2016-06-15 3 views

Я пытаюсь использовать Standalone Twig для отправки писем с Swiftmailer. Я следую за instructions в разделе «С чистым Swiftmailer/Twig».Twig Swiftmailer без Symfony

Это мой код:


$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(array('/var/www/templates/utilities/test')); 
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array(
    'cache' => '/var/www/templates/cached', 
    'auto_reload' => true, // set to false to improve performance (Note: You have to clear the cache manually whenever a template is changed) 
    'debug' => true, 
    'use_strict_variables' => false, 
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug()); 

$swiftMailerTemplateHelper = new \WMC\SwiftmailerTwigBundle\TwigSwiftHelper($twig, '/var/www/templates/utilities/test'); 
// I'm not exactly sure what the value for the second parameter is supposed to be. 
//The instructions referenced just list a variable called $web_directory. 
//I'm assuming they just mean a path to where the templates are stored. 

echo "hello world"; 

Это ошибка, я получаю:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'WMC\SwiftmailerTwigBundle\TwigSwiftHelper' not found in /var/www/apps_mymea/utilities/test/email.php on line 16



пространства имен в указанной документации неверен.

Правильный синтаксис:

$swiftMailerTemplateHelper = new \WMC\SwiftmailerTwigBundle\Mailer\TwigSwiftHelper($twig, '/var/www/templates/utilities/test'); 
//It was missing the \Mailer\ in the class path. 
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