a loading icon 
      $('<span class="loading-icon"></span>').insertBefore(this); 

      // Add the 'active' class to make sure the div stays dark while loading 

      // Make all the articles grey when an article is clicked 
      $('article.project').addClass('grayscale grayscale-fade').css('opacity', '0.4'); 

      // Remove the corner ribbon 

      // Get the response from the Ajax function 
       type: 'POST', 
       url: ajaxURL, 
       context: this, 
       data: {'action': 'load-content', post_id: post_id }, 
       success: function(response) { 

        // Add a corner ribbon to note the current activated project 
        $('<div class="corner-ribbon">Current</div>').prependTo('article.current'); 

        // Wait until all images are loaded 
        $('#project-container').html(response).imagesLoaded().then(function() { 

         // Remove the loading icon 

         // If the user has scrolled... 
         if ($(window).scrollTop() !== 0) { 

          // First scroll the page to the top 
          $('html, body').animate({ 
           scrollTop : 0 
          },400, function() { 

           // Make the max-height of the container exact for a smoother transition 
           function matchContainerHeight() { 
            var containerHeight = $('#project-container').outerHeight(); 
            $('#project-wrapper.activated').css('max-height', containerHeight); 
           setTimeout(matchContainerHeight, 100); 
           $(window).on('resize', matchContainerHeight); 



         // If the user has not scrolled... 
         } else { 

          // Make the max-height of the container exact for a smoother transition 
          function matchContainerHeight() { 
           var containerHeight = $('#project-container').outerHeight(); 
           $('#project-wrapper.activated').css('max-height', containerHeight); 
          setTimeout(matchContainerHeight, 100); 
          $(window).on('resize', matchContainerHeight); 



         return false; 

     // User event 
     $('#content').on('click', '.post-link', function(e) { 

      var projectTitle = $(this).data('title'), // data-title attribute for .post-link 
       projectSlug = $(this).data('slug') // data-slug attribute for .post-link 

      // Calls openProject() in context of 'this' (.post-link) 

      $('head').find('title').text(projectTitle + ' | Keebs'); 


// Close button 

    (function($) { 

     // Close the project container 
     function closeProject() { 

      // Remove classes 
      $('#project-wrapper').removeClass('activated').css('max-height', ''); 
      $('article.project').removeClass('grayscale grayscale-fade').css('opacity', '1'); 

      // Remove the corner ribbon since no projects are currently activated 

      // Set the height of the project wrapper back to 0 
      $('body.single #project-wrapper').css('max-height', 0); 

      // Change the title of the document 

     // User event 
     $('#content').on('click', '.close-button', function(e) { 



// Home button 

    (function($) { 

     // Load the Home page 
     function loadHome() { 
      var contactButton = $('#contact-button'); 

      $('#content').fadeOut(50, function() { 
       $('<span class="loading-icon page-loading-icon"></span>').insertBefore('#content'); 
      }).load(site.url + '/ #primary', function() { 
       $('#contact-info, #clients').removeClass('fadeInUp'); 
       $('body.single #project-wrapper').css('max-height', 0); 

      // Change the Projects button to 'Contact' 
      if ($('body').hasClass('contact')) { 
       $(contactButton).removeClass('project-button').addClass('contact-button').attr('data-title', 'Get in touch').css('width', '96px').text('Get in touch').shuffleLetters(); 

      // Change the title of the document 

     // User event 
     $('.site-title a').on('click', function(e) { 

      // Prevent accidental double clicks 
      if (!$(this).data('isClicked')) { 
       var link = $(this); 


       link.data('isClicked', true); 
       setTimeout(function() { 
       }, 1000); 


// Contact button 

    (function($) { 

     var contactButton = $('#contact-button'); 

     // Load the Contact page 
     function loadContact() { 
      $('#content').fadeOut(50, function() { 
       $('<span class="loading-icon page-loading-icon"></span>').insertBefore('#content'); 
      }).load(site.url + '/contact/ #contact-keebs', function() { 
       $('#contact-info, #clients').addClass('fadeInUp'); 

      // Change the Contact button to 'Projects' 
      $(contactButton).removeClass('contact-button').addClass('project-button').attr('data-title', 'Projects').css('width', '71px').text('Projects').shuffleLetters(); 

      // Change the title of the document 
      $('head').find('title').text('Contact | Keebs'); 

     // Load the Projects page 
     function loadProjects() { 
      $('#content').fadeOut(50, function() { 
       $('<span class="loading-icon page-loading-icon"></span>').insertBefore('#content'); 
      }).load(site.url + '/ #primary', function() { 
       $('#contact-info, #clients').removeClass('fadeInUp'); 
       $('body.single #project-wrapper').css('max-height', 0); 

      // Change the Projects button to 'Contact' 
      $(contactButton).removeClass('project-button').addClass('contact-button').attr('data-title', 'Get in touch').css('width', '96px').text('Get in touch').shuffleLetters(); 

      // Change the title of the document 

     // User event 
     $('#mail-wrap').on('click', function(e) { 

      // Prevent accidental double clicks 
      if (!$(this).data('isClicked')) { 
       var link = $(this); 

       if (!contactButton.hasClass('project-button')) { 


       } else { 



       link.data('isClicked', true); 
       setTimeout(function() { 
       }, 500); 


// Single template 

    // Check the first slide input 
    $('body.single #slider input:first').attr('checked', 'checked'); 

    // Set the height of the project container 
    $('body.single #project-container').imagesLoaded().then(function() { 
     var containerHeight = $('#project-container').outerHeight(); 

     $('body.single #project-wrapper').css('max-height', containerHeight); 

    // Make the projects list grayscale if the project wrapper is activated 
    if ($('body.single #project-wrapper').hasClass('activated')) { 
     $('article.project').addClass('grayscale grayscale-fade').css('opacity', '0.4'); 

// Shuffle Letters by Martin Angelov 


     $.fn.shuffleLetters = function(prop){ 

      var options = $.extend({ 
       "step"  : 8,   // How many times should the letters be changed 
       "fps"  : 60,   // Frames Per Second 
       "text"  : "",   // Use this text instead of the contents 
       "callback" : function(){} // Run once the animation is complete 

      return this.each(function(){ 

       var el = $(this), 
        str = ""; 

       // Preventing parallel animations using a flag; 

        return true; 


       if(options.text) { 
        str = options.text.split(''); 
       else { 
        str = el.text().split(''); 

       // The types array holds the type for each character; 
       // Letters holds the positions of non-space characters; 

       var types = [], 
        letters = []; 

       // Looping through all the chars of the string 

       for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++){ 

        var ch = str[i]; 

        if(ch == " "){ 
         types[i] = "space"; 
        else if(/[a-z]/.test(ch)){ 
         types[i] = "lowerLetter"; 
        else if(/[A-Z]/.test(ch)){ 
         types[i] = "upperLetter"; 
        else { 
         types[i] = "symbol"; 



       // Self executing named function expression: 

       (function shuffle(start){ 

        // This code is run options.fps times per second 
        // and updates the contents of the page element 

        var i, 
         len = letters.length, 
         strCopy = str.slice(0); // Fresh copy of the string 


         // The animation is complete. Updating the 
         // flag and triggering the callback; 


        // All the work gets done here 
        for(i=Math.max(start,0); i < len; i++){ 

         // The start argument and options.step limit 
         // the characters we will be working on at once 

         if(i < start+options.step){ 
          // Generate a random character at thsi position 
          strCopy[letters[i]] = randomChar(types[letters[i]]); 
         else { 
          strCopy[letters[i]] = ""; 







     function randomChar(type){ 
      var pool = ""; 

      if (type == "lowerLetter"){ 
       pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 
      else if (type == "upperLetter"){ 
      else if (type == "symbol"){ 
       pool = ",.?/\\(^)![]{}*&^%$#'\""; 

      var arr = pool.split(''); 
      return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)]; 


// iPad fix for slider 

    var iPadLabels = function() { 
     function fix() { 
      var labels = document.getElementsByTagName('label'), 
      for (var i = 0; labels[i]; i++) { 
       if (labels[i].getAttribute('for')) { 
        labels[i].onclick = labelClick; 
     function labelClick() { 
      el = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('for')); 
      if (['radio', 'checkbox'].indexOf(el.getAttribute('type')) != -1) { 
       el.setAttribute('selected', !el.getAttribute('selected')); 
      } else { 
     return { 
      fix: fix 

    window.onload = function() { 



// Annnd, we're done! 




Существовали несколько проблем с этим.

1) Я не объявлял переменную imgs.

2) Я не включил () после $.Deferred.

Так вот обновленный блок кода:

// Function to allow an event to fire after all images are loaded 
    $.fn.imagesLoaded = function() { 

     var imgs = this.find('img[src!=""]'); 

     // If there are no images, just return an already resolved promise 
     if (!imgs.length) { 
      return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); 

     // For each image, add a deferred object to the array which resolves when the image is loaded 
     var dfds = []; 

      var dfd = $.Deferred(); 
      var img = new Image(); 
      img.onload = function(){dfd.resolve();}; 
      img.src = this.src; 


     // Return a master promise object which will resolve when all the deferred objects have resolved 
     // IE - when all the images are loaded 
     return $.when.apply($, dfds); 

Смежные вопросы