2015-09-10 2 views

Я пытаюсь запустить следующее для своего окна Kali, см. Ошибку.Не удалось найти gem 'pg (= 0.12.4) ruby' в любом из источников драгоценных камней, перечисленных в вашем Gemfile или доступных на этом компьютере.

[email protected]:~# ruby /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/nasm_shell.rb 
Could not find rake-10.4.2 in any of the sources 
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems. 

затем я бегу пакет установки и получить ошибку ниже:

Could not find gem 'pg (= 0.12.4) ruby' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine. 

Ошибки просто держать дальше! Ive установил RVM, так как это тоже проблема. Ive провело обновление пакета, не повезло. ЭСТ ..

мой Gemfile выглядит следующим образом:

require 'pathname' 

# During build, the Gemfile is temporarily moved and 
# we must manually define the project root 
    root = Pathname.new(ENV['MSP_ROOT']) 
    root = Pathname.new(__FILE__).parent 
metamodules_load_path = root.join('metamodules', 'lib').expand_path.to_path 

unless $LOAD_PATH.include? metamodules_load_path 
    $LOAD_PATH.unshift metamodules_load_path 

require 'metasploit/pro/metamodules' 

source 'https://rubygems.org' 

# All gems are listed alphabetically within their own group or sections. When adding a gem please add a comment above 
# the declaration explaining why the gem was added. 

# Root 

gemspec path: 'ui' 
gemspec path: 'engine' 
gemspec name: 'metasploit-framework-full', path: 'msf3' 


# We purchase and use RailsLTS which is slipstreamed into our build process. 
# RailsLTS requires this publically available gem. 
# Please note, installing this gem on its own does not install RailsLTS. 
gem 'railslts-version', '>= 3.2.21' 

# CSS helpers 
gem 'compass' 
# Make white listed rails routes available in javasript 
gem 'js-routes' 
# Delayed jobs on linux needs daemons 
gem 'daemons', :platforms => :ruby 
# Used to pass static data to javasript from Ruby 
gem 'gon' 
# Jbuilder for Builder-eque JSON templates 
gem 'jbuilder' 
# Javascript framework for the UI 
gem 'jquery-rails', '~> 3.1.1' 
# Pagination 
gem 'kaminari', '~> 0.14.0' 
# Metasploit credential models 
gem 'metasploit-credential', '~> 0.14.5' 

# Mdm models 
gem 'metasploit_data_models', '~> 0.24.0' 
# MIME type identification for files 
gem 'mime-types', '1.18', :git => 'git://github.com/rapid7/mime-types.git' 
# Adds to Rails 3 deprecated prototype JS helpers from Rails 2 
gem 'prototype_legacy_helper', '0.0.0', :git => 'git://github.com/jvennix-r7/prototype_legacy_helper.git' 
# RestClient needed for nexpose vuln verification 
gem 'rest-client', '~> 1.6.7' 
# parses robot.txt files for thin 
gem 'robots', '0.10.1' 
# See https://jira.tor.rapid7.com/browse/MSP-10788 
gem 'rspec' 
# webserver 
gem 'thin' 
# treetop is needed by the mail gem, but for some reason isn't properly 
# included when omitting development and test bundler groups 
gem 'treetop' 

# pcap group from metasploit-framework 

gem 'pcaprub', :git => 'git://github.com/bturner-r7/pcaprub.git', :branch => 'rapid7' 
# Secure web headers and XSS defense-in-depth 
gem 'secure_headers' 

# Extension gems. 

# JSON parsing 
gem 'json' 
# RPC library for API calls in controllers 
gem 'msgpack' 
# Parses HTML for webpage cloner 
gem 'nokogiri' 
# arel-helpers: Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel. 
gem 'arel-helpers' 

# Windows-only gems used by prosvc. All are extension gems, so they must be have fixed version to match pre-compiled 
# gems. 

# Dependency of windows-api 
# version pinned to pre-installed version in ruby/lib 
gem 'win32-api', '1.5.2', :platform => 'mingw' 
# Allow thin to run as a Windows service in thin_service_install.rb 
# version pinned to pre-installed version in ruby/lib 
gem 'win32-service', '0.7.2', :platform => 'mingw' 
# Dependency of windows-pr 
# version pinned to pre-installed version in ruby/lib 
gem 'windows-api', '0.4.3', :platform => 'mingw' 
# Allows using windows calls as methods instead of as procs 
# version pinned to pre-installed version in ruby/lib 
gem 'windows-pr', '1.2.4', :platform => 'mingw' 

# Groups - listed alphabetically 

group :assets do 
    # CoffeeScript integration in rails 
    gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.2' 
    # We have compile errors with >=1.5. These can probably be fixed and this line removed. 
    gem 'coffee-script-source', '< 1.5' 
    # Compass CSS library in rails 
    gem 'compass-rails', '1.0.1' 
    # Coffeescript client-side templates 
    gem 'eco', '1.0.0' 
    # CoffeeScript to JavaScript conversion 
    gem 'execjs', '1.3.0' 
    # Handlebars integration in rails 
    gem 'handlebars_assets' 
    gem 'hamlbars', '~> 2.0.1' 
    # Sass integration in rails 
    gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.4' 
    # JavaScript virtual machine for execjs 
    gem 'therubyracer' 
    # JavaScript minification 
    gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3' 

# DO NOT add debuggers or other debugging gems to the Gemfile. The various debuggers will interfere with each other. 
# gem 'debugger' specifically interferes with the 'ruby-debug-ide' gem installed by Rubymine. As a courtesy to other 
# developers using different debuggers, install and require your debuggers as needed using plain gem install and 
# manually requiring the debugger file OR modify the Gemfile, but DO NOT commit the change. 
group :development do 
    # replaces standard error page with interactive stack and REPL in each stack frame. 
    gem 'better_errors', '~> 0.9.0' 
    # enables REPL and local/instance variable inspection for better_errors 
    gem 'binding_of_caller' 
    # static analysis security scanner for Rails. Used on Jenkins. 
    gem 'brakeman' 
    # configuration tweaks for Rails 3.1+ 
    gem 'rails-dev-tweaks', '~> 0.6.1' 
    # markdown formatting for yard 
    gem 'redcarpet' 
    # generate API documentation 
    gem 'yard' 
    gem "yard-cucumber" 
    gem 'yard-restful', '~> 1.2.3' 
    gem "rails-erd", :git => "git://github.com/lsanchez-r7/rails-erd.git" 
    gem 'pry' 

group :development, :test do 
    # automatically load factories 
    gem 'factory_girl_rails' 
    # Needs to be in development as well as test so that `rake spec` works. 
    gem 'rspec-rails', '2.14.2' 
    # teaspoon is a javascript test runner for Rails 
    gem "teaspoon" 
    # Adding in awesome_print for better console output 
    # colorizes and formats rails console, it can be added to your ~/.irbrc 
    # require "awesome_print"; AwesomePrint.irb!. 
    gem 'awesome_print' 
    # Foreman to manage all the process we are starting to use 
    gem 'foreman' 
    # Using faker for development and testing of the nexpose integration 
    gem 'faker' 
    gem 'parallel_tests' 

group :test do 
    # Rails integrations for cucumber 
    gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false 
    # this displayes the currently running step. 
    gem 'slowhandcuke' 

    gem 'capybara', '~> 2.2.1' 
    gem 'capybara-firebug', '~> 2.0.0' 
    gem 'capybara-json', '~> 0.3.0' 
    gem 'ci_reporter' 
    gem 'database_cleaner', '~> 0.8.0' 
    gem 'fivemat' 
    gem 'headless' 
    gem 'msgpack-rpc', '~> 0.5.2' 
    gem 'rbvmomi', :git => 'git://github.com/rapid7/rbvmomi.git', :branch => 'patches-1.8.1' 
    gem 'rspec_junit_formatter' 
    gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 2.44' 
    # add matchers from shoulda, such as validates_presence_of, which are useful for testing validations 
    gem 'shoulda-matchers' 
    gem 'simplecov', :github => "colszowka/simplecov", :ref => "88a649aec0", :require => false 
    gem 'simplecov-rcov' 
    gem 'timecop', '~> 0.7' 
    gem 'spork' 
    gem 'webrat' 

Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, как решить эту проблему !?



Ваш gemfile, кажется, не ссылается непосредственно на драгоценный камень pg. Но проблема, с которой вы сталкиваетесь, заключается в том, что в репозитории https://rubygems.org нет версии pg gem версии 0.12.4.

вы можете попробовать добавить версию, которая присутствует там

gem 'pg', '~> 0.12.2' 

или более поздняя версия, как «0.18.3» или «0.13.2».


Вам необходимо установить libpq-dev первый

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev 

Затем вы можете установить gem pg с помощью терминала

gem install pg 

или добавление в Gemfile, вы можете добавить версию, если иметь какую-либо зависимость

gem 'pg' 

Необходимо обновить свой Gemfile, чтобы включить th е следующая строка

source ' https://rubygems.org '

Ex: Gemfile

source 'https://rubygems.org' 
group :development do 
    gem 'capistrano' 
    gem 'capistrano-ssh-doctor' 
    gem 'capistrano-bundler' 
    gem 'capistrano-passenger', '>= 0.1.1' 
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