2016-02-17 3 views

Я создал эластичный поиск для своей базы данных, у которой есть основная масса записей около 150 тыс. Я новичок в поиске эластичности. Я хочу импортировать свои данные из базы данных каждые 5 часов один раз без моего сервера. Как я могу это реализовать?Эластичный график импорта данных поиска

создал свой индекс, используя приведенный ниже код

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/jdbc/_meta' -d '{ 
    "type" : "jdbc", 
    "jdbc": { 
    "driver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", 
     "url" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname", 
     "user" : "root", 
     "password" : "pwd", 
     "sql": "select PD.pd_profileID as _id,PD.pd_profileID,PD.pd_firstName,PD.pd_lawFirmName,PD.pd_secondName,PD.pd_fullName,PD.pd_fullNameTaxonomy, PD.pd_profileLink,PD.pd_description,PD.pd_emailAddress,PD.pd_mobileno,PD.pd_qualification,PD.pd_awards,PD.pd_experience,PD.pd_lawfirmID, lf.LF_searchURL,(SELECT DATE_FORMAT(pla.pla_createTime, \"%M - %Y\")from profile_location_audit as pla where pla.pla_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND(CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN(date_format(pla.pla_createTime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)group by pla.pla_profileID) as location_ch_time, (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(pja.pja_createTime, \"%M - %Y\")from profile_jobtitle_audit as pja where pja.pja_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(pja.pja_createTime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)group by pja.pja_profileID) as jobtitle_ch_time, (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(jo.pd_movedTime, \"%M - %Y\")from movers as jo where jo.pd_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND jo.pd_profilestatus = 2) as joined_on, (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(lv.pd_movedTime, \"%M - %Y\") from movers as lv where lv.pd_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND lv.pd_profilestatus = 0) as left_on, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(concat(jtm_Taxonomy)separator \",\") FROM jobtitle_taxonomymaster WHERE jtm_Rank = (SELECT MAX(jtm_Rank) FROM jobtitle_taxonomymaster WHERE (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(\",\", concat(ijt.pj_taxonomy1, \",\"), \",\") FROM profile_jobtitle AS ijt WHERE ijt.pj_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(ijt.pj_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(ijt.pj_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)) LIKE CONCAT(\"%,\", jtm_ID, \",%\"))) as jt_tax, (select GROUP_CONCAT(concat(jtm_Taxonomy) separator \",\") from jobtitle_taxonomymaster where jtm_ID IN (SELECT ijt.pj_taxonomy2 FROM profile_jobtitle as ijt where ijt.pj_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(ijt.pj_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(ijt.pj_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END))) as jt_tax2, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(concat(jt.jt_jobtitle) separator \", \") from jobtitle as jt inner join profile_jobtitle as ijt ON jt.jt_ID = ijt.pj_jobtitleID where ijt.pj_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(ijt.pj_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(ijt.pj_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\")ELSE 1=1 END)) as jt_webpage, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(concat(etm.etm_Taxonomy) separator \",\") from expertise_taxonomymaster as etm where (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(\",\", concat(pe.pp_taxonomy1,\",\",ifnull(pe.pp_taxonomy2, 0),\",\",ifnull(pe.pp_taxonomy3, 0)),\",\") FROM profile_expertise as pe where pe.pp_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(pe.pp_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(pe.pp_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)) LIKE CONCAT(\"%,\", etm_ID, \",%\")) as et_tax, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(concat(et.et_expertise) separator \", \") from expertise as et inner join profile_expertise as iet ON et.et_ID = iet.pp_expertiseID where iet.pp_profileID = PD.pd_profileID AND (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(iet.pp_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(iet.pp_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)) as et_webpage, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct concat(lc.city_name)separator \",\") from location_city as lc inner join location_taxonomy as ltx ON lc.city_ID = ltx.ltx_cityID inner join profile_location as pl ON pl.pl_locationID = ltx.ltx_location_ID where pl.pl_profileID = PD.pd_profileID and (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(pl.pl_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(pl.pl_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)) as loc_cityname, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct concat(ls.ls_name)separator \",\") from location_secondary as ls inner join location_city as lc ON ls.ls_ID = lc.city_secondaryID inner join location_taxonomy as ltx ON lc.city_ID = ltx.ltx_cityID inner join profile_location as pl ON pl.pl_locationID = ltx.ltx_location_ID where pl.pl_profileID = PD.pd_profileID and (CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(pl.pl_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(pl.pl_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)) as location_countryname, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct concat(lp.lp_name)separator \",\") from location_primary as lp inner join location_city as lc ON lp.lp_ID = lc.city_primaryID inner join location_taxonomy as ltx ON lc.city_ID = ltx.ltx_cityID inner join profile_location as pl ON pl.pl_locationID = ltx.ltx_location_ID where pl.pl_profileID = PD.pd_profileID and(CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(pl.pl_createtime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(pl.pl_updatetime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END)) as location_primary, (SELECT admitted from solicitors_data as sd inner join geo_solicitor_profiles as gsd ON sd.id = gsd.solicitor_id where sd.admitted is not null and gsd.profile_id = PD.pd_profileID and match_count in (select max(match_count) from geo_solicitor_profiles where profile_id = PD.pd_profileID) GROUP BY gsd.profile_id) as admitted_date,IFNULL((SELECT YEAR(admitted) from solicitors_data as sd inner join geo_solicitor_profiles as gsd ON sd.id = gsd.solicitor_id where sd.admitted is not null and gsd.profile_id = PD.pd_profileID and match_count in (select max(match_count) from geo_solicitor_profiles where profile_id = PD.pd_profileID) GROUP BY gsd.profile_id),0) as admitted_year from profiledetails as PD join lawfirms as lf ON lf.LF_ID = PD.pd_lawfirmID where CASE PD.pd_manualflag WHEN 0 THEN (date_format(pd_createTime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\" or date_format(pd_updateTime, \"%Y-%m\") = \"2016-01\") ELSE 1=1 END ",     
     "poll": "24h", 
     "strategy": "simple", 
     "scale": 0, 
     "autocommit": true, 
     "bulk_size": 7000, 
     "max_bulk_requests": 30, 
     "bulk_flush_interval": "5s", 
     "fetchsize": 100, 
     "max_rows": 200000, 
     "max_retries": 3, 
     "max_retries_wait": "10s", 
     "locale": "in", 
     "digesting": true, 
     "index": "jdbc",    
     "type": "jdbc",     
     "type_mapping": {      
      "jdbc": { "dynamic_templates": [{ 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "pd_fullNameTaxonomy", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "pd_lawFirmName", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "jt_tax", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "et_tax", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "loc_cityname", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "location_countryname", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "location_primary", 
      "match_mapping_type": "string", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "string", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "string", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 
      "strings": { 
      "match": "admitted_date", 
      "match_mapping_type": "date", 
      "mapping": { 
       "type": "date", 
       "fields": { 
       "raw": { 
        "type": "date", 
        "index": "not_analyzed" 

Я хочу, чтобы выполнить этот код через каждые 5 часов автоматически и сайт не может получить вниз


Итак, ваши усилия и код! –


Я не могу тебя достать, ты хочешь мой код? – vaths


Да, покажи, что ты сделал до сих пор. Также покажите, что вы пробовали до сих пор, разместив свой код. –


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