2013-11-15 3 views

Я теперь отвечаю за сайт нашей церкви, основанный на WordPress. Я пытаюсь выяснить эти настройки для параметров темы.HTML не разрешен в WordPress PHP Hack

В принципе, HTML разрешен в «Приветственное сообщение» и «Нижний колонтитул», но если я использую его в другом месте, он будет работать, пока вы не обновите его снова, и в этом случае он сломается, а HTML будет удален. Я хотел бы выяснить, как разрешить HTML в описаниях событий, чтобы я мог размещать ссылки и не останавливать их после обновления чего-либо еще в параметрах.

Я ищу небольшую помощь, чтобы понять этот файл PHP и выяснить, что позволяет HTML в одном месте, а не в другом.

Тема Параметры (управляет WordPress панели администратора, где добавлен текст):



if (!function_exists('of_options')) { 
function of_options(){ 

$themename = get_theme_data(STYLESHEETPATH . '/style.css'); 
$themename = $themename['Name']; 
$shortname = "fumco"; 

// Populate OptionsFramework option in array for use in theme 
global $of_options; 
$of_options = get_option('of_options'); 

$GLOBALS['template_path'] = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); 

//Access the WordPress Categories via an Array 
$of_categories = array(); 
$of_categories_obj = get_categories('hide_empty=0'); 
foreach ($of_categories_obj as $of_cat) { 
    $of_categories[$of_cat->cat_ID] = $of_cat->cat_name;} 
$categories_tmp = array_unshift($of_categories, "Select a category:");  

//Access the WordPress Pages via an Array 
$of_pages = array(); 
$of_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order');  
foreach ($of_pages_obj as $of_page) { 
    $of_pages[$of_page->ID] = $of_page->post_name; } 
$of_pages_tmp = array_unshift($of_pages, "Select a page:");  

// Image Alignment radio box 
$options_thumb_align = array("alignleft" => "Left","alignright" => "Right","aligncenter" => "Center"); 

// Image Links to Options 
$options_image_link_to = array("image" => "The Image","post" => "The Post"); 

$options_select = array("one","two","three","four","five"); 
$options_radio = array("one" => "One","two" => "Two","three" => "Three","four" => "Four","five" => "Five"); 

//Stylesheets Reader 
$alt_stylesheet_path = STYLESHEETPATH . '/styles/'; 
$alt_stylesheets = array(); 

if (is_dir($alt_stylesheet_path)) { 
    if ($alt_stylesheet_dir = opendir($alt_stylesheet_path)) { 
     while (($alt_stylesheet_file = readdir($alt_stylesheet_dir)) !== false) { 
      if(stristr($alt_stylesheet_file, ".css") !== false) { 
       $alt_stylesheets[] = $alt_stylesheet_file; 

//More Options 
$uploads_arr = wp_upload_dir(); 
$all_uploads_path = $uploads_arr['path']; 
$all_uploads = get_option('of_uploads'); 
$other_entries = array("Select a number:","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"); 
$body_repeat = array("no-repeat","repeat-x","repeat-y","repeat"); 
$body_pos = array("top left","top center","top right","center left","center center","center right","bottom left","bottom center","bottom right"); 

// Set the Options Array 
$options = array(); 

/* Home page banners set (upto 4 banners with alt, link and target url) */ 
$options[] = array("name" => "Home Banners", 
        "type" => "heading"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Banner Image #1", 
             "desc" => "Upload the banner image. Banner size should be 980x325 pixels. Leave blank if not required.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_banner01", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Alternative Text", 
        "desc" => "Provide alternative text for the banner image. Leave blank if not required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner01_alt", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link on Banner", 
        "desc" => "Provide hyperlink url if required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner01_href", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link Target", 
        "desc" => "Open link in new window", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner01_target", 
        "type" => "checkbox"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Banner Image #2", 
             "desc" => "Upload the banner image. Banner size should be 980x325 pixels. Leave blank if not required.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_banner02", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Alternative Text", 
        "desc" => "Provide alternative text for the banner image. Leave blank if not required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner02_alt", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link on Banner", 
        "desc" => "Provide hyperlink url if required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner02_href", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link Target", 
        "desc" => "Open link in new window", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner02_target", 
        "type" => "checkbox"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Banner Image #3", 
             "desc" => "Upload the banner image. Banner size should be 980x325 pixels. Leave blank if not required.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_banner03", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Alternative Text", 
        "desc" => "Provide alternative text for the banner image. Leave blank if not required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner03_alt", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link on Banner", 
        "desc" => "Provide hyperlink url if required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner03_href", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link Target", 
        "desc" => "Open link in new window", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner03_target", 
        "type" => "checkbox"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Banner Image #4", 
             "desc" => "Upload the banner image. Banner size should be 980x325 pixels. Leave blank if not required.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_banner04", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Alternative Text", 
        "desc" => "Provide alternative text for the banner image. Leave blank if not required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner04_alt", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link on Banner", 
        "desc" => "Provide hyperlink url if required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner04_href", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link Target", 
        "desc" => "Open link in new window", 
        "id" => $shortname."_banner04_target", 
        "type" => "checkbox"); 

/* Welcome Message */ 
$options[] = array("name" => "Welcome Message", 
        "type" => "heading");          
$options[] = array("name" => "Title", 
             "desc" => "Enter Title for the welcome text. Use '&lt;span&gt;...&lt;/span&gt; tags for highlight in red.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_welcome_title", 
             "std" => "<span>Welcome</span> to First United Methodist Chuch of Orlando.", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Message", 
        "desc" => "Enter welcome message. You allowed to use HTML tags to style the message.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_welcome_message", 
        "std" => "Come worship and connect with us. We pray that you have a rejuvenating experience. Know that we welcome all seekers of Christ, recognizing that all individuals are unique creations of God. We welcome you &ndash; just as you are. <br />Here, there is a place for everyone.<br />&ldquo;Come and you will see.&rdquo; - John 1:39", 
        "type" => "textarea"); 

/* Worship Time - Add upto 3 worship times */ 
$options[] = array("name" => "Worship Times", 
        "type" => "heading"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Worship Times #1", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for worship time.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship01_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Date and Time", 
             "desc" => "Enter worship date and time here. It will displayed in same manner as you write here.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship01_time", 
             "type" => "text");   
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Worship.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship01_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Worship Times #2", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for worship time.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship02_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Date and Time", 
             "desc" => "Enter worship date and time here. It will displayed in same manner as you write here.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship02_time", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Worship.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship02_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Worship Times #3", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for worship time.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship03_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Date and Time", 
             "desc" => "Enter worship date and time here. It will displayed in same manner as you write here.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship03_time", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Worship.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_worship03_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 

/* Upcoming Events - Add upto 3 events */ 
$options[] = array("name" => "Upcoming Events", 
        "type" => "heading"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Event #1", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for events.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event01_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Sub Heading", 
             "desc" => "Enter sub heading for the event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event01_subheading", 
             "std" => "", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event01_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Event #2", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for events.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event02_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Sub Heading", 
             "desc" => "Enter sub heading for the event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event02_subheading", 
             "std" => "", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event02_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Event #3", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for events.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event03_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Sub Heading", 
             "desc" => "Enter sub heading for the event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event03_subheading", 
             "std" => "", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event03_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Event #4", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for events.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event04_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Sub Heading", 
             "desc" => "Enter sub heading for the event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event04_subheading", 
             "std" => "", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event04_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Event #5", 
             "desc" => "Enter title for events.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event05_title", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Sub Heading", 
             "desc" => "Enter sub heading for the event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event05_subheading", 
             "std" => "", 
             "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Description", 
             "desc" => "Enter 2-3 line description for the Event.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_event05_text", 
             "type" => "text"); 

/* Advertisement/Campaign Banners (displayed on home page and sidebar) */ 
$options[] = array("name" => "Campaign Banners", 
        "type" => "heading"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Campaign Image #1", 
             "desc" => "Upload the campaign banner image for the home page. Banner size should be 494x168 pixels.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_campaign01_image", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Campaign Sidebar Image", 
             "desc" => "Upload the campaign banner image for the sidebar. Banner size should be 307x86 pixels.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_campaign01_small", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Alternative Text", 
        "desc" => "Provide alternative text for the campaign image. Leave blank if not required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_campaign01_alt", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link on Campaign", 
        "desc" => "Provide hyperlink url if required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_campaign01_href", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link Target", 
        "desc" => "Open link in new window", 
        "id" => $shortname."_campaign01_target", 
        "type" => "checkbox"); 

$options[] = array("name" => "Campaign Image #2", 
             "desc" => "Upload the campaign banner image for the home page. Banner size should be 494x168 pixels.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_campaign02_image", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Campaign Sidebar Image", 
             "desc" => "Upload the campaign banner image for the sidebar. Banner size should be 307x86 pixels.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_campaign02_small", 
             "type" => "upload"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Alternative Text", 
        "desc" => "Provide alternative text for the campaign image. Leave blank if not required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_campaign02_alt", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link on Campaign", 
        "desc" => "Provide hyperlink url if required.", 
        "id" => $shortname."_campaign02_href", 
        "type" => "text"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Link Target", 
        "desc" => "Open link in new window", 
        "id" => $shortname."_campaign02_target", 
        "type" => "checkbox"); 

/* Footer address and copyright statement */ 
$options[] = array("name" => "Footer Text", 
        "type" => "heading"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Address", 
             "desc" => "Enter address which will be displayed in footer. Use HTML tags to format the text.", 
             "id" => $shortname."_footer_address", 
             "std" => "<strong>First United Methodist Church of Orlando</strong><br />142 East Jackson Street, Orlando, FL 32801<br />Telephone 407.849.6080 <br />Email: <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a>", 
             "type" => "textarea"); 
$options[] = array("name" => "Copyright Text", 
             "desc" => "Enter copyright text here..", 
             "id" => $shortname."_footer_copyright", 
             "std" => "&copy;Copyright2011. First United Methodist Church of Orlando, All right reserved", 
             "type" => "textarea"); 



HTML, вставляется не работает, когда вставляется в шаблон здесь:

for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) { 
    if (get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_title')== '') { 
    // Do nothing 
    } else { 

    if (get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_title')) { 
     echo '<li>'; 
     echo '<h3>'.get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_title').'</h3>'; 
     echo '<span class="event-datetime">'; 
     if (get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_subheading')) { 
     echo get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_subheading'); 
     echo '</span>'; 
     if (get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_text')) { 
     echo '<p>'.get_option('fumco_event0'.$i.'_text').'</p>'; 
     echo '</li>'; 

HTML, добавил ДЕЛАЕТ работу в этом месте:

<?php if (get_option('fumco_footer_address')) { 
     echo get_option('fumco_footer_address'); 
    } else { 
     echo '<strong>First United Methodist Church of Orlando</strong><br /> 
      142 East Jackson Street, Orlando, FL 32801<br /> 
      Telephone 407.849.6080 <br /> 
      Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>'; 
    } ?> 

Код, который вы используете, только делает вещи более неопределенными. Можете ли вы представить очень конкретный пример того, где что-то работает, а где нет? – JakeGould


Этот код не выплевывает содержимое, покажи нам код, который делает. –


Как это помечено 'jquery' ?? – MonkeyZeus



Попробуйте изменить тип событий на textarea как s ниже:

$options[] = array("name" => "Event #1", 
            "desc" => "Enter title for events.", 
            "id" => $shortname."_event01_title", 
            "type" => "textarea"); 
Смежные вопросы