2015-06-29 6 views

Я пытаюсь напечатать путь к каждому листу в этом дереве AVL. Мой вопрос: почему программа выплевывает ячейки памяти и имена файлов элемента, а не элемента?Печать пути к листу в дереве AVL

from BinaryTree import BinaryTree 
from BinaryTree import TreeNode 

class AVLTree(BinaryTree): 
    def __init__(self): 

    # Override the createNewNode method to create an AVLTreeNode 
    def createNewNode(self, e): 
     return AVLTreeNode(e) 
    def getPath(self, o): 
     path = BinaryTree.path(self, o); 
     return path 

    # Override the insert method to balance the tree if necessary 
    def insert(self, o): 
     successful = BinaryTree.insert(self, o) 
     if not successful: 
      return False # o is already in the tree 
      self.balancePath(o) # Balance from o to the root if necessary 

     return True # o is inserted 

    # Update the height of a specified node 
    def updateHeight(self, node): 
     if node.left == None and node.right == None: # node is a leaf 
      node.height = 0 
     elif node.left == None: # node has no left subtree 
      node.height = 1 + (node.right).height 
     elif node.right == None: # node has no right subtree 
      node.height = 1 + (node.left).height 
      node.height = 1 + max((node.right).height, (node.left).height) 

    # Balance the nodes in the path from the specified 
    # node to the root if necessary 
    def balancePath(self, o): 
     path = BinaryTree.path(self, o) 
     for i in range(len(path) - 1, -1, -1): 
      A = path[i] 
      parentOfA = None if (A == self.root) else path[i - 1] 

      if self.balanceFactor(A) == -2: 
       if self.balanceFactor(A.left) <= 0: 
        self.balanceLL(A, parentOfA) # Perform LL rotation 
        self.balanceLR(A, parentOfA) # Perform LR rotation 
      elif self.balanceFactor(A) == +2: 
       if self.balanceFactor(A.right) >= 0: 
        self.balanceRR(A, parentOfA) # Perform RR rotation 
        self.balanceRL(A, parentOfA) # Perform RL rotation 

    # Return the balance factor of the node 
    def balanceFactor(self, node): 
     if node.right == None: # node has no right subtree 
      return -node.height 
     elif node.left == None: # node has no left subtree 
      return +node.height 
      return (node.right).height - (node.left).height 

    # Balance LL (see Figure 14.2) 
    def balanceLL(self, A, parentOfA): 
     B = A.left # A is left-heavy and B is left-heavy 

     if A == self.root: 
      self.root = B 
      if parentOfA.left == A: 
       parentOfA.left = B 
       parentOfA.right = B 

     A.left = B.right # Make T2 the left subtree of A 
     B.right = A # Make A the left child of B 
    def getSearch(self, o): 
     return BinaryTree.search(self, o) 

    # Balance LR (see Figure 14.2(c)) 
    def balanceLR(self, A, parentOfA): 
     B = A.left # A is left-heavy 
     C = B.right # B is right-heavy 

     if A == self.root: 
      self.root = C 
      if parentOfA.left == A: 
       parentOfA.left = C 
       parentOfA.right = C 

     A.left = C.right # Make T3 the left subtree of A 
     B.right = C.left # Make T2 the right subtree of B 
     C.left = B 
     C.right = A 

     # Adjust heights 

    # Balance RR (see Figure 14.2(b)) 
    def balanceRR(self, A, parentOfA): 
     B = A.right # A is right-heavy and B is right-heavy 

     if A == self.root: 
      self.root = B 
      if parentOfA.left == A: 
       parentOfA.left = B 
       parentOfA.right = B 

     A.right = B.left # Make T2 the right subtree of A 
     B.left = A 

    # Balance RL (see Figure 14.2(d)) 
    def balanceRL(self, A, parentOfA): 
     B = A.right # A is right-heavy 
     C = B.left # B is left-heavy 

     if A == self.root: 
      self.root = C 
      if parentOfA.left == A: 
       parentOfA.left = C 
       parentOfA.right = C 

     A.right = C.left # Make T2 the right subtree of A 
     B.left = C.right # Make T3 the left subtree of B 
     C.left = A 
     C.right = B 

     # Adjust heights 

    # Delete an element from the binary tree. 
    # Return True if the element is deleted successfully 
    # Return False if the element is not in the tree 
    def delete(self, element): 
     if self.root == None: 
      return False # Element is not in the tree 

     # Locate the node to be deleted and also locate its parent node 
     parent = None 
     current = self.root 
     while current != None: 
      if element < current.element: 
       parent = current 
       current = current.left 
      elif element > current.element: 
       parent = current 
       current = current.right 
       break # Element is in the tree pointed by current 

     if current == None: 
      return False # Element is not in the tree 

     # Case 1: current has no left children (See Figure 23.6) 
     if current.left == None: 
      # Connect the parent with the right child of the current node 
      if parent == None: 
       root = current.right 
       if element < parent.element: 
        parent.left = current.right 
        parent.right = current.right 

      # Balance the tree if necessary 
      # Case 2: The current node has a left child 
      # Locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of 
      # the current node and also its parent 
      parentOfRightMost = current 
      rightMost = current.left 

      while rightMost.right != None: 
       parentOfRightMost = rightMost 
       rightMost = rightMost.right # Keep going to the right 

      # Replace the element in current by the element in rightMost 
      current.element = rightMost.element 

      # Eliminate rightmost node 
      if parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost: 
       parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left 
       # Special case: parentOfRightMost is current 
       parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left 

      # Balance the tree if necessary 

     self.size -= 1 # One element deleted 
     return True # Element inserted 
    def getLeafNodes(self): 
     return BinaryTree.leafNodes(self) 

# AVLTreeNode is TreeNode plus height 
class AVLTreeNode(TreeNode): 
    def __init__(self, e): 
     self.height = 0 # New data field 
     TreeNode.__init__(self, e) 

это бинарное дерево он называет

class BinaryTree: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.counter = -1 
     self.root = None 
     self.size = 0 

    # Return True if the element is in the tree 
    def search(self, e): 
     current = self.root # Start from the root 

     while current != None: 
      if e < current.element: 
       current = current.left 
      elif e > current.element: 
       current = current.right 
      else: # element matches current.element 
       return True # Element is found 

     return False 
    def __iter__(self): 
     return self 

    def __next__(self): 
     x = self.inorder() 
     self.num = [] 
     for i in range(x.getSize()): 
     while True: 
      self.counter += 1 
     return self.num[self.counter] 

    # Insert element e into the binary search tree 
    # Return True if the element is inserted successfully 
    def insert(self, e): 
     if self.root == None: 
      self.root = self.createNewNode(e) # Create a new root 
      # Locate the parent node 
      parent = None 
      current = self.root 
      while current != None: 
       if e < current.element: 
        parent = current 
        current = current.left 
       elif e > current.element: 
        parent = current 
        current = current.right 
        return False # Duplicate node not inserted 

      # Create the new node and attach it to the parent node 
      if e < parent.element: 
       parent.left = self.createNewNode(e) 
       parent.right = self.createNewNode(e) 

     self.size += 1 # Increase tree size 
     return True # Element inserted 

    # Create a new TreeNode for element e 
    def createNewNode(self, e): 
     return TreeNode(e) 

    # Return the size of the tree 
    def getSize(self): 
     return self.size 

    # Inorder traversal from the root 
    def inorder(self): 

    # Inorder traversal from a subtree 
    def inorderHelper(self, r): 
     if r != None: 
      print(r.element, end = " ") 

    # Postorder traversal from the root 
    def postorder(self): 

    # Postorder traversal from a subtree 
    def postorderHelper(self, root): 
     if root != None: 
      print(root.element, end = " ") 

    # Preorder traversal from the root 
    def preorder(self): 

    # Preorder traversal from a subtree 
    def preorderHelper(self, root): 
     if root != None: 
      print(root.element, end = " ") 

    # Returns a path from the root leading to the specified element 
    def path(self, e): 
     path = [] 
     current = self.root # Start from the root 

     while current != None: 
      path.append(current) # Add the node to the list 
      if e < current.element: 
       current = current.left 
      elif e > current.element: 
       current = current.right 
     return path # Return an array of nodes 

    # Delete an element from the binary search tree. 
    # Return True if the element is deleted successfully 
    # Return False if the element is not in the tree 
    def delete(self, e): 
     # Locate the node to be deleted and its parent node 
     parent = None 
     current = self.root 
     while current != None: 
      if e < current.element: 
       parent = current 
       current = current.left 
      elif e > current.element: 
       parent = current 
       current = current.right 
       break # Element is in the tree pointed by current 

     if current == None: 
      return False # Element is not in the tree 

     # Case 1: current has no left children 
     if current.left == None: 
      # Connect the parent with the right child of the current node 
      if parent == None: 
       self.root = current.right 
       if e < parent.element: 
        parent.left = current.right 
        parent.right = current.right 
      # Case 2: The current node has a left child 
      # Locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of 
      # the current node and also its parent 
      parentOfRightMost = current 
      rightMost = current.left 

      while rightMost.right != None: 
       parentOfRightMost = rightMost 
       rightMost = rightMost.right # Keep going to the right 

      # Replace the element in current by the element in rightMost 
      current.element = rightMost.element 

      # Eliminate rightmost node 
      if parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost: 
       parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left 
       # Special case: parentOfRightMost == current 
       parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left  

     self.size -= 1 
     return True # Element deleted 
    def leafNodes(self): 
     self.leaves = [] 
     return self.leafNodesHelper(self.root) 
    def leafNodesHelper(self, root): 
     if root != None: 
      if root.left == None and root.right == None: 
     return self.leaves 

    # Return true if the tree is empty 
    def isEmpty(self): 
     return self.size == 0 

    # Remove all elements from the tree 
    def clear(self): 
     self.root == None 
     self.size == 0 

    # Return the root of the tree 
    def getRoot(self): 
     return self.root 

class TreeNode: 
    def __init__(self, e): 
     self.element = e 
     self.left = None # Point to the left node, default None 
     self.right = None # Point to the right node, default None 

это тестовая программа, которая расстраивает меня

from AVLTree20_3 import AVLTree 

tree = AVLTree() 

for i in range(1, 101): 
x = tree.getLeafNodes() 
for i in range(len(x)): 
    path = tree.getPath(x[i]) 

Пожалуйста, помогите мне понять, почему это не будет работать. Я пробовал отладчик и печатал из всех трех файлов, но никто, кажется, не распечатывал правильно, почему это так?



Ваша проблема заключается в том, что метод path возвращает список узлов. имеют два решения, определяющие первый метод переопределения (str) в классе узлов. Или перекрестите его следующим образом:

from AVLTree20_3 import AVLTree 

tree = AVLTree() 

for i in range(1, 101): 
x = tree.getLeafNodes() 

for i in range(len(x)): 
path = [x.element for x in tree.getPath(x[i])] 
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