2016-10-05 2 views

Мне удалось ответить на мой вопрос. Этот код будет записывать массивы ячеек любой формы, содержащей строки. Наборы данных могут быть изменены/перезаписаны путем простого вызова с помощью другого ввода.Как написать строки в h5 в matlab?


%Okay, Matlab's h5write(filename, dataset, data) function doesn't work for 
%strings. It hasn't worked with strings for years. The forum post that 
%comes up first in Google about it is from 2009. Yeah. This is terrible, 
%and evidently it's not getting fixed. So, low level functions. Fun fun. 
%What I've done here is adapt examples, one from the hdf group's website 
%https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/examples/api18-m.html called 
%"Read/Write String Datatype (Dataset)", the other by Jason Kaeding. 
%I added functionality to check whether the file exists and either create 
%it anew or open it accordingly. I wanted to be able to likewise check the 
%existence of a dataset, but it looks like this functionality doesn't exist 
%in the API, so I'm doing a try-catch to achieve the same end. Note that it 
%appears you can't just create a dataset or group deep in a heirarchy: You 
%have to create each level. Since I wanted to accept dataset names in the 
%same format as h5read(), in the event the dataset doesn't exist, I loop 
%over the parts of the dataset's path and try to create all levels. If they 
%already exist, then this action throws errors too; hence a second 
%I've made it more advanced than h5create()/h5write() in that it all 
%happens in one call and can accept data inputs of variable size. I take 
%care of updating the dataset's extent to accomodate changing data array 
%sizes. This is important for applications like adding a new timestamp 
%every time the file is modified. 
%@author Pavel Komarov [email protected] 941-545-7573 
function h5createwritestr(filename, dataset, str) 

    %"The class of input data must be cellstring instead of char when the 
    %HDF5 class is VARIABLE LENGTH H5T_STRING.", but also I don't want to 
    %force the user to put braces around single strings, so this. 
    if ischar(str) 
     str = {str}; 

    %check whether the specified .h5 exists and either create or open 
    if ~exist(filename, 'file') 
     file = H5F.create(filename, 'H5F_ACC_TRUNC', 'H5P_DEFAULT', 'H5P_DEFAULT'); 
     file = H5F.open(filename, 'H5F_ACC_RDWR', 'H5P_DEFAULT'); 

    %set variable length string type 
    vlstr_type = H5T.copy('H5T_C_S1'); 

    % There is no way to check whether a dataset exists, so just try to 
    % open it, and if that fails, create it. 
     dset = H5D.open(file, dataset); 
     H5D.set_extent(dset, fliplr(size(str))); 
     %create the intermediate groups one at a time because evidently the 
     %API's functions aren't smart enough to be able to do this themselves. 
     slashes = strfind(dataset, '/'); 
     for i = 2:length(slashes) 
      url = dataset(1:(slashes(i)-1));%pull out the url of the next level 
       H5G.create(file, url, 1024);%1024 "specifies the number of 
      catch %bytes to reserve for the names that will appear in the group" 

     %create a dataspace for cellstr 
     H5S_UNLIMITED = H5ML.get_constant_value('H5S_UNLIMITED'); 
     spacerank = max(1, sum(size(str) > 1)); 
     dspace = H5S.create_simple(spacerank, fliplr(size(str)), ones(1, spacerank)*H5S_UNLIMITED); 

     %create a dataset plist for chunking. (A dataset can't be unlimited 
     %unless the chunk size is defined.) 
     plist = H5P.create('H5P_DATASET_CREATE'); 
     chunksize = ones(1, spacerank); 
     chunksize(1) = 2; 
     H5P.set_chunk(plist, chunksize);% 2 strings per chunk 
     dset = H5D.create(file, dataset, vlstr_type, dspace, plist); 

     %close things 

    %write data 
    H5D.write(dset, vlstr_type, 'H5S_ALL', 'H5S_ALL', 'H5P_DEFAULT', str); 

    %close file & resources 



Я нашел ошибку!

spacerank = длина (размер (str));

Теперь он работает безупречно, насколько я могу судить.

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