2014-04-08 1 views

Привет, ребята, я создал два разных класса, которые являются классом shopitem и классом shopuser. Мне нужно создать два метода: hirerequest() и processhirerequest: ниже моя попытка кодирования, которая был несовместим и не скомпилирован:java hirerequest() и методы processhirerequest()

    * Accessor method hireRequest 
    * @return shopuser and shopitem object's 
    public String hireRequest() 
     return shop item object; 
     return shop user object; 

    * Accessor method processHireRequest 
    * @return name 
    public String processHireRequest() 
     return hireRequest; 

это код выше, правильный и должен ли он работать?

любые ответы или помощь были бы весьма полезными.

код Shopitem:

public abstract class ShopItem 
    private ArrayList<Tool> toolsList; 
    Shop shop; 
    private int toolCount; 
    private String toolName; 
    private int power; 
    private int timesBorrowed; 
    private boolean rechargeable; 
    private int itemCode; 
    private int cost; 
    private double weight; 
    private boolean onLoan; 
    private static JFrame myFrame; 
    private String Tool; 
    private String ElectricTool; 
    private String HandTool; 
    private String Perishable; 
    private String Workwear; 
    private boolean ShopUserID; 

    public void ReadToolData (String data) throws FileNotFoundException,NoSuchElementException 
    // shows the directory of the text file 
    File file = new File("E:/LEWIS BC 2/java project/project 1 part 3/ElectricToolData.txt"); 
    Scanner S = new Scanner (file); 
    // prints out the data 
    // prints out the 


    * Creates a collection of tools to be stored in a tool list 
public ShopItem(String toolName, int power,int timesborrowed,boolean rechargeable,int itemCode,int cost,double weight,int toolcount,boolean onLoan,boolean ShopUserID) 
     toolsList = new ArrayList<Tool>(); 
     toolName = new String(); 
     power = 0; 
     timesborrowed = 0; 
     rechargeable = true; 
     itemCode = 001; 
     cost = 100; 
     weight = 0.0; 
     toolCount = 0; 
     onLoan = true; 
//  ShopUserID = null; 

    * Default Constructor for Testing 
    public ShopItem() 
     // initialise instance variables 

     toolName = "Spanner"; 
     itemCode = 001; 
     timesBorrowed = 0; 
     power = 0; 
     onLoan = true; 
     rechargeable = true; 
     itemCode = 001; 
     cost = 100; 
     weight = 0.0; 
     toolCount = 0; 


    * Reads ElectronicToolData data from a text file 
    * @param <code>fileName</code> a <code>String</code>, the name of the 
    *   text file in which the data is stored. 
    * @throws FileNotFoundException 
    public void readData(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException 
//  while (there are more lines in the data file) 
// { 
// lineOfText = next line from scanner 
// if(line starts with //) 
//  { // ignore }   
// else if(line is blank) 
//  { // ignore }   
// else 
//  { code to deal with a line of ElectricTool data } 
// } 

     myFrame = new JFrame("Testing FileDialog Box"); 
     myFrame.setBounds(200, 200, 800, 500); 

     FileDialog fileBox = new FileDialog(myFrame, 
         "Open", FileDialog.LOAD); 

     File dataFile = new File(fileName); 
     Scanner scanner = new Scanner(dataFile); 

     String info = scanner.nextLine(); 

    * Default Constructor for Testing 
    public void extractTokens(Scanner scanner) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException 
     // extracts tokens from the scanner 

     File text = new File("E:/LEWIS BC 2/java project/project 1 part 3/items_all.txt"); 

     String ToolName = scanner.next(); 
     int itemCode = scanner.nextInt(); 
     int cost = scanner.nextInt(); 
     int weight = scanner.nextInt(); 
     int timesBorrowed = scanner.nextInt(); 
     boolean rechargeable = scanner.nextBoolean(); 
     boolean onLoan = scanner.nextBoolean(); 


     // System.out.println(parts.get(1)); // "en" 

    * Creates a tool collection and populates it using data from a text file 
    public ShopItem(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException 

    * Adds a tool to the collection 
    * @param <code>tool</code> an <code>Tool</code> object, the tool to be added 
    public void storeTool(Tool tool) 

    * Shows a tool by printing it's details. This includes 
    * it's position in the collection. 
    * @param <code>listPosition</code> the position of the animal 
    public void showTool(int listPosition) 
     Tool tool; 
     if(listPosition < toolsList.size()) 
     tool = toolsList.get(listPosition); 
     System.out.println("Position " + listPosition + ": " + tool); 

    * Returns how many tools are stored in the collection 
    * @return the number of tools in the collection 
    public int numberOfToolls() 
     return toolsList.size(); 

    * Displays all the tools in the collection 
    public void showAllTools() 

     int listPosition = 0; 
     while(listPosition<toolsList.size()) //for each loop 
     System.out.println(listPosition + " tools shown"); // display number of tools shown 

    public void printAllDetails() 

// The name of the file to open. 
     String fileName = "ElectricToolDataNew.txt"; 

     // This will reference one line at a time 
     String line = null; 

     try { 
      // FileReader reads text files in the default encoding. 
      FileReader fileReader = 
       new FileReader(fileName); 

      // Always wrap FileReader in BufferedReader. 
      BufferedReader bufferedReader = 
       new BufferedReader(fileReader); 

      while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { 

      // Always close files. 
     catch(FileNotFoundException ex) { 
       "Unable to open file '" + 
       fileName + "'");     
     catch(IOException ex) { 
       "Error reading file '" 
       + fileName + "'");     
      // Or we could just do this: 
      // ex.printStackTrace(); 

код Shopuser

public abstract class ShopUser 
    private String name; 
    Shop shop; 
    private String shopUserID; 
    private String itemCode; 

    * Constructor for objects of class ShopUser 
    public ShopUser(String name, String shopUserID) 
     this.name = name; 
     this.shopUserID = shopUserID; 
     this.itemCode = itemCode; 

// /** 
//  * Accessor method hireRequest 
//  * 
//  * @return shopuser and shopitem object's 
//  */ 
// public void hireRequest(String shopItem, String shopUser) 
// { 
//  return shopItem; 
//  return shopUser; 
// } 

    * Accessor method getName 
    * @return name 
    public String getName() 
     return name; 

    * Accessor method getShopUserID 
    * @return shopUserID 
    public String getShopUserID() 
     return shopUserID; 

    * Method extractTokens that extracts tokens for a ShopUser object from a 
    * line of text that has been passed to the scanner 
    public void extractTokens(Scanner scanner) 
     // data is name, shopUserID 
     name = scanner.next(); 
     shopUserID = scanner.next(); 

    * Accessor method printDetails 
    public void printDetails() 
     System.out.printf("%-15s %s %n", "name:", name); 
     System.out.printf("%-15s %s %n", "shop user ID:", shopUserID); 


Это, безусловно, не скомпилируется. Не могли бы вы опубликовать код для самих классов, чтобы мы могли лучше понять, что происходит? –


отредактированный пост, чтобы включить код – user3289955


, чего вы хотите достичь? –


public String hireRequest() { 
    return shop item object; 
    return shop user object; 

Метод может возвращать только один элемент.

Пользовательский объект магазина никогда не вызывается. У вас должны быть отдельные геттеры для shopUser и shopItem.

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