2016-02-05 2 views

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           <li class=""><a href="#tab5" data-toggle="tab" class="tehnical">PWC</a></li> 
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              <a href="http://www.architectmagazine.com/awards/r-d-awards/award-green-zip-tape_o"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Awards/R&D.png"></a> 
              <a href="http://www.architectmagazine.com/awards/r-d-awards/award-green-zip-tape_o">Click for Award</a> 
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              <h2>Architect Magazine</h2> 
              <p>It’s hard to get simpler in conception and execution than Green-Zip Tape. The product is a substitute for the joint-compound tape that has been used between gypsum board panels since the introduction of prefabricated plasterboard in the early 1930s. The product impressed all three jurors.</p> 

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              <a href="http://info.aia.org/aiarchitect/thisweek07/1005/1005n_epa.htm"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Awards/AIA.png"></a> 
              <a href="http://info.aia.org/aiarchitect/thisweek07/1005/1005n_epa.htm">Click for Award</a> 
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              <h2>AIA Awards</h2> 
              <p>This patented demountable tape provides an alternative method for hanging sheetrock for future de-construction and reuse. 

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              <a href="https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-wd/1404001.pdf"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Awards/IRS.png" style="margin-top:-30px;"></a> 
              <a href="https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-wd/1404001.pdf" style="margin-left: 20px;">Click for PLR</a> 
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              <h2>IRS PLR</h2> 
              <p>Taxpayer's Zip type partitions installed within the Owned Property and Leased Property are included in asset class 57.0 of Rev. Proc. 87-56 for purposes of § 168. 

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              <a href="https://www.akingump.com/en/news-insights/david-burton-examines-irs-private-letter-ruling-on-drywall.html"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Awards/AkinGump.png"></a> 
              <a href="https://www.akingump.com/en/news-insights/david-burton-examines-irs-private-letter-ruling-on-drywall.html">Click for Article</a> 
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              <h2>Akin Gump Article</h2> 
              <p style="font-size: 12px;">The article analyzes an IRS ruling that says that zip system drywall is eligible for more favorable depreciation than conventional system drywall, despite the fact that each serves the same purpose and has a comparable cost. Burton also looks at the opportunities this creates for real estate developers and the implications for certain nontraditional real estate investment trusts. 

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              <a href="http://www.pwc.com/us/en/tax-accounting-services/newsletters/accounting-methods/new-rulings-provide-guidance-tax-accounting-method-issues.html"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Awards/PWC.png"></a> 
              <a href="http://www.pwc.com/us/en/tax-accounting-services/newsletters/accounting-methods/new-rulings-provide-guidance-tax-accounting-method-issues.html">Click for Article</a> 
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              <h2>PWC Article</h2> 
              <p style="font-size: 12px;">IRS rules on the depreciation classification of certain interior, non-load bearing partitions 
              The IRS, in PLR 201404001, ruled that zip-type partitions installed within owned and leased property must be included in asset class 57.0 of Rev. Proc. 87-56 under Section 168, and that conventional drywall partitions are classified as non-residential real property under Section 168(e)(2)(B). 


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              <a href="http://www3.epa.gov/region9/waste/solid/construction/lifecyclebuilding/#win"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Awards/US.png" style="margin-top: -30px;"></a> 
              <a href="http://www3.epa.gov/region9/waste/solid/construction/lifecyclebuilding/#win">Click for Award</a> 
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              <h2>EPA Awards</h2> 
              <p>Winner: Green-Zip-TapeTM Demountable Tape Drywall tape attachment system to support easy deconstruction and reuse 

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           <li class=""><a href="#set1" data-toggle="tab" class="analistic-01">Marek</a></li> 
           <li class=""><a href="#set2" data-toggle="tab" class="analistic-02">Ozarks Bank</a></li> 
           <li class=""><a href="#set3" data-toggle="tab" class="tehnical">CBRE </a></li> 
           <li class=""><a href="#set4" data-toggle="tab" class="tehnical">Habitat</a></li> 
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              <p>We recently built our new 50,000 SF headquarters building and used the Green-Zip Partition System everywhere. To me, it’s a simple solution and one that everyone should take advantage of! 
              -<b>R. Stan Marek</b>/Chairman 

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              <a href="Ref/Ozarks.pdf"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Referals/BankOfTheOzarks.jpg" style="margin-top: 30px;"></a> 
              <a href="Ref/Ozarks.pdf">Click for Referance</a> 
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              <h2>Bank Of The Ozarks</h2> 
              <p>….we now have a built in mechanism for remodeling that should be less expensive, less time consuming, and most importantly, environmentally friendly. <br> 
              -<b>Mark D. Ross</b>/Vice-Chairman & COO 

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              <a href="Ref/CBRE.pdf"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/Referals/CBRE.jpg"></a> 
              <a href="Ref/CBRE.pdf">Click for Referance</a> 
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              <p>….there is no reason not to consider Green Zip Tape as shorter-life property for any tax payer especially based on the design intent, which was originally based on the reusable concept. 
              -<b>Matt Rader</b>/National Managing Director 

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              <a href="Ref/Habitat.pdf">Click for Referance</a> 
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              <h2>Habitat for Humanity</h2> 
              <p>I am very excited about the opportunity to help others have affordable and decent housing, while also keeping more products that can be reused from piling up in a local landfill. Now that is a winning combination! 
              -<b>Ron Collins</b>/Vice President of ReStores 

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              <a href="Ref/Huffman.pdf">Click for Referance</a> 
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              <h2>Huffman Drywall</h2> 
              <p>In addition to the sustainable benefits, the financial benefits associated with accelerated depreciation are valuable to me as an owner, and could potentially add to the building’s value in the event of a sale. 
              -<b>Brandon Huffman</b>/President 

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              <a href="Ref/Holiday.pdf">Click for Referance</a> 
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              <h2>Holiday Inn</h2> 
              <p>We found that the system will be acceptable for use in Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express hotels, and Staybridge Suites hotels. Congratulations. 
              -<b>Scott Bruce</b> 

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