2013-12-24 5 views

Как написать запрос на объединение в спящий режим.Как написать запрос на спящий режим

@Table(name = "raas_entity_information") 
public class EntityModel implements Serializable { 

private static final long serialVersionUID = 2605343079798123587L; 

private String requestor; 
private Integer entity_id; 
private String entity_type; 
private String entity_status; 
private String account_type; 
private String short_name; 
private String first_name; 
private String middle_name; 
private String last_name; 
private String managed_country; 
private String govt_ownership; 
private String govt_percentage; 
private String govt_name; 
private String legal_form; 
private String country_of_residence; 
private String country_of_citzenship; 
private Date date_of_birth; 
private String country_of_incorporation; 
private Date date_of_incorporation; 
private String created_by; 
private Timestamp created_on; 
private String updated_by; 
private Timestamp updated_on; 
private Set<EntityAddress> entityAddresses = new HashSet<EntityAddress>(0); 
private Set<EntityDetails> entityDetails = new HashSet<EntityDetails>(0); 

public EntityModel(){ 


public EntityModel(String requestor, String entity_type, 
     String entity_status, String account_type, String short_name, 
     String first_name, String middle_name, String last_name, 
     String managed_country, 
     String govt_ownership, String govt_percentage, String govt_name, 
     String legal_form, String country_of_residence, 
     String country_of_citzenship, Date date_of_birth, 
     String country_of_incorporation, Date date_of_incorporation, 
     String created_by, Timestamp created_on, String updated_by, 
     Timestamp updated_on, Set<EntityAddress> entityAddresses, 
     Set<EntityDetails> entityDetails) { 
    this.requestor = requestor; 
    this.entity_type = entity_type; 
    this.entity_status = entity_status; 
    this.account_type = account_type; 
    this.short_name = short_name; 
    this.first_name = first_name; 
    this.middle_name = middle_name; 
    this.last_name = last_name; 
    this.managed_country = managed_country; 
    this.govt_ownership = govt_ownership; 
    this.govt_percentage = govt_percentage; 
    this.govt_name = govt_name; 
    this.legal_form = legal_form; 
    this.country_of_residence = country_of_residence; 
    this.country_of_citzenship = country_of_citzenship; 
    this.date_of_birth = date_of_birth; 
    this.country_of_incorporation = country_of_incorporation; 
    this.date_of_incorporation = date_of_incorporation; 
    this.created_by = created_by; 
    this.created_on = created_on; 
    this.updated_by = updated_by; 
    this.updated_on = updated_on; 
    this.entityAddresses = entityAddresses; 
    this.entityDetails = entityDetails; 

@Column(name = "requestor", unique = true, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getRequestor() { 
    return requestor; 

public void setRequestor(String requestor) { 
    this.requestor = requestor; 

@GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY) 
@Column(name = "entity_id", unique = true, nullable = false) 
public Integer getEntity_id() { 
    return entity_id; 

public void setEntity_id(Integer entity_id) { 
    this.entity_id = entity_id; 

@Column(name = "entity_type", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getEntity_type() { 
    return entity_type; 

public void setEntity_type(String entity_type) { 
    this.entity_type = entity_type; 

@Column(name = "entity_status", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getEntity_status() { 
    return entity_status; 

public void setEntity_status(String entity_status) { 
    this.entity_status = entity_status; 

@Column(name = "account_type", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getAccount_type() { 
    return account_type; 

public void setAccount_type(String account_type) { 
    this.account_type = account_type; 

@Field(index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.YES, store=Store.NO) 
@Column(name = "short_name", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getShort_name() { 
    return short_name; 

public void setShort_name(String short_name) { 
    this.short_name = short_name; 

@Field(index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.YES, store=Store.NO) 
@Column(name = "first_name", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getFirst_name() { 
    return first_name; 

public void setFirst_name(String first_name) { 
    this.first_name = first_name; 

@Field(index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.YES, store=Store.NO) 
@Column(name = "middle_name", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getMiddle_name() { 
    return middle_name; 

public void setMiddle_name(String middle_name) { 
    this.middle_name = middle_name; 

@Field(index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.YES, store=Store.NO) 
@Column(name = "last_name", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getLast_name() { 
    return last_name; 

public void setLast_name(String last_name) { 
    this.last_name = last_name; 

@Column(name = "managed_country", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getManaged_country() { 
    return managed_country; 

public void setManaged_country(String managed_country) { 
    this.managed_country = managed_country; 

@Column(name = "govt_ownership", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getGovt_ownership() { 
    return govt_ownership; 

public void setGovt_ownership(String govt_ownership) { 
    this.govt_ownership = govt_ownership; 

@Column(name = "govt_percentage", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getGovt_percentage() { 
    return govt_percentage; 

public void setGovt_percentage(String govt_percentage) { 
    this.govt_percentage = govt_percentage; 

@Column(name = "govt_name", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getGovt_name() { 
    return govt_name; 

public void setGovt_name(String govt_name) { 
    this.govt_name = govt_name; 

@Column(name = "legal_form", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getLegal_form() { 
    return legal_form; 

public void setLegal_form(String legal_form) { 
    this.legal_form = legal_form; 

@Column(name = "country_of_residence", unique = false, nullable = true, length =10) 
public String getCountry_of_residence() { 
    return country_of_residence; 

public void setCountry_of_residence(String country_of_residence) { 
    this.country_of_residence = country_of_residence; 

@Column(name = "country_of_citzenship", unique = false, nullable = true, length=10) 
public String getCountry_of_citzenship() { 
    return country_of_citzenship; 

public void setCountry_of_citzenship(String country_of_citzenship) { 
    this.country_of_citzenship = country_of_citzenship; 

@Column(name = "date_of_birth", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Date getDate_of_birth() { 
    return date_of_birth; 

public void setDate_of_birth(Date date_of_birth) { 
    this.date_of_birth = date_of_birth; 

@Column(name = "country_of_incorporation", unique=false, nullable=true, length=10) 
public String getCountry_of_incorporation() { 
    return country_of_incorporation; 

public void setCountry_of_incorporation(String country_of_incorporation) { 
    this.country_of_incorporation = country_of_incorporation; 

@Column(name = "date_of_incorporation", unique = false, nullable = true, length=10) 
public Date getDate_of_incorporation() { 
    return date_of_incorporation; 

public void setDate_of_incorporation(Date date_of_incorporation) { 
    this.date_of_incorporation = date_of_incorporation; 

@Column(name = "created_by", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getCreated_by() { 
    return created_by; 

public void setCreated_by(String created_by) { 
    this.created_by = created_by; 

@Column(name = "created_on", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Timestamp getCreated_on() { 
    return created_on; 

public void setCreated_on(Timestamp created_on) { 
    this.created_on = created_on; 

@Column(name = "updated_by", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getUpdated_by() { 
    return updated_by; 

public void setUpdated_by(String updated_by) { 
    this.updated_by = updated_by; 

@Column(name = "updated_on", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Timestamp getUpdated_on() { 
    return updated_on; 

public void setUpdated_on(Timestamp updated_on) { 
    this.updated_on = updated_on; 

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "entity") 
public Set<EntityAddress> getEntityAddresses() { 
    return entityAddresses; 

public void setEntityAddresses(Set<EntityAddress> entityAddresses) { 
    this.entityAddresses = entityAddresses; 

@IndexedEmbedded(depth = 1, prefix = "entityDetails") 
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "entity") 
public Set<EntityDetails> getEntityDetails() { 
    return entityDetails; 

public void setEntityDetails(Set<EntityDetails> entityDetails) { 
    this.entityDetails = entityDetails; 

второй объект -

@Table(name = "raas_entity_details") 
public class EntityDetails implements Serializable { 

private static final long serialVersionUID = 2406650412424001390L; 

private String entity_attribute; 
private String attribute_type; 
private String attribute_value; 
private Integer primary_flag; 
private String created_by; 
private Timestamp created_on; 
private String updated_by; 
private Timestamp updated_on; 
private CompositeKey compositeKey; 
private EntityModel entity; 
private Date from_date; 
private Date to_date; 

@FieldBridge(impl = PaddedObjectBridge.class) 
public CompositeKey getCompositeKey() { 
    return compositeKey; 

public void setCompositeKey(CompositeKey compositeKey) { 
    this.compositeKey = compositeKey; 

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) 
@JoinColumn(name = "entity_id", nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable= false) 
public EntityModel getEntity() { 
    return entity; 

public void setEntity(EntityModel entity) { 
    this.entity = entity; 

public EntityDetails(){ 


public EntityDetails(String entity_attribute, String attribute_type, 
     String attribute_value, Integer primary_flag, String created_by, 
     Timestamp created_on, String updated_by, Timestamp updated_on) { 
    this.entity_attribute = entity_attribute; 
    this.attribute_type = attribute_type; 
    this.attribute_value = attribute_value; 
    this.primary_flag = primary_flag; 
    this.created_by = created_by; 
    this.created_on = created_on; 
    this.updated_by = updated_by; 
    this.updated_on = updated_on; 

@Column(name = "entity_attribute", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getEntity_attribute() { 
    return entity_attribute; 

public void setEntity_attribute(String entity_attribute) { 
    this.entity_attribute = entity_attribute; 

@Column(name = "attribute_type", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getAttribute_type() { 
    return attribute_type; 

public void setAttribute_type(String attribute_type) { 
    this.attribute_type = attribute_type; 

@Field(index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.YES, store=Store.NO) 
@Column(name = "attribute_value", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getAttribute_value() { 
    return attribute_value; 

public void setAttribute_value(String attribute_value) { 
    this.attribute_value = attribute_value; 

@Column(name = "primary_flag", unique = false, nullable = true) 
public Integer getPrimary_flag() { 
    return primary_flag; 

public void setPrimary_flag(Integer primary_flag) { 
    this.primary_flag = primary_flag; 

@Column(name = "created_by", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getCreated_by() { 
    return created_by; 

public void setCreated_by(String created_by) { 
    this.created_by = created_by; 

@Column(name = "created_on", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Timestamp getCreated_on() { 
    return created_on; 

public void setCreated_on(Timestamp created_on) { 
    this.created_on = created_on; 

@Column(name = "updated_by", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public String getUpdated_by() { 
    return updated_by; 

public void setUpdated_by(String updated_by) { 
    this.updated_by = updated_by; 

@Column(name = "updated_on", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Timestamp getUpdated_on() { 
    return updated_on; 

public void setUpdated_on(Timestamp updated_on) { 
    this.updated_on = updated_on; 

@Column(name = "from_date", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Date getFrom_date() { 
    return from_date; 

public void setFrom_date(Date from_date) { 
    this.from_date = from_date; 

@Column(name = "to_date", unique = false, nullable = true, length = 10) 
public Date getTo_date() { 
    return to_date; 

public void setTo_date(Date to_date) { 
    this.to_date = to_date; 

public static class CompositeKey implements Serializable { 

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4630594723349289152L; 
    private Integer id; 
    private Integer entity_id; 

    public CompositeKey(){ 


    public CompositeKey(Integer id, Integer entity_id) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.entity_id = entity_id; 

    public Integer getEntity_id() { 
     return entity_id; 

    public void setEntity_id(Integer entity_id) { 
     this.entity_id = entity_id; 

    //@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) 
    @Column(name = "id", unique = true) 
    public Integer getId() { 
     return id; 

    public void setId(Integer id) { 
     this.id = id; 


нужен поиск зимуют запрос как запрос критериев ниже:

public static List<EntityModel> getEntityJoin(Session session, String searchString) { 

Criteria cri = session.createCriteria(EntityModel.class, "entity").createAlias 
    ("entity.entityDetails","entityd").setFetchMode("EntityDetails", FetchMode.JOIN); 

    Disjunction or = Restrictions.disjunction(); 
    or.add(Restrictions.like("entity.middle_name", "%"+searchString+"%")); 
    or.add(Restrictions.like("entity.first_name", "%"+searchString+"%")); 
    or.add(Restrictions.like("entity.last_name", "%"+searchString+"%")); 
    or.add(Restrictions.like("entity.short_name", "%"+searchString+"%")); 
      Restrictions.eq("entityd.entity_attribute", "Entity Name"), 
      Restrictions.like("entityd.attribute_value", "%"+searchString+"%") 
    List<EntityModel> list = cri.list(); 
    return list; 

Это запрос, опираясь на критерии и я хочу поисковый запрос спящего режима на основе по вышеуказанному запросу.



Прежде всего, добавьте недостающую @Field аннотацию на entity_attribute в категории EntityDetails. Соответственно на ваш запрос, я полагаю, что вам нужно точное совпадение по этому полю, так что вы должны добавить аннотацию:

@Field (имя = «entity_attribute_unanalyzed», анализ = Analyze.NO)

затем выполните следующий запрос (который должен выполнить задание):

FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session); 
Transaction tx = fullTextSession.beginTransaction(); 
QueryBuilder qb = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory() 

//Create the main BooleanJunction 
BooleanJunction bool = qb.bool(); 


//create another BooleanJunction for the alias conjunction 
BooleanJunction aliasBool = qb.bool(); 
          .matching("Entity Name").createQuery()); 

//add the aliasBool to the main bool 

//execute query 
org.apache.lucene.search.Query luceneQuery = bool.createQuery(); 
org.hibernate.Query hibQuery = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery(luceneQuery , EntityModel.class); 

// execute search 
List<EntityModel> list = hibQuery.list(); 


Спасибо @vgraur, я все еще получаю ошибку в вышеуказанном querry, все еще детали объекта решают. Исключение в потоке «основного» org.hibernate.search.SearchException: Не удается найти поле entityDetails.attribute_value в com.headstrong.npi.raas.engine.dao.entitystore.model.EntityModel \t в org.hibernate.search. engine.spi.DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.objectToString (DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.java:681) \t at org.hibernate.search.query.dsl.impl.FieldContext.objectToString (FieldContext.java:86) – garvit


Привет @ user3059665. Обычно Lucene создает имена полей, которые соответствуют именам свойств из класса. Вы можете использовать [Luke] (http://code.google.com/p/luke/downloads/list), чтобы открыть индексы Lucene и проверить точные имена полей. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если у вас есть другие вопросы. – vadim


Спасибо @vgraur, я проверю и дам вам знать. – garvit

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