2014-01-20 2 views
function initialise() { 
    doubleCount = 0; 
    playerturn = 1; 
    hotelrating = 0; 
    flipped = 0; 

function playgame() { 
    rollDice(); //two dice rolls 
    drawDice(); //displays the dice 
    setPosition(); //update player position 

function starplugin() { 
     path: 'lib/img/', 
     cancel: true, 
     cancelHint: 'remove my rating!', 
     cancelPlace: 'right' 
    $("#star > img").click(function() { 
     hotelrating = $(this).attr("alt"); 

function clearContent() { 
    if (flipped === 1) { 
      color_target: "#F8F8F8", 
      duration: "500" 
     flipped = 0; 

function canBuild() { 
    var set = ["brown", "blue", "pink", "orange", "red", "yellow", "green", "navy"]; 
    var buildablesets = [ 
    for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { 
     if (doesOwnSet('player' + playerturn, set[i])) { 
    buildablesetsx = buildablesets[playerturn]; 
    if (buildablesetsx.length > 1) { 
     $("#buildsets" + playerturn).show(); 
     buildsets = $("#buildsets" + playerturn); 
     for (k = 1; k < buildablesets[playerturn].length; k++) { 
      buildsets.append("<option value='" + buildablesetsx[k] + "'>" + buildablesetsx[k] + "</option>"); 
    } else { 

function build() { 
    var setname = $('#buildsets' + playerturn).find(":selected").text(); 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    var currentRating = sets[setname].rating; 
    var ratingToAdd = hotelrating - currentRating; 
    var cost = sets[setname].cost * ratingToAdd; 
    if (hotelrating < currentRating) { 
     alert("Sorry mate, you can't downgrade"); 
    if (cost > balance) { 
     alert("Sorry mate, you can't afford that!"); 
    } else { 
     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - cost; 
     sets[setname].rating = hotelrating; 


function doesOwnSet(player, type) { 
    return Object.keys(positions) 
     .map(function (key) { 
      return positions[key]; 
     .filter(function (pos) { 
      return pos.type === type; 
     .every(function (pos) { 
      return pos.owner === player; 

function rollDice() { 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1) + 1); 
    var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1) + 1); 
    dice1 = x; 
    dice2 = y; 
    dicetotal = dice1 + dice2; 

function drawDice() { 
    $('.dice1').css('background-image', 'url(img/dice/' + dice1 + '.png)'); 
    $('.dice2').css('background-image', 'url(img/dice/' + dice2 + '.png)'); 

function drawBoard() { 
    var set = ["brown", "blue", "pink", "orange", "red", "yellow", "green", "navy"]; 
    for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { 
     var setcolor = sets[set[i]].color; 
     if (set[i] == "yellow") { 
      $('.yellow').css('color', 'black'); 
     $('.' + set[i]).css('background', setcolor); 

function setPosition() { 

    players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = players['player' + playerturn].startpos + dicetotal; 
    players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos - dicetotal; 
    currentposition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 

    if (currentposition >= 40) { 

     var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 

     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200; 
     $("#debug2").text("+ $200"); 

     if (currentposition > 40) { 

      players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = currentposition - 40; 



    if (currentposition == 30) { 

     players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = 10; 


    players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
    title = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].title; 

function movePiece() { 

    var x = "#piece" + playerturn + "pos" + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
    var y = "#piece" + playerturn + "pos" + players['player' + playerturn].prevpos; 


function checkForSale() { 

    var forsale = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].forsale; 

    if (forsale == "y") { 
    } else { 


function checkOwner() { 

    var owner = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].owner; 

    if (owner == "none") { 
    } else { 


function payRent() { 

    var currentpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    var type = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].type; 

    if (type == "utility") { 
     var rent = 4 * dicetotal; 
    } else { 
     var rent = positions['position' + currentpos].rent; 

    players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - rent; 


function assignOwner() { 
    var price = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].price; 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    var title = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].title; 

    players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - price; 
    positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].owner = "player" + playerturn; 
    //positions['position'+players['player'+playerturn].currentpos].price = positions['position'+players['player'+playerturn].currentpos].rent; 
    $("#owns" + playerturn).append(title + '</br>'); 

function checkType() { 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    var type = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].type; 
    if (type == "tax") { 
     var tax = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].tax; 
     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - tax; 
     $("#debug2").text("- $" + tax); 
    } else { 

     if (type == "chance") { 
     } else if (type == "chest") { 


function chanceCard() { 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((16 - 1) + 1) + 1); 
    var title = chancecards['chance' + x].title; 
    var type = chancecards['chance' + x].type; 
    var bill = chancecards['chance' + x].bill; 
    var bonus = chancecards['chance' + x].bonus; 
    if (type == "bill") { 
     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - bill; 
     $("#debug2").text("- $" + bill); 
    } else if (type == "bonus") { 
     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + bonus; 
     $("#debug2").text("+ $" + bonus); 
    } else if (type == "move") { 
     var newposition = chancecards['chance' + x].newposition; 
     var currentposition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
     if (newposition == 40) { //this if the player has to "advance to go" 
     } else if (newposition < currentposition) { //if the new position is less than the current one it means the player has to go past go 
      players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200; 
      $("#debug2").text("+ $200"); 
     players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
     players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = newposition; 
     players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 

    } else if (title == "Go back 3 spaces") { 
     players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
     players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos - 3; 
     players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 


    $(".cards").css('display', 'block'); 
     color_target: "#F8F8F8", 
     duration: "500", 
     verso: '<span id="cardtitle">Chance</span><span id="cardinfo"> ' + title + '</span>' 
    flipped = 1; 

function chestCard() { 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((14 - 1) + 1) + 1); 
    var title = chestcards['chest' + x].title; 
    var chesttype = chestcards['chest' + x].type; 
    var bill = chestcards['chest' + x].bill; 
    var bonus = chestcards['chest' + x].bonus; 

    if (chesttype == "bill") { 
     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - bill; 
     $("#debug2").text("- $" + bill); 
    } else if (chesttype == "bonus") { 
     players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + bonus; 
     $("#debug2").text("+ $" + bonus); 
    } else if (chesttype == "move") { 
     var newposition = chestcards['chest' + x].newposition; 
     var currentposition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
     if (newposition == 40) { //this if the player has to "advance to go" 
     } else if (newposition < currentposition) { //if the new position is less than the current one it means the player has to go past go 
      players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200; 
      $("#debug2").text("+ $200"); 
     players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
     players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = newposition; 
     players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 


    //$("#cardtitle").text("Community Chest"); 
    $(".cards").css('display', 'block'); 
     color_target: "#F8F8F8", 
     duration: "500", 
     verso: '<span id="cardtitle">Community Chest</span><span id="cardinfo"> ' + title + '</span>' 
    flipped = 1; 

function advanceToGo() { 
    var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance; 
    players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200; 
    $("#debug2").text("+ $200"); 

function checkDouble() { 
    if (dice1 == dice2) { 
     if (doubleCount == 3) { 
      var currentpossition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos; 
      players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = 10; 
    } else { 
     doubleCount = 0; 

function changeTurn() { 

    if (playerturn == 1) { 
     playerturn = 2; 
     $("#roll1").prop("disabled", true); 
     $("#roll2").prop("disabled", false); 
    } else { 
     playerturn = 1; 
     $("#roll2").prop("disabled", true); 
     $("#roll1").prop("disabled", false); 


function createPlayers() { 
    players = { 
     player1: { 
      currentpos: 0, 
      prevpos: 0, 
      startpos: 0, 
      balance: 1500 
     player2: { 
      currentpos: 0, 
      prevpos: 0, 
      startpos: 0, 
      balance: 1500 

function createPositions() { 
    positions = { 
     position1: { 
      title: "Cairo", 
      type: "brown", 
      owner: "player1", 
      price: 60, 
      rent: [2, 10, 30, 90, 160, 250], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position3: { 
      title: "Vienna", 
      type: "brown", 
      owner: "player1", 
      price: 60, 
      rent: [2, 20, 60, 180, 320, 450], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position5: { 
      title: "Schiphol", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position6: { 
      title: "Brussels", 
      type: "blue", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 100, 
      rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position8: { 
      title: "Oslo", 
      type: "blue", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 100, 
      rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position9: { 
      title: "Zurich", 
      type: "blue", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 120, 
      rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position11: { 
      title: "Amsterdam", 
      type: "pink", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 140, 
      rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position13: { 
      title: "Bangkok", 
      type: "pink", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 140, 
      rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position14: { 
      title: "Istanbul", 
      type: "pink", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 160, 
      rent: [12, 60, 180, 500, 700, 900], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position15: { 
      title: "Charles de Gaulle", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position16: { 
      title: "Hong Kong", 
      type: "orange", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 180, 
      rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position18: { 
      title: "Madrid", 
      type: "orange", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 180, 
      rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position19: { 
      title: "Sydney", 
      type: "orange", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: [16, 80, 220, 600, 800, 100], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position21: { 
      title: "Toronto", 
      type: "red", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 220, 
      rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position23: { 
      title: "Mumbai", 
      type: "red", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 220, 
      rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position24: { 
      title: "Rome", 
      type: "red", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 240, 
      rent: [20, 100, 300, 750, 925, 1100], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position25: { 
      title: "Heathrow", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position26: { 
      title: "Rio", 
      type: "yellow", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 240, 
      rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position27: { 
      title: "Tokyo", 
      type: "yellow", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 240, 
      rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position29: { 
      title: "Paris", 
      type: "yellow", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 280, 
      rent: [24, 120, 360, 850, 1025, 1200], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position31: { 
      title: "Berlin", 
      type: "green", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 300, 
      rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position32: { 
      title: "Bejing", 
      type: "green", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 300, 
      rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position34: { 
      title: "Moscow", 
      type: "green", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 320, 
      rent: [28, 150, 450, 1000, 1200, 1400], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position35: { 
      title: "John F Kennedy", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position37: { 
      title: "New York", 
      type: "navy", 
      owner: "player2", 
      price: 350, 
      rent: [35, 175, 500, 1100, 1300, 1500], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position39: { 
      title: "London", 
      type: "navy", 
      owner: "player2", 
      price: 400, 
      rent: [50, 200, 600, 1400, 1700, 2000], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position12: { 
      title: "Electro", 
      type: "utility", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 150, 
      rent: 10, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position28: { 
      title: "Nuclear", 
      type: "utility", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 150, 
      rent: 10, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position2: { 
      title: "Community Chest", 
      type: "chest" 
     position17: { 
      title: "Community Chest", 
      type: "chest" 
     position33: { 
      title: "Community Chest", 
      type: "chest" 
     position7: { 
      title: "Chance", 
      type: "chance" 
     position22: { 
      title: "Chance", 
      type: "chance" 
     position36: { 
      title: "Chance", 
      type: "chance" 
     position10: { 
      title: "Jailhouse", 
      type: "jail" 
     position20: { 
      title: "Coffee House", 
      type: "coffee" 
     position30: { 
      title: "Go to Jail", 
      type: "jail" 
     position40: { 
      title: "Go", 
      type: "home" 
     position4: { 
      title: "Income Tax", 
      type: "tax", 
      tax: 200 
     position38: { 
      title: "Super Tax", 
      type: "tax", 
      tax: 100 

function createCards() { 
    chancecards = { 
     chance1: { 
      title: "Advance to go", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 40 
     chance2: { 
      title: "Advance to London", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 39 
     chance4: { 
      title: "Your ass is going to jail", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 10 
     chance9: { 
      title: "Advance to Rome", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 24 
     chance10: { 
      title: "Advance to Charles de Gaulle", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 15 
     chance11: { 
      title: "Advance to Amsterdam", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 11 
     chance6: { 
      title: "Go back 3 spaces", 
      type: "movex", 
      newposition: -3 
     chance14: { 
      title: "No drink and driving mate1", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 20 
     chance15: { 
      title: "Get out of Jail free card", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 150 
     chance7: { 
      title: "Pay school fees", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 150 
     chance12: { 
      title: "Speeding fine", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 150 
     chance5: { 
      title: "Bank pays you dividend", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 40 
     chance13: { 
      title: "You have won the competition", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 200 
     chance16: { 
      title: "Your building loan matures", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 200 
     chance3: { 
      title: "You are assessed for street repairs $40 per house $115 per hotel", 
      type: "billx" 
     chance8: { 
      title: "House repairs $25 per house $100 per hotel", 
      type: "billx" 
    chestcards = { 
     chest1: { 
      title: "Advance to go", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 40, 
      bonus: 200 
     chest2: { 
      title: "Advance to Cairo", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 1 
     chest3: { 
      title: "Go to Jail", 
      type: "move", 
      newposition: 10 
     chest4: { 
      title: "Pay hospital fees", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 100 
     chest5: { 
      title: "Pay doctor fees", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 50 
     chest6: { 
      title: "Pay insurance premium", 
      type: "bill", 
      bill: 50 
     chest7: { 
      title: "Bank error. Collect $200", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 200 
     chest8: { 
      title: "Annuity matures. Collect $100", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 100 
     chest9: { 
      title: "You inherit $100", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 100 
     chest10: { 
      title: "From sale of stock you get $50", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 50 
     chest11: { 
      title: "Preference shares: $25", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 25 
     chest12: { 
      title: "You have won second prize in a beauty contest. Collect $10.", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 10 
     chest13: { 
      title: "It is your birthday. Collect $10.", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 10 
     chest14: { 
      title: "You win the lottery. Collect $10", 
      type: "bonus", 
      bonus: 10 

function createSets() { 
    sets = { 
     brown: { 
      cost: 100, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#996600" 
     blue: { 
      cost: 150, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#99CCFF" 
     pink: { 
      cost: 300, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#FF0066" 
     orange: { 
      cost: 300, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#FF6600" 
     red: { 
      cost: 450, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#CC0000" 
     yellow: { 
      cost: 450, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#FFFF00" 
     green: { 
      cost: 600, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#006600" 
     navy: { 
      cost: 400, 
      rating: 0, 
      color: "#003399" 

Что не так с моим кодом? В журнале консоли я получаю следующую ошибку: «Неиспользуемый SyntaxError: Неожиданный токен [". Это как-то связано с собственностью rent? Прошу прощения, если вопрос не ясен, не знаю, как его спросить.Array in javascript property


Если последняя строка будет бдительные (позиции [ «Должность1»] с положении1 в кавычках? – MikeHelland


У вас есть переменная 'position1' или он должен быть строкой? 'alert (position [" position1 "]. rent [0]);' – epascarello


Да, я забыл речевые метки. –



Поместите кавычки вокруг «position1».

Я также рекомендую, чтобы, когда есть только одна аренда, как в позиции 25, вы все еще имеете ее в массиве. Так как: rent : [25]

Кроме того, в первой строке функции, сделайте следующее:

window.positions = { /* ... your positions ... */ } 

Да, но о том, что «Неподготовлено SyntaxError: Неожиданный токен [« ошибка? Почему '' '' неожиданно? –


В какой строке говорится, что ошибка включена? – khalid13


Где я могу проверить, в какой строке включена ошибка? Обычно я использую chrome browser console log –


Вы должны поставить кавычки вокруг позиций, также необходимо вызвать функцию:


Здесь находится рабочая скрипка: http://jsfiddle.net/YRJCP/


Вы сделали ошибку, чтобы объявить свой объект javascript.

Сначала вы объявили объект javascript внутри функции, но вы не вернули объект javascript при вызове функции.

Либо вы можете вернуть JavaScript Object из функции или вы можете удалить fucntion и просто объявить объекты внутри sript тега

пожалуйста, посмотрите мои ниже изменения. он будет работать сейчас.

var positions = { 
     position1: { 
      title: "Cairo", 
      type: "brown", 
      owner: "player1", 
      price: 60, 
      rent: [2, 10, 30, 90, 160, 250], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position3: { 
      title: "Vienna", 
      type: "brown", 
      owner: "player1", 
      price: 60, 
      rent: [2, 20, 60, 180, 320, 450], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position5: { 
      title: "Schiphol", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position6: { 
      title: "Brussels", 
      type: "blue", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 100, 
      rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position8: { 
      title: "Oslo", 
      type: "blue", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 100, 
      rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position9: { 
      title: "Zurich", 
      type: "blue", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 120, 
      rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position11: { 
      title: "Amsterdam", 
      type: "pink", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 140, 
      rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position13: { 
      title: "Bangkok", 
      type: "pink", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 140, 
      rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position14: { 
      title: "Istanbul", 
      type: "pink", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 160, 
      rent: [12, 60, 180, 500, 700, 900], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position15: { 
      title: "Charles de Gaulle", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position16: { 
      title: "Hong Kong", 
      type: "orange", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 180, 
      rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position18: { 
      title: "Madrid", 
      type: "orange", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 180, 
      rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position19: { 
      title: "Sydney", 
      type: "orange", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: [16, 80, 220, 600, 800, 100], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position21: { 
      title: "Toronto", 
      type: "red", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 220, 
      rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position23: { 
      title: "Mumbai", 
      type: "red", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 220, 
      rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position24: { 
      title: "Rome", 
      type: "red", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 240, 
      rent: [20, 100, 300, 750, 925, 1100], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position25: { 
      title: "Heathrow", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position26: { 
      title: "Rio", 
      type: "yellow", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 240, 
      rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position27: { 
      title: "Tokyo", 
      type: "yellow", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 240, 
      rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position29: { 
      title: "Paris", 
      type: "yellow", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 280, 
      rent: [24, 120, 360, 850, 1025, 1200], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position31: { 
      title: "Berlin", 
      type: "green", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 300, 
      rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position32: { 
      title: "Bejing", 
      type: "green", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 300, 
      rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position34: { 
      title: "Moscow", 
      type: "green", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 320, 
      rent: [28, 150, 450, 1000, 1200, 1400], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position35: { 
      title: "John F Kennedy", 
      type: "airport", 
      owner: "none", 
      price: 200, 
      rent: 25, 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position37: { 
      title: "New York", 
      type: "navy", 
      owner: "player2", 
      price: 350, 
      rent: [35, 175, 500, 1100, 1300, 1500], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 
     position39: { 
      title: "London", 
      type: "navy", 
      owner: "player2", 
      price: 400, 
      rent: [50, 200, 600, 1400, 1700, 2000], 
      rating: 0, 
      forsale: "y" 

     position38: { 
      title: "Super Tax", 
      type: "tax", 
      tax: 100 

второй вы обращаетесь к объекту в неправильном

alert(positions.position1.rent[0]); //this should print 2


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