2013-06-16 3 views

Я хочу загрузить все изображения в мою мобильную веб-игру, отображаемую внутри компонента веб-просмотра. Некоторые игровые графики не отображаются в соответствии с интернет-скоростью, поэтому я хочу, чтобы прелоадер НЕ скрывался, пока не загрузилась вся графика!Загрузка всех активов перед скрыть предварительный загрузчик

Любая идея ??


Вы можете использовать JQuery для предварительной загрузки изображений, как показано в [1] [этот вопрос.] [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/476679/preloading-images-with-jquery – roryhughes


"use strict"; 

let assets = { 
//Properties to help track the assets being loaded 
toLoad: 0, 
loaded: 0, 
//File extensions for different types of assets 
imageExtensions: ["png", "jpg", "gif"], 
fontExtensions: ["ttf", "otf", "ttc", "woff"], 
jsonExtensions: ["json"], 
audioExtensions: ["mp3", "ogg", "wav", "webm"], 
//The `load` method creates and loads all the assets. Use it like this: 
//`assets.load(["images/anyImage.png", "fonts/anyFont.otf"]);` 
load(sources) { 
//The `load` method will return a Promise when everything has loaded 
return new Promise(resolve => { 
//The `loadHandler` counts the number of assets loaded, compares 
//it to the total number of assets that need to be loaded, and 
//resolves the Promise when everything has loaded 
let loadHandler =() => { 
this.loaded += 1; 
//Check whether everything has loaded 
if (this.toLoad === this.loaded) { 
    //Reset `toLoad` and `loaded` to `0` so you can use them 
//to load more assets later if you need to 
this.toLoad = 0; 
this.loaded = 0; 
console.log("Assets finished loading"); 
//Resolve the promise 
//Display a console message to confirm that the assets are 
//being loaded 
console.log("Loading assets..."); 
//Find the number of files that need to be loaded 
this.toLoad = sources.length; 
//Loop through all the source filenames and find out how 
//they should be interpreted 
sources.forEach(source => { 
//Find the file extension of the asset 
let extension = source.split(".").pop(); 
//Load images that have file extensions that match 
//the imageExtensions array 
if (this.imageExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) { 
this.loadImage(source, loadHandler); 
//Load fonts 
else if (this.fontExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) { 
this.loadFont(source, loadHandler); 
//Load JSON files 
else if (this.jsonExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) { 
this.loadJson(source, loadHandler); 
//Load audio files 
else if (this.audioExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) { 
this.loadSound(source, loadHandler); 
//Display a message if a file type isn't recognized 
else { 
console.log("File type not recognized: " + source); 

loadImage(source, loadHandler) { 
//Create a new image and call the `loadHandler` when the image 
//file has loaded 
let image = new Image(); 
image.addEventListener("load", loadHandler, false); 
//Assign the image as a property of the `assets` object so 
//you can access it like this: `assets["path/imageName.png"]` 
this[source] = image; 
//Set the image's `src` property to start loading the image 
image.src = source; 

loadFont(source, loadHandler) { 
//Use the font's filename as the `fontFamily` name 
let fontFamily = source.split("/").pop().split(".")[0]; 
//Append an `@afont-face` style rule to the head of the HTML document 
let newStyle = document.createElement("style"); 
let fontFace 
= "@font-face {font-family: '" + fontFamily + "'; src: url('" + source + "');}"; 
//Tell the `loadHandler` we're loading a font 

loadJson(source, loadHandler) { 
//Create a new `xhr` object and an object to store the file 
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
//Use xhr to load the JSON file 
xhr.open("GET", source, true); 
//Tell xhr that it's a text file 
xhr.responseType = "text"; 
//Create an `onload` callback function that 
//will handle the file loading 
xhr.onload = event => { 
//Check to make sure the file has loaded properly 
if (xhr.status === 200) { 
//Convert the JSON data file into an ordinary object 
let file = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); 
//Get the filename 
file.name = source; 
//Assign the file as a property of the assets object so 
//you can access it like this: `assets["file.json"]` 
this[file.name] = file; 
//Texture atlas support: 
//If the JSON file has a `frames` property then 
//it's in Texture Packer format 
if (file.frames) { 
//Create the tileset frames 
this.createTilesetFrames(file, source, loadHandler); 
} else { 
//Alert the load handler that the file has loaded 
//Send the request to load the file 

createTilesetFrames(file, source, loadHandler) { 
//Get the tileset image's file path 
let baseUrl = source.replace(/[^\/]*$/, ""); 
//Use the `baseUrl` and `image` name property from the JSON 
//file's `meta` object to construct the full image source path 
let imageSource = baseUrl + file.meta.image; 
//The image's load handler 
let imageLoadHandler =() => { 
//Assign the image as a property of the `assets` object so 
//you can access it like this: 
this[imageSource] = image; 
//Loop through all the frames 
Object.keys(file.frames).forEach(frame => { 
//The `frame` object contains all the size and position 
//data for each sub-image. 
//Add the frame data to the asset object so that you 
//can access it later like this: `assets["frameName.png"]` 
this[frame] = file.frames[frame]; 

//Get a reference to the source so that it will be easy for 
//us to access it later 
this[frame].source = image; 
//Alert the load handler that the file has loaded 
//Load the tileset image 
let image = new Image(); 
image.addEventListener("load", imageLoadHandler, false); 
image.src = imageSource; 
loadSound(source, loadHandler) { 
console.log("loadSound called – see Chapter 10 for details"); 

]).then(() => setup()); 
function setup() { 
//Initialize the game 
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