2015-04-19 4 views

У меня возникли трудности с написанием Java-программы, в частности с помощью метода enterCustomerName. Я использовал String, чтобы я мог получить введенный пользователем ввод. Есть и другие ошибки, но я этого не понимаю. Я новичок в программировании на Java, поэтому любая помощь очень ценится.приватная ошибка метода String, проблемы с получением правильного ввода пользователем

Это программа для магазина фруктов и овощей.

import java.util.Scanner; 

public class FruitVegShop 


    private void printWelcomeMessage() 
    { // print the welcome message 
    System.out.println("Welcome to Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market"); 

    private String enterCustomerName() 
    { // prompt for, read and return a customer name 
     Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); 
     System.out.println("Please enter the customer's name: "); 
     String customerName; 
     customerName = in.nextLine(); 
     System.out.printf("Hello %s\n", customerName); 
     return ""; 

    private String enterProduceName() 
    { // prompt for, read and return the name of the produce 
     Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 
     System.out.println("Please enter the name of the produce"); 
     String name; 
     name = in.nextLine(); 
     System.out.printf("P: %s\n", name); 
     return ""; 

    private void printPurchaseNumber(int purchaseNumber) 
    { // print the number of the purchase 


    private double enterProduceWeight(String name) 
    { // prompt for, read and return the weight of the produce 
     Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); 
     System.out.println("Please enter the weight of the produce: "); 
     double weight; 
     weight = in.nextDouble(); 
     System.out.printf("Produce Weight: %d\n", weight); 
     return 0; 

    private double enterProduceCost(String name) 
    { // prompt for, read and return the cost of the produce 
     Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); 
     System.out.println("Please enter the price of the produce: "); 
     double costPerKg; 
     costPerKg = in.nextDouble(); 
     System.out.printf("Produce Price: $%d\n", costPerKg); 
     return 0; 

    private void printPurchase(String name, double weight, double costPerKg, double cost) 
    { // print the details of one pruchase 

    double produceTotal; 

    System.out.printf("Produce: %d\n", name); 
    System.out.printf("Weight (kg): %d\n", weight); 
    System.out.printf("@ $%d.2\n /kg", costPerKg); 
    System.out.printf("TOTAL: $%d.2\n", produceTotal); // ERROR: variable produceTotal might not have been initialized 

    produceTotal = weight * costPerKg; 


    private boolean discount(String name) 
    { // determine if the customer is eligle for a discount and return true or false 

     return scannerObject.nextLine().equalsIgnoreCase(“y”); 

    private void printTotalCost(String name, int numberOfPurchases, double cost, boolean discount) 
    { // print the total cost of the order and discount information if neccessary 

    private void printExitMessage(String name) 
    { // print the exit message 

    private void processCustomer() 
    { // process one customer's order 
     String customerName,  // the name of the customer 
       produceName;  // the name of the produce 

     double produceWeight,  // the weight ofthe produce 
       produceCostPerKg, // the cost per kilo of the produce 
       purchaseCost,  // the cost of the purchase 
       totalCost = 0;  // the total cost of the order 

     int purchaseNumber = 0;  // the number of the current purchase 

     boolean discount;   // boolean to say if customer is eligible for a discount 

     printWelcomeMessage();  // print the title message 

     customerName = enterCustomerName(); // get the customer name 

     purchaseNumber++;         // increment the number of the purchase 
     printPurchaseNumber(purchaseNumber);    // print the number of the purchase 
     produceName = enterProduceName();     // get the name of the produce item 
     produceWeight = enterProduceWeight(produceName); // get the weight of the purchase 
     produceCostPerKg = enterProduceCost(produceName); // get the cost per kg 

     purchaseCost = produceWeight * produceCostPerKg; // calculate the cost of the purchase 
     totalCost += purchaseCost;       // add to total cost 

     printPurchase(produceName, produceWeight, produceCostPerKg, purchaseCost); // print the purchase details 

     discount = discount(customerName); // determine if the customer is eligible for a discount 

     printTotalCost(customerName, purchaseNumber, totalCost, discount); // print the total cost 

     printExitMessage(customerName); // print the final exit message 

    public static void main(String [] args) 
     FruitVegShop fruitVegShop = new FruitVegShop(); 


И это ошибка я получаю:

Welcome to Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market 
Please enter the customer's name: 
Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException 
     at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:864) 
     at java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1485) 
     at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Scanner.java:2117) 
     at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Scanner.java:2076) 
     at FruitVegShop.enterCustomerName(FruitVegShop.java:20) 
     at FruitVegShop.processCustomer(FruitVegShop.java:102) 
     at FruitVegShop.main(FruitVegShop.java:127) 
Press any key to continue . . .

import java.util.Scanner; 


public class FruitVegShop 



\t private void printWelcomeMessage() 
\t { // print the welcome message 
\t System.out.println("    Welcome to Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market"); 
\t } 


\t private String enterCustomerName() 
\t { // prompt for, read and return a customer name 
\t \t Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); 
\t \t System.out.println("Enter the name of the customer ==> "); 
\t \t String customerName; 
\t \t customerName = in.nextLine(); 
\t  return customerName; 
\t } 


\t private String enterProduceName() 
\t { // prompt for, read and return the name of the produce 
\t \t Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 
\t \t System.out.println("Enter the name of the produce ==> "); 
\t \t String produceName; 
\t \t produceName = in.nextLine(); 
\t \t return produceName; 
\t } 


\t private void printPurchaseNumber(int purchaseNumber) 
\t { // print the number of the purchase 
\t \t int counter = 0; 
\t \t while (counter <= 3) // loop the order 3 times 
\t } 


\t private double enterProduceWeight(String name) 
\t { // prompt for, read and return the weight of the produce 
\t \t Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); 
\t \t System.out.printf("Enter the weight (kg) of the %s\n ==> ", produceName); 
\t \t double produceWeight; 
\t \t produceWeight = in.nextDouble(); 
\t \t return produceWeight; 
\t } 


\t private double enterProduceCost(String name) 
\t { // prompt for, read and return the cost of the produce 
\t \t Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); 
\t \t System.out.printf("Enter the cost per kg of the %s\n ==> ", produceName); 
\t \t double produceCostPerKg; 
\t \t produceCostPerKg = in.nextDouble(); 
\t \t return produceCostPerKg; 
\t } 


\t private void printPurchase(String produceName, double produceWeight, double produceCostPerKg, double cost) 
\t { // print the details of one pruchase 

\t double produceCost; 

\t System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); 
\t System.out.printf("%f\n of %s\n at $%.2f\n per kg is $%.2f\n", produceWeight, produceName, produceCostPerKg, produceCost); 
\t System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); 

\t produceCost = produceWeight * produceCostPerKg; 

\t } 


\t private boolean discount(String name) 
\t { // determine if the customer is eligle for a discount and return true or false 
\t \t Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 
\t \t if (in.nextLine().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) 
\t \t \t return true; 
\t \t else 
      return false; 
\t } 


\t private void printTotalCost(String name, int numberOfPurchases, double cost, boolean discount) 
\t { // print the total cost of the order and discount information if neccessary 

\t \t double totalCost; 
\t \t double discountValue; 

\t \t System.out.println("**********************************************************************"); 
\t \t System.out.printf("%s\n the total for %d\n fruit and vegetable purchases is $%.2f\n", customerName, purchaseNumber, totalCost); 
\t \t System.out.printf("This includes a discount of $%.2d\n", discountValue); 
\t \t System.out.println("**********************************************************************"); 

\t \t // make a addition counter for the order. 
\t \t // set a discount value 
\t } 


\t private void printExitMessage(String name) 
\t { // print the exit message 
\t \t System.out.printf("Thank you %s\n for shopping at the Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market", customerName); 
\t \t System.out.println("Written by s0270780"); 
\t } 


\t private void processCustomer() 
\t { // process one customer's order 
\t \t String customerName, \t \t // the name of the customer 
\t \t \t \t produceName; \t \t // the name of the produce 

\t \t double produceWeight, \t \t // the weight of the produce 
\t \t \t \t produceCostPerKg, \t // the cost per kilo of the produce 
\t \t \t \t purchaseCost, \t \t // the cost of the purchase 
\t \t \t \t totalCost = 0; \t \t // the total cost of the order 

\t \t int purchaseNumber = 0; \t \t // the number of the current purchase 

\t \t boolean discount; \t \t \t // boolean to say if customer is eligible for a discount 

\t \t printWelcomeMessage(); \t \t // print the title message 

\t \t customerName = enterCustomerName(); // get the customer name 

\t \t purchaseNumber++; \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t // increment the number of the purchase 
\t \t printPurchaseNumber(purchaseNumber); \t \t \t \t // print the number of the purchase 
\t \t produceName = enterProduceName(); \t \t \t \t \t // get the name of the produce item 
\t \t produceWeight = enterProduceWeight(produceName); \t // get the weight of the purchase 
\t \t produceCostPerKg = enterProduceCost(produceName); \t // get the cost per kg 

\t \t purchaseCost = produceWeight * produceCostPerKg; \t // calculate the cost of the purchase 
\t \t totalCost += purchaseCost; \t \t \t \t \t \t \t // add to total cost 

\t \t printPurchase(produceName, produceWeight, produceCostPerKg, purchaseCost); // print the purchase details 

\t \t discount = discount(customerName); \t // determine if the customer is eligible for a discount 

\t \t printTotalCost(customerName, purchaseNumber, totalCost, discount); // print the total cost 

\t \t printExitMessage(customerName); \t // print the final exit message 
\t } 


\t public static void main(String [] args) 
\t { 
\t \t FruitVegShop fruitVegShop = new FruitVegShop(); 

\t \t fruitVegShop.processCustomer(); 
\t } 

C:\Users\Jockman\Desktop\The Fruit & Veg Shop\FruitVegShop.java:45: error: cannot find symbol 
\t \t System.out.printf("Enter the weight (kg) of the %f\n ==> ", produceName); 
\t \t               ^
    symbol: variable produceName 
    location: class FruitVegShop 
C:\Users\Jockman\Desktop\The Fruit & Veg Shop\FruitVegShop.java:55: error: cannot find symbol 
\t \t System.out.printf("Enter the cost per kg of the %s\n ==> ", produceName); 
\t \t               ^
    symbol: variable produceName 
    location: class FruitVegShop 
C:\Users\Jockman\Desktop\The Fruit & Veg Shop\FruitVegShop.java:93: error: cannot find symbol 
\t \t System.out.printf("%s\n the total for %d\n fruit and vegetable purchases is $%.2f\n", customerName, purchaseNumber, totalCost); 
\t \t                      ^
    symbol: variable customerName 
    location: class FruitVegShop 
C:\Users\Jockman\Desktop\The Fruit & Veg Shop\FruitVegShop.java:93: error: cannot find symbol 
\t \t System.out.printf("%s\n the total for %d\n fruit and vegetable purchases is $%.2f\n", customerName, purchaseNumber, totalCost); 
\t \t                         ^
    symbol: variable purchaseNumber 
    location: class FruitVegShop 
C:\Users\Jockman\Desktop\The Fruit & Veg Shop\FruitVegShop.java:104: error: cannot find symbol 
\t \t System.out.printf("Thank you %s\n for shopping at the Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market", customerName); 
\t \t                      ^
    symbol: variable customerName 
    location: class FruitVegShop 
5 errors 

Tool completed with exit code 1


Какие ошибки вы получаете точно? И можете ли вы опубликовать стек ошибок? – krisdestruction


Привет, я добавил его к сообщению, и спасибо Эллиоту и Тони, это действительно помогло мне. – Jockman


Я перезапустил код, теперь работаю с третьим кодом в сообщении, и теперь я даже не могу заставить его создать файл .class для него. Я обновил основной код, и журнал ошибок под третьим кодом - это то, что я получаю. – Jockman



Я думаю, что вы имели в виду, чтобы вернуть name вместо "" в enterCustomerName() и enterProduceName() Смените

return ""; 


return customerName; 


return name; 

соответствен венно. Кроме того, enterProduceWeight и enterProduceCost не должны return 0;, но должны return weight; и return costPerKg; (если вы хотите, чтобы они печатались как не пустые, а не 0 в printPurchase).

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