2013-11-25 2 views

Я написал приложение, которое читает INI-файл и записывает значения из этого INI-файла в TextBoxes.Прочитать несколько заголовков INI

Это модуль, который я использую для чтения (и записи) значения файла INI:

Module modINI 
Private Declare Unicode Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" _ 
Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringW" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ 
ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpString As String, _ 
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Int32 

Private Declare Unicode Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" _ 
Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringW" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ 
ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, _ 
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Int32, _ 
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Int32 

Public Sub writeIni(ByVal iniFileName As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal ParamName As String, ByVal ParamVal As String) 
    Dim Result As Integer = WritePrivateProfileString(Section, ParamName, ParamVal, iniFileName) 
End Sub 

Public Function ReadIni(ByVal IniFileName As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal ParamName As String, ByVal ParamDefault As String) As String 
    Dim ParamVal As String = Space$(1024) 
    Dim LenParamVal As Long = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, ParamName, ParamDefault, ParamVal, Len(ParamVal), IniFileName) 
    ReadIni = Left$(ParamVal, LenParamVal) 
End Function End Module 

. , Для чтения значения из файла INI я использую:

wAccessDeniedMsg.Text = ReadIni(File, BuildOptions, AccessDeniedMsg, "") 

Теперь я хочу, чтобы прочитать заголовки из файла INI и записать его в ListBox.

Например: INI-файл содержит: [Calc.exe] в качестве заголовка. то должен отображаться список: Calc.exe Я хочу сохранить значения заголовка в переменной.

Я использую ListBox1.Items.Add(wSourceShort) добавить переменную (в этом примере wSourceShort к Listbox, но мне нужно найти способ, чтобы прочитать заголовки из файла INI и записать его в переменную.

Любые идеи, как я могу прочитать заголовок из файла INI и использовать его в качестве переменной



Существует старая функция WinAPI, чтобы получить Раздел имен:

Shared Function GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(
     ByVal lpszReturnBuffer As IntPtr, 
     ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer 

End Function 

для того, чтобы использовать те, которые вы размещены, вы должны иметь имена (то, что вы называете заголовками), поэтому вы повторно союзник должен уже иметь их.


Hi Plutonix, у меня нет названия заголовков. Могу ли я использовать код еще? – RalJans


+1 отлично! Я никогда не думал, что может существовать функция API для чтения разделов. – ElektroStudios


РазделNames - это то, что вы называете заголовками. Есть первый аргумент для ваших функций Read/WriteINI. Поскольку вам нужно имя SECTION, чтобы получить информацию о товаре, вы можете просто отправить это в список. (его не мой код, его объявление kernel32) @ElektroStudios, это просто получает ИМЯ разделов, но есть один, чтобы получить разделы 'GetPrivateProfileSection', но вы должны знать это имя и затем анализировать строку, чтобы получить значения. – Plutonix


Вот мой подход.

Я сделал это без каких-либо выводов, вызывающих раздражающие функции API INI.

Он может управлять INI с секциями или без них.

(код обновлено)

(код снова обновлен, перестроенный и лучше)

' [ INI File Manager ] 
' // By Elektro [email protected] 

#Region " INI File Manager " 

Public Class INIFileManager 

#Region " Members " 

#Region " Properties " 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Indicates the initialization file path. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Public Shared Property FilePath As String = 
     IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName & ".ini") 

#End Region 

#Region " Variables " 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Stores the initialization file content. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared Content As New List(Of String) 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Stores the INI section names. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared SectionNames As String() = {String.Empty} 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Indicates the start element index of a section name. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared SectionStartIndex As Integer = -1 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Indicates the end element index of a section name. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared SectionEndIndex As Integer = -1 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Stores a single sorted section block with their keys and values. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared SortedSection As New List(Of String) 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Stores all the sorted section blocks with their keys and values. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared SortedSections As New List(Of String) 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Indicates the INI element index that contains the Key and value. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared KeyIndex As Integer = -1 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Indicates the culture to compare the strings. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared ReadOnly CompareMode As StringComparison = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase 

#End Region 

#Region " Exceptions " 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Exception is thrown when a section name parameter has invalid format. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Class SectionNameInvalidFormatException 
     Inherits Exception 

     Public Sub New() 
      MyBase.New("Section name parameter has invalid format." & 
         Environment.NewLine & 
         "The rigth syntax is: [SectionName]") 
     End Sub 

     Public Sub New(message As String) 
     End Sub 

     Public Sub New(message As String, inner As Exception) 
      MyBase.New(message, inner) 
     End Sub 

    End Class 

#End Region 

#End Region 

#Region " Methods " 

    Private Shadows Sub ReferenceEquals() 
    End Sub 

    Private Shadows Sub Equals() 
    End Sub 

    Public Class [File] 

     Private Shadows Sub ReferenceEquals() 
     End Sub 

     Private Shadows Sub Equals() 
     End Sub 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Checks whether the initialization file exist. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <returns>True if initialization file exist, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Exist() As Boolean 
      Return IO.File.Exists(FilePath) 
     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Creates the initialization file. 
     ''' If the file already exist it would be replaced. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to write the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Create(Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

            If(Encoding Is Nothing, System.Text.Encoding.Default, Encoding)) 
      Catch ex As Exception 
       Return False 

      End Try 

      Return True 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Deletes the initialization file. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Delete() As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist Then Return False 

      Catch ex As Exception 
       Return False 

      End Try 

      Content = Nothing 

      Return True 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Returns the initialization file content. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     Public Shared Function [Get](Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As List(Of String) 

      Content = IO.File.ReadAllLines(FilePath, 
              If(Encoding Is Nothing, System.Text.Encoding.Default, Encoding)).ToList() 

      Return Content 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Sort the initialization file content by the Key names. 
     ''' If the initialization file contains sections then the sections are sorted by their names also. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="RemoveEmptyLines">Remove empty lines.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Sort(Optional ByVal RemoveEmptyLines As Boolean = False, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then Return False 


      Select Case Section.Has(Encoding) 

       Case True ' initialization file contains at least one Section. 


        Section.GetNames(Encoding) ' Get the (sorted) section names 

        For Each name As String In SectionNames 

         SortedSection = Section.[Get](name, Encoding) ' Get the single section lines. 

         If RemoveEmptyLines Then ' Remove empty lines. 
          SortedSection = SortedSection.Where(Function(line) _ 
                   Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) AndAlso 
                   Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)).ToList 
         End If 

         SortedSection.Sort() ' Sort the single section keys. 

         SortedSections.Add(name) ' Add the section name to the sorted sections list. 
         SortedSections.AddRange(SortedSection) ' Add the single section to the sorted sections list. 

        Next name 

        Content = SortedSections 

       Case False ' initialization file doesn't contains any Section. 

        If RemoveEmptyLines Then 
         Content = Content.Where(Function(line) _ 
                 Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) AndAlso 
                 Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)).ToList 
        End If 

      End Select ' Section.Has() 

      ' Save changes. 
      Return [File].Write(Content, Encoding) 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Writes a new initialization file with the specified text content.. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="Content">Indicates the text content to write in the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Write(ByVal Content As List(Of String), 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

             If(Encoding Is Nothing, System.Text.Encoding.Default, Encoding)) 
      Catch ex As Exception 
       Return False 

      End Try 

      Return True 

     End Function 

    End Class 

    Public Class [Key] 

     Private Shadows Sub ReferenceEquals() 
     End Sub 

     Private Shadows Sub Equals() 
     End Sub 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Return a value indicating whether a key name exist or not. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="KeyName">Indicates the key name that contains the value to modify.</param> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name where to find the key name.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to write the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the key name exist, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Exist(ByVal KeyName As String, 
            Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then Return False 


      [Key].GetIndex(KeyName, SectionName) 

      Select Case SectionName Is Nothing 

       Case True 
        Return Convert.ToBoolean(Not KeyIndex) 

       Case Else 
        Return Convert.ToBoolean(Not (KeyIndex + SectionStartIndex)) 

      End Select 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Set the value of an existing key name. 
     ''' If the initialization file doesn't exists, or else the Key doesn't exist, 
     ''' or else the Section parameter is not specified and the key name doesn't exist; 
     ''' then the 'key=value' is appended to the end of the initialization file. 
     ''' if the specified Section name exist but the Key name doesn't exist, 
     ''' then the 'key=value' is appended to the end of the Section. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="KeyName">Indicates the key name that contains the value to modify.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Value">Indicates the new value.</param> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name where to find the key name.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to write the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function [Set](ByVal KeyName As String, 
            ByVal Value As String, 
            Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then [File].Create() 


      [Key].GetIndex(KeyName, SectionName) 

      ' If KeyName is not found and indicated Section is found, then... 
      If KeyIndex = -1 AndAlso SectionEndIndex <> -1 Then 

       ' If section EndIndex is the last line of file, then... 
       If SectionEndIndex = Content.Count Then 

        Content(Content.Count - 1) = Content(Content.Count - 1) & 
                 Environment.NewLine & 
                 String.Format("{0}={1}", KeyName, Value) 

       Else ' If not section EndIndex is the last line of file, then... 

        Content(SectionEndIndex) = String.Format("{0}={1}", KeyName, Value) & 
                Environment.NewLine & 
       End If 

       ' If KeyName is found then... 
      ElseIf KeyIndex <> -1 Then 
       Content(KeyIndex) = String.Format("{0}={1}", KeyName, Value) 

       ' If KeyName is not found and Section parameter is passed. then... 
      ElseIf KeyIndex = -1 AndAlso SectionName IsNot Nothing Then 
       Content.Add(String.Format("{0}={1}", KeyName, Value)) 

       ' If KeyName is not found, then... 
      ElseIf KeyIndex = -1 Then 
       Content.Add(String.Format("{0}={1}", KeyName, Value)) 

      End If 

      ' Save changes. 
      Return [File].Write(Content, Encoding) 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Get the value of an existing key name. 
     ''' If the initialization file or else the Key doesn't exist then a 'Nothing' object is returned. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="KeyName">Indicates the key name to retrieve their value.</param> 
     ''' <param name="DefaultValue">Indicates a default value to return if the key name is not found.</param> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name where to find the key name.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     Public Shared Function [Get](ByVal KeyName As String, 
            Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Object = Nothing, 
            Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Object 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then Return DefaultValue 


      [Key].GetIndex(KeyName, SectionName) 

      Select Case KeyIndex 

       Case Is <> -1 ' KeyName found. 
        Return Content(KeyIndex).Substring(Content(KeyIndex).IndexOf("=") + 1) 

       Case Else ' KeyName not found. 
        Return DefaultValue 

      End Select 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Returns the initialization file line index of the key name. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="KeyName">Indicates the Key name to retrieve their value.</param> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name where to find the key name.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     Private Shared Sub GetIndex(ByVal KeyName As String, 
            Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) 

      If Content Is Nothing Then [File].Get(Encoding) 

      ' Reset the INI index elements to negative values. 
      KeyIndex = -1 
      SectionStartIndex = -1 
      SectionEndIndex = -1 

      If SectionName IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not SectionName Like "[[]?*[]]" Then 
       Throw New SectionNameInvalidFormatException 
       Exit Sub 
      End If 

      ' Locate the KeyName and set their element index. 
      ' If the KeyName is not found then the value is set to "-1" to return an specified default value. 
      Select Case String.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionName) 

       Case True ' Any SectionName parameter is specified. 

        KeyIndex = Content.FindIndex(Function(line) line.StartsWith(String.Format("{0}=", KeyName), 

       Case False ' SectionName parameter is specified. 

        Select Case Section.Has(Encoding) 

         Case True ' INI contains at least one Section. 

          SectionStartIndex = Content.FindIndex(Function(line) line.Trim.Equals(SectionName.Trim, CompareMode)) 
          If SectionStartIndex = -1 Then ' Section doesn't exist. 
           Exit Sub 
          End If 

          SectionEndIndex = Content.FindIndex(SectionStartIndex + 1, Function(line) line.Trim Like "[[]?*[]]") 
          If SectionEndIndex = -1 Then 
           ' This fixes the value if the section is at the end of file. 
           SectionEndIndex = Content.Count 
          End If 

          KeyIndex = Content.FindIndex(SectionStartIndex, SectionEndIndex - SectionStartIndex, 
                    Function(line) line.StartsWith(String.Format("{0}=", KeyName), 

         Case False ' INI doesn't contains Sections. 
          GetIndex(KeyName, , Encoding) 

        End Select ' Section.Has() 

      End Select ' String.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionName) 

     End Sub 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Remove an existing key name. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="KeyName">Indicates the key name to retrieve their value.</param> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name where to find the key name.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Remove(ByVal KeyName As String, 
             Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
             Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then Return False 


      [Key].GetIndex(KeyName, SectionName) 

      Select Case KeyIndex 

       Case Is <> -1 ' Key found. 

        ' Remove the element containing the key name. 

        ' Save changes. 
        Return [File].Write(Content, Encoding) 

       Case Else ' KeyName not found. 
        Return False 

      End Select 

     End Function 

    End Class 

    Public Class Section 

     Private Shadows Sub ReferenceEquals() 
     End Sub 

     Private Shadows Sub Equals() 
     End Sub 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Adds a new section at bottom of the initialization file. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name to add.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Add(Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then [File].Create() 

      If Not SectionName Like "[[]?*[]]" Then 
       Throw New SectionNameInvalidFormatException 
       Exit Function 
      End If 


      Select Case Section.GetNames(Encoding).Where(Function(line) line.Trim.Equals(SectionName.Trim, CompareMode)).Any 

       Case False ' Any of the existing Section names is equal to given section name. 

        ' Add the new section name. 

        ' Save changes. 
        Return [File].Write(Content, Encoding) 

       Case Else ' An existing Section name is equal to given section name. 
        Return False 

      End Select 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Returns all the keys and values of an existing Section Name. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the section name where to retrieve their keynames and values.</param> 
     Public Shared Function [Get](ByVal SectionName As String, 
            Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As List(Of String) 

      If Content Is Nothing Then [File].Get(Encoding) 

      SectionStartIndex = Content.FindIndex(Function(line) line.Trim.Equals(SectionName.Trim, CompareMode)) 

      SectionEndIndex = Content.FindIndex(SectionStartIndex + 1, Function(line) line.Trim Like "[[]?*[]]") 

      If SectionEndIndex = -1 Then 
       SectionEndIndex = Content.Count ' This fixes the value if the section is at the end of file. 
      End If 

      Return Content.GetRange(SectionStartIndex, SectionEndIndex - SectionStartIndex).Skip(1).ToList 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Returns all the section names of the initialization file. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     Public Shared Function GetNames(Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As String() 

      If Content Is Nothing Then [File].Get(Encoding) 

      ' Get the Section names. 
      SectionNames = (From line In Content Where line.Trim Like "[[]?*[]]").ToArray 

      ' Sort the Section names. 
      If SectionNames.Count <> 0 Then Array.Sort(SectionNames) 

      ' Return the Section names. 
      Return SectionNames 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Gets a value indicating whether the initialization file contains at least one Section. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the INI contains at least one section, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Has(Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Content Is Nothing Then [File].Get(Encoding) 

      Return (From line In Content Where line.Trim Like "[[]?*[]]").Any() 

     End Function 

     ''' <summary> 
     ''' Removes an existing section with all of it's keys and values. 
     ''' </summary> 
     ''' <param name="SectionName">Indicates the Section name to remove with all of it's key/values.</param> 
     ''' <param name="Encoding">The Text encoding to read the initialization file.</param> 
     ''' <returns>True if the operation success, otherwise False.</returns> 
     Public Shared Function Remove(Optional ByVal SectionName As String = Nothing, 
             Optional ByVal Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing) As Boolean 

      If Not [File].Exist() Then Return False 

      If Not SectionName Like "[[]?*[]]" Then 
       Throw New SectionNameInvalidFormatException 
       Exit Function 
      End If 


      Select Case [Section].GetNames(Encoding).Where(Function(line) line.Trim.Equals(SectionName.Trim, CompareMode)).Any 

       Case True ' An existing Section name is equal to given section name. 

        ' Get the section StartIndex and EndIndex. 

        ' Remove the section range index. 
        Content.RemoveRange(SectionStartIndex, SectionEndIndex - SectionStartIndex) 

        ' Save changes. 
        Return [File].Write(Content, Encoding) 

       Case Else ' Any of the existing Section names is equal to given section name. 
        Return False 

      End Select 

     End Function 

    End Class 

#End Region 

End Class 

#End Region 

Мой ответ excceds предел символьный SO, так вот остальная часть кода, просто примеры использования :

#Region " Usage Examples " 

'' Set the initialization file path. 
'INIFileManager.FilePath = IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Config.ini") 

'' Create the initialization file. 

'' Check that the initialization file exist. 

'' Writes a new entire initialization file with the specified text content. 
'INIFileManager.File.Write(New List(Of String) From {"[Section Name 1]"}) 

'' Set an existing value or append it at the enf of the initialization file. 
'INIFileManager.Key.Set("KeyName1", "Value1") 

'' Set an existing value on a specific section or append them at the enf of the initialization file. 
'INIFileManager.Key.Set("KeyName2", "Value2", "[Section Name 2]") 

'' Gets the value of the specified Key name, 

'' Gets the value of the specified Key name on the specified Section. 
'MsgBox(INIFileManager.Key.Get("KeyName2", , "[Section Name 2]")) 

'' Gets the value of the specified Key name and returns a default value if the key name is not found. 
'MsgBox(INIFileManager.Key.Get("KeyName0", "I'm a default value")) 

'' Gets the value of the specified Key name, and assign it to a control property. 
'CheckBox1.Checked = CType(INIFileManager.Key.Get("KeyName1"), Boolean) 

'' Checks whether a Key exists. 

'' Checks whether a Key exists on a specific section. 
'MsgBox(INIFileManager.Key.Exist("KeyName2", "[First Section]")) 

'' Remove a key name. 

'' Remove a key name on the specified Section. 
'INIFileManager.Key.Remove("KeyName2", "[Section Name 2]") 

'' Add a new section. 
'INIFileManager.Section.Add("[Section Name 3]") 

'' Get the contents of a specific section. 
'MsgBox(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, INIFileManager.Section.Get("[Section Name 1]"))) 

'' Remove an existing section. 
'INIFileManager.Section.Remove("[Section Name 2]") 

'' Checks that the initialization file contains at least one section. 

'' Sort the initialization file (And remove empty lines). 

'' Gets the initialization file section names. 
'MsgBox(String.Join(", ", INIFileManager.Section.GetNames())) 

'' Gets the initialization file content. 
'MsgBox(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, INIFileManager.File.Get())) 

'' Delete the initialization file from disk. 

#End Region 
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