2016-06-23 1 views

Я пытаюсь загрузить дочерние объекты как флажки, на основе того, что пользователь выбирает в выбранных меню. Может кто-нибудь объяснить, что я делаю неправильно?Нокаут - загрузка дочерних json как флажков на основе меню выбора

Меню выбора работает как ожидалось, но флажки не загружаются.

Вот пример того, что я пытаюсь сделать: https://jsfiddle.net/mujaji/Lsa5mgb2/3/


function DefectTypeVM(defectTypeItems) { 
var self = this; 

self.defecttypes = ko.observableArray(defectTypeItems); 
self.selectedTriage = ko.observable(); 
self.selectedActions = ko.observable(); 
self.selectedDefectType = ko.observable("1"); 
self.selectedSubCategory = ko.observable("08"); 

function getById(defectTypeItems, value) { 
    if(!value) { 
     return []; 

    var result = ko.utils.arrayFirst(defectTypeItems, function(item) { 
     return item.value === value; 
     return item.triage === triage; 
     return item.actions === actions; 

    return result && result.childItems || []; 

self.defectsubcategory = ko.computed(function(){ 
    var defectTypeItems = self.defecttypes(); 
    var id = self.selectedDefectType() 
    return getById(defectTypeItems, id); 
}, self); 


var defectTypeItems = [ 

{text: "Denial", value: "1", triage: [], actions: [], childItems: [ 
    {text: 'Authorization', value: '01', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Check Applicable Systems to Verify if Auth Info was Obtained for All Services Provided', value: '01'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Auth is on Claim', value: '02'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Auth is Required for Service(s)', value: '03'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Auth Obtained for Diff Proc/Service/CPT/PT', value: '04'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Auth Obtained for Incorrect Dates of Services', value: '05'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '01'}, 
     {text: 'Obtained Retro-Auth', value: '02'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Auth Denial', value: '03'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '04'}, 
     {text: 'Rebilled Claim with Added Auth #', value: '05'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '06'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '07'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Resolve Claim', value: '08'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '09'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '10'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '11'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '12'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '13'} 
    {text: 'Benefits Exhausted', value: '02', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Check Applicable Systems to Verify Auth Info was Obtained for All Services Provided', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Benefits are Exhausted in Application Systems', value: '002'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Flipped Bal to Next Payer', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Updated Financial Class and Rebill in Host', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Resolve Claim', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Sent Medical Records to Payer', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0025'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0026'} 
    {text: 'Technical Claim', value: '03', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Dates of Service', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Incorrect Bill Type Billed', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Primary EOB Info is Correct', value: '003'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Provider Number', value: '004'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Other Bill Info', value: '005'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Billing Denial', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept for Review', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Claim is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0024'} 
    {text: 'Clinical Non-Covered', value: '04', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Charge(s) in Question', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify if Denial is Benefits Related (Member Policy Issue)', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify if Denial is Related to Services Provided', value: '003'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Billing Denial', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Request for Medical Records', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Provided Additional Information to Payer', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept for Review', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0025'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0026'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0027'} 
    {text: 'Coding', value: '04', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Claim Submitted Correctly', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Coding Information in Question', value: '002'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Verify Coding Info in Question', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Review', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0024'} 
    {text: 'Coordination of Benefits', value: '05', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Check Recent Accounts for Payment/Other Coverage', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Review Patient Coverage via Applicable System and Identify if Patient Has Other Coverage', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify COB Order is Correct', value: '003'}, 
     {text: 'Verify if Auto or WC Related', value: '004'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Verify COB Issue', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Sent Letter to Patient', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Updated COB and Rebilled Claim', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Contacted Payer to Resolve COB Denial', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0024'} 
    {text: 'Duplicate', value: '06', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Confirm Claim is a Duplicate', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Review for Encounters with Same Dates of Service', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Bill Type', value: '003'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Claim Billed with Correct ICN', value: '004'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Combined Encounters', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Cancelled Previous Claim(s)', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '003'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '004'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '005'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Review', value: '006'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '007'} 
    {text: 'Eligibility', value: '07', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Check Related Visits', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Review Patient Coverage via Applicable System and Identify if Patient Has Other Coverage', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Insurance/Patient Name/Subscriber is Accurate', value: '003'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Eligibility Denial', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Updated Insurance Info', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0023'} 
    {text: 'Lacks Information/Med Records', value: '08', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Info Needed from Payer', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Whether Information has Previously Been Provided', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Insurance/Patient Name/Subscriber is Accurate', value: '003'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Missing Info', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Request for Medical Records', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Itemized Statement Sent to Payer', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Sent Letter to Patient', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Sent Medical Records to Payer', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Review', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0025'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Other Form', value: '0026'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0027'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0028'} 
    {text: 'Payer', value: '09', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verfiy With Payer for Additional Information', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Claim Billed With Correct Facility NPI', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Payer is Contracted with Rendering Facility', value: '003'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Claim', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Contacted Payer to Resolve Claim', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Contract Management', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Resolve Claim', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0023'} 
    {text: 'Provider', value: '10', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Claim Submitted Correctly', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Correct NPI in Applicable Systems', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Provider is Credentialed with Payer', value: '003'}, 
     {text: 'Verify with Payer Info Needed to Resolve', value: '004'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Credentialing Issue', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Resolve Claim', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0021'} 
    {text: 'Technical Non-Covered', value: '11', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Charge(s) in Question', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify if Denial is Benefits Related (Member Policy Issue)', value: '002'}, 
     {text: 'Verify if Denial is Related to Services Provided', value: '003'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Identify/Discuss Reasoning for Non-Covered Item', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Provided Additional Information to Payer', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Request for Medical Records', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept for Review', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0025'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0026'} 
    {text: 'Timely Filing', value: '12', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Appeal/Documentation Submitted within Filing Limits', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Claim Submitted within Filing Limits', value: '002'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve/Prove Filing Limit Met', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0025'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0026'} 
    {text: 'Clinical Medical Necessity', value: '13', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Review Charge(s) in Question', value: '001'}, 
     {text: 'Verify With Payer to Determine Root Cause', value: '002'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called Payer to Resolve Claim', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value: '0015'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Request for Medical Records', value: '0016'}, 
     {text: 'Made Corrections to Claim(s) and Resubmitted', value: '0017'}, 
     {text: 'Provided Requested Info to Payer', value: '0018'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Appropriate Dept for Review', value: '0019'}, 
     {text: 'Referred Encounter to Denials Team', value: '0020'}, 
     {text: 'Sent to Coding for Review', value: '0021'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0022'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Appeal is Still Pending with Payer', value: '0023'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Appeal', value: '0024'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '0025'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0026'} 
    {text: 'Skilled Nursing Facility', value: '14', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Confirm SNF Denial', value: '001'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value: '0011'}, 
     {text: 'Rebilled SNF Facility', value: '0012'}, 
     {text: 'Called SNF Facility', value: '0013'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value: '0014'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '0015'} 
{text: "Credit Defect", value: "3", triage: [], actions: [], childItems: [ 
    {text: 'Credit', value: '01', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Review All Charges/Corrections', value: '01'}, 
     {text: 'Review EOB for Duplicate Payments', value: '02'}, 
     {text: 'Review EOR for Contractual Errors', value: '03'}, 
     {text: 'Verify to Whom Refund Needs to be Applied', value: '04'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value: '01'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value: '02'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred or Adjusted Bal', value: '03'}, 
     {text: 'Referred to Other Dept to Resolve Claim', value: '04'}, 
     {text: 'Refund Provided to Patient', value: '05'}, 
     {text: 'Refund Provided to Payer', value: '06'}, 
     {text: 'Made Correction to Claim', value: '07'}, 
     {text: 'Awaiting/Pending Recoupment', value: '08'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value: '09'} 
{text: "Uncategorized Defect", value: "4", triage: [], actions: [], childItems: [ 
    {text: 'Potential Defect', value: '01', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Claim Was Submitted to Payer', value: '01'}, 
     {text: 'Verify if More Specific Category Applies', value: '02'}, 
     {text: 'Verify Payer Received Claim', value: '03'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Overrode Defect Category', value:'01'}, 
     {text: 'Initiated Handoff', value:'02'}, 
     {text: 'Called Patient to Resolve', value:'03'}, 
     {text: 'Contacted Payer to Resolve Claim', value:'04'}, 
     {text: 'Transferred Bal to Patient Per Hospital Guidelines', value:'05'}, 
     {text: 'Applied Contractual/Adjustment', value:'06'}, 
     {text: 'Bill/Rebilled Claim', value:'07'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Claim is Still Pending with Payer', value:'08'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Payment is Promised', value:'09'}, 
     {text: 'Confirmed Claim was Recently Billed', value:'10'}, 
     {text: 'Submitted Write-Off Request', value:'11'}, 
     {text: 'Other Action', value:'12'} 
    {text: 'Supervisor Approved Exceptions', value: '02', triage: [ 
     {text: 'Verify Exception with Supervisor', value: '01'}, 
     {text: 'Confirm Follow Up Date with Supervisor', value: '02'}, 
     {text: 'Request Proper Notation from Supervisor', value: '03'} 
    ], actions: [ 
     {text: 'Next Action Date (30 Days)', value:'01'}, 
     {text: 'Next Action Date (60 Days)', value:'02'}, 
     {text: 'Next Action Date (90 Days)', value:'03'} 

var defecttypeModule = {}; 

defecttypeModule.defecttypeVM = new DefectTypeVM(defectTypeItems); 

ko.applyBindings(defecttypeModule.defecttypeVM, document.getElementById("overrideStep")); 





Вы используете data-bind="foreach: selectedTriage", но не заселена selectTriage наблюдаемый. На самом деле, вы, вероятно, хотите, наблюдаемый массив в вашем случае, который вы заселить в вашей getById функции, либо, что либо сделать его вычислить, как defectsubcategory у вас уже есть

Ох и кстати, я хотел бы избежать следующий код:

return item.value === value; 
    return item.triage === triage; 
    return item.actions === actions; 

так как только первая строка выполняется, и это просто вводит в заблуждение!

надеюсь, что входы помогают

Смежные вопросы