2015-03-27 2 views



№. Невозможно определить номер порта, который будет использоваться при подключении к мастеру с помощью «sshmaster». Вот результат команды «help» над sshmaster.

%> starcluster sshmaster -h 
StarCluster - (http://star.mit.edu/cluster) (v. 0.9999) 
Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR) 
Please submit bug reports to [email protected] 

Usage: sshmaster [options] <cluster> [<remote-command>] 

    SSH to a cluster's master node 


     $ sshmaster mycluster 

    You can also execute commands without directly logging in: 

     $ starcluster sshmaster mycluster 'cat /etc/hosts' 

    -h, --help   show this help message and exit 
    -u USER, --user=USER login as USER (defaults to root) 
    -X, --forward-x11  enable X11 forwarding 
    -A, --forward-agent enable authentication agent forwarding 
    -t, --pseudo-tty  enable pseudo-tty allocation (for interactive commands 
        and screens) 
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