2016-04-01 3 views

Я сделал анкету, которая задает 10 вопросов, однако я хотел бы добавить небольшой таймер, чтобы показать, сколько времени занимает пользователь за считанные секунды. Я посмотрел онлайн на помощь, но у меня всегда есть проблема с отображением самого таймера.Добавление небольшого таймера к вопроснику

Вот моя программа:


    <title>Best Gaming Quiz Ever!</title> 

    <h1>Gaming Quiz</h1> 
    We have made 10 questions for you to answer about gaming and gaming companies. Do your best, and don't guess, 
    <br>it's really not that difficult. Also, try not to be a cheating noob and click "check answer" before you make your choice! 
    <br>Challenge yourself, and have fun! 

    <h2>Your mission:</h2> 
    Just pick the correct answer, duh, it's a quiz, what else? 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    var allowPeeking = 1 
    var allowDoOvers = 1 

    questions = new Array(); 

    // Q & A questions set as Arrays below 
    // Questions are used first 
    // Correct answer is followed with "right" 
    // all wrong ones with "" 

    questions[0] = ["Which are gaming companies?:", "Valve", "right", "Microsoft", "", "Apple", "", "FedEx", ""] 
    questions[1] = ["Which is a game?:", "Micrsoft Word", "", "Piskel", "", "Dota 2", "right", "csTimer.net", ""] 

    // To display question array list 

    for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 

     for (j = 0; j < questions[i].length; j++) { 
     if (questions[i][j] == "") 
      questions[i][j] = ("w" + i) + j 
     if (questions[i][j] == "right") 
      questions[i][j] = "right" + i 

    var ie = document.all 

    // diplays answer holder when button is pressed 

    function showAnswer(el, ans) { 
     ie ? ie[el].innerHTML = 'The answer is: ' + ans : document.getElementById(el).innerHTML = 'The answer is: ' + ans 

    function addup() { 

     var q, right, statement, total = 0 

     quizQuests = new Array(); 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) 
     quizQuests[i] = 0 

     if (document.forms.quiz.q0['right0']) { 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
      q = "q" + i 
      right = "right" + i 

      // takes away 1 if incorrect! 
      if (document.forms.quiz[q][right].checked) 
      quizQuests[i] += -1 
     } else if (document.getElementById) { 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
      right = "right" + i 

      // adds 2 if correct! 
      if (document.getElementById(right).checked) 
      quizQuests[i] = 2 
     } else 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) 
     total += quizQuests[i] 

     // Displays end score (Attempted to get percentage but remove as it wouldn't calculate correctly) 

     statement = 'You scored ' + total + ' points out of 20' 

     ie ? ie.results.innerHTML = statement : document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = statement 


    function clearR() { 

     ie ? ie.results.innerHTML = '' : document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = '' 
     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) 
     if (allowPeeking) 
      ie ? ie["ans" + i].innerHTML = '' : document.getElementById("ans" + i).innerHTML = '' 
     window.scrollTo(0, 0); 

    document.write('<hr><form name="quiz">') 

    var correct, answersString 

    // displaying answers & checking correct/wrong choices 

    for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
     answersString = '' 
     for (k = 1; k < questions[i].length; k += 2) 
     answersString += '<input id="' + questions[i][(k + 1)] + '" type="radio" unchecked name="q' + i + '"><label for="' + questions[i][(k + 1)] + '">' + questions[i][k] + '</label><br>' 

     for (j = 0; j < questions[i].length; j++) { 

     if (questions[i][j] == "right" + i) 
      correct = questions[i][j - 1] 

     with(document) { 
     write('Question ' + (i + 1) + ':<br><br>') 
     write(questions[i][0] + '<br>') 

     // simply displays answer ("right" - 1) 

     if (allowPeeking) 
      write('<input class="chkans" type="button" value="Check Answer" onclick="showAnswer(\'ans' + i + '\',\'' + correct + '\')">&nbsp;<span id="ans' + i + '" class="chkans"></span><br>&nbsp;') 

    with(document) { 

     // calls addup function 
     write('<input type="button" value="See Score" onclick="addup()">&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="results"></span><br>&nbsp;<br>') 

     // calls clearR function 
     if (allowDoOvers) 
     write('<input type="button" value="Start Again" onclick="reset();clearR()">') 




Цените любую помощь, оказанную.


когда следует запуск таймера –


https://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/8bmkuhga/1/? –


Я не вижу таймера в вашем коде. Можете ли вы опубликовать минимальный набор кода, который показывает проблему? – RJM



Ответьте ниже. Таймер остановится, когда вы нажмете кнопку См. Оценка.


    <title>Best Gaming Quiz Ever!</title> 

    <h1>Gaming Quiz</h1> 
    We have made 10 questions for you to answer about gaming and gaming companies. Do your best, and don't guess, 
    <br>it's really not that difficult. Also, try not to be a cheating noob and click "check answer" before you make your choice! 
    <br>Challenge yourself, and have fun! 

    <h2>Your mission:</h2> 
    Just pick the correct answer, duh, it's a quiz, what else? 

    <b>Time taken:</b> <span id="timer">0</span> seconds 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    var t = 0; 
    var runTimer = setInterval(function() { 
     document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = t; 

    }, 1000); 

    var allowPeeking = 1 
    var allowDoOvers = 1 

    questions = new Array(); 

    // Q & A questions set as Arrays below 
    // Questions are used first 
    // Correct answer is followed with "right" 
    // all wrong ones with "" 

    questions[0] = ["Which are gaming companies?:", "Valve", "right", "Microsoft", "", "Apple", "", "FedEx", ""] 
    questions[1] = ["Which is a game?:", "Micrsoft Word", "", "Piskel", "", "Dota 2", "right", "csTimer.net", ""] 

    // To display question array list 

    for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 

     for (j = 0; j < questions[i].length; j++) { 
     if (questions[i][j] == "") 
      questions[i][j] = ("w" + i) + j 
     if (questions[i][j] == "right") 
      questions[i][j] = "right" + i 

    var ie = document.all 

    // diplays answer holder when button is pressed 

    function showAnswer(el, ans) { 
     ie ? ie[el].innerHTML = 'The answer is: ' + ans : document.getElementById(el).innerHTML = 'The answer is: ' + ans 

    function addup() { 



     var q, right, statement, total = 0 

     quizQuests = new Array(); 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) 
     quizQuests[i] = 0 

     if (document.forms.quiz.q0['right0']) { 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
      q = "q" + i 
      right = "right" + i 

      // takes away 1 if incorrect! 
      if (document.forms.quiz[q][right].checked) 
      quizQuests[i] += -1 
     } else if (document.getElementById) { 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
      right = "right" + i 

      // adds 2 if correct! 
      if (document.getElementById(right).checked) 
      quizQuests[i] = 2 
     } else 

     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) 
     total += quizQuests[i] 

     // Displays end score (Attempted to get percentage but remove as it wouldn't calculate correctly) 

     statement = 'You scored ' + total + ' points out of 20' 

     ie ? ie.results.innerHTML = statement : document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = statement 


    function clearR() { 

     ie ? ie.results.innerHTML = '' : document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = '' 
     for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) 
     if (allowPeeking) 
      ie ? ie["ans" + i].innerHTML = '' : document.getElementById("ans" + i).innerHTML = '' 
     window.scrollTo(0, 0); 

    document.write('<hr><form name="quiz">') 

    var correct, answersString 

    // displaying answers & checking correct/wrong choices 

    for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
     answersString = '' 
     for (k = 1; k < questions[i].length; k += 2) 
     answersString += '<input id="' + questions[i][(k + 1)] + '" type="radio" unchecked name="q' + i + '"><label for="' + questions[i][(k + 1)] + '">' + questions[i][k] + '</label><br>' 

     for (j = 0; j < questions[i].length; j++) { 

     if (questions[i][j] == "right" + i) 
      correct = questions[i][j - 1] 

     with(document) { 
     write('Question ' + (i + 1) + ':<br><br>') 
     write(questions[i][0] + '<br>') 

     // simply displays answer ("right" - 1) 

     if (allowPeeking) 
      write('<input class="chkans" type="button" value="Check Answer" onclick="showAnswer(\'ans' + i + '\',\'' + correct + '\')">&nbsp;<span id="ans' + i + '" class="chkans"></span><br>&nbsp;') 

    with(document) { 

     // calls addup function 
     write('<input type="button" value="See Score" onclick="addup()">&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="results"></span><br>&nbsp;<br>') 

     // calls clearR function 
     if (allowDoOvers) 
     write('<input type="button" value="Start Again" onclick="reset();clearR()">') 





Это место на. Я забыл включить ' 0', поэтому мой таймер не отобразился, поэтому я узнал что-то из этого, спасибо! – toadflax

Смежные вопросы