2014-02-05 3 views
A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FILE_READ_MODE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 16 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FILE_WRITE_MODE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 17 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant DIR_READ_MODE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 18 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant DIR_WRITE_MODE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 19 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_READ already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 30 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_READ_WRITE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 31 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 32 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 33 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 34 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 35 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_STRICT already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 36 

A PHP Error was encountered 

Severity: Notice 

Message: Constant FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE_STRICT already defined 

Filename: config/constants.php 

Line Number: 37 

Это ошибки. Почему это происходит? Я установил новую копию CI и правильно настроил свою базу данных. Почему это происходит.Что пошло не так. После всех этих ошибок появляется обычная страница приветствияБуква ошибок в кодеригенере после новой установки

** My config/constants.php **

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 

| File and Directory Modes 
| These prefs are used when checking and setting modes when working 
| with the file system. The defaults are fine on servers with proper 
| security, but you may wish (or even need) to change the values in 
| certain environments (Apache running a separate process for each 
| user, PHP under CGI with Apache suEXEC, etc.). Octal values should 
| always be used to set the mode correctly. 
define('FILE_READ_MODE', 0644); 
define('FILE_WRITE_MODE', 0666); 
define('DIR_READ_MODE', 0755); 
define('DIR_WRITE_MODE', 0777); 

| File Stream Modes 
| These modes are used when working with fopen()/popen() 

define('FOPEN_READ',       'rb'); 
define('FOPEN_READ_WRITE',      'r+b'); 
define('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE',  'wb'); // truncates existing file data, use with care 
define('FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE', 'w+b'); // truncates existing file data, use with care 
define('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE',     'ab'); 
define('FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE',    'a+b'); 
define('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_STRICT',    'xb'); 

/* End of file constants.php */ 
/* Location: ./application/config/constants.php */ 

мой autoload.php

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| This file specifies which systems should be loaded by default. 
| In order to keep the framework as light-weight as possible only the 
| absolute minimal resources are loaded by default. For example, 
| the database is not connected to automatically since no assumption 
| is made regarding whether you intend to use it. This file lets 
| you globally define which systems you would like loaded with every 
| request. 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Instructions 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| These are the things you can load automatically: 
| 1. Packages 
| 2. Libraries 
| 3. Helper files 
| 4. Custom config files 
| 5. Language files 
| 6. Models 

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Auto-load Packges 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Prototype: 
| $autoload['packages'] = array(APPPATH.'third_party', '/usr/local/shared'); 

$autoload['packages'] = array(); 

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Auto-load Libraries 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| These are the classes located in the system/libraries folder 
| or in your application/libraries folder. 
| Prototype: 
| $autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'xmlrpc'); 

$autoload['libraries'] = array(); 

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Auto-load Helper Files 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Prototype: 
| $autoload['helper'] = array('url', 'file'); 

$autoload['helper'] = array(); 

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Auto-load Config files 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Prototype: 
| $autoload['config'] = array('config1', 'config2'); 
| NOTE: This item is intended for use ONLY if you have created custom 
| config files. Otherwise, leave it blank. 

$autoload['config'] = array(); 

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Auto-load Language files 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Prototype: 
| $autoload['language'] = array('lang1', 'lang2'); 
| NOTE: Do not include the "_lang" part of your file. For example 
| "codeigniter_lang.php" would be referenced as array('codeigniter'); 

$autoload['language'] = array(); 

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Auto-load Models 
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Prototype: 
| $autoload['model'] = array('model1', 'model2'); 

$autoload['model'] = array(); 

/* End of file autoload.php */ 
/* Location: ./application/con 

рис/autoload.php */


кажется, что ваши постоянные получить определенный дважды .. попробуйте комментируя соответствующие строки в «конфигурации/constants.php» – Yami


Это не имеет ничего общего с базой данных, то почему вы связывать такие ошибки с базой данных? Это происходит на сервере localhost или в реальном времени? – Kyslik


Это происходит в реальном сервере – Piya



вы можете разместить ваш config/autoload.php файл кода здесь? Я думаю, что вы добавили config/constants.php в вашем

$autoload['config'] = array(); 

Я обновил свой ответ – Piya


Можете ли вы предоставить данные FTP, чтобы я мог изучить его? – ITConflux


Информация о FTP ?? Как я могу предоставить свои конфиденциальные данные ftp? – Piya

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