2013-01-14 4 views

Я пишу файл сценариев .vbs, который работает для разных сайтов, но я пишу сценарий автоматического входа для моей веб-страницы университета для входа в интернет-страницу.Ошибка скрипта getElementbyID VBS скрипта (скрипт автозапуска)

Так что у меня есть работа, где он заполняет имя пользователя и пароль, но я не могу получить его, чтобы щелкнуть логин.

Ссылка на университет Логин. Я не уверен, что вы можете получить доступ к нему из сети.

(Примечание редакторов плз не делают это жить ссылку)

hxxps: //wlc-airrowdy1.utsa.edu/fs/customwebauth/studentlogin.html

Вот мой код сценария.

WScript.Quit Main 

Function Main 
    Set IE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application", "IE_") 
    IE.Visible = True 
    IE.Navigate "https://wlc-airrowdy1.utsa.edu/fs/customwebauth/studentlogin.html" 

    Wait IE 
    WScript.Echo "This is WSH version", WScript.Version 

    With IE.Document 
     .getElementByID("username").value = "myuser" 
     .getElementByID("password").value = "mypass" 
    End With 
End Function 

Sub Wait(IE) 
     WScript.Sleep 500 
    Loop While IE.ReadyState < 4 And IE.Busy 

     WScript.Sleep 500 
    Loop While IE.ReadyState < 4 And IE.Busy 
End Sub 

Sub IE_OnQuit 
    On Error Resume Next 
    WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "IE closed before script finished." 
End Sub 

Вот исходный код для страницы, если вы не можете получить доступ к ссылке выше.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="EN" xml:lang="EN"> 

<title>UTSA: AIR Rowdy Wireless Network - The University of Texas at San Antonio</title> 
<meta content=no-cache http-equiv=Cache-control /> 
<meta content=no-cache http-equiv=Pragma /> 
<meta content=-1 http-equiv=Expires /> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="EN" /> 
<meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type /> 
<meta name="author" content="UTSA IT: Christopher Chipps" /> 
<meta name="robots" content="none" /> 
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true" /> 
<meta name="Description" content="The AIRowdy Guest wireless Internet access page." /> 
<meta name="Keywords" content="UTSA OIT, OIT, The Office of Information Technology, Department IT, Department Software, Help Desk" /> 
<meta name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.7600.16535" /> 

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.utsa.edu/oit/favicon.ico" /> 
<link href="3col.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

<SCRIPT language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="./loginscript.js"></SCRIPT> 

<SCRIPT language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
    var url = ""; 
    if(url != ""){ 
     var link = document.location.href; 
     var searchString = "?redirect="; 
     var equalIndex = link.indexOf(searchString); 
     var redirectUrl = ""; 
     if(equalIndex > 0) { 
       equalIndex += searchString.length; 
       redirectUrl += link.substring(equalIndex); 
       //attach the redirect url only if the ext web auth url doesn't contain it 
       searchString = "&redirect="; 
       equalIndex = url.indexOf(searchString); 
       if(equalIndex < 0){ 
        url+= "&redirect="; 
     window.location.href = url; 
     <div class="h"><a href="#content">Skip to main content</a></div> 
     <table id="bodytable" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
       <td id="banner1"> 
        <img src="utsaicon2c.gif" alt="UTSA The University of Texas at San Antonio" /></td> 
       <td id="banner2"> 
        <ul id="mainnav"> 
       <!-- keep the td tags in one line or else you will have a gap in IE -->    
       <td id="leftcontent"> 
        <h1><a name="content"></a>Welcome to AirRowdy</h1> 
        <FORM method=post action="/login.html"> 
        <INPUT value=0 maxLength=15 size=16 type=hidden name=buttonClicked /> 
        <INPUT value=0 maxLength=15 size=16 type=hidden name=err_flag /> 
        <INPUT maxLength=31 size=32 type=hidden name=err_msg /> 
        <INPUT value=0 maxLength=15 size=16 type=hidden name=info_flag /> 
        <INPUT maxLength=31 size=32 type=hidden name=info_msg /> 
        <INPUT maxLength=255 size=255 type=hidden name=redirect_url /> 

        <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" class="border_padding"> 
         <td colspan="2" valign="top"><h2>Student Login</h2></td> 
         <td width="48%" rowspan="4" align="right" valign="top"><img src="AirRowdy1.gif" alt="Welcome to AirRowdy" width="244" height="155" border="0" /></td> 
        </tr><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">getErrorMsgIfAny();</script>      
         <td width="21%"><label for="username"><b>myUTSA ID (abc123)</b></label></td> 
         <td width="31%"><input type="text" maxlength=63 size=25 name=username /></td> 

         <td><label for="password"><b>Password</b></label></td> 
         <td><input onkeypress=submitOnEnter(event); maxlength=63 size=25 type=password name=password emweb_type="PASSWORD" autocomplete="off" /></td> 
         <td><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">getHtmlForButton("Submit","Login","button","submitAction()"); setDisabledBtn();</script></td> 
        <p>AirRowdy is UTSA's wireless network. It is available from any building at UTSA (Main Campus, Downtown Campus and The Institute of Texan Cultures).</p> 
        <p>Log on to AirRowdy with 
        your UTSA ID (abc123) and password.</p> 
        <p>Logged-in users can 
        reach the Internet, access e-mail and print at one of UTSA's Print Spots on campus.</p> 
        <p>Use of the campus wireless network is governed by the <abbr title="The University of Texas at San Antonio" lang="en" xml:lang="en">UTSA</abbr> Information Resources Use and Security Policy (http://www.utsa.edu/hop/chapter8/8-12.cfm). By connecting to this network, you agree to abide by university policies regarding appropriate computer usage. &nbsp;</p> 
        <h3>About AirRowdy</h3> 
<!--     <p>To ensure connectivity 
        you should purchase a wireless network card that is 802.11b or 
        802.11g (Wi-Fi) compliant.&nbsp; A web browser which supports SSL 
        and Javascript is also required.&nbsp; No configuration changes are 
        necessary once your wireless card is installed and functioning 
        correctly. All web traffic (HTTP, HTTPS, etc.) is allowed on the 
        wireless network.</p>--> 
<!--     <p>You should connect to AIR Rowdy using a wireless network card that is 802.11b or 
        802.11g (Wi-Fi) compliant.&nbsp; A web browser which supports SSL 
        and Javascript is also required.&nbsp; No configuration changes are 
        necessary once your wireless card is installed and functioning 
        correctly. All web traffic (HTTP, HTTPS, etc.) is allowed on the 
        wireless network.</p>--> 
        <p>As a general rule, 
        traffic on wireless networks, including AirRowdy, is <i><b>not</b></i> encrypted. This means there is a risk of 
        having your session &quot;sniffed&quot; during transmission.&nbsp; If you plan 
        on entering sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers) 
        on a website, ensure the site is SSL-encrypted - the URL 
        should start with http<strong><i>s</i></strong> (not http)&nbsp; and 
        you should see a &quot;lock&quot; icon in your browser's status 
        <p><b>Students</b>: To activate 
        your UTSA ID, or if you are experiencing connection issues with 
        AirRowdy, please visit one of the Student Computing Services Labs 
        during regular hours for assistance.</p> 
        <p>- BB 2.01.20 (Main Campus)<br /> 
        - FS 2.400 (Downtown 
        Campus)<br /> 
       - Library JPL Information Commons    </p>    </td> 

        <td id="footer"> 
         <div id="bottomNav"> <strong>&copy; The University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249-1644, (210) 458-4011</strong></div></td> 
        <td id="credit">Designed &amp; Maintained by The Office of Information Technology &#8212; Last update: 
        <!-- #BeginDate format:Am1 -->August 12, 2010<!-- #EndDate -->-></td> 



Я не уверен, что элемент формы имеет метод члена под названием submitAction. Должно быть просто submit?

И я не вижу каких-либо элементов с идентификаторами, которые вы ищете: "username", "password" или "top"

With IE.Document 
    .getElementByID("username").value = "myuser" 
    .getElementByID("password").value = "mypass" 
End With 

Я предполагаю, что Вы ищете, например

<td width="31%"><input type="text" maxlength=63 size=25 name=username /></td> 

где вы должны использовать getElementsByName, который возвращает массив элементов

dim elements: set elements = document.getElementsByName("username") 
elements(0).Value = "username" 

Спасибо, что объяснили, так как я не в школе, сейчас я не могу попробовать это прямо сейчас, но поскольку в вашем коде не используется элементbyId, потому что у нас нет идентификатора? но код, который я написал '.getElementByID (« имя пользователя »). value =« myuser », это сообщение о имени пользователя и pssword. – Mowgli

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