2014-02-14 2 views

В настоящее время у меня есть общий класс стека. Однако я хочу изменить класс стека, чтобы он использовал мой общий класс списка (оба полных кода предоставлены). Другими словами, я хочу создать общий стек, используя мой общий класс списка. Я надеялся, что кто-то сможет мне помочь.Как создать общий стек ontop общего списка? C++

Мой Stack Класс:

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

const int MAX_SIZE = 30; 

template <class T> 
class Stack 
     struct Node 
      T data; 
      Node *link; 

     Node *top; 
     int num_items; 

     // constructor 
     // remember that an empty list has a "size" of -1 and its "position" is at -1 
      top = NULL; 
      num_items = 0; 

     // copy constructor 
     // clones the list l and sets the last element as the current 
     Stack(const Stack& s) 
      *this = s; 

     // copy constructor 
     // clones the list l and sets the last element as the current 
     void operator=(const Stack& s) 
      Node *n = s.top; 

      top = NULL; 
      num_items = 0; 

      // just loop through the list and copy each element 
      while (n != NULL) 
       n = n->link; 

     //insert an item on top of the stack 
     void Push(T data) 
      Node *n = new Node; 
      n -> link =NULL; 
      n -> data = data; 

      if (top == NULL) 
       top = n; 

       n -> link = top; 
       top = n; 

     //delete an item from the top of the stack (and return it) 
     void Pop() 
      Node *n; 

       n = top; 
       top = top -> link; 
       delete n; 


     //return(but do not delete) the item on top of the stack 
     int Peek() 
       return -1; 
       return top -> data; 


     // return size of the stack 
     int Size() 
      return num_items; 


     // returns if the list is empty 
     bool IsEmpty() 
      if(top == NULL) 
       return true; 
       return false; 

     // returns if the list is full 
     bool IsFull() 
      if(num_items == MAX_SIZE) 
       return true; 
       return false; 

     // returns the concatenation of two lists 
     // s should not be modified 
     // s should be concatenated to the end of *this 
     // the returned list should not exceed MAX_SIZE elements 
     // the last element of the new list is the current 
     Stack operator+(const Stack& s) const 
      // copy the first list 
      Stack t = *this; 
      Node *n = s.top; 

      // iterate through the second list and copy each element to the new list 
      while (n != NULL && !t.IsFull()) 
       n = n->link; 

      return t; 

     // returns if two lists are equal (by value) 
     bool operator==(const Stack& s) const 
      // the lists are not equal if they're of different sizes 
      if (num_items != s.num_items) 
       return false; 

      Node *p = top; 
      Node *q = s.top; 

      // iterate through each list 
      while (p != NULL) 
       // if any pair of elements differ, the lists are not equal 
       if (p->data != q->data) 
        return false; 
       p = p->link; 
       q = q->link; 

      return true; 

     // returns if two lists are not equal (by value) 
     bool operator!=(const Stack& s) const 
      return !(*this == s); 

     // returns a string representation of the entire stack (e.g., 1 2 3 4 5) 
     // the string "NULL" should be returned for an empty stack 
     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Stack &s) 
      // "NULL" if the stack is empty 
      if (s.top == NULL) 
       out << "NULL"; 
       Node *n = s.top; 

       // otherwise iterate through the list and display each element separated by a space 
       while (n != NULL) 
        out << n->data << " "; 
        n = n->link; 

      return out; 

И мой класс GenericList является:

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

const int MAX_SIZE = 30; 

template <class T> 
class List 
     struct Node 
      T data; 
      Node *link; 

     Node *head; 
     Node *tail; 
     Node *curr; 
     int num_items; 

     // constructor 
     // remember that an empty list has a "size" of -1 and its "position" is at -1 
      head = tail = curr = NULL; 
      num_items = 0; 

     // copy constructor 
     // clones the list l and sets the last element as the current 
     List(const List& l) 
      *this = l; 

     // copy constructor 
     // clones the list l and sets the last element as the current 
     void operator=(const List& l) 
      Node *n = l.head; 

      head = tail = curr = NULL; 
      num_items = 0; 

      // just loop through the list and copy each element 
      while (n != NULL) 
       n = n->link; 

     // navigates to the beginning of the list 
     // this should not be possible for an empty list 
     void First() 
      curr = head; 

     // navigates to the end of the list 
     // the end of the list does not necessarily correspond to its maximum size; it's just at the last existing element 
     void Last() 
      curr = tail; 

     // navigates to the specified element (0-index) 
     // this should not be possible for an empty list 
     // this should not be possible for invalid positions 
     void SetPos(T pos) 
      if (!IsEmpty() && pos >=0 && pos < num_items) 
       curr = head; 

       // move curr to the specified position 
       for (int i=0; i<pos; i++) 
        curr = curr->link; 

     // navigates to the previous element 
     // this should not be possible for an empty list 
     // there should be no wrap-around 
     void Prev() 
      if (!IsEmpty() && curr != head) 
       Node *n = head; 

       // move n to the previous element 
       while (n->link != curr) 
        n = n->link; 

       curr = n; 

     // navigates to the next element 
     // this should not be possible for an empty list 
     // there should be no wrap-around 
     void Next() 
      if (!IsEmpty() && curr != tail) 
       curr = curr->link; 

     // returns the location of the current element (or -1) 
     int GetPos() 
      if (IsEmpty()) 
       return -1; 

      Node *n = head; 
      int i = 0; 

      // traverse the list to get the current position 
      while (n != curr) 
       n = n->link; 

      return i; 

     // returns the value of the current element (or -1) 
     int GetValue() 
      return ((!IsEmpty()) ? curr->data : -1); 

     // returns the size of the list 
     // size does not imply capacity 
     int GetSize() 
      return num_items; 

     // inserts an item before the current element 
     // the new element becomes the current 
     // this should not be possible for a full list 
     void InsertBefore(T data) 
      if (!IsFull()) 
       // if the list is empty, just insert after 
       if (IsEmpty()) 
        // if we're at the beginning, just create a new head that points to the current one 
        if (curr == head) 
         head = new Node; 
         head->data = data; 
         head->link = curr; 
         curr = head; 
        // otherwise, navigate to the previous node and insert after 

     // inserts an item after the current element 
     // the new element becomes the current 
     // this should not be possible for a full list 
     void InsertAfter(T data) 
      if (!IsFull()) 
       Node *n = new Node; 

       n->data = data; 
       n->link = NULL; 

       // if the list is empty, everything points to the single node 
       if (IsEmpty()) 
        head = tail = curr = n; 
        // if we're at the end, just tack the new node on 
        if (curr == tail) 
         curr->link = n; 
         curr = tail = n; 
        // otherwise, change the links to insert the node 
         n->link = curr->link; 
         curr = curr->link = n; 


     // removes the current element (collapsing the list) 
     // this should not be possible for an empty list 
     void Remove() 
      if (!IsEmpty()) 
       // if we're at the beginning, reset the head 
       if (curr == head) 
        head = curr = curr->link; 

        if (head == NULL) 
         tail = NULL; 
        // and rearrange the pointer to remove this node 
        curr->link = curr->link->link; 
        // we handle removing the tail vs. other internal nodes a bit differently 
        if (curr->link == NULL) 
         tail = curr; 

     // replaces the value of the current element with the specified value 
     // this should not be possible for an empty list 
     void Replace(T data) 
      if (!IsEmpty()) 
       curr->data = data; 

     // returns if the list is empty 
     bool IsEmpty() 
      return (head == NULL); 

     // returns if the list is full 
     bool IsFull() 
      return (num_items == MAX_SIZE); 

     // returns the concatenation of two lists 
     // l should not be modified 
     // l should be concatenated to the end of *this 
     // the returned list should not exceed MAX_SIZE elements 
     // the last element of the new list is the current 
     List operator+(const List& l) const 
      // copy the first list 
      List t = *this; 
      Node *n = l.head; 

      // iterate through the second list and copy each element to the new list 
      while (n != NULL && !t.IsFull()) 
       n = n->link; 

      return t; 

     // returns if two lists are equal (by value) 
     bool operator==(const List& l) const 
      // the lists are not equal if they're of different sizes 
      if (num_items != l.num_items) 
       return false; 

      Node *p = head; 
      Node *q = l.head; 

      // iterate through each list 
      while (p != NULL) 
       // if any pair of elements differ, the lists are not equal 
       if (p->data != q->data) 
        return false; 
       p = p->link; 
       q = q->link; 

      return true; 

     // returns if two lists are not equal (by value) 
     bool operator!=(const List& l) const 
      return !(*this == l); 

     // returns a string representation of the entire list (e.g., 1 2 3 4 5) 
     // the string "NULL" should be returned for an empty list 
     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const List &l) 
      // "NULL" if the list is empty 
      if (l.head == NULL) 
       out << "NULL"; 
       Node *n = l.head; 

       // otherwise iterate through the list and display each element separated by a space 
       while (n != NULL) 
        out << n->data << " "; 
        n = n->link; 

      return out; 

Что именно не работает, как вы хотели бы здесь? Я не совсем в восторге от идеи читать ваш (длинный) код, реконструировать его, чтобы узнать, что он должен делать, а затем отладить его ... – vonbrand


Они оба работают. То, что я хочу сделать, это включить общий список в мой класс стека. Я знаю, что у меня есть #include "Genericlist.cc". Я просто не уверен, как я буду кодировать мой класс стека, используя общий класс списка. Если это имеет смысл. – user3259141



Вы можете просто работать с конца списка.

Итак, для функции pop вы получите последний элемент в списке, удалите его из списка и вернете его вызывающему.

Для push вы можете сделать обратное действие, то есть добавить элемент в конец списка.

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