2016-08-06 3 views

Я использую .net mvc 4.5 с Razor, а мой передний конец - угловой js. Я использую сервер Aws ec2 для своего Titan 1.0 и использую сервер gremlin для взаимодействия с ним через REST API. Я попытался вызвать сервер, используя Rest api, но он всегда дает синтаксическую ошибку. Каким должен быть правильный способ записи операций CRUD для границ сервера и вершин сервера gremlin?Как создать, обновить и удалить ребра и вершины на сервере gremlin с помощью C#?


Можете ли вы добавить код к своему сообщению о том, что вы уже пробовали? – deltaskelta



Для обновления краев с помощью сервера Gremlin вы можете проверить следующий вопрос нити

How to Create and Delete edge properties (Titan 1.0) using c# in .net mvc?

и для создания, обновления и удаления вершин в гремлина сервере вы можете использовать следующий класс после изменения нескольких параметров.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Web; 
using Newtonsoft.Json; 
using RestSharp; 
using urNotice.Common.Infrastructure.Common.Config; 
using urNotice.Common.Infrastructure.Common.Constants; 
using urNotice.Common.Infrastructure.Common.Enum; 
using urNotice.Common.Infrastructure.Model.urNoticeModel.DynamoDb; 
using urNotice.Services.NoSqlDb.DynamoDb; 

namespace urNotice.Services.GraphDb 
public class GremlinServerGraphVertexDb : IGraphVertexDb 
    public Dictionary<string, string> AddVertex(string email, string graphName, Dictionary<string, string> properties, HashSet<string> canEdit, HashSet<string> canDelete, 
     HashSet<string> sendNotificationToUsers) 
     string url = TitanGraphConfig.Server; 
     var response = CreateVertex(graphName, properties, url); 
     if (!response.ContainsKey(TitanGraphConstants.Id)) 
      return null; 
     var orbitPageVertexDetail = new OrbitPageVertexDetail 
      url = url, 
      vertexId = response[TitanGraphConstants.Id], 
      graphName = graphName, 
      properties = properties 

     IDynamoDb dynamoDbModel = new DynamoDb(); 
     dynamoDbModel.UpsertOrbitPageVertexDetail(orbitPageVertexDetail, email, canEdit, canDelete, sendNotificationToUsers); 

     return response; 

    public Dictionary<string, string> UpdateVertex(string vertexId, string email, string graphName, Dictionary<string, string> properties) 
     string url = TitanGraphConfig.Server; 
     var orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable = GetVertexDetailsFromDynamoDb(vertexId); 

     var response = UpdateGraphVertex(vertexId, graphName, properties, url, orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable); 
     var orbitPageVertexDetail = new OrbitPageVertexDetail 
      url = url, 
      vertexId = vertexId, 
      graphName = graphName, 
      properties = response 

     orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable.OrbitPageVertexDetail = orbitPageVertexDetail; 
     IDynamoDb dynamoDbModel = new DynamoDb(); 

     return response; 

    private Dictionary<String, String> UpdateGraphVertex(string vertexId, string graphName, Dictionary<string, string> properties, string url, OrbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable) 
     var uri = new StringBuilder("/?gremlin="); 

     var oldProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 

     if (orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable != null && orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable.OrbitPageVertexDetail != null) 
      oldProperties = orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable.OrbitPageVertexDetail.properties; 

     var newProperties = new Dictionary<String, String>(); 

     if (oldProperties == null) 
      return null; 

     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in oldProperties) 
      newProperties[property.Key] = property.Value; 
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in oldProperties) 
      //merge updated values in dictionary.. 
      if (properties.ContainsKey(property.Key)) 
       newProperties[property.Key] = properties[property.Key]; 

     //new properties that is not available in old properties 
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in properties) 
      //merge updated values in dictionary.. 
      if (!newProperties.ContainsKey(property.Key)) 
       newProperties[property.Key] = properties[property.Key]; 

     //if user want to delete previous uploaded image. 
     if (oldProperties.ContainsKey(VertexPropertyEnum.CoverImageUrl.ToString()) && 

     if (newProperties.ContainsKey(VertexPropertyEnum.CoverImageUrl.ToString()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(newProperties[VertexPropertyEnum.CoverImageUrl.ToString()])) 
      newProperties[VertexPropertyEnum.CoverImageUrl.ToString()] = CommonConstants.CompanySquareLogoNotAvailableImage; 

     string graphProperties = string.Empty; 

     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in properties) 
      if (property.Key == VertexPropertyEnum.CreatedTimeLong.ToString() || property.Key == VertexPropertyEnum.PostedTimeLong.ToString()) 
       graphProperties += ".property('" + property.Key + "'," + property.Value + ")"; 
       graphProperties += ".property('" + property.Key + "','" + property.Value + "')";     

     url = url + uri.ToString() + "g.V(" + vertexId + ")" + graphProperties; 

     var client = new RestClient(url); 
     var request = new RestRequest(); 

     request.Method = Method.GET; 
     request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); 
     request.AddParameter("application/json", "", ParameterType.RequestBody); 

     var res = client.Execute(request); 
     var content = res.Content; // raw content as string 

     //dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content); 
     //var response = new Dictionary<String, String>(); 

     //TODO:To check if failed. 
     //dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content); 

     return newProperties; 

    private OrbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable GetVertexDetailsFromDynamoDb(string vertexId) 
     IDynamoDb dynamoDbModel = new DynamoDb(); 
     var orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable = dynamoDbModel.GetOrbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable(DynamoDbHashKeyDataType.VertexDetail.ToString(), 
      vertexId, null); 

     //if (orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable != null && orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable.OrbitPageVertexDetail != null) 
     // return orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable.OrbitPageVertexDetail.properties; 

     return orbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable; 
    private Dictionary<String, String> CreateVertex(string graphName, Dictionary<string, string> properties, string url) 
     var uri = new StringBuilder("/?gremlin="); 
     //graph.addVertex(label, "person", "name", "marko", "age", 29); 
     var response = new Dictionary<String, String>(); 

     string graphProperties = string.Empty; 

     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in properties) 
      if (property.Key == VertexPropertyEnum.Type.ToString()) 
       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Value)) 
        response["status"] = "404"; 
        return response; 
       graphProperties += "label, '" + property.Value + "' ,"; 
       if (property.Key == VertexPropertyEnum.CreatedTimeLong.ToString() || 
        property.Key == VertexPropertyEnum.PostedTimeLong.ToString()) 
        graphProperties += "'" + property.Key + "', " + property.Value + " ,"; 
        graphProperties += "'" + property.Key + "', '" + property.Value + "' ,"; 

     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graphProperties)) 
      graphProperties = graphProperties.Substring(0, graphProperties.Length - 2); 

     url = url + uri.ToString() + "graph.addVertex(" + graphProperties + ");"; 
     var client = new RestClient(url); 
     var request = new RestRequest(); 

     request.Method = Method.GET; 
     request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); 
     request.AddParameter("application/json", "", ParameterType.RequestBody); 

     var res = client.Execute(request); 
     var content = res.Content; // raw content as string 

     dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content); 

     response["status"] = "200"; 
     response[TitanGraphConstants.Id] = jsonResponse.result.data[0].id; 
     response[TitanGraphConstants.RexsterUri] = url; 
     return response; 

    public string ExecuteGremlinQuery(string gremlinQuery) 
     string url = TitanGraphConfig.Server; 
     var uri = new StringBuilder("/?gremlin="); 
     url = url + uri.ToString() + gremlinQuery; 
     var client = new RestClient(url); 
     var request = new RestRequest(); 

     request.Method = Method.GET; 
     request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); 
     request.AddParameter("application/json", "", ParameterType.RequestBody); 

     var res = client.Execute(request); 
     var content = res.Content; // raw content as string 
     return content; 

    public string GetVertexDetail(string gremlinQuery, string vertexId, string graphName, Dictionary<string, string> properties) 
     var uri = new StringBuilder("/graphs/" + graphName + "/vertices/" + vertexId); 
     string url = TitanGraphConfig.Server; 
     if (gremlinQuery != null) 
      uri.Append("script=" + gremlinQuery); 
     else if (properties.Count > 0) 
      foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in properties) 
       uri.Append(property.Key + "=" + property.Value + "&"); 

     var client = new RestClient(url + uri.ToString()); 
     var request = new RestRequest(); 

     request.Method = Method.GET; 
     request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); 
     request.AddParameter("application/json", "", ParameterType.RequestBody); 

     var res = client.Execute(request); 
     var content = res.Content; // raw content as string 
     return content; 

    public Dictionary<string, string> DeleteVertex(string vertexId, string userVertexId, string label) 
     string url = TitanGraphConfig.Server; 

     IDynamoDb dynamoDbModel = new DynamoDb(); 
     var vertexInfo = dynamoDbModel.GetOrbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTable(DynamoDbHashKeyDataType.VertexDetail.ToString(), vertexId, null); 
     if (vertexInfo == null) 
      return null; 

     //Get all inEdges to delete 
     var allInEdgesInfo = dynamoDbModel.GetOrbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTableUsingInEdges(vertexId); 

     //Get all outEdges to delete 
     var allOutEdgesInfo = dynamoDbModel.GetOrbitPageCompanyUserWorkgraphyTableUsingOutEdges(vertexId); 

     var response = DeleteVertexNative(TitanGraphConfig.Graph, vertexId, url); 

     return response; 

    private Dictionary<String, String> DeleteVertexNative(string graphName, string vertexId, string url) 
     var uri = new StringBuilder(url + "/graphs/" + graphName + "/vertices/" + vertexId); 


     var client = new RestClient(uri.ToString()); 
     var request = new RestRequest(); 

     request.Method = Method.DELETE; 
     request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); 
     request.AddParameter("application/json", "", ParameterType.RequestBody); 

     var res = client.Execute(request); 
     var content = res.Content; // raw content as string 

     //dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content); 
     var response = new Dictionary<String, String>(); 
     response["status"] = "200"; 
     return response; 

просто удалить несколько кодов, которые не имеет отношения к вам, и вы можете использовать следующий класс для создания, обновления и удаления вершин в гремлина сервере с помощью вызова REST API.


спасибо. Я искал это только. –

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