2015-01-20 2 views

Добавление большего количества столбцов в базу данных, которая уже работала (добавлены плюс и минус). Я посмотрел на предыдущие ответы, но не могу, чтобы жизнь меня обнаружила ошибку в моем синтаксисе.SQLiteException нет такого столбца: plus (код 1)

private static final String TAG = "DBAdapter"; 

// DB Fields 
public static final String KEY_ROWID = "_id"; 
public static final int COL_ROWID = 0; 
* CHANGE 1: 
// TODO: Setup your fields here: 
public static final String KEY_NUMBER = "number"; 
public static final String KEY_LASTNAME = "lastname"; 
public static final String KEY_FIRSTNAME = "firstname"; 
public static final String KEY_POSITION = "position"; 
public static final String KEY_TIMEONICE = "timeonice"; 
public static final String KEY_PLUS = "plus"; 
public static final String KEY_MINUS = "minus"; 

// TODO: Setup your field numbers here (0 = KEY_ROWID, 1=...) 
public static final int COL_NUMBER = 1; 
public static final int COL_LASTNAME = 2; 
public static final int COL_FIRSTNAME = 3; 
public static final int COL_POSITION = 4; 
public static final int COL_TIMEONICE = 5; 
public static final int COL_PLUS = 6; 
public static final int COL_MINUS = 7; 


// DB info: it's name, and the table we are using (just one). 
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "HOCKEY.db"; 
public static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "mainTable"; 
// Track DB version if a new version of your app changes the format. 
public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 7; 

private static final String DATABASE_CREATE_SQL = 
     "create table " + DATABASE_TABLE 
     + " (" + KEY_ROWID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 

     * CHANGE 2: 
     // TODO: Place your fields here! 
     // + KEY_{...} + " {type} not null" 
     // - Key is the column name you created above. 
     // - {type} is one of: text, integer, real, blob 
     //  (http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html) 
     // - "not null" means it is a required field (must be given a value). 
     // NOTE: All must be comma separated (end of line!) Last one must have NO comma!! 
     + KEY_NUMBER + " integer not null," 
     + KEY_LASTNAME + " string not null," 
     + KEY_FIRSTNAME + " string not null," 
     + KEY_POSITION + " string not null," 
     + KEY_TIMEONICE + " string" 
     + KEY_PLUS + " integer," 
     + KEY_MINUS + " integer" 

     // Rest of creation: 
     + ");"; 

Вход кошки

01-01 21: 55: 16,971: Е/AndroidRuntime (3476): Процесс: com.example.timeonice, ПИД: 3476 01-01 21:55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): java.lang.RuntimeException: не удается запустить активность ComponentInfo {com.example.timeonice/com.example.timeonice.MainActivity}: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: нет такого столбца: плюс (код 1): при компиляции: SELECT DISTINCT _id, number, lastname, firstname, position, timeonice, plus, минус FROM mainTable 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.ActivityThread .performLaunch Активность (ActivityThread.java:2195) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity (ActivityThread.java:2245) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.ActivityThread.access $ 800 (ActivityThread.java:135) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.ActivityThread $ H.handleMessage (ActivityThread.java:1196) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (Handler.java:102) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.os.Looper.loop (Looper.java:136) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.ActivityThread.main (ActivityThread.java : 5017) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative (Native Met hod) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Method.java:515) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit $ MethodAndArgsCaller.run (ZygoteInit.java:779) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at com.android.internal.os. ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:595) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main (родной метод) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): вызвано: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: нет такого столбца: плюс (код 1): при компиляции: SELECT DISTINCT _id, number, lastname, firstname, position, timeonice, plus, минус FROM mainTable 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativePrepareStatement (собственный метод) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.acquirePreparedStatement (SQLiteConnection.java:889) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476) : at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.prepare (SQLiteConnection.java:500) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.prepare (SQLiteSession.java: 588) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): в android.database.sqlite.SQLiteProgram. (SQLiteProgram.java:58) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476)): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQuery. (SQLiteQuery.java:37) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): на android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDirectCursorDriver.query (SQLiteDirectCursorDriver.java: 44) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): в android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory (SQLiteDatabase.java:1314) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.queryWithFactory (SQLiteDatabase.java:1161) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): на android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.query (SQLiteDatabase.java:1032) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476)): at com.example.timeonice.DBAdapter.getAllRows (DBAdapter.java:159) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at com.example.timeonice.DBAdapter.deleteAll (DBAdapter.java: 146) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at com.example.timeonice.MainActivity.onCreate (MainActivity.java:135) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.Activity.performCreate (Activity.java:5231) 01-01 21: 55: 16.971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate (Instrumentation.java: 1087) 01-01 21: 55: 16,971: E/AndroidRuntime (3476): в android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity (ActivityThread.java:2159)



Вы пропустили запятую

+ KEY_TIMEONICE + " string, " // <-- Here. 

Я очень смущен о том, как долго я смотрел на это ... Большое спасибо. – user3078867


Вы недостающую запятую после этого:

+ KEY_TIMEONICE + " string" 

должно быть:

+ KEY_TIMEONICE + " string,"