2017-02-08 2 views

Работает сначала, но когда я перередактирую ее, так как она выглядит беспорядочной, результат теперь является ошибкой, может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, помогите мне.Ошибка анализа: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданный конец файла

Я думаю, что я уже закрыл фигурные скобки и скрипты, я не знаю, что с ним не так.

if(!isset($_GET['id'])&&isset($_SESSION['username'])) header("Location: ?id=".getId($_SESSION['username'])); 

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<font color="black"> <h2 class="form-signin-heading"> Please Login <i class="fa fa-sign-in"> </i></h2> </font> 


    <form action="authenticate.php" class="form-signin" method="POST"> 
     <div class="input-group" style="margin-left:42%"> 
     <span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1">Username:</span> 
     <input type="text" name="username" class="form-control" style="width:23%; height: 40px;" required><br /> 


     <div class="input-group" style="margin-left:42%"> 
     <span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1" >Password:</span> 
     <input type="password" name="password" id="inputPassword" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Your Password" style="width:23%; height:40px;"required> 

     <br /> </br> 

      <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="submit" style="width:25%;"> Login <i class="fa fa-sign-in"> </i> </button> 



     echo $_GET["feedback"]; 


    <!-- NEXT PAGE --> 

    $profileUsersData = getUsersData(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id'])); 
     <div id="menu"> 
      <a class="button" href="logout.php">Logout</a> 

<?php if(userExists(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']))){ ?> 

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<button class="btn btn-default" onclick="javascript:printDiv('printablediv')" class = "btn btn-success" ><i class="fa fa-print"> </i> <b> Print the fees</b></button> 

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<div class="" id="printablediv"> 

    <p><img src="clsimages/STATEMENT.png"></p> 

<div align="right"> 


     var y = new Date(); 
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     var nextyear= y.getFullYear() +1; 
     document.write("<p class='navbar-text pull-right'><font style = 'Impact' color = 'black'><h3> SY:<font color='blue'> "+ currentyear +"-"+ nextyear +" </h3></font></font></p>"); 

</script> </th> 



<!-- Table --> 

<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; border-bottom: hidden;'> 
    <col style='width:50%;'> 
     <p><font size='2%' face='Arial'> <b> 


     $profileUsersData = getUsersData(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id'])); 

     <?php if(userExists(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']))){ ?> 
     <div id="header"> 

     <?php echo 'STUDENT NAME: '. $profileUsersData['LastName'].", ".$profileUsersData['FirstName']. " ".$profileUsersData['MiddleName'].""; ?> 

     <?php echo ' </br> LEVEL: '. $profileUsersData['Level'].""; ?> 

    <p><font size="2%" face="Arial"><b> TELEPHONE: (63 2) 834-2915 
     EMAIL: [email protected] 

    <table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;"> 
    <col style="width:50%;"> 
     <font size="2%" face="Arial"> 
     <?php echo ' </br> DATE: '. $profileUsersData['TuitionDate'].""; ?> 
     <?php echo ' </br> TUITION FEE: '. $profileUsersData['Tuition'].""; ?> 
      </br> </br> 
     <?php echo ' </br> BOOKS: '. $profileUsersData['Books'].""; ?> 
      </br> </br> 
     <?php echo ' </br> SCHOOL/ PE UNIFORM: '. $profileUsersData['Uniform'].""; ?> 
      </br> </br> 
     <?php echo ' </br> OLD ACCOUNT: '. $profileUsersData['OldAcct'].""; ?> 

     <font size="2%" face="Arial"> 
    <?php echo ' </br> BALANCE: '. $profileUsersData['Balance'].""; ?> 

<?php } else echo "Invalid ID"; ?> 

<?php } ?> 


<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; border-top:hidden;"> 
     <font size="3%" face="Arial"> 


      <b><u>RULES ON PAYMENT:</u></b> 


     <font size="2%" face="Arial"> 

      1. Tuition fee payment must be made every 5th day of the scheduled payment scheme. </br></br> 
      2.Payments should be made on time in order to take the exam needed. </br></br> 
      3. Reservations and Miscellaneous fees are non-refundable. </br></br> 
      4.A student who withdraws before the start of the school year shall be charged 50% on miscellaneous fee. </br></br> 
      5. A student who transfers or otherswise withdraws within two weeks after the beginning of classes and has already paid the 
      pertinent and other school fees in full may be charged to pay the whole amount of miscellaneous fees and the amount supposed tp be paid pertaining to tuition fee. </br></br> 
      6. A student who transfers or withdraws within two weeks after the beginning of classes and has not yet paid the pertinent 
      and other school fees shall be charged to pay the whole amount of miscellaneous fees in full and the amount supposed to be paid pertaining to tuition fee. </br></br> 
      7. A student who withdraws any time after the second week of classes, full payment of tuition and miscellaneous fees shall be charged. </br></br> 
      8. Discounts shall only be applied at the last payment. </br></br> 
      9. Any discounts granted will be forfeited if the payment is delayed. </br></br> 
      10. All fees should be paid in full before the end of the school year. 




    <font size="3%"> 
      Any discount granted will be <b> forfeited </b> if the payment is delayed. 


    <u> <font color="red"> <b> 


      Bring this notice upon payment and have the Examination Permit validated from the office. 
    </font> </u> 


      <font color="blue" size="3%"> 

      Contact the school if payment has been made, thank you. 

     </u> </font> </b> 




'if (isset ($ _ SESSION ['username'])) {{{{{{' on строка 174 вы не закрываете первую открытую скобку –


Вы не закрыли 2 скобки – affaz


if (isset ($ _ SESSION ['username'])) и if (userExists (mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ GET ['id']))) отсутствуют условия закрывающие скобки –



Скобки из следующих if петли не закрыта


<?php if(userExists(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']))){ ?> 

цитата I think i already closed the braces - Нет, ты не сделал.

Ваш код содержит 12 экземпляров {, но только 10 экземпляров }. похоже, что одна из проблем заключается в том, что скобка по строке 171 не закрыта, и, вероятно, еще есть где-то

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