2015-05-15 2 views

Я новичок в программировании на Java. Я просто начинаю читать первую первую Java-книгу. И я нашел этот пример в первой главе.Смущение о выходе

public class BeerSong { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     int beerNum = 99; 
     String word = "bottles"; 
     while (beerNum > 0) 
      if (beerNum == 1) 
       word = "bottle"; 
      System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall"); 
      System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer"); 
      System.out.println("Take one down."); 
      System.out.println("Pass it around."); 
      beerNum = beerNum - 1; 
      if (beerNum > 0) 
       System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall"); 
       System.out.println("No more bottles of beer on the wall"); 

И я смущен о том, что вы ставите.

60 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
59 bottles of beer on the wall 
59 bottles of beer on the wall 
59 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
58 bottles of beer on the wall 
58 bottles of beer on the wall 
58 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
57 bottles of beer on the wall 
57 bottles of beer on the wall 
57 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
56 bottles of beer on the wall 
56 bottles of beer on the wall 
56 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
55 bottles of beer on the wall 
55 bottles of beer on the wall 
55 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
54 bottles of beer on the wall 
54 bottles of beer on the wall 
54 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
53 bottles of beer on the wall 
53 bottles of beer on the wall 
53 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
52 bottles of beer on the wall 
52 bottles of beer on the wall 
52 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
51 bottles of beer on the wall 
51 bottles of beer on the wall 
51 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
50 bottles of beer on the wall 
50 bottles of beer on the wall 
50 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
49 bottles of beer on the wall 
49 bottles of beer on the wall 
49 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
48 bottles of beer on the wall 
48 bottles of beer on the wall 
48 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
47 bottles of beer on the wall 
47 bottles of beer on the wall 
47 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
46 bottles of beer on the wall 
46 bottles of beer on the wall 
46 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
45 bottles of beer on the wall 
45 bottles of beer on the wall 
45 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
44 bottles of beer on the wall 
44 bottles of beer on the wall 
44 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
43 bottles of beer on the wall 
43 bottles of beer on the wall 
43 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
42 bottles of beer on the wall 
42 bottles of beer on the wall 
42 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
41 bottles of beer on the wall 
41 bottles of beer on the wall 
41 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
40 bottles of beer on the wall 
40 bottles of beer on the wall 
40 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
39 bottles of beer on the wall 
39 bottles of beer on the wall 
39 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
38 bottles of beer on the wall 
38 bottles of beer on the wall 
38 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
37 bottles of beer on the wall 
37 bottles of beer on the wall 
37 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
36 bottles of beer on the wall 
36 bottles of beer on the wall 
36 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
35 bottles of beer on the wall 
35 bottles of beer on the wall 
35 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
34 bottles of beer on the wall 
34 bottles of beer on the wall 
34 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
33 bottles of beer on the wall 
33 bottles of beer on the wall 
33 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
32 bottles of beer on the wall 
32 bottles of beer on the wall 
32 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
31 bottles of beer on the wall 
31 bottles of beer on the wall 
31 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
30 bottles of beer on the wall 
30 bottles of beer on the wall 
30 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
29 bottles of beer on the wall 
29 bottles of beer on the wall 
29 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
28 bottles of beer on the wall 
28 bottles of beer on the wall 
28 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
27 bottles of beer on the wall 
27 bottles of beer on the wall 
27 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
26 bottles of beer on the wall 
26 bottles of beer on the wall 
26 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
25 bottles of beer on the wall 
25 bottles of beer on the wall 
25 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
24 bottles of beer on the wall 
24 bottles of beer on the wall 
24 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
23 bottles of beer on the wall 
23 bottles of beer on the wall 
23 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
22 bottles of beer on the wall 
22 bottles of beer on the wall 
22 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
21 bottles of beer on the wall 
21 bottles of beer on the wall 
21 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
20 bottles of beer on the wall 
20 bottles of beer on the wall 
20 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
19 bottles of beer on the wall 
19 bottles of beer on the wall 
19 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
18 bottles of beer on the wall 
18 bottles of beer on the wall 
18 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
17 bottles of beer on the wall 
17 bottles of beer on the wall 
17 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
16 bottles of beer on the wall 
16 bottles of beer on the wall 
16 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
15 bottles of beer on the wall 
15 bottles of beer on the wall 
15 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
14 bottles of beer on the wall 
14 bottles of beer on the wall 
14 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
13 bottles of beer on the wall 
13 bottles of beer on the wall 
13 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
12 bottles of beer on the wall 
12 bottles of beer on the wall 
12 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
11 bottles of beer on the wall 
11 bottles of beer on the wall 
11 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
10 bottles of beer on the wall 
10 bottles of beer on the wall 
10 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
9 bottles of beer on the wall 
9 bottles of beer on the wall 
9 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
8 bottles of beer on the wall 
8 bottles of beer on the wall 
8 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
7 bottles of beer on the wall 
7 bottles of beer on the wall 
7 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
6 bottles of beer on the wall 
6 bottles of beer on the wall 
6 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
5 bottles of beer on the wall 
5 bottles of beer on the wall 
5 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
4 bottles of beer on the wall 
4 bottles of beer on the wall 
4 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
3 bottles of beer on the wall 
3 bottles of beer on the wall 
3 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
2 bottles of beer on the wall 
2 bottles of beer on the wall 
2 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
1 bottles of beer on the wall 
1 bottle of beer on the wall 
1 bottle of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
No more bottles of beer on the wall 
Press any key to continue . . . 

Как я понимаю код из пут следует начать с

99 bottles of beer 

потому int beerNum = 99;

Может кто-нибудь объяснить мне, почему я получаю выше выход начать с

60 bottles of beer 

Заранее спасибо. Мне было бы так здорово, если бы кто-нибудь мне это объяснил.


Код выше фактически должна начинаться с Вы уверены, что используете этот точный код, чтобы получить «60 бутылок пива»? –


Да Я использую точный код @at. –


Если вы работаете в системе unix (или mac), пытающейся подключить трубку к заголовку 'java myapp | и посмотрите, получите ли вы 99 бутылок пива. –



Да, выход должен начинаться с,

99 bottles of beer 

Нет ничего плохого в вашем коде. Как вы сказали, вы использовали Geany в качестве среды IDE. Geany использует командную строку для вывода вывода. Если вы используете eclipse или netbeans, вы получите правильный результат, как вы себе представляете.

затмение выход - "99 бутылок пива"

99 bottles of beer on the wall 
99 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
98 bottles of beer on the wall 
98 bottles of beer on the wall 
98 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
97 bottles of beer on the wall 
97 bottles of beer on the wall 
97 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
96 bottles of beer on the wall 
96 bottles of beer on the wall 
96 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
95 bottles of beer on the wall 
95 bottles of beer on the wall 
95 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
94 bottles of beer on the wall 
94 bottles of beer on the wall 
94 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
93 bottles of beer on the wall 
93 bottles of beer on the wall 
93 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
92 bottles of beer on the wall 
92 bottles of beer on the wall 
92 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
91 bottles of beer on the wall 
91 bottles of beer on the wall 
91 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
90 bottles of beer on the wall 
90 bottles of beer on the wall 
90 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
89 bottles of beer on the wall 
89 bottles of beer on the wall 
89 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
88 bottles of beer on the wall 
88 bottles of beer on the wall 
88 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
87 bottles of beer on the wall 
87 bottles of beer on the wall 
87 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
86 bottles of beer on the wall 
86 bottles of beer on the wall 
86 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
85 bottles of beer on the wall 
85 bottles of beer on the wall 
85 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
84 bottles of beer on the wall 
84 bottles of beer on the wall 
84 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
83 bottles of beer on the wall 
83 bottles of beer on the wall 
83 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
82 bottles of beer on the wall 
82 bottles of beer on the wall 
82 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
81 bottles of beer on the wall 
81 bottles of beer on the wall 
81 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
80 bottles of beer on the wall 
80 bottles of beer on the wall 
80 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
79 bottles of beer on the wall 
79 bottles of beer on the wall 
79 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
78 bottles of beer on the wall 
78 bottles of beer on the wall 
78 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
77 bottles of beer on the wall 
77 bottles of beer on the wall 
77 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
76 bottles of beer on the wall 
76 bottles of beer on the wall 
76 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
75 bottles of beer on the wall 
75 bottles of beer on the wall 
75 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
74 bottles of beer on the wall 
74 bottles of beer on the wall 
74 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
73 bottles of beer on the wall 
73 bottles of beer on the wall 
73 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
72 bottles of beer on the wall 
72 bottles of beer on the wall 
72 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
71 bottles of beer on the wall 
71 bottles of beer on the wall 
71 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
70 bottles of beer on the wall 
70 bottles of beer on the wall 
70 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
69 bottles of beer on the wall 
69 bottles of beer on the wall 
69 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
68 bottles of beer on the wall 
68 bottles of beer on the wall 
68 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
67 bottles of beer on the wall 
67 bottles of beer on the wall 
67 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
66 bottles of beer on the wall 
66 bottles of beer on the wall 
66 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
65 bottles of beer on the wall 
65 bottles of beer on the wall 
65 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
64 bottles of beer on the wall 
64 bottles of beer on the wall 
64 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
63 bottles of beer on the wall 
63 bottles of beer on the wall 
63 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
62 bottles of beer on the wall 
62 bottles of beer on the wall 
62 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
61 bottles of beer on the wall 
61 bottles of beer on the wall 
61 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
60 bottles of beer on the wall 
60 bottles of beer on the wall 
60 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
59 bottles of beer on the wall 
59 bottles of beer on the wall 
59 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
58 bottles of beer on the wall 
58 bottles of beer on the wall 
58 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
57 bottles of beer on the wall 
57 bottles of beer on the wall 
57 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
56 bottles of beer on the wall 
56 bottles of beer on the wall 
56 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
55 bottles of beer on the wall 
55 bottles of beer on the wall 
55 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
54 bottles of beer on the wall 
54 bottles of beer on the wall 
54 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
53 bottles of beer on the wall 
53 bottles of beer on the wall 
53 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
52 bottles of beer on the wall 
52 bottles of beer on the wall 
52 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
51 bottles of beer on the wall 
51 bottles of beer on the wall 
51 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
50 bottles of beer on the wall 
50 bottles of beer on the wall 
50 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
49 bottles of beer on the wall 
49 bottles of beer on the wall 
49 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
48 bottles of beer on the wall 
48 bottles of beer on the wall 
48 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
47 bottles of beer on the wall 
47 bottles of beer on the wall 
47 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
46 bottles of beer on the wall 
46 bottles of beer on the wall 
46 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
45 bottles of beer on the wall 
45 bottles of beer on the wall 
45 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
44 bottles of beer on the wall 
44 bottles of beer on the wall 
44 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
43 bottles of beer on the wall 
43 bottles of beer on the wall 
43 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
42 bottles of beer on the wall 
42 bottles of beer on the wall 
42 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
41 bottles of beer on the wall 
41 bottles of beer on the wall 
41 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
40 bottles of beer on the wall 
40 bottles of beer on the wall 
40 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
39 bottles of beer on the wall 
39 bottles of beer on the wall 
39 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
38 bottles of beer on the wall 
38 bottles of beer on the wall 
38 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
37 bottles of beer on the wall 
37 bottles of beer on the wall 
37 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
36 bottles of beer on the wall 
36 bottles of beer on the wall 
36 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
35 bottles of beer on the wall 
35 bottles of beer on the wall 
35 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
34 bottles of beer on the wall 
34 bottles of beer on the wall 
34 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
33 bottles of beer on the wall 
33 bottles of beer on the wall 
33 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
32 bottles of beer on the wall 
32 bottles of beer on the wall 
32 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
31 bottles of beer on the wall 
31 bottles of beer on the wall 
31 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
30 bottles of beer on the wall 
30 bottles of beer on the wall 
30 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
29 bottles of beer on the wall 
29 bottles of beer on the wall 
29 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
28 bottles of beer on the wall 
28 bottles of beer on the wall 
28 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
27 bottles of beer on the wall 
27 bottles of beer on the wall 
27 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
26 bottles of beer on the wall 
26 bottles of beer on the wall 
26 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
25 bottles of beer on the wall 
25 bottles of beer on the wall 
25 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
24 bottles of beer on the wall 
24 bottles of beer on the wall 
24 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
23 bottles of beer on the wall 
23 bottles of beer on the wall 
23 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
22 bottles of beer on the wall 
22 bottles of beer on the wall 
22 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
21 bottles of beer on the wall 
21 bottles of beer on the wall 
21 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
20 bottles of beer on the wall 
20 bottles of beer on the wall 
20 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
19 bottles of beer on the wall 
19 bottles of beer on the wall 
19 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
18 bottles of beer on the wall 
18 bottles of beer on the wall 
18 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
17 bottles of beer on the wall 
17 bottles of beer on the wall 
17 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
16 bottles of beer on the wall 
16 bottles of beer on the wall 
16 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
15 bottles of beer on the wall 
15 bottles of beer on the wall 
15 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
14 bottles of beer on the wall 
14 bottles of beer on the wall 
14 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
13 bottles of beer on the wall 
13 bottles of beer on the wall 
13 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
12 bottles of beer on the wall 
12 bottles of beer on the wall 
12 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
11 bottles of beer on the wall 
11 bottles of beer on the wall 
11 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
10 bottles of beer on the wall 
10 bottles of beer on the wall 
10 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
9 bottles of beer on the wall 
9 bottles of beer on the wall 
9 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
8 bottles of beer on the wall 
8 bottles of beer on the wall 
8 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
7 bottles of beer on the wall 
7 bottles of beer on the wall 
7 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
6 bottles of beer on the wall 
6 bottles of beer on the wall 
6 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
5 bottles of beer on the wall 
5 bottles of beer on the wall 
5 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
4 bottles of beer on the wall 
4 bottles of beer on the wall 
4 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
3 bottles of beer on the wall 
3 bottles of beer on the wall 
3 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
2 bottles of beer on the wall 
2 bottles of beer on the wall 
2 bottles of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
1 bottles of beer on the wall 
1 bottle of beer on the wall 
1 bottle of beer 
Take one down. 
Pass it around. 
No more bottles of beer on the wall 

Ваш интерфейс, возможно, просто отрезал верхнюю часть выходов или, возможно, вы не прокручивали вверх. Вышеприведенный код работает для меня.


Фактически выдает ожидаемые значения, наиболее вероятная проблема заключается в том, что ваше окно вывода вырезает выход вверх.

Следующий вывод на NetBeans:

99 bottles of beer on the wall 
99 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
98 bottles of beer on the wall 
98 bottles of beer on the wall 
98 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
97 bottles of beer on the wall 
97 bottles of beer on the wall 
97 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
96 bottles of beer on the wall 
96 bottles of beer on the wall 
96 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
95 bottles of beer on the wall 
95 bottles of beer on the wall 
95 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
94 bottles of beer on the wall 
94 bottles of beer on the wall 
94 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
93 bottles of beer on the wall 
93 bottles of beer on the wall 
93 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
92 bottles of beer on the wall 
92 bottles of beer on the wall 
92 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
91 bottles of beer on the wall 
91 bottles of beer on the wall 
91 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
90 bottles of beer on the wall 
90 bottles of beer on the wall 
90 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
89 bottles of beer on the wall 
89 bottles of beer on the wall 
89 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
88 bottles of beer on the wall 
88 bottles of beer on the wall 
88 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
87 bottles of beer on the wall 
87 bottles of beer on the wall 
87 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
86 bottles of beer on the wall 
86 bottles of beer on the wall 
86 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
85 bottles of beer on the wall 
85 bottles of beer on the wall 
85 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
84 bottles of beer on the wall 
84 bottles of beer on the wall 
84 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
83 bottles of beer on the wall 
83 bottles of beer on the wall 
83 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
82 bottles of beer on the wall 
82 bottles of beer on the wall 
82 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
81 bottles of beer on the wall 
81 bottles of beer on the wall 
81 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
80 bottles of beer on the wall 
80 bottles of beer on the wall 
80 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
79 bottles of beer on the wall 
79 bottles of beer on the wall 
79 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
78 bottles of beer on the wall 
78 bottles of beer on the wall 
78 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
77 bottles of beer on the wall 
77 bottles of beer on the wall 
77 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
76 bottles of beer on the wall 
76 bottles of beer on the wall 
76 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
75 bottles of beer on the wall 
75 bottles of beer on the wall 
75 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
74 bottles of beer on the wall 
74 bottles of beer on the wall 
74 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
73 bottles of beer on the wall 
73 bottles of beer on the wall 
73 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
72 bottles of beer on the wall 
72 bottles of beer on the wall 
72 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
71 bottles of beer on the wall 
71 bottles of beer on the wall 
71 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
70 bottles of beer on the wall 
70 bottles of beer on the wall 
70 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
69 bottles of beer on the wall 
69 bottles of beer on the wall 
69 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
68 bottles of beer on the wall 
68 bottles of beer on the wall 
68 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
67 bottles of beer on the wall 
67 bottles of beer on the wall 
67 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
66 bottles of beer on the wall 
66 bottles of beer on the wall 
66 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
65 bottles of beer on the wall 
65 bottles of beer on the wall 
65 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
64 bottles of beer on the wall 
64 bottles of beer on the wall 
64 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
63 bottles of beer on the wall 
63 bottles of beer on the wall 
63 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
62 bottles of beer on the wall 
62 bottles of beer on the wall 
62 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
61 bottles of beer on the wall 
61 bottles of beer on the wall 
61 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
60 bottles of beer on the wall 
60 bottles of beer on the wall 
60 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
59 bottles of beer on the wall 
59 bottles of beer on the wall 
59 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
58 bottles of beer on the wall 
58 bottles of beer on the wall 
58 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
57 bottles of beer on the wall 
57 bottles of beer on the wall 
57 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
56 bottles of beer on the wall 
56 bottles of beer on the wall 
56 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
55 bottles of beer on the wall 
55 bottles of beer on the wall 
55 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
54 bottles of beer on the wall 
54 bottles of beer on the wall 
54 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
53 bottles of beer on the wall 
53 bottles of beer on the wall 
53 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
52 bottles of beer on the wall 
52 bottles of beer on the wall 
52 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
51 bottles of beer on the wall 
51 bottles of beer on the wall 
51 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
50 bottles of beer on the wall 
50 bottles of beer on the wall 
50 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
49 bottles of beer on the wall 
49 bottles of beer on the wall 
49 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
48 bottles of beer on the wall 
48 bottles of beer on the wall 
48 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
47 bottles of beer on the wall 
47 bottles of beer on the wall 
47 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
46 bottles of beer on the wall 
46 bottles of beer on the wall 
46 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
45 bottles of beer on the wall 
45 bottles of beer on the wall 
45 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
44 bottles of beer on the wall 
44 bottles of beer on the wall 
44 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
43 bottles of beer on the wall 
43 bottles of beer on the wall 
43 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
42 bottles of beer on the wall 
42 bottles of beer on the wall 
42 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
41 bottles of beer on the wall 
41 bottles of beer on the wall 
41 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
40 bottles of beer on the wall 
40 bottles of beer on the wall 
40 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
39 bottles of beer on the wall 
39 bottles of beer on the wall 
39 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
38 bottles of beer on the wall 
38 bottles of beer on the wall 
38 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
37 bottles of beer on the wall 
37 bottles of beer on the wall 
37 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
36 bottles of beer on the wall 
36 bottles of beer on the wall 
36 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
35 bottles of beer on the wall 
35 bottles of beer on the wall 
35 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
34 bottles of beer on the wall 
34 bottles of beer on the wall 
34 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
33 bottles of beer on the wall 
33 bottles of beer on the wall 
33 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
32 bottles of beer on the wall 
32 bottles of beer on the wall 
32 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
31 bottles of beer on the wall 
31 bottles of beer on the wall 
31 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
30 bottles of beer on the wall 
30 bottles of beer on the wall 
30 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
29 bottles of beer on the wall 
29 bottles of beer on the wall 
29 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
28 bottles of beer on the wall 
28 bottles of beer on the wall 
28 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
27 bottles of beer on the wall 
27 bottles of beer on the wall 
27 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
26 bottles of beer on the wall 
26 bottles of beer on the wall 
26 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
25 bottles of beer on the wall 
25 bottles of beer on the wall 
25 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
24 bottles of beer on the wall 
24 bottles of beer on the wall 
24 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
23 bottles of beer on the wall 
23 bottles of beer on the wall 
23 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
22 bottles of beer on the wall 
22 bottles of beer on the wall 
22 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
21 bottles of beer on the wall 
21 bottles of beer on the wall 
21 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
20 bottles of beer on the wall 
20 bottles of beer on the wall 
20 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
19 bottles of beer on the wall 
19 bottles of beer on the wall 
19 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
18 bottles of beer on the wall 
18 bottles of beer on the wall 
18 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
17 bottles of beer on the wall 
17 bottles of beer on the wall 
17 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
16 bottles of beer on the wall 
16 bottles of beer on the wall 
16 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
15 bottles of beer on the wall 
15 bottles of beer on the wall 
15 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
14 bottles of beer on the wall 
14 bottles of beer on the wall 
14 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
13 bottles of beer on the wall 
13 bottles of beer on the wall 
13 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
12 bottles of beer on the wall 
12 bottles of beer on the wall 
12 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
11 bottles of beer on the wall 
11 bottles of beer on the wall 
11 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
10 bottles of beer on the wall 
10 bottles of beer on the wall 
10 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
9 bottles of beer on the wall 
9 bottles of beer on the wall 
9 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
8 bottles of beer on the wall 
8 bottles of beer on the wall 
8 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
7 bottles of beer on the wall 
7 bottles of beer on the wall 
7 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
6 bottles of beer on the wall 
6 bottles of beer on the wall 
6 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
5 bottles of beer on the wall 
5 bottles of beer on the wall 
5 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
4 bottles of beer on the wall 
4 bottles of beer on the wall 
4 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
3 bottles of beer on the wall 
3 bottles of beer on the wall 
3 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
2 bottles of beer on the wall 
2 bottles of beer on the wall 
2 bottles of beer Take one down 
Pass it around. 
1 bottles of beer on the wall 
1 bottle of beer on the wall 
1 bottle of beer Take one down 
Pass it around.No more bottles of beer on the wall 

Чтобы попытаться проверить будет изменить while (beerNum > 0) к чему-то вроде while (beerNum > 50) так, что она не производит так много выходных данных.


Вы правы, чтобы быть смущенным, поскольку код действительно выводит «99 бутылок пива ... и так далее».


Возможно, это связано с тем, что ваш выходной буфер консоли в вашей среде IDE достигнут, так что отображается только выход в пределах консоли.

Если вы используете затмение, то 1. Перейдите затмить предпочтение 2. Поиск консоли 3. Снимите флажок «Ограничить вывод консоли»


Просто измените beerNum в какой-то меньшее значение (т.е. менее 50), и вы увидите полный вывод

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